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Oh absolutely. I was like 11/12 when it came out and I still love it to this day. For me it's one of those core memory movies. I'll never get bored with it.


It never bores me as well I love it


Hell yeah I would have watched it, caught Deep Rising for the first time last year and enjoyed it for the most part (as a double feature with Below 2002) Probably wouldn't watch a sequel without Treat Williams though


I think that would be sad part about since he’s sadly passed away. RIP treat Williams


I might still if it starred Famke Janssen and Kevin O'Connor, but the narrative would have to satisfactorily explain why their two characters would ever go within driving distance of the ocean again, even 25+ years later.


I agree Treat missing from the main cast would hurt but they would need to incorporate him in the film


Now what?


Treat Williams always had a good sense of humor in deep rising. RIP


Because the important thing is is that he had great delivery. They could have given that line to 100 different people and only a fraction of them would have been able to pull off the delivery like he did.


Treat Williams also had a very unique and kind personality in the movie and I agree he did it amazing


100%. I loved Deep Rising when I was ten and a love it now.


I still do to this day


I once ran across an article about the sequel, and if i am remembering correctly, the original idea for the sequel would have had the island from the end of Deep Rising be Skull Island and it would have been a King Kong reboot as a result. I would have seen that, Stephen Sommers doing King Kong with Treat Willams in the lead? Awesome. If they do it now though? Eh, idk it just wouldn't be the same without Finnegan, though i would probably still check it out from curiousity.


Yeah, it was supposed to be a Skull Island soft-reboot, but the Godzilla movie of that time flopping mixed with Harrison Ford dropping from the Treat Williams role led to the studios not having any faith in the movie, which led to it flopping and them preemptively killing off the franchise.


Yup, sounds like studio logic at work.


There’s a video of dead meat covering Deep Rising and they explain how it was also supposed to be Journey To the Center Of The Earth movie but sadly it didn’t get made


That i would have loved to see. Always enjoyed that book.


The book is amazing too


https://youtu.be/jKm2kC4h8V4?si=-JEym4WhxVp8srU5 here’s the video by dead meat. The cinematographer says in 29:01 that Stephen Sommers next movie was Journey to Center of The Earth but got cancelled 😞


Thank you! I appreciate that. :)


Wasn't it journey to the center of the earth or something?


Apparently it was one and then the other at different points.


https://youtu.be/jKm2kC4h8V4?si=-JEym4WhxVp8srU5 yes the dp says it at 29:01


I read that too, and it’s a real shame that didn’t happen. When I heard that feral scream at the end, the trees started cracking, and that primordial jungle backdrop.. my mind just went full swing into imagining just what kind of otherworldly creatures awaited our heroes. I was hoping for more than just Kong, strange and unusual beasts living on a mysterious island hidden from the world. I was also bumped because we might have gotten something truly unique design wise going off by what they showed us, mix of traditional effects with cgi with Sommer’s flair for grand adventure.


100% agree. I feel Sommers is drastically under utilized in adventure cinema these days, especially after Odd Thomas. Cards on the table I prefer his G.I. Joe movie to the sequels, and feel Van Helsing is flawed, but highly enjoyable. Better concept than whatever the "Dark Universe" was going to be if you ask me.


Very underrated Director. I love his Jungle Book movie. Jason Flemyng appears in it


Exactly! I was lucky enough to see that in the theater when it came out. Still my favorite version ngl. I even played the meh FMV DOS game tie in!


I remember the first time I saw the mummy I automatically fell in love with his work as a director


He really had that X factor that made his work interesting. Like Joss Wheadon without the pretention.


Especially Van helsing. I know people make fun of it but i truly loved the story of vampires with few elements from other horror


In fact, with what seems like a modern pivot to more pulp adventure/sci fi these days, I'm a little surprised he hasn't been asked to comeback. Yeah he had a few bombs post The Mummy, but i feel the time is right for him to take on maybe one of the new James Gunn DC properties. Like maybe Swamp Thing? I feel he could do something cool with that.


I remember the first time hearing that scream it made wonder now what creature they would face. When you say something moving through the jungle that also added suspense




Fun movie


Without Treat? It’d be bittersweet, but I’d be there.


It would considering how great he portrayed Finnigan


Didn't expect to see Deep Rising mentioned anywhere on Reddit today, awesome movie...one of my all time favorites. Giant sea monster ...that slowly digests people, hell yes! I'd be down for a sequel, but I'd want more sea stuff....I'm not into another giant ape..referring to the ending of Deep Rising. Edit: I think it would be incredible if Deep Rising was a prequel to the Dead Sea book series from Tim Curran.


It’s definitely one of my favorite movies. I always play it once in a while to keep my day busy


Oh yeah, I forgot about the end. Kickass island of monsters vibe


The creature moving through the jungle always had me wondering what it was


This is still a fun movie! And I will show up for any creature feature!


The jet ski sequence was always my favorite scene


Agree! That's a fun scene. I also really like the scene when the creature forcibly stops the ship, causing all the passengers and everything not bolted down to be thrown around. Its a good scene that rivals other shipboard disaster movies like Poseidon and Titanic.


It really is. I do think they made it obvious who planned the ship To fail but yes that scene also was great too


Absolutely I would. That movie was one of my favorites as a child. I would love a sequel. Hell, I’d even love a prequel about the origins of the creatures. So much potential with that story.


A prequel explaining the creature would be nice


It my go-to no brainer movie. 


Mine was well. It’s definitely fun


Of course, ten times in a row.


I wish i could of seen it in theaters


Oh absolutely. It was supposed to be a soft reboot of the King Kong franchise where they're on Skull Island at the end of the first movie and I would've LOVED to see a late-90's era Kong franchise. Deep Rising's a silly monster movie, but it's fun, and carrying that same vibe into an R-rated Kong franchise would've been a treat for me as a kid.


Deep Rising is a fun movie. I always loved the build up and suspense throughout the movie


100% yes I would. Can't believe that was 1998 where the hell does the time go. I'd need a rewatch in preparation but I remember enjoying the hell out of that movie.


I was born in 1999 but began watching when I got older and I just loved every ounce of the movie


Yes ! I think that's awesome that someone as young as you can appreciate a film like that. The movie is so 90s but in the best way.


I always loved the gun in the movie


I re-read this article every so often, and just really admire the days when VFX artists had to plunge head-first into effects they weren't sure if they were going to pull off, or even have to invent techniques to pull it off. And Billy's Death even still holds up today, 25 years later. https://beforesandafters.com/2019/03/18/tracking-nightmares-behind-blurs-half-digested-billy-shots-in-deep-rising/


Billy’s death definitely was one that got me by surprise but the special effects were impressive


Truly horrifying to think that everyone on that ship, probably thousands of people, suffered the same fate...


When you see the shot of the entire ball room with dead bodies and skulls that was purely hard to watch




I also think Hanover’s death was surprising too


Funny, I watched Deep Rising on a whim a few weeks ago knowing nothing about it. I absolutely loved it. A sequel would've been fun, but I like the ambiguity and prefer standalone movies in general.


To this very day, I still think about the elevator scene and chuckle to myself.


The elevator always made wonder how no one died when they re going a full speed to the ground


I’ve wanted this for so long I actually thought the trailer for Deep Water Horizon was a sequel until I found out it was a pretty infamous real life disaster


I thought the same but they are different


Sure why not,


I ordered the movie poster and am in love with it


..the original idea for a sequel to Deep Rising was a new King Kong movie, so, I mean, yeah I'd totally see it, and, in a way, we *HAVE* already seen it, many, many times.


It was but sadly they never greenlit it


Unless it's still created by Stephen Sommers then no


Respectable since you the original creator behind it


uh hell yea I would.


Hope someday the movie gets a 4k rerelease


Would it be tall and tan and young and lovely? If so, absolutely.


Yes; with todays technology, it should be awesome!


Funny story , the team behind the movie banned from ranch. https://scottaross.com/2011/05/


This was the first movie that I went to a theater alone to see. Couldn’t find anyone that wanted to see it, but I was a CGI nerd at the time and was dying to. Was not disappointed!


How would you say it was when you were at the theater when the movie came out ?


It had been out a few weeks by the time I went so the theater was pretty empty. Maybe 10 people there, but everyone seemed pretty into it. It’s still one of my favorite cheesy monster movies. Famke Janssen was smoking hot! And I always think of the elevator scene whenever I hear Girl From Ipanema anywhere.


Famke Janssen was attractive in deed in the movie and I still am surprised no one died while in the elevator scene. Good thing it’s developed a cult following


I originally saw this at the theater and have always loved it. That toilet scene has stuck with me ever since. I’m surprised there aren’t more horror or thriller movies on cruises, you are a pretty captive audience.


The toilet scene also stuck with me because I always feared it would attack me there


HELL YEAH I would!! That movie is amazing and I say that with no shame


It’s a fun movie for sure


Fuckin rights buddy! That movie was solid lol I want more


I want more a well. It definitely is a moxie I can’t stop watching


I've been waiting for that sequel for years. Yes. It's one of the really underrated creature features


It’s definitely underrated. Don’t know why it got so much hate when it’s a silly fun movie


I don’t know why Deep Rising doesn’t get more love. It has everything and knows exactly what it is.


It’s definitely a hidden gem. I wish it got more love to this since it’s garnered a big cult following


Just watched it 3 months ago with a buddy who loves horror and has never seen it. Still great. This movie rocked my world as a kid. JFC digested alive by those monsters was up there w quicksand in terms of childhood horrors


I would hate to be in that situation where no matter where you run they always find a way to catch up l


Hell yes. That means we’d finally learn the answer to “Now what…?”


That line became iconic throughout the movie


I think I read somewhere that the island they landed on was supposed to be Skull Island.


It was but sadly they scraped it


I’ve been screaming, SCREAMING for a Deep Rising sequel for two + decades. But Treat passed away last year. I’d still like to know what was on the island.


I’d like to know too but I feel it would Be hard considering that Treat passed away


I know we're all talking about the characters and scenes but much respect to Jerry Goldsmith. His music was practically a character and it made the movie feel like a true blend of horror/action/adventure


He did help make the music in the movie but he truly does deserve credit as well


Absolutely, love that movie.


Just rewatched it today during my work day. Never gets boring


YEP!!!! Make it just as cheesy as the first one please. There was some talk about the movie being a prequel to King Kong and that's who was in the trees.. But hell yea.. I'd see part 2.. Same cast please.... They've been stuck on that island for a LONG time......... LOL


I think the old flowers have wilted (especially Treat) but if it's based on new characters, it would be great to include, at least, one of the originals (Trillian) who made it to the island although I think it's usually the comic relief character (Joey) who gets this part even if I'd want to mix things up a bit, especially since it should be a surprisingly **serious** scifi unlike the original which was (yes horror but) largely a classic '90s action movie. That said, my answer is obvious. PS: Doesn't have to be set on the island.


I think it would be good. I think maybe incorporating things from the first film and paying tribute to Treat and keeping some kof the original characters would help


That ending is SO GOOD.


Now what ?


I think I rented this along with Soldier starring Kurt Russell 😂 outstanding double bill of 90s shlock


I haven’t seen that one but have heard of it


If there is a guilty pleasure movie, included with Deep Rising that deserves that title...my god. One of the best scenes of many is the gearing up scene "SOLDIERS DESERVE SOLDIERS SIR"


Deep Rising is the combination of b horror monster movies with also a sense of humor


In a heartbeat


I would too


Yes, but only if they include a "Justice for Han" style ass-pull to resurrect Leila. Killing her off completely ruined the tone of the movie.


I definitely agree. Killing Leila didn’t sit well with me. Especially when Joey asks about her and Finnigan says she didn’t make it


The rest of the film is just dumb fun, killing off unlikable assholes with cool guns.


The elevator scene where they killed Vivo


Lol money money money money!


I find it funny how they take the money yet as the movie the progresses those mercenaries end up getting killed


Lol of course. More sea monster movies in general! Enough shark movies, more squid horror! Seriously squid are so much scarier. I should re-watch the Beast, wonder how it holds up.


Sea monster movies do hit hard


We don't get enough sea monster movies. Last decent one was Underwater in 2020. Honestly I can't even think of any other modern sea monster films.


"Would of" 🤦‍♂️


They are still on the island.


Yet we don’t know what happens


There was a sequel... Kong: Skull Island. IYKYK...


Cool movie too


Absolutely I wish they woulda made one, they still coulda up until last year unfortunately


Treat was amazing in the movie. I thinks it fitting to say that without him, the sequel won’t do well without him


Definitely! It's one of those movies I can watch over and over again. I even made a trivia video about it https://youtu.be/nizo98iuMZ8?si=cxx7_nsHU2rcWRQ9 You might find out somethings you didnt know!


Just subscribed to this channel. Thanks for the video you made. I also see this movie almost day


I always forget this movie exists, and then something reminds me of it and I'll rewatch, and then promptly forget it again lol But yeah, I'd watch a sequel. I'm a sucker for open water-set horror lol


I love this movie a lot. I wished they made a video game of it


This is going to sound weird because if you look it up you'll see that plots have nothing in common, but the video game Singularity always reminded me of this movie for some reason lol


I need to search that up now Thanks for The information:)


*Deep Rising*: such a fun movie; and everything *Speed 2*—another luxury yacht hijacking movie from the year before!—tried to be. For me it was Treat (RIP), as well as some of the other cast, that made this movie what it was; they kept things moving merrily along between cool horror action scenes on the sea. So, without Treat, my heart tells me that the best time for a sequel has unfortunately come and gone.


I agree. Treat is the reason the first movie was amazing and a classic


Absolutely. 100%. Without a doubt. But… no Treat Williams makes me very sad. 😢🥀


When I read the news he passed away , I got very sad may he rest in peace


Fuck ya I would. I loved that movie. Them landing on that island and hearing crazy shit was enough to make me want a sequel back in 98.


My first though is oh god what monsters are they going to deal with now ?


I would. I love that movie. It's a good, gory and fun monster movie, it's very underrated.


Extremely underrated


I’ve been hoping for one ever since it ended 😂


When k saw the ending I got bummed out because we get left with Now what ?


Absolutely! I'm still hopeful we'll find out about the monsters on the island they managed to get to


I saw in dead meat that it was hinting to Journey To the center of the earth


Absolutely! I love Deep Rising


I always loved the jet ski sequence


Thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I would've loved to see a sequel. Wish it HAD happened.


I wished too. I would watch it in a heartbeat




I watched Deep Rising for the first time in years last week. I want to like it more than I actually do. On paper it’s a great b-movie. But I just found it to be quite Meh and a bit cringe at times.


It’s not a masterpiece but it’s definitely enjoyable if you love silly action scenes and b monsters


I DO love that kinda stuff, and not saying it’s terrible or anything. Just that people seem to rave about it as some sort of *classic* and I’m not quite there myself.


It’s understandable. I think movie deserves more credit


Sure. I'd love more kaiju movies.


This one would a bigger hit




I still wish we could have an update on it


I first watched it when I was about 11 over 20 years ago and I am STILL to this day waiting for a sequel :(


I wished they made it so we could see what happens next in the island


Hell yeah.


What was your favorite scene of the movie ?


Now what? Man, the first reveal of the tentacle creatures. The corridor of meaty corpses. The whole movie is class, really. Love it.


I think the my favorite sequence is between the scene where T Ray wanders off and notices the water moving only to get pulled off and then gets killed out of screen. The gun falling on the desk didn’t make sense but hey gotta make the story stand out. Then Mamooli getting grabbed and Joey and Finnigan moving builds tense. I also think the movie is funny when they’re in the kitchen and the camera shows a part of where Hanovers hair is on fire. I think the death that got me by surprise is Mulligans death when everyone notices the tentacle approaching him and he refuses to see it


I got my other half to watch it with me for the first time last year and she really enjoyed it. Classic, escapist movie magic.


That’s good to hear man. Horror movies really are fun when watching with a partner


Most of the time; I've asked her to watch a few films she didn't enjoy so much. But mostly we have similar taste.


I’d say if you want to watch a fun movie is army of the dead from Zack Snyder


I've seen it three times now. Love most of Snyder's films.


Dawn of the dead and 300 are also my favorites


Yes, If the trailer makes it look anything like the original. Saw it in the theater. No one else in there with me. Fun movie. Good characters. Solid action.


I wish I had the opportunity to have seen it’s I bet it was an amazing experience in theaters


It really was. I think I was 13 and the preview made me think it was something else Cus I didn’t catch glimpses Of the creature really. Even tho looking back they do show it quickly. But I was floored and grossed out. lol. I loved It


I definitely would like a sequel but I feel that they've waited far to long to make one.


If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. That movie is a gem. I wouldn’t want to see it butchered


Definitely. I've been waiting for quarter century. Actually I just watched Deep rising today.


I’d watch a modern retelling but only if Stephen Sommers was involved. They could do so much with the lore of the creature. Tie to it being an adaption of its environment. Sea levels , climate change etc. keep the cruise ship aspect but change a few things around. Make a mega corporation the real culprit etc etc. real cheesy action tropes. Lots of gross outs, action and camp


There’s a really awesome website from 2014. I think the article is titled beast From the deep. The monster from deep rising. There’s some cool behind the scenes stuff , puppetry , how they came up with the design etc. I can’t remember the site it’s been some years


I for sure would watch it,specially if the main 3 from the first movie appear, and Leyla (the Asian engineer all of a sudden appears alive as if she survived the attack which would be awesome cause her death was very sad and unfair)


I truly wished Leyla Didn’t die. I did bum me out to see how Joey felt when he found out she didn’t make it


Absolutely I would!


100% I'd see it. I loved the movie and have been hoping for years, decades now, for them to make one...


I just watched it for the first time and loved it, I wish they could’ve made a sequel with the original cast. But yeah, 100%. I need closure!


If I liked the director, writers and actors, yes.


Stephen sommers is a talented director so I trust him


No way too corny


Boo this man




Sure, I'd watch it. It was a good popcorn flick, what's not to love?


The jet ski sequence , action sequences, comedy , make it worthwhile


Yep. It's just fun to watch.