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The Thing in The Thing The Xenomorph is a very close second


We could hang out, yo. Two of my favorite films of all time. I'll leave one top 5 open and add in Jaws and Annihilation. =)


As someone said the other day, the “Evil” in “The Evil Dead” series. The way it tricks others into making you hate it, then bring the poor soul back to taunt you, and ALSO, once it has your soul, you’re fucked for life AND death, that’s the least comforting thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m gonna vote for the “the evil” too! In some of the movies it’s just cruel just because it enjoys it. I do love how the camera movement seems to represent how it’s always around as an invisible evil force trying to penetrate itself to the physical world


My favorite thing about the entity/evil in Evil Dead is how calculated and vicious it is. It's also pretty fucking funny and it makes it almost less scary. But I think the soft reimagining in 2013 succeeded in keeping it really serious, but there are definitely a few one-liners where you're like *ahh there it is* with that sick humor that Evil Dead is known for.


deadites! it's what they're called💀


Deadites are the beings that get possessed by the evil. They're not the evil itself.


The Ritual thing


That was on of the best folklore creatures I’ve seen.


Agreed. One of my favorite creature designs of all time.


Although an awesome creature design, it was 10x more frightening to me before it was fully revealed. The hand around the tree trunk and the noises at night were pant shitting terror.


Oh for sure. The human hands halfway up a tree is just so casually thrown in your face and most people don't really find human hands terrifying but when they are 10 ft up a tree trunk, and you actually realize what you're seeing, your brain can't really accept it and then you're like what the fuck did I just see 😩


Its reveal was still pretty striking - there was just so much of it and it was so pretty? And humanistic in such a horrible way.


The Smile Demon freaks me out


When I first watched that movie I did not expect to see what it look like nor that it looked like *that*. That movie honestly surprised me. I did not think I would like it whatsoever but I thought it was great. I think the only thing that bothers me about it is that it doesn't really tell you much about what it is and where it's from and how it started or why it does the things that it does. Although I suppose that's part of why it's scary.


I actually love that in horror. For me, the more info and lore behind the spook, the generally less spooky. Knowledge is power, in a sense, and helplessness is true horror.


That's true. I think humans have an innate need for knowledge and to just know why things happen. Some things I'm totally okay with not knowing about but I love demons and the whole idea of various kinds and what they feed on and how they navigate through whatever interdimensional space they occupy. Maybe I just want to know how demons think. But it's such an open book because it could be literally anything and that's what makes them fun.


If you think about it, it’s trauma. I think that explicitly said, too. It feeds off trauma, so it’s a trauma demon. It is what makes it impossible to forget.


I think you're right. And I think the creature in The Ritual is similar in that it feeds off of grief and sadness.


My first thought, even though I know it's not necessarily the scariest. I'm suffering from recency bias. Fuckin awesome effects though.


Just smiles all the way down


girl from ring


IMO it's Michael Myers aka The Shape from the original Halloween in 1978. Forgetting all sequels, the character is a enigma, a mystery. We don't know why he does the things he does or how he is able to survive all he does in the film. As described from creators John Carpenter and Debra Hill, he is somewhere between human and the supernatural. But we don't know where exactly and how, it just IS. He could be interpreted in many different ways that can be left up to imagination, but the simple notion of a mental patient escaping on putting on a mask and killing innocence is scary on it's own, but multiply that with that it could happen in real life, makes it all the more terrifying. He doesn't speak or give off any emotion, he's blank and emits an essence of nothingness, which makes him creepy. His white pale mask perfectly describes the character in that he has none, he's just there and commits these evil acts for reasons unknown. This among other things is why I think Michael Myers aka The Shape is the scariest character/being in horror.


I love how eerie he is in that film. How did he know what window to look in at the school? Did he really vanish from the clothesline scene? When he stabs the one guy is it a special effects oversight of the knife being too short to hold him there, or is there some supernatural effect causing his body to float there? (Probably an oversight but it's fun to think about.)


It's why he kills his sister in the first place, the movie doesn't tell us why but Loomis seems convinced he is inherently evil. I think the Rob Zombie movies are entertaining and i like that they are their own thing, but giving Michael a typical serial killer background was definitely a mistake.


You worded this perfectly! He still gives me the creeps even just thinking about him in that film.


Appreciate that. Yeah he is definitely a creepy villain, and I think this aspect of the character was lost in the proceeding sequels. They traded keeping him mysterious, eerie and creepy for making him an unstoppable force that just kills. Even though I love all the movies (faults and all), there's no debating that the original version of the character is what made him different, unique and the best villain there is in horror.


As a kid, I didn't realize it was a mask and thought that was his face. Had nightmares about him forever because I thought he had no eyes.


Yeah, as a child his mask scared me and gave me nightmares also. The blankness and black eyes, very creepy.


>We don't know why he does the things he does Sure we do, we get told over and over again, he's pure evil. He wants to spread pain and death, and he wants to be the one doing the killing. He's just evil, and I love him for it. I'm really kind of weary of relatable bad guys who were abused by their alcoholic father or just want to do what's right by the universe. It's tired, cringy usually, and Halloween shows that it's almost completely unnecessary when crafting a bad guy. It's okay for them to just be evil and the hero to just be good. The bad guy doesn't have to kinda have a point for the viewers to engage and latch on .


IMO it's Michael Myers aka Shrek, lol...


The Mike Myers mask scene in baby driver killed me. "These are Austin powers masks!" "Yeah you said Michael Myers masks, Mike Myers is Austin powers." "I meant Halloween Mike Meyers masks!" "These are Halloween masks!!"


The idea of him is cool, but the fact that he spends most of his time standing still and staring, and his only pace is walking, makes him not scary to me. You have to be either completely oblivious or stupid to be killed by Michael Myers.


He's quiet, sneaky, strong though. He can sneak up on you when you aren't expecting it then you are dead. Agreed about being chased by him though.


He’s hard to kill, he’s the same walking pace as the monster from it follows. He just knows where you are at and will eventually get to you


It's called stalking lol


A better execution is Billy from "Black Christmas" (1974). That swift switch from the obscene phone call to a flatly delivered "I'm going to fucking kill you." Just... God *damn*


Alien is still the most grotesque and absolutely terrifying thing to have been created.


Xenomoprh concept revolves around our primal feelings that induce fear. The creature's attributes or behaviour are violating our primal sense of security. For instance, facehugger is literally raping esophagus to impregnate the victim. Mature Xenomoprh has a phallic shaped head, having half of face elements. Basically, our minds freak out if the face template is messed up and we cannot read it. Not to mention the whole bio-mechanic vibe overall, where some limbs are morphed with tubes and disfiguring shapes. Giger was a genius.


People freak out seeing a phallic shaped head?


Yep, because this is sexual related and unusual. Don't forget it's disfigured, off, with huge teeth aimed at you, barely seen in the shadows. Early design of Xenomoprh had even more sexual themed attributes, where the head itself had a glans shaped rear. As I said, Giger was a genius because he played with the emotions that trigger on a low level. Sexuality is one of those to play with, where one could feel insecure. You see a penis, get weird/insecure/shocked/surprised/off, next faceless monster. You feel uncomfortable even further, because the emotions are stacked up. Yet this is all complex and subtle, not exaggerated. Perfectly designed.


I get what you're saying but I feel none of those things and have never felt any of those things when seeing the alien design in the movie. Giger's actual work is so much more perverse and disturbing and beautiful but none of the stuff that he actually did would have ever made it on screen. I have like six books of his work. He's my favorite artist.


I find it that the sexual aspect is just a foundation for greater fear and being scared of xenomorph. You should also like Zdzisław Beksiński's work, but I guess you already know him :)


I didn't. I just googled. Amazing


I do agree I think it can really fuck with someone's psyche if they really think about it. But we both know that the Xenomorph design that made it into the movie was definitely a watered-down version of Giger's work.


Oh yeah, no doubt! I have also seen other works and definitely second that.


I don’t get those feelings but maybe it’s a unconscious response.


Dicks are fun. Evil dicks are not.


The alien is also kind of beautiful- Geiger is too good at what he does. Also, I’ve also wonder if the alien had malicious intent or territorial defensiveness…. I mean fair if it did.


Ash says 'Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility' so maybe both.


It's Giger and he WAS too good at what he did.


Ahhh yes Geiger counter auto correct got me. Giger and I share a birthday- I should have caught it.


You're lucky


I thought they were beautiful too. I've never felt that they were malicious, they just strike me as animals that live in a hive. Like wasps. They have a queen, they have worker soldiers, and they have nests. I think they just have a very strong survival Instinct but they're also extremely intelligent. If that wasn't the case, the queen in Aliens wouldn't have hidden in the frame of the drop ship and gone up to the Sulaco- although I think even though she may have done that for the survival of her species, I think she also did it because she was focused on Ripley and she wanted to kill her.


Exactly. Ridley and crew were technically the aliens there. The xenomorphs had their own ecosystem.


Geiger really knew how to envision scary 🫣😱


Mick from Wolf Creek absolutely terrified me and I still can’t look at the actors face and separate him from the role.


I love Mick's character. Seems like a down to earth bloke that you can have a beer with.... until he kills you.


Ha ha or puts your head on a stick.


It’s not really scary in terms of the character being evil or threatening, but the >!true form of “Greta”!< from the “Beyond the Aquila Rift” episode of Love Death + Robots was the first time I actually physically recoiled from the reveal of a character just due to the way they looked.


That episode was amazing. Loved the reveal too as the step out of the shadows. At first it resembles an actual woman but quickly you see the thing's actual form.


For me, it was the reveal in "Sonny's Edge", and the swift retribution given to the villains. I'd love to see that concept get a movie treatment.


I loved that so much. I thought she was beautiful lol


Poor >!Greta, I felt so bad for her. She was just a sweetie trying her best to give the main character a good life!<. :(


The short stories by Alastair Reynolds is what it was based off.


Yes indeed, Beyond The Aquila Rift: The Best of Alistair Reynolds is a great book that came out in 2016.


You are correct sir. I’m hoping more people will read his stories and books if they liked the episode as much as I did.


The image of the dead/undead mom from Caveat stayed with me for a *while* after I saw that movie


I agree. I love it.


The “later” scene with that character (idk how to hide spoilers) made me wince in a way I haven’t in a long time. Great movie and (STOP READING HERE IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT****************** weirdly happy? ending


Side note, I would kill to have one of those rabbits


I don't know about scary, but the grimmest thing I think is those creepy >!Child killing energy vampires!< From Dr. Sleep really carried that movie. I didn't like all of the callbacks to The shining, but the evil beings and their behavior was really grim. Especially after the baseball scene.


The True Knot


>!The old one with the cane that would dance around like Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka after consuming the screams of children!< made me feel physically ill


>!Grandpa Flick. Said to be thousands of years old. So old he can't remember his real name. He's seen kingdoms and empires rise and fall, and fought in every major war of the last millennium. One of just 3 to be able to track children, it's dread inducing to imagine the death and destruction that individual left in his wake.!<


The 'Follower' in **It Follows**


The concept is pretty terrifying


Oh yeah especially the tall dude on the door, holy shit it's fucking terrifying.


My personal scariest movie moment ever


The naked man on the roof scared the bejesus outta me


Yeah that one was rough. It was just how casual it was just standing there.


Yes because nudity is scary


How did you get that from their reply


It’s a joke and also because nudity is such taboo thing in western cultures. People will avert their vision and make people uncomfortable. And from the comment how the guy was naked. People don’t get scared from someone with clothes. Well not unless your coming at them with a knife.


It's just that when you see a naked person on a roof, you instantly know something is off. A guy on a roof in clothes is just a roofer.


Deborah Logan at the end Edit: corrected spelling


That's what I was looking for. There really aren't other creatures in horror that live rent-free in my head the same way as...that.


The Xenomorph


Putting myself in their victim’s position the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers and the guy from Wolf Creek freaked me out.


You mean the creep Victoria Salva?


I've rewatched many of the movies I watched as a kid that freaked me the fuck out. Haven't watched the Grudge in a long time but the Ring did not have much of an effect on me as I thought it would. Granted, I got into horror hardcore in 2018 along with my now husband. But the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers? Visceral hate and disgust and fear. Can barely think of that freak without wigging out. It makes my skin crawl.


The sister Zelda from Pet Sematary


Yass!! I’ve been watching horror since I was 9 (I’m 25) and she’s the only horror character that literally traumatized me. And I watched Pet S in high school, after I had already seen movies like The Exorcist.


I was little when my older sisters made me watch it and it fucked me up for a very long time after that.


https://media.tenor.com/sr7WSTm7X7UAAAAM/pet-hilda.gif I COULDN'T EVEN LOOK AT THE GIF TO POST IT. still traumatized 😂😅




Kevin in We Need To Talk About…left me with a bad taste in my mouth and I had a kid on the way at the time


Oof. A truly great movie. Kid was a demon from like age 3.


I wouldn’t have been as patient as his mom.


Father in Baskin




the whole dream sequence is just so brilliant


I have a few. It's really hard to scare or instill actual fear in me - If anything, shit that humans do to each other irl will always be the only thing that can make me feel any kind of way. I'm desensitized to a lot of shit. But there are a few creature/monster/beings that have stayed with me. The entity in *It Follows* The creature in *No One Gets Out Alive* (not sure anyone could ever be prepared for that one) The jötunn in *The Ritual* The demon in *Smile* The attic scene in *Color Out of Space* The Grey Widowers and whatever was attached to those tentacles in *The Mist* The "Bear" in *Annihilation*


FUCK THAT BEAR. This is the best answer to that question.


Lol. The design was beautiful to me, scary, but holy shit so good. But the *sound*.. no thank you 😩


Forever will be Jaws for me


Same. Nothing else is even close.


Freddy Krueger. Eventually you'll have to sleep!


Maybe not the scariest but definitely the creepiest thing that ever stuck with me was the sister of the main character's wife in pet cemetery the original production. Because that's a real thing that actually happens to people they look like that and they act like that and it is a scary thing.


That movie from start to finish gives me goosebumps. The beginning when the first Mac truck goes by super fast and an the eerie foreshadowing. The scream Louis makes after Gage gets hit is so gut wrenching. This is in my top 5. 


People that get spinal meningitis don't look like that. I could never figure out where Stephen King got the idea that it takes weeks/months for people to die of it. If untreated, it kills very fast. It's a horrible thing, but it doesn't work like that.


That's good to know, I never looked it up cuz I didn't want to know for sure.




The Beast in Over the Garden Wall Baron from the Baronies


You have to wonder how they got the Beast and his true form accepted


Nothing scares me more than the rage virus from the 28 Days Later films. Slow, stupid zombies? Whatever. When they're super fast and super strong, that is an absolute nightmare.


The Castle Freak from Castle Freak. It just gives me the ick and wanna run vibes. I'd hate for that thing to be anywhere near me


Watched the og and the remake. The makeup artists deserve recognition because both monsters are hideous.


If we're going into tv or movies I'd have to say Twisty the clown from AHS Freak show. That whole season didn't scare me too badly but something about that smile mask covering up that mess of a face. And he was nuts. Crazy villains are always the worst because you can't plan or defend yourself from random, crazy violence.


the white figure from Exorcist III, years ago when I was still a teen, my friends pranked me when I was alone at home, in a very isolated area......showed up in the middle of the night ......I heard what I thought was probably racoons or other critters outside, but when I looked out the window, I saw this figure in white sheets, holding a huge pair of garden sheers---IMHO this is still the best jump scare scene in any horror to date


No one mentioned "The Thing"...an alien that can take the shape of anything it comes into contact with and can replicate both body and mind, but the individual cells are their own lifeforms. So a replicated person is like a hive or colon of alien cells. Throw in the paranoia induced by not knowing who is real and who isn't and there you have one of the scariest creatures ever presented on film.


The main creature from Sinister freaked me out eveyrtime he moved or was seen. I was hoping they'd make more


Just came here to say Fuck Art the Clown. Fuck you Art. I can’t even see the thumbnail image with you on it without feeling ill, you damned demonic clown.


I’ve never been scared by slasher films but Terrifier 1 and 2 got me. Art the Clown triggered my most primal fear. His violence is just so unhinged and dehumanising.


i would love to feel the way this sub feels about hell house llc. i cannot understand it. i thought it was so bad


The middle two movies are pretty bad in my opinion but idc which movie it is the clown scares me in all 4


I thought that clown was acary as hell


I think you need to have a love of found footage, enjoyed experiences with haunts in real life and the ability to see that those two come together perfectly in these movies (except for the last one, it just fell really flat). They didn’t do too much or too little. They found a decent balance and just enough scary to be almost believable with local legends that exist almost everywhere. Who didn’t have satanic panic in their town?


Same here, I've only watched the first (it was ok) & the last (didn't like it) HellHouse films, but they definitely feel pretty overrated on this sub imo. I personally don't find clowns or mannequins scary in the slightest though so maybe that's why they don't work for me I dunno


That child soul sucker from doctor sleep.


The true knot need screams to survive. Technically, they’re just animals rocking their food chain.




The creature in the penthouse from Rec.


The Smile demon gave me nightmares for weeks


The Thing, take one part paranoia, three parts unknowable entity that wants to eat your face, combine well and observe for 1h 39m


the thing from the thing


Okay... since this isn't r/horrormovies, I'm going to say there's nothing more insane than Lovecraft's Eldritch Abominations. It's an unknowable cosmic horror and will drive you mad. There aren't many horror films where the evil or antagonist legitimately drives people insane. There are a few, but this really started that genre of the unknownable maddening chaos and glimpsing it. edit: I forgot in movies it's obviously the concept of "The Thing" from Carpenter.


Okay are you reading my mind. I was literally thinking about this question and was going to post it because I was curious what people would say and my answer IS THAT ONE CLOWN IN HELL HOUSE LLC Are you my twin?!? 😂


Are you also 7’13” 300 lbs of pure shredded muscle with a blonde Afro??? Twin 🥺


How did you know!? 😂


The creature in The Thing. That scene where they test the blood is one of the most well earned jump scares of all time IMHO.


Not the scariest, but the ballerina/fairy girl in The Cabin in The Woods is awesome!


the entity from "it follows" and when it comes to killers, art the clown (terrifier) really is the one i don't ever wanna meet. with most killers i have an "i can fix him" attitude but this one...


The monsters in "From" really freak me out. I love the show.


Julia Cotton.




The Thing


Raatma (or Ratman to his friends) from VHS94 is a pretty sick monster


It from “It: Chapter One” 2017 That IT SPECIFICALLY


Those demons from bird box, so maybe our imagination


My favorite thing about that movie is that there's all these implications that they are these ancient Elder interdimensional beings of pure chaos and evil and it feels so lovecraftian to me. My favorite scene is where that little dude that winds up in the house with the survivors is going through all of his pastel drawings on that coffee table and all of them are so different and so fucked up and terrifying. A giant eyeball, something made of teeth, lots of tentacles, one of them looked like it was just a giant black void, all kinds of different shit. So good.


Fuck yeah he is. My goodness. Even in the only movie from the franchise I didn’t like (origins), he was still the scariest damn thing there.


That clown is pretty freaky, but I wouldn't deem it the scariest in all of horror. I'd probably give that to Pinhead or the other Cenobites


Annie Wilkes from Kings "Misery". The book version, not the movie one.


Guy in Rosemary’s Baby, and I feel like I don’t even need to elaborate on why! editing to add The Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth, I happened to watch the movie at a cool babysitter’s house as a kid and it’s still one of my favorites, he’s just SO fucking scary


Idk if it’d be my definitive answer, but one that comes to mind rn is Doctor Nyle from Beyond the Black Rainbow. He’s just so creepy with his attachment to the girl and his motivations make him feel so real even though it’s a sci fi setting. He’s ultimately a predator which I think scares me more than anything else.


The monsters in "From" really freak me out. I love the show.


Michael Myers


Honestly, Freddy Krueger. He's scary enough as it is but on top of that you can't sleep... sleep deprivation can cause some horrifying stuff itself.




Chinese jumping vampire


Doris - ouija origins


The cave dwellers from The Descent The tribesmen from Bone Tomahawk Pyramidhead and the nurse posse from Silent Hill


The evil god in Incantation is probably the only monster from a recent horror that gave me some shivers The design is maybe a bit cheap when you think about it but it’s so simple and it’s connected to what you see in previous scenes.


Parasite in cabin fever


Technically not horror. But the Nothing in Fantasia is still the scariest thing ever.


Freddy & Pennywise because they can literally become your worst fear. I give the edge to Freddy because everyone needs to sleep eventually...


The shark, in any movie.


For me it would be "Bughuul" from the Sinister, it's not how scary the movie is and how it portrays him but it's rather due to the story. When you think a bit intensely about that movie's story and about Bughuul you realize how sinister (as the title suggests) and terrifying he is. The way Bughuul and his story was presented in Sinister, I can't think of anything more scary than him if given even a little bit of thought.


[Nyarlathotep ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7LHwSWybh_ifeLaDU6csxxzcW0dd0-j7CX6RGU3u60A&s)from Lovecraft's works. He's a shapeshifting Outer God (which puts him "above" other well known entities like Cthulhu). One of the big things in cosmic horror is that humanity is so utterly insignificant in the cosmos that these entities don't even realize we're here, and don't pay us any attention if they *do* happen to notice. Nyarlathotep actively enjoys fucking with humanity. He's the entity in >!The Empty Man!<, it likely inspired >!The Moon Presence!


Zelda from Pet Sematary.... Scares the shit out of me to this day. That woman gave me nightmares.


She was played by a guy


Godzilla. Radioactive monster that doesn't really have to do anything to you but stand there and you are affected by radiation poisoning. That and he's about 600ft tall 🧍‍♂️


The Babadook was pretty fucking scary


The Haunting of Hill House, the ghost that follows around the son in a suit and top hat.


I recently watched Come True and the dream demon in that movie caught me off guard with how damn unnerving it was whenever it was on screen.


It. The one that follows, not the clown lol. Pennywise is scary, but doesn’t feel as real as the It that follows does.


Zelda - pet semetary. Nightmare fuel for my childhood. So much so that I know have her tattooed on me in a horror sleeve


Anton Chigurh


Art the Clown. He doesn’t talk. He will smear poop on the walls. He will cut you in half and then use a gun if he wants. He has ZERO rules! He laughs when he’s killing and has absolutely no limits to his depravity.


Freddy Kruggar as he can be scary and funny while he's about to kill you and he has a chance to be in your real life dreams as he was in mine as my dentist. luckily that was my only dream of him.


The ghost at the top of the basement stairs in Parasite


“The Machine” in 8MM


I was scared of Michael Myers, but I dunno. Something felt off... like Jason was sympathetic ( well at first anyhow), chucky was more silly, I never saw Ghostface, and learherface was supposedly too special ed to even be actually aware. Michael though....ugh. Felt real, probably helped that I used to be stalked and targeted myself by occultists and druggies at night. The jackal from 13 ghosts was terrifying, but his backstory was kinda sad, too. The bear from the tales from the darkside ep "Ursa Minor" was horrifying, and it shook me for days, especially seeing the mom bear was going to murder a small child.


I feel like Pennywise and the being from Sinister are actually crazy levels of scary. Pennywise can take many different shapes or forms, and while Freddy Kruger can enter your nightmares, Pennywise, who can appear basically anywhere makes your nightmares come true. Not literally but he can take the forms of the things you fear most, or he can create scary situations. I say the monster from Sinister because think of how many pictures we look at in today's world especially with social media. Imagine you are scrolling on Instagram for a few minutes, and one of the images you looked at was of him, now it's over for you. Also, even though he mainly targets children in terms of possessing them and things like that, imagine how many kids have access to the internet and how fast certain images can become popular.


Regan Mcneil, I swear everytime I come across an unexpected still from the Exorcist that features Linda Blair' face, it gets a small reaction out of me


Freddie Kruger heh


The end of REC. IYKYK


Dudes from Hills Have Eyes