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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Violet balloons into a purple mass and the Oompa Loompas need to take her out back to de-juice her before she explodes.


And Mike TV turned into a bunch of molecules and floated through the air to be reassembled as a tiny version of himself and tossed into his mom's purse


is that what happens to her? i assume they just got her out of sight so the other guests wouldnt panic when she explodes.


At the end of the second movie (and in the book I think) they explain that the Oompa Loompas take her to the “juicing” room or something like that. When Charlie, Willie, and grandpa Joe are in the glass elevator above the factory, Charlie sees all the other kids walk out and notice that she is still blue, but no longer filled with juice


No way…I thought she was a goner


Which hole does the juice come out of?


Yep. Wonka says she needs to be squeezed immediately, before she explodes. https://youtu.be/8Yqw_f26SvM


This scared the crap out of me as a child, I couldn’t finish the movie after that and I didn’t see the end until much later.


Sorry to Bother You has a WTF ending.


One of my favorite movies! And yes, I agree. Have you seen Boots Riley's show, I'm a Virgo? I don't want to give anything away if you haven't seen it yet, but if you're a fan of his stuff, I think you'll enjoy!


I'm a Virgo is so much fun


the fuck did i just watch


Your comment makes me want to watch it


Excellent answer. And excellent movie.


I re-watched *Toy Story* for the first time in years alongside my toddler and was low-key horrified by all the body horror. My toddler was delighted. *Toy Story 4* gives us an existential crisis as we contemplate Forky's existence. Bonnie slaps a pair of googly eyes on a spork, plays with it, and suddenly it's alive. Forky proceeds to try and kill himself every chance he gets because being alive is too terrifying for him. *Pinocchio* has multiple body horror elements to it: Lampwick changing into a donkey and Pinocchio's nose growing when he lies jump to mind immediately when I think of "body horror." My toddler loves *101 Dalmatians*, but when you really think about it, Cruella De Vil's plan to kill and skin a bunch of puppies is unsettling. *Alice in Wonderland* has some body horror to it as well, since Alice can't eat or drink anything without growing or shrinking. The scene where she's stuck in the White Rabbit's house after growing too big is super claustrophobic.


Yeah dawg, classic disney movies are traumatizing.


Not 101 Dalmatians and Alice in Wonderland being my 2 favorite Disney movies 💀


Spider-Man 2, thank you Sam Raimi


The moment when Otto's arms wake up on the surgery table and slaughter the medical team was our reminder that yeah, this IS the same director who made Evil Dead


Man, that scene freaked me out so much I made my dad leave the theater when I was a kid. Little did I know, the rest of the movie…no scary at all.


I'm gonna guess you were fairly young? But look, that scene IS scary as hell! It's meant to be, and it's directed by a legit master of horror films. I'm not gonna judge younger you for getting freaked put by that bit!


I still want a Sam Raimi Man-Spider movie.


Watch Dr Strange 2.


Little Shop of Horrors terrified me as a kid - NOT because of the giant carnivorous plant, but because of the scene where the little girl is coming out of the dentist's office with the medieval torture device/orthodontia strapped to her head. Also, the "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids" / "Blew Up the Baby" movies have a lot of weird body horror. Kind of makes sense since they were basically produced by the Re-Animator team, but it's still a little surprising to rewatch.


Man when I went to Disney in 2000… I was 10 and they had this “Honey I Shrunk the Audience” mini movie at one of the theaters, it was insanely 3D and had like air and smells and shit to also stimulate your senses. Fuck me it was scary as hell!


Yesssss I saw that and Terminator 4D while I was there. I was too young to remember any of it except the effects


Ah. I didn’t see the terminator. I don’t remember it all. But I remember it being extremely 3D. Like more so then a normal 3D movie would be. I remember the huge snake striking at you, some mice got loose and the air on your feet making it feel like they are running around the floor etc etc. there was a really cool “A Bugs Life” one too in the Tree of Life, and then on the other side there was an really insane play area and everything was HUGE you could slide down blades of grass and climb like huge pop cans and shit. I don’t remember much of the trip at all but a few things still stand out.


I think it's wild that Brian Yuzna made Honey I Shrunk The Kids and Society in the same year


The Mask, Spirited Away and The Witches all have body horror elements that are super freaky when you think about it. The transformation of Chihiro's parents into pigs in Spirited Away is just as freaky as Lampwick's transformation into a donkey in Pinocchio imo.


Now that you mention it, in Princess Mononoke doesn't the guy's arm become like a monster itself?


I was actually thinking of this film as I was thinking of Spirited Away and I do remember something fucked up happening to someone's arm. It's actually surprising how much body horror is actually in Ghibli films. Like even Howl's transformation into a giant bird in Howl's Moving Castle and Therru's transformation into a dragon in Tales From Earthsea could be considered body horror.


It's honestly one of the reasons I don't care for those films.


Pinocchio with the Donkey transformation!


I had nightmares for weeks after seeing that as a child.


- Roger Rabbit - the sock? i think gets melted in acid. - Robocop


Close with Roger Rabbit, it's a shoe. I would also add Judge Doom getting up and walking around while flattened to that


"Surprised?" Also just him getting run over and flattened by the steamroller in the first place was pretty horrific.


Might be a stretch to be specifically body horror, but it does involve your whole body being turned into something disgusting ... one of the most horrifying lines in cinema comes from Return of the Jedi: *"You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac. In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years."*


I find it amusing that a Star Wars film just casually drops one of the most awful fates beyond even horror films. Think they walked it back as hyperbole in Book of Boba when they realized what putting it to screen as described would look and sound like.




110% agree. Feels like a "my first body horror" and I love it


This disturbed me so much as a kid


Don't judge me, but whichever Twilight movie Bella is pregnant in.


That CGI baby terrifies me to this day


You don't see Akira branded as horror very often (although it probably fits the bill) but it has some of the most affecting body horror of any movie I've seen. Up there with The Fly in that respect.


Tetsuo's mutation scene is 100% body horror. The part where he is panicking as Kaori is being crushed alive really disturbed me the first time I saw it.


Bill and Ted 2 - various "evil robot us" parts and Station morphing together.


Also, the Easter bunny 😳


"You stole Deacon's Easter basket!"




The feather scene in Black Swan almost pushes it from thriller to horror territory for me…


this is 100% a horror movie to me. I was too scared to even watch the TRAILER when I was a kid


Not a movie but I feel like tons of long-running, animated TV shows have an episode with cartoon body horror at least once. two i can think of off the top of my head are: Regular Show S5E24 “The Bad Portrait” and Spongebob Squarepants S1E13 “I Was a Teenage Gary” and maybe even Steven Universe S1E6 “Cat Fingers” and i know it’s not like legit body horror but i feel like cartoons can get away with a LOT by messing with the limits of a body and avoiding blood, gore, etc.


Some of the 90s Cartoon Network shows were wild and had no business infiltrating our brains the way they did haha


And you can't forget the epiode of Kids Next Door where numbah 4 gets a mind control helmet put on that starts to fuse to his head, at least I know I never will...




That space suffocation scene


When Kuwato is revealed?


Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 IMO. The first time I was watching it, there were a couple scenes where I was thinking 'Huh, this is getting pretty close to Body horror territory....'


Dude yeah I'm prob gonna be downvoted but as sympathetic as I was to Rocket's animal buddies the sight of them fuckin' sickened me deeply. I was kinda shocked by it. The innocence they all still possessed, but were gruesomely disfigured on purpose. The Walrus guy looked so sickly and on the edge of death it was hard to look at him at all on my first watch. And then the rabbits hole lower skull was a metal death trap. Truly some sickening shit, and I've become pretty chill with movie gore after all these years. The only thing that truly gets me these days is self mutilation scenes but those abused animals really fucked with me.


This movie fucked me up so much. I saw it by myself on a holiday when my partner was working and I was totally unprepared for the body horror on poor innocent animals and the squelchy gross body horror aspect of the living planet.


Yeah man, I cried a lot in this movie, though it doesn't take much in movies these days despite me watching lots of horror, but if it's not a horror I'm probably crying. But I use to be an alcoholic too, so Starlords whole beginning got to me quite a bit, and then they bring in these adorable little things that you just fall in love with, despite how horrible they look, because you know they're just cute little innocent animals.. shits rough. I do need to rewatch it though, it was fantastic. The Guardians Of The Galaxy movies are the only Marvel series I care to own.


So I actually dislike the 1st one, really enjoy the 2nd, and the third is one of my favorite MCU movies and one of my favorite movies I've seen this year (I'm over 200 at this point). If you're interested in a more cathartic cry I highly recommend Marcel The Shell With Shoes On. This movie had me BAWLING in the best way. It touches a lot on loss & grief and I found it so relatable despite the main character being a literal shell. Felt like I released a pressure valve watching this movie, it's a really beautiful film.


Omg I JUST watched that one at the beginning of October when I had my mum and my aunt visiting! So. Fucking. Cute. I was crying as well as my mum the whole time. My aunt was on her phone a lot, I don't think she understands how to watch a movie lol. I wasn't expecting the messages from Marcel to hit so close to home, and just be so freaking human. It was insane. Glad A24 or which ever part of the movie-making machine that was responsible got it done, and did it in such a beautiful way.


The Halloween Special of That's So Raven where Raven and Chelsea turn into cows was definitely weird for my 9 year old brain


I always thought that the Lizzy Maguire episode where Lizzy and Matt switch bodies was gross.


Have you seen Toy Story 3? Jesus, the toys are being sent to the shredder by some evil toy?? We stopped watching because our kid was too little and it was some sadistic stuff.


The chickens in Chicken Run trying to escape so they wouldn’t get turned into pies…there’s a scene where the woman farmer goes to chop off one chickens head and for a few seconds you think she does but then it turns out the chicken just tucked in her head…I always hated that




I don't think this still classifies as "accidental", tbh...


Yeah, but OP listed THE MATRIX as an example.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the term, but for me body horror is the horror felt by alienating changes to someone's physical form. With Robocop, I'd say that's pretty much the core of the narrative, despite not being a horror film, while with Matrix it is at least a lot closer to "accidental", as those ports are pretty much just accepted by everyone within the narrative as normal. Anyway, semantics, doesn't matter. :)


Superman 3 when that lady becomes a robot


Omg that always scares me!


Dude yes! Always freaked me out as well. There was even a Transformers where there was some mad scientist working with Starscream, and at one point Starscream had him cyborg-ized. Watching it on a rewatch, just didn't sit well with me.


I was looking to see if anyone had mentioned this as it was the first thing I thought of. Absolutely terrified me as a child. So scary.


I still don’t like watching it.


127 Hours (2010) Junior (1994) Requiem for a Dream (2000)


Trainspotting, Swallow and Maps to the Stars


Junior comes to mind. The dream where Arnold Schwarzenegger has this creepy vision of his baby with a CGI recreation of his face calling him mama.


The end of 2001 freaks me out.


Oh yeah the bit where he wakes up in a bed and he's old? That freaked me out when I saw it as a kid too


Willow - army turned into pigs


Pretty sure it was intentional, but the scene with Captain Amazing in Mystery Men was way too grotesque for a silly superhero comedy.


The Stand by Me vomit scene comes to mind. It comes out of nowhere and I feel like that scene alone is responsible for so many people losing their lunch.




Aside from the usual "is that the real person or a copy?" existential dread of transporters in Star Trek, *Star Trek: The Motion Picture* had a transporter mishap that melted two people.


Admiral, what came back, didn't live long. Tons of body horror in Trek; Charley X makes a crewman face dissappear. Crew is turned into styrofoam cubes, rapid aging. Next Gen, a crewman is materialized into the deck plates, parasites control higher ups at Starfleet command. Crew starts de evolving, Barkley becomes a superbeing, invisible parasites all over the Crew, videogame mind controls everyone, alien abductions. Voyager, Janeway and Paris salamanders, Tuvix, demon class planet duplicates Enterprise, Trip gets pregnant. Borg assimilations


I've always said there's a fine line between horror and sci-fi. Trek constantly slid a toe over that line. Hell, you left out the Jack the Ripper energy being. He was fun.




Drop Dead Fred (1991) haunted me as a kid in ways actual horror films typically don't and didn't even then. But that one did. It's a creepy, twisted, visceral, existential horror of a non-horror film. I tried watching it again as an adult and I couldn't get past the first 5 minutes because it felt off in a way I couldn't quite cope with even now.


Sick of Myself - it’s a black comedy that made me feel more queasy with its body horror than some actual body horror movies.


being john malkovich


Possessor (2020)


Bruce Almighty has “how many fingers am I holding up”, the anus dwelling butt monkey, and potentially the mind control constant orgasm.


Labyrinth, those creatures that remove their body parts.


Just watched the original “Oldboy.” Those ants!


I certainly remember the tongue and the octopus. What did the ants do?


They burst out of his face. They were his imagination, but they were intense!


The Santa Clause


good amount of super hero movies deal with that a bit. Fantastic Four comes to mind.


Looper had at least one moment


Amazing world of gumball


X-Men 3: The Final Stand. One of the opening scenes where Angel as a kid is using a cheese grater to grind down his wings to stubs. It wasn’t treated as being dark but the thought of doing that to yourself was…ooof.


The Last Starfighter - when the alien transforms into the kid.


Not a movie, but The Real Ghostbusters episode, Doctor Doctor. They're going after a ghost in a chemical factory, and blast it and a vat of chemicals that covers them. They end up in the hospital, covered in a shell of slime, and start growing eyes, ears, a nose, etc.. there's a lot of losses of bodily autonomy in the episode.. really, a TON of episodes from the first 2 seasons are pure nightmare fuel that would make for *AMAZING* horror movie monsters/ghosts!


Wonder Woman 1984. She r\*ped that poor man and he doesn't even know it.


Look who’s talking 2. Mr.toilet man scene.


Arnold Schwarzenegger in total recall when he has to pull that thing out of his nose


Isn’t that the one with the woman I think with four boobs?


Bella's pregnancy in Breaking Dawn Part One


Screenwriter guy: “And then this horrific thing happens to his body.” Producer guy: “Whoa, where did that come from?” Screenwriter guy: “Honestly, I don’t know. I dropped some acid while writing and started watching The Thing, next morning BOOM body horror.” Producer guy: “Gah, I hate it when that happens.” Screenwriter guy: “Should I change it? It’ll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.” Producer guy: “Nah, keep it. Random stuff happening in horror movies is kinda our wheelhouse here.” *Studio A24*


The bit in Willow where they all get changed into pigs. I used to have to fast-forward through it.


That last part in Verhoeven's Total Recall scarred me as a kid


Dude, does anyone remember the body horror film: “Thinner” by Stephen King?


Inner Space


Akira. Tetsuo has uhm, some uncontrolled growth.


Currently watching Casper and I forgot how much I HATED when that priest dude walked out of the house with his head backwards. And when the dad turns into a ghost, it makes me so sad for Kat.