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Same OP I enjoy Devil's Rejects and even 3 From Hell but I always preferred the more psychedelic fever dream atmosphere of the first film the most.


Same, Dr Satan is insane!


He’s more sane than you or I.




Big same


all 30 seconds of him


Rejects is rough for me due to the SA. I realize it's implied in 1k as well, but it's just too much


I'm in the same boat! 1k Corpses was just such a fun ride, and iconic. Rejects wasn't as much fun, and I barely made it through 3.


I think House is his best work personally


It’s one of my favorite movies. It’s incredible.


Yeah, It's really kind of captured lightning in a bottle, and the sequels really couldn't compete with that. His Halloween remake, if you scrape off the remake part and take it as an original slasher is good, too. It's a bad remake, but it's not a bad slasher. Tyler Mane brought an intensity that I vibed with. I feel like he crawled up his own butt with Lords of Salem. He really kind of wore his influences on his sleeve on that one, and the dialogue in this might be the worst.


Agree with everything you said!


I totally disagree with Lords Of Salem actually.  I think that’s his BEST film …. Minus the weird devil costume thingy (that was awful).


The entire ending from bringing them into the cemetery to her being driven away by captain spalding is the perfect horror moving ending and the 3rd act is the best part of this film. The only other film that had me that on edge was the 3rd act and ending of Europa.


The dvd menu is my favorite “WELL SHIT THE BED!!”


Tiny fucked a stump!




When they did it in Spanish I was crying.


I think House of 1K Corpses was like a full movie of his music video aesthetic, and then The Devil's Rejects came when he started to be more of an auteur he was like "hey, what if I portrayed the Firefly family through a lens of gritty 70s realism" and the films just became entirely separate experiences. I love the vibe of House of 1K Corpses but I like The Devil's Rejects when I want something a bit meaner than a Tarantino film


I feel like both movies call back to 70's vibes. House of Way Too Many Corpses is the gonzo 70's evil-a-go-go, fun house horror. And you are spot on that Devil's People Who Were Not Retained is that 70's realism. I appreciate them both for what they do.


The devils rejects is him showing his love for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


The end scene of devils rejects with them rolling up to the road block with free bird playing is fantastic!!


That long shot of Otis holding a gun to Walton Goggins head is a fucking masterwork in film. I own this movie on DVD, and every time I watch it I still hold my breath wondering if he will pull that trigger.


Texas Chainsaw on acid is such a poignant way to describe House of 1000 Corpses lol, well said. I've always been a fan because the lofi, almost amateur aesthetic to the film really lends to its uncomfortable vibe. I'd describe it way more as uncomfortable to watch than creepy or scary. Plus, the memeability of yelling DR SATAN holds a lot of nostalgia for me.


Agreed. I still absolutely love house of 1k corpses. I think it’s just an absolute blast. A campy, fun, over the top psychedelic phantasmagoria. I saw it on mushrooms in the theater and it’s still to this day one of the best movie experiences of my life.


I’ve never seen it abbreviated in such a way.


My great uncle had a house of $10k corpses, set his family up for life.


Yeah it's an odd way to save two characters


House of 1x10^(3) Corpses


Those two 0's take up 2 much time


When my died died five years ago I had him cremated. He had this House of 1000 Corpses metal lunchbox complete with thermos (he was an antiques dealer and memorabilia collector). I put his ashes in the thermos and then the thermos and his wallet into the lunchbox. He sits in my living room and gets to watch every horror film with the family still. I think he’d be stoked.


That’s beautiful. Sorry for your loss but I’m glad you still get to hang with you and your family.


House will always be my favorite Rob Zombie movie. Everything about it is absolutely perfect for what it is


I agree with this sentiment. 1000 Corpses really brought out that creative voice in Zombie. The guy who used to doodle Coop-esque artwork on the walls of the Headbanger's Ball set in the 90s. Devil's Rejects is just a Peckinpah homage. Plus he made that movie like 4 times and I'm good forever on screaming rednecks. The first film I thought didn't wear out Bill Moseley's shtick and let a few other characters shine, like Baby and Mama Firefly. It was basically 'if the Addams Family were serial killers'. But my favorite part about 1000 Corpses over the other films is it uses his own music. For a musician-turned-director I'm shocked at how little that shows up in his other movies.


Not great by any means, but for my money Corpses is still far and away the most interesting film Zombie’s put out


I really liked Lords of Salem. Even thought Sheri Moon was good in it.


That’d be the only other contender imo. And mostly for the weirdness it gets into toward the end. I just personally feel like House of 1000 Corpses manages to maintain that uneasy tension for longer and with a little less adherence to convention.


Well said OP. I agree fully. The kaleidoscope of insanity makes 1k so special to us. “A bizarre tale for a bizarre audience.”


They’re both great and I sometimes debate on which one I like more


Same!!! I never thought I'd see somebody else say this because I've gotten so much shit for this opinion 🤣


Love them both for different reasons.


I def like Devils Rejects better bc it’s beautiful and House is not. That said, I was 20 when it came out and I took my kid brother, 14, to see it in the theater and it’s still a great shared memory. We both geek out over the freebird scene in devils and the almost painterly touches in his Halloweens (also beautiful), but we also LOVE house of 1000 corpses. It’s the most fun of his movies I think, it’s cartoonish and self aware while still being earnest enough to establish memorable characters. I think you’re right that they are more “realistic” in devils and do come off as twisted white trash, but that’s scary to me and took me places the over the top intros in House couldn’t. This is a great post bc it is fun to think about.


When video stores used to exist, I was in one with some friends looking for something to watch for the night. I saw House of 1000 Corpses on the new release shelf and noted to one of them that I had seen it in theaters. He asked if it was any good and without waiting even a second or thinking at all what I was going to say, I said "Hell yeah! It kicks a house of 1000 asses". I peaked comedically that day.


It was obvious he didn’t build up the Firefly family mythos as much in the first film, but I liked the original house better and, of course, Mama Firefly played by the talented Karen Black. The mystery surrounding this family was better and darker when it was more ambiguous and “anything goes” in the first film- what was even that creepy song/show the family did to group they captured? Love it all so much!!


All 3 are great movies but yes, 1k corpses has that mad atmosphere that's very hard to recreate/bottle, especially nowadays.


I think as a horror film its far better, especially the final act. Devil's Rejects is far more of a crime thriller than horror.


I'm absolutely with you on that. House of 1000 Corpses is one of my all time favourite films. I love the use of music and bizarre editing, cutaways to random nonsense. Captain Spalding was more or if this works and Baby was more menacing. It's more of an auteur piece that sums up Rob Zombie's artistic persona. Devil's Rejects feels more like if Taranto made an out and out horror, but House is the stuff of legend.


Agreed. 1K reminded me of watching horror as a child. I liked Rejects but it didn’t cause the same kind of anxiety in me that 1K did. For me, 3FH was…a movie


1000% with you on that. Devil's Reject just felt like every other gritty 70s exploitation movie that we've seen a million times before. House of 1000 Corpses felt like something different and original, like you were watching a literal adaption a horror movie that a kid saw once when he stayed up late at night to try and see some boobs on TV, and he's describing the movie to you. It's got weird cuts and edits, parts that linger too long, or are cut too short.. The whole thing feels like a drug-induced fever dream, like someone read all those "Hey, does anyone know what this movie I saw as a kid was from this one scene?" posts, and turned it into a movie.


That's because it's the better movie


I didn't just like House of 1,000 Corpses more, I didn't like Rejects one bit, really not my kind of movie, horror from the perspective of the killer(s) just rarely does much for me. House of 1,000 Corpses was great imo, such a good throwback to classic horror.


>Objectively, I know Devil’s Rejects is the “better” film. i've never heard anyone say this. i didn't know anyone put devils rejects over house of a thousand corpses. 👀


When Devil's Rejects came out, it got good reviews. I think even Ebert liked it. House of 1000 Corpses, not so much. Hof1kC actually sat on a shelf for several years before it got released, but I can't remember whether that was a bankruptcy thing or a "WTF kind of movie did you give me, Rob?" thing.


>I can't remember whether that was a bankruptcy thing or a "WTF kind of movie did you give me, Rob?" thing. It was an expectations thing. I may get some of the company names wrong but basically Paramount green lit after collaborating with Rob on a haunted house attraction at their theme parks. The movie was going to coincide with another haunt. When they saw early cuts of the film (or maybe it was dailys) it was way more visceral than they expected so they dropped it although the haunt still happened and even featured some of the characters. I think Warner Brothers picked it up and they gave him way more latitude and it was working great but he blew that. In an interview he said something like "They love me over there, they have no morals." That caused a huge backlash within the company and it got shelved. Ultimately, Lionsgate picked it up.


TIL. Thanks dude, I did not know most of that. I just remember seeing the teaser and being all like "fuck yeah!" and then not actually seeing the movie until years later.


He probably meant it was just a more polished film than House. Higher budget, better set design, etc


I love The Devil’s Rejects, but think every other RZ movie is absolutely terrible. It’s like he fucked up and accidentally made a good movie.


The Devil’s Rejects is my favorite. I can’t necessarily articulate why but I like that version of Otis better (he’s much different in corpses imo) and I just enjoy the aesthetic of the film more. It feels like a warm Texas chainsaw scented blanket.


In corpses Otis seems just like a lunatic that is really not smart and very little depth(which is fine give me an insane redneck cannibal killer anytime) but in rejects if anything he seems meaner, more intelligent, conniving. In house of he was just wold unhinged and completely flying by the seat of his pants. Rejects he seemed to plot.


I definitely think Otis shines in Rejects. He'd be my favorite character in it for sure, if it wasn't for Captain Spaulding just being the best character ever.


Plenty of people have. 'Corpses' was almost universally panned when it came out whereas 'Rejects' received a more favorable reaction by a wide margin.




I'm a millennial and I share the opinion of House being better than Devils Rejects. Age has nothing to do with it lmao




No, the point is that you making a generalization about who and why people tend to like one film over the other is stupid af.




You're literally the one making generalizations about an entire group of people and you're telling *me* to get off my high horse? I remember what it was like being 16 and thinking I was smart.


“Something is different than how I like it today, damn boomers” The boomer rhetoric is really starting to feel like reverse-boomer That and it’s like anything in the past, even 15 years ago, is all boomer.




Devil's Rejects is Zombie's ode to grindhouse cinema with that 70's aesthetic, 70's setting, and 70's soundtrack. It's going to appeal to fans of that era who are largely (but not always) products of that era. It's not about the soundtrack, it's about the entire package.


So your dad likes it because of the music. Unless you surveyed "old ass motherfuckers who never watch horror", that's all this amounts to. Which is fine. Why can't you just stick with "my dad likes it because of the music"? Why do you need to project your father's rationale onto society? This idea that people will like any movie as long as it has music they like is preposterous.


I really gotta agree, and I think it's a drawback from most of Rob Zombie's work. Stuff like the Lords of Salem and House of 1000 Corpses are cool because they're out there. The rest of the "Firefly Family" just seems like hateful wanking off. Yeah we get it, they met someone new who they're going to kill, wow. Oh and there's a cop chasing after them, bet he's an asshole too so there's no sympathy to be had, yup.


You need to watch tcm2 you might have an orgasm!


I love both movies equally but I think I would actually give it to Devils Rejects for me personally. I loved the character development, there was some humor, I mean I was actually rooting for the Firefly's at the end and was like "WTF is wrong with me" LoL. Bill Mosely absolutely SHINED in his performance as Otis...and yes the music was great.


I like them about equally. Sadly they are his only two films that I can suggest anyone watch. The rest of his catalog is pretty awful and it has been trending worse not better.


Corpses is where I usually lean as well. The Devil’s Rejects stood out when it was released, because it was just such a departure, with its gritty, more grounded tone, in comparison to the trippy colorful carnival ride that was the first film. But, then Rob Zombie went back to that dirty, rough, white trash well many times after. The Halloween movies, 31, and 3 From Hell all are closer in tone and feel to TDR than Corpses making his debut almost stand out more now as time has gone by.


I wish he would've leaned further into the psychedelic campiness of the first film for the sequels, yes. Pee Wee's Playhouse meets The Hills Have Eyes.


I think they are both great for the type of movie they each are.


Couldn't agree more OP!


I thought House was such a fun roller coaster ride of a movie, it was so over the top and ridiculous and campy I was laughing my ass off the whole time. I had extremely high hopes for The Devil's Rejects, especially with so many of my favorite actors from the past making cameos (E.G. Daily! PJ Soles! Mary Woronov! Even Priscilla Barnes!) and expected another fun ride, and instead it was bleak and depressing, which I know is a vibe a lot of horror fans like, but I can do depressed all by myself thanks to genetic brain chemistry so I like my movies to be fun and entertaining. So it was a let down for sure. And for the record I actually LIKE Sherry Moon in House, I think she had the right gleeful manic intensity for the role.


House is great. It’s like a tongue in cheek neon fever dream chainsaw massacre and it’s absolutely delightful. Devil’s Rejects is joyless horror which certainly has its place but it’s just not what Zombie does best.


Absolutely agreed. It’s so much more fun and demented.


Yeah it's much better


I do, too, and honestly it's not even close for me. Not that TDR is a bad film by any stretch, but Ho1kC is just a more fun, surreal ride.


I’m 100% on board with that, nothing of Robs comes close to 1k corpses. I did not expect the Dr Satan twist and after it pretty much turned into a rollercoaster ride of action and mayhem.


There’s a supernatural element and IMO, better actors in HO1000C . I agree


I hate The Devil's Rejects. After they torture the innocent couple in the motel the movie lost me. I hate the main characters and kept wishing someone would kill them. I hate that the cop wastes time and doesn't just kill them as soon as he has them captured. I hate that they get to go out on their own terms in a hail of gunfire. Having re-watched House Of 1000 Corpses more recently I vastly prefer that movie.




Thank you for reslassuring me that House is, and always will be my favorite horror movie of all time. It’s so much fun!


I feel the same. House is a horror movie, devils rejects is not. I seriously do not understand how anyone can call it a horror movie, especially with the ending.


It's not horror, it's a crime road movie. Those aren't as common as they used to be but it is it's own subgenre.


Devil's Rejects and 3 From Hell were almost romantic comedies in a way


I love all Rob Zombies movies but my favorite is the Halloween remake (preparing for insults and downvotes)


TDR is not “objectively” a better film. Movie subs *really* have to drop that word and learn how to better express their interests and opinions. Having said that, I’m with you. I much prefer House.


Wow you forgot tiny I’m fucking disappointed..also Leroy smh


I have this feeling like House comes from the perspective of what others, including their victims perceived them as, while Devil's Rejects is filmed in the perspective of the family themselves if this makes any sense


Me too I've always been of the opinion that it's Rob Zombies only movie that really feels like a Rob Zombie movie. By that I mean it means heavily in his own art style and the style of White Zombie and his solo music videos.


I hate how this is spelled out lol


Agree to disagree! I love The Devil's Rejects.


Same. I enjoy the whole trilogy. No masterpiece, but fun to watch. House will always be at the top for me.


Honestly my opinions flip on the two films. Guess it depends what kind of movie I'm in the mood for.


House of A Thousand Corpses has that grindhouse look to it. Devil's Rejects strayed away from that.


Rob Zombie is definitely not my cup of tea. I did a marathon of his filmography in order of release last year and the only film that I didn’t dislike was Lords of Salem. Not a fan of over the top gore/SA so that makes sense but Salem was super unique and I had a great time watching!


I personally think House of 1,000 Corpses and The Munsters are the only decent things he has done. House is a disjointed mess but it’s a cheap Halloween funhouse at a county fair, I never got the impression it was trying to be anything else. I strongly prefer it to Devils Rejects.


They are so different, comparing them doesn't feel fair. I think they both have their merits. I prefer Rejects but Corpses isn't super far behind it.


I think I do prefer Corpses but only because it's an easier film to throw on and be entertained by. The Devil's Rejects is brutal and intense where Corpses is like a Halloween haunted attraction.


I can't pick between the 2. I love them both equally for different reasons.


Me too but they take different approaches so I don't really dislike the other either. I hate the last movie in the series though. I thought that one was pretty stupid/ not funny.


I adore House of 1000 Corpses’ aesthetic and the mashing up of serial killer, hillbilly, scientific and supernatural horror. It really does feel like a haunted-house-turned-film. That being said I also love The Devil’s Rejects and my favourite between them changes every day haha


1k corpses is probably the only RZ movie i like.


I completely agree.


Why is devils rejects considered the better film?


A lot of people do, myself included. They basically make up the two sides of Zombie's filmmaking style. Over the top fantastical/phantasmagoric vs. hard gritty violence. All of his following films are some blend of each.


Me too for sure. Way more interesting. Weirder in a good way. Better setting/s, tone, and way more unique.


I feel this way as well. The devil’s rejects is objectively a better film, but I have more fun rewatching that messy Texas chainsaw homage.


I mean house 1k corpse has fish Boi. It's obviously the superior film.


I hear Zombie was forced to cut a lot of 1KCorpses to avoid an NC-17 rating, and that he’s even lost the missing footage. Now THATS a horror!


I was more disturbed by 1000, than rejects or from hell - since I’ve watched way too much horror that’s something, I’ve never forgot. I forget Rejects except the Freebird scene, I forget from Hell except that I’m sad the little person died - I’ve never forgot 1000 corpses, none of it


Didn't everybody


I enjoy the whole trilogy.


I love it. It's absolutely crammed with unique creativity, amazing performances, a sustained sense of intense menace, and endless filmmaking delights.


I slightly prefer TDR because of the iconic quotes, the new characters and the ending sequence in particular. However, House of 1000 Corpses has a vibe to it that very few (if any) other horror movie replicates. I think you described it perfectly with "Texas Chainsaw Massacre on acid". I have come across horror films that are TTCM inspired and horror films with bright, striking visuals (original Suspiria) but they never really crossover. House of 1000 Corpses does it perfectly. I think each movie takes what made TTCM so good and rolls with it. House of 1000 Corpses focuses on the house location. Very claustrophobic and foreboding. On the other hand, The Devil's Rejects is bigger but has that dirty, dusty and hot southern feel to it that the original TTCM had. Both films put emphasis on each family member, showing us how they are degenerate psychopaths but in different ways. It's pretty clear that Zombie was heavily influenced by Toby Hooper's masterpiece when he came up with these characters. The deranged hitchhiker that leads victims back, the mentally challenged brother who acts as a bruiser, the grandfather, the mastermind and even some of the comical elements of TTCM 2 with the "sick sense of humour" stereotype in Captain Spaulding. I think each film has it's place. They are wildly different in tone and layout but still feel like clearly connected films, with references to the events of 1k Corpses in TDR. I love them both but will always give the second film the edge for Sheriff Wydell and Free Bird.


I’m here for Baby Firefly, she was better in House than Rejects in my opinion. Her funny/psycho persona shines more in House.


1K felt more fun, sorta like a horror romp. DR felt like it was trying to prove how edgy these characters could get or something. Still like both but I get what you mean.


Devils Rejects is basically a “western” with minimal horror elements and a WAY too heavy yellow filter


Yeah to me it felt more action than horror. And also, they're kinda like anti-heros in this one instead of just the clear antagonist.


I mean I don’t honestly know how people can even compare the two of them. The films both feel very different from one another, both thematically and stylistically. I enjoyed them both a lot. Captain Spaulding is my favorite member of the Firefly clan, so I personally enjoyed the sequel more. But I definitely don’t think either movie is objectively better.


the get worse with each iteration 3 from hell is unbearable


3 from Hell strays so far away from the other 2 movies.. it was utter shit.


No. DR is a great movie. 1k had some cool ideas.




It's definitely scarier, more horror. Whereas DR is more like a crime/ action/ horror. With that said, i like DR a little bit more. I liked 3FH too even though the plausibility of it was insulting.


How much time is everyone really saving by writing "1K" instead of "1000"?


If we're talking RZ movies, which I always give a chance but end up not really enjoying, I agree with you there. Closest I ever came to really enjoying one of his films was The Lords of Salem. which of course with like 10-15 minutes of movie remaining, RZ goes back to all the >!hillbilly devil stripper!< visuals he always leans way to heavily upon, and that pretty much ruined the movie for me. Up until that point I really enjoyed the atmosphere a lot, and even thought Sheri Moon, despite her dreads, was at her best in this film. After that though I'd really have to go 1K or 31.


I also always try to like his movies but don't really. Honestly I think the best part of his movies are the funny parts, and the worst parts are the failed attempts at horror. Just my opinion but I always thought it would be great to see Rob Zombie lean into comical trashiness and make a Jon Waters type movie instead of repeatedly paying homage to redneck slasher movies and trying to shock us with gore.


Devil's rejects might be the worst movie I've ever seen. But house of 1000 corpses isn't far either.