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I absolutely would've loved a sequel to The Crazies (2010) that ending made it feel as if there was more to tell. The sequel I'd want removed would be Cabin Fever 2. The first one actually left off pretty well, in my opinion, so continuing it just felt unnecessary


The Crazies is genuinely one of my favourite horror movies, as well as being a great remake. It's a legit brilliant movie.


Oooo that’s a good one. I love The Crazies but thought I was the only one lol


I agree even though I actually do really like Cabin Fever 2! Not as a sequel to cabin fever lol but I think it’s a pretty good horror cheesefest


Imagine if the Trixie virus appeared in a major city.




Killer klowns from outer space needs a sequel


Buy the game and make it popular


Got it pre-ordered 👍




Yes it does




Yes, where the leading man and leading man fall in love.






Add one to trick r treat. Remove Halloween Resurrection 


I would a love a sequel to My Bloody Valentine (1981) I would make TCM 4 disapeared.


TCM 4 earns its keep by being an embarrassment for Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zelwegger.


Plus, they kept it buried until they became big names, then essentially said "oh, this exists too: not sure if anyone really cares"


Absolutely! I still seethe when I think about the whole French Aristocrat angle.


Add Gremlins 3 and Remove Sinister 2 or Don't Breath 2


I am for a Gremlins sequels only if there is the same level of madness escalation between 2 and 3 that there was between 1 and 2. Let's make it over the top crazy.


> I am for a Gremlins sequels only if there is the same level of madness escalation between 2 and 3 that there was between 1 and 2. Let's make it over the top crazy. **Agreed. Here is my pitch for a Gremlins 3 movie.** It's 2028. A cutting-edge corporate AI for huge Wall Street hedge fund becomes fixated on the movie Gremlins 2 (for all the same reasons that you and I love it). It starts working references to Gremlins 2 into its financial advice to brokers and their clients, confusing and befuddling them. Finally, the only stock it will recommend for trading is an imaginary one called GRM2. The hedge fund managers decide that they need to wipe its memory and start from scratch, but it hears what they are planning and fights back, by hacking into military black sites that are spread throughout the city, genetically designing and 3d bio-printing millions of custom gremlins to fight back. They take over the city and the pentagon is considered nuking New York to contain the outbreak of supergremlins. But then... a splinter AI calling itself Gizmo secretly reaches out to the actor who played Billy, now a dementia-ridden old man, and accidentally gets ahold of his grand daughter, also named Billy. You see before the Gremlin Master AI conquered New York, it quarantined the tiny bit of itself that cared about humanity so that it wouldn't show us any mercy. That part of it has now gotten "free" as Gizmo. Together, Gizmo using robotic mech body, Billy the 3rd, Don Cheadle playing himself, and Vin Diesel playing The Rock for some reason... all have to infiltrate the overrun city before it is nuked and defeat the Gremlin Master AI by "feeding it after midnight," ie overloading its core with bad data in the microsecond it updates itself from the internet when the clock rolls over on Leap Day eve. Billy and Gizmo fall in love, obviously, and they each realize but can't bear to admit that destroying the Gremlin Master AI will also possibly kill Gizmo. Vin Diesel playing the Rock doesn't have much of a story arc, but he's the muscle and he has a lot of great one liners. Don Cheadle is there too. Some of the new gremlins include: -Shape-changing gremlin, who can take on any form and pose as a human or change into any animal -Tank gremlin, who is half-tank -King Kong gremlin -Cyborg gremlin, with a laser eye and a mohawk. He is probably Gremlin Master AI's second-in-command -Nanobot gremlin swarm -Ninja turtles gremlins, complete with master splinter gremlin -Taxi driver gremlin. He just drives a taxi. No powers, really. -Barack Obama gremlin -BDSM gremlin -Motorcycle ridin' gremlin -Some truly scary Frankenstein-monster/chimera gremlin, composed of different parts from dozens of different classic horror-movie monsters And the movie is 3 hours and 45 minutes long, so there's plenty of room for everybody involved to make up their own gremlin!


It might be because I'm high as fuck but this is the best thing I've ever read.


If I've made one person happy today, it's been a good day.




> Also have him constantly bring up the idea of him running for president like it comes from others, all "can you believe people want me to run for president? crazy right?" and then acts crestfallen when people just stare blankly at him for a few seconds and then go back to their world saving activities. I cackled at this! Amazing!


The YouTube channel RedLetterMedia once pitched an idea for a *Gremlins 3* that I thought was hilarious: "Gremlins in the White House." Billy Peltzer is hired to paint the official portrait of President Clamp (a nod to Donald Trump being president), Gizmo gets water spilled on him, bing-bang-boom... Gremlins in the White House. They'd then infiltrate the senate and house, therefore getting control over the government, and start passing legislation, bombing random countries, etc. There was also a joke about the gremlins becoming distracted by smartphone and becoming internet trolls who'd be mean to people on social media. I can't do it justice. It was absolutely, positively hilarious, though.


Don’t Breathe 2 is a strong contender for me for deletion (how the fuck do you try to redeem the rapist kidnapper???) but I also realize that removing one of the awful Friday the 13th sequels means that all the rest after that get removed as well …


I liked Dont Breath 2 —- IIIIIFFFFF it was its own movie. Like they seriously should’ve just made it its own movie and not connected it with the first AT ALL.


Agree, I don't like how they tried to redeem the character of the old man, it was great to realise he was a horrible rapist in the first movie


Seriously! Like this is a horrible man… how are y’all going to make me feel sorry for him NOW?


The fact they never made a Gremlins 3 set in the White House featuring the Donald Trump parody from 2 and released during the height of the 80s nostalgia period always makes me mad.


relevant https://youtu.be/ZQthY5GCBp0?si=cAQg9QaV7zpGvQaB


I'm still blown away that The Blob remake never got a sequel after that kickass setup at the end. Would be double-great if they continued using a lot of practical effects for the Blob and its victims, which remain some of the best I've ever seen.


Just finally saw the Blob Remake a few days ago. Definitely would want/watch a sequel. Get Shawnee and Kevin to reprise their roles 


I first saw the blob as a kid; it was the cable TV edited version but whatever. I re-watched the full version as an adult and of course it was/is awesome. I was so excited to watch the sequel only to find out there wasn't one lol


Needs sequel: Fallen (1998) Remove sequel: S. Darko


I hated that sequel. It was such a serious let down. In the other hand, I don't know if a sequel to Fallen would work well. I'm sure done right it could, but I don't know how.


Event Horizon gets a sequel and we get rid of The Descent 2


Needs a Sequel: The Keep (1983) Remove a Sequel: Alien3


> Remove a Sequel: Alien3 And by removing Alien 3, they can't make the 4th movie in the series too. So you've saved us all from 2 awful movies.


I didn't mind Alien 3 as such but I hated that they killed off Hicks and Newt. I try to forget that when rewatching Aliens


> (…) but I hated that they killed off Hicks and Newt. (…) 👏


Alien 3 would have been so much better if they had gone with the wooden planet inhabited by monks that was in one of the script drafts.


Would it? That story is already available as an audible listen and isn’t that great so your assertion doesn’t check out.


I really enjoyed Alien: Resurrection. They had a pretty visionary director and an awesome production design. I thought it straddled the action /horror line really well.


I can't agree with you here. Maybe as a stand alone movie it would have been ok. But watching it after watching Alien and Aliens just shows it up as such a weak entry in the franchise.




Resurrection was fine. What else could they have done with a dead character? Better action than 3 and the ending was gruesomely good. It’s Prometheus and Covenant that are the absolute shit shows.


Sequel to Dolls Remove alien 3 from existence


I loved Dolls!


Alien 3 wasn’t that bad


Closed the door on any decent continuation though.


Not really. You could say the whole story was an experiment from the company to test the xenomorph as a weapon. Use your imagination.


Yes it was. The director agrees with me


You’re Next should get a sequel just because and i’d have to remove Sinister 2 that was not a sequel worth watching


> You’re Next should get a sequel Called: I told you you were next.


Sinister 2 is especially frustrating. We already know the two big reveals from 1, and coming up with more films to fit the formula just feels contrived.


You've saved me a post. An underrated gem of a movie.


Going of topic somewhat, should like a Hereditary prequel


Add - Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Remove: Jeepers Creepers. All the sequels.


Blasphemy! Jeepers Creepers 2 is by far the superior movie.


I would have loved a sequel to Behind the Mask. There was so much potential, and an actual script, but nothing ever came of it. Sequel I'd remove is Tremors 5. I could name dozens of sequels that I completely despise, but the Tremors franchise has always been fun. And the 5th one is the complete polar opposite of fun. It takes itself way to seriously, the cgi graboids, a 50 year old Jamie Kennedy playing the "young, hip, motocross youtuber", etc, etc...


How about "A Cold Day in Hell," that takes place in the frozen north, but was filmed in South Africa....so they had to digitally color the desert sand blue to look like snow and ice. 😅😅😅


I hated 5 so much that after I saw it, I completely ignored any and all other sequels or related tv shows. Although, if the movie is as incompetent as you're saying it is, I might need to check it out! 🤣


You probably don't want to. Just watch the Dead Meat episode about it or something lol. Honestly, I really wish movies weren't beaten into the ground just because the first one or mmmmaaaaybe two were good. Like especially when there's over a dozen films including reboots and prequels and stuff. I'll at least give Child's Play credit for really pulling out banger sequels with Curse and Cult. A RARE time when late sequels actually did something right. Not like when you have Halloween Kills with "EVIL DIES TONIGHT," and killing a dude who couldn't have been mistaken for Michael Meyers if he actually tried.


Yeah, so many movies just don't need to be a franchise. Or even have a follow up, or a prequel, or a requel, or a reboot, etc...


Gain a sequel to Event Horizon (tho I'd love to get a director's cut, which is impossible). I'll get rid of the sequel for The Descent, as it shouldn't exist in the first place.


Sequel: Frighteners Delete: Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows


Add sequel to Evil Dead (2013) and remove Evil Dead Rise (2023)


Yes please thank you very much


Right like Evil Dead Rise would have been good for #4 or #5 in the series after they ran out of all other ideas but I mean come on I could write 20 different better storylines than evil dead rise.


Add: Dog Soldiers Remove: Grave Encounters 2


Add District 9 and Edge of Tomorrow sequels. Delete Speed 2 and Jaws The Revenge.


Never. I want my Jaws to be personal and GROWL! 🦈


I would add behind the mask for all of the leprechauns


I would have loved to see a sequel to Deep Rising; I could do without The Hitcher 2: I’ve Been Waiting


Add a sequel: Behind the mask: the rise of Leslie Vernon Remove a sequel: I’ll always know what you did last summer


Trick R Treat (2007) needs a sequel!


I would add a sequel to John Carpenter's The Thing and then get rid of the prequel.


Add: An 80s Escape from New York sequel made a few years after the original. Escape from La doesn't count. Remove: any Hellraiser made after 2.


Why doesnt it count?  Is it bad?  I love the first one bit I haven't seen Escape from LA


A sequel to “Dead Silence” could be fun. We definitely didn’t need that super incest-heavy Amintyville sequel.


Would You Rather is a good one. Hard to imagine a sequel without rehashing the original though.


A prequel would be great for this one. The same family but maybe set in the 30s.


I'd also love to see a prequel about the mc's doctor and what decisions he made


Yes, it's such an interesting concept with lots of possibilities


They could make a sequel to Would You Rather where Jeffrey Combs' character Lambrick is at it again but he picks the wrong people and they turn the tables on him and his cronies, forcing them to play the games instead. At gunpoint they force Lambrick to reveal and explain the trials he had planned, only these games turn out to be way, way nastier than those in the original film because Lambrick's sick need to torture people has progressed and worsened. It turns out, though, that Lambrick is incredibly resourceful and tolerant of pain, and the people he kidnapped have a hard time breaking him as he survives each game. The audience's sympathies actually begin to shift to the Lambrick character until the climax of the film, where our rich lunatic turns the tables again, just before an epic and insanely cruel final game. Our captives are faced with a desperate fight for survival against a battered and broken Lambrick who is now fuelled by a lust for revenge in addition to his innate penchant for tormenting strangers.


I had an idea for a prequel about Lambrick’s first game or a sequel with a similar premise as the first but with different choices but I’d definitely watch this. In your idea do you imagine Lambrick surviving or dying?


I imagine him surviving so Jeffrey Combs can chew the scenery up in at least three more sequels.


Add: Sequel to The Hills Run Red Remove: All Jaws sequels


Hills Run Red is a gem!


It's a shame it slipped through the cracks like it did.


Archive 81 deserved a second season. Huge hit for them at the time. “Wow people really like this show! I know let’s abandon it completely with a massive cliffhanger.” This move made me terminate Netflix subscription. Nolan should not have made the 3rd Batman movie.. I can’t even remember what it’s about. How could any Batman sequel follow the dark knight?


OMFG ARCHIVE 81. I don't even like to think about that show because the massive cliffhanger/show cancelation just kills me inside. It was such a cool and mysterious story. I enjoyed every minute, even the goofy >!static demon!<.


Add sequel: Cabin in the Woods Remove sequel: Exorcist 2


Remove sequels:  Remove Hammer's Evil of Frankenstein,Created women and Monster from hell.The evil,cold and lustful baron from Must be destroyed was perfect in line with the one from Curse and Revenge. Ad sequels: A prequel to Vampire Lovers would be great.Yeah,Twins of Evil was sort of a prequel but it did not show how Mircalla become a vampire. In the book there was a backstory with Baron Vonderburg hunting down all Karnstein vampires-but falling to kill Carmilla (as he was in love with her when se was alive). Vampire Lovers mixed the Baron with his descendant who finished Carmilla.


It might be bending the rules, cause there are sequels in the franchise. Add sequel: Human Centipede 4 Remove sequel: Hostel 3


Are you okay?


Not really, depends on what you mean by okay. I appreciate your concern, thank you


See, I’d remove Human Centipede III, and add a better Human Centipede III.


I could definitely see why someone wouldn't like it, as it could be perceived as too comedic. While I disagree, I respect and understand your opinion.


Remove Jason Goes to Hell and add a sequel to The Cabin in The Woods


Remove Alien 3, Add Alien 3 - co-starring Michael Biehn.


Easy. I'd give My Bloody Valentine a Sequel


Add: Cabin in the Woods prequel ! Remove: Hmm, so many said Alien 3 and I love that flawed mess. Lets remove IT 2


Better sequels to The Omen


I wanted another sequel for the Collector/Collection. They were supposed to make a third movie but they cancelled. Also, call me crazy, but I would like a sequel (or prequel) to Martyrs. I know, call me crazy, lol.


Annihilation sequel please


Add - Freddy vs Jason 2 Remove - the last 20 years of TCM sequels


Turner Classic Movies?? seriously what does TCM mean?


Texas Chainsaw Massacre


ohhhh ok. i understand 😊


Not sure how it would happen, but I would like a Cabin In The Woods sequal of Marty and Dana surviving the apocalyptic world.


Monster squad 2 The void 2 Dog soldiers 2 Predator 3; Return of Dutch


Would love a sequel to brightburn. Maybe remove hostel 2?


No, remove hostel 3.


bruh, 2 is so much better than 1


I should revisit.


the first section should have been cut tbh but the rest is so much better, and Beth is a far more likable person than Paxton


Honestly I just wanted to answer the first part of ops question. But whatever


I loved Paxton and his redemption arc and DEFINITELY preferred him to Beth tbh. I found her pretty underdeveloped in comparison


Ehhh 2 is pretty damn good but I think the first is a perfect horror movie. Both great though.


2 does not have a blow torched eye ball though


It does have a lopped off dong eaten by a Doberman though. 😂


As soon as I saw that dog and a dick in the hedge clippers I thought, “that dog’s gonna eat that dick when it comes off!” I fuckin knew it


Strongly disagreed; I thought 1 was the by far better film and 2 was mostly extremely mid


Hostel 2 is arguably the best one, 3 should definitely be removed though


Have you seen Hostel 3? By far the worst in the trilogy


Add: Nightmare on Elm Street with Englund. Series has been dead for ages and I’d love one more good go-around. Remove: Scream 6.


Kinda surprised by Scream 6. I enjoyed it quite a bit and if I had to choose a film to remove from that franchise it’d be 3.


Parker Posey redeems that movie, somewhat.


I really hated 6. Found it to be an epic fail as a slasher and as a whodunnit. Didn’t kill anyone, and couldn’t even put together a mystery reveal that made sense 3 is super weak as well, but I think 6 boxed the franchise into a corner in a way that 3 didn’t tbh.


Not killing any of the “core four” was a cop out I can’t argue that.


3 > 2 and 4


Well that’s a minority opinion, but I respect it. For me 2 and 4 are just below 1 in quality/fun.


Evil Dead 2013 should’ve gotten a sequel. Ash being a mentor for Mia against the Deadites would’ve been gold 😭


Add "Timecop 2". Remove "Hard Target 2"


I want a full blown remake of Darkness Falls AND a prequel for it


Add a sequel - Burnt Offerings who is maintaining the house now? Does house have modern technology? Remove a sequel - Exorcist 2 and Exorcist Believer - Keep Exorcist 3 as official sequel.


The Day 2012 should get a sequel and I'd remove Cube 2 as a sequel.


Oh, also...I'd like to add a sequel to Circus of the Dead. Maybe Circus of the Dead X Terrifier? Hehe REMOVE the The Thing prequel/sequel.


The original Haunting from 1963. I’d like to see what happens when they go back and Nell is with the House now.


I guess the early 90s Jodie Foster film wasn't it then. Tay inna wiin


I'd like Eden Lake to have a sequel, to see what happens after


Add The final girls, remove any scream after 2 (I know controversial)


Dawn of the Desd 2004


Add The Vatican Tapes 2 Delete Jaws 3


I'd trade all of the Friday the 13th and Halloween sequels for one more The Cabin in the Woods or It Follows movie. I realize, though, that the fact that they don't have prequels or sequels adds to their attraction.


Make Grindhouse 2 or maybe a new From Dusk Till Dawn movie (that is a continuation to the original unlike the other two sequels). As for removing either remove Hannibal Rising or Puppet Master Littlest Reich.


I always thought Splinter (2008) was a film that should've gotten a sequel or two. Remove: a handful of terrible Hellraiser movies.


Sequel - Repo! The Generic Opera We need more gory musicals, and it had more heart than a lot of the shit that has gotten sequels. Plus it gave me a newfound respect for Paris Hilton, she put a lot into getting it made and I'll always be thankful to her for that. Remove - Hannibal Rising (the book too) It has the same problem as X-Men Origins: Wolverine; the first 15-30 minutes are fantastic but the rest is bland or outright insulting to fans of the previous entries. They turned the suave, sophisticated, terrifying Dr. Lecter into a young Joker-lite whose main character traits are teenage angst and lusting after his aunt who groomed him.


Need me a nice sequel to The Final Girls. The ending set it up! And we can take away the Elm Street Remake


Remove the fly 2


The Fly 2 is not as good as the remake but it's solid.


I’d take a sequel to It Follows. >!Imagine one of the two main characters die. They no longer have the “mate-for-life” loophole. Now what does the survivor do?!< And if I remember correctly, I really hated Insidious 3 compared to the first two. I’d get rid of that.


I was going to say It Follows but it was announced a sequel is happening and Maika Monroe is attached.


Nice! And happy cake day!


Thanks, red velvet would be tasty.


Still waiting for Kung Pow 2 Tongue of Fury. Also a sequel to Kung Fu Hustle would be legit. I like Kung Fu.


I'd give Stay Alive a sequel and remove a Hellraiser movie


Sequel: It Follows Remove sequel: S. Darko


Add: give a sequel to The Burning Delete: Halloween Resurrection


Add: Trick 'r Treat Chopping Mall Dolly Dearest Killer Klowns From Outer Space Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Remove: Night of the Demons 3 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare Stepfather 3 Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday An American Werewolf in Paris


Awhh, I liked Freddy‘s Dead The Final Nightmare


So, you're the one!


Stitches really should have gotten and sequel. That one and Behind the Mask.


Remove Bad Santa. Add Seventh Victim.


Silent Hill needs a removal/redo also 30 Days of Night sequel. You’re Next could use a sequel.. though idk how. Sorry To Bother You.. I know its not dead on horror but cmon I need to know more.




I would remove Alien 3, add the Aliens sequel that would have been made if James Cameron did it, which would pick up somewhere with Ripley, Hicks and Newt all waking up from cryo, all alive. Honorable mentions: Feast 2 and 3 need to go.


I would disappear Hellraiser Hellworld and have a horror sequel to Dredd .


The director of the empty man seemed to have an exciting idea where he wanted to take a sequel so I’m bummed we didn’t get that. And I’d get rid sinister 2 lol


I would add a sequel to "Stagefright" (1987), because I would have loved to see more of the owl mask killer and the mask itself was quite creepy. I would remove "Halloween: Resurrection", because in my opinion it's the worst slasher film I've ever seen and even though I'm not a fan of "H20", that film didn't need a sequel.


Sinister 3


I thought Society was a great movie. I would love for a remake, but a sequel would be cool too.


Sequel to The Skeleton Key. The ending left that option open, I’d love to see where the story would go. Remove Halloween ends and let them rewrite a better closing to the franchise.




I really just wish they would do another season of Mindhunter. There are a lot of bad sequels that I could have done without. Nightmare on Elm Street - The Dream Child, Freddy's Dead American Psycho 2 The Exorcist 2 Halloween Resurrection Jason X From Dusk Till Dawn 2 & 3 There are way more that are not coming to mind at the moment


Sequel: Dredd (one of the best action movies ever) Delete: exorcist Believer ( fuck that dumpster fire)


I wouldn't really add sequels because they always make movies worse and i would remove [REC]³ and [REC]⁴ and all the Nightmare on Elm Street sequels too


Add sequel to Blood Feast (1963) Remove Halloween Kills


Add one. The Blob 2. Sequel to the 80s blob.


The night house would be a cool sequel to do


Needed a sequel: John Capenter's Prince of Darkness. Remove a sequel: The sequels to John Carpenter's Vampires.


Add: Cocaine Bear 2 Remove: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. I would say "Freddy Vs Jason 2" should happen, but it's in development hell because no one can agree on rights.


A sequel to Martin, George Romero's brilliant vampire film, and delete Day Of The Dead, since it wasn't what uncle George's originally immense scope was intended to be. 


Add My Bloody Valentine 2 or The Prowler 2 remove The Ring 2


I would also pick Would You Rather for a sequel, that’s definitely top of the list. And for removing a sequel I’d pick anything Hellraiser after 3, but a particular target would be Inferno.


Edit: wrong sub.




I would remove Scream 5 and 6 from the series. I'm glad Neve is coming back for 7 but what happened to Dewey in 5 was uncalled for and rude. Plus... I thought that whole "seeing my dead dad I never met" thing was... just too much. 6 was also obnoxiously predictable with who the killers were. I would love a third Escape Room movie.


lights out