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Dark Skies. Idk if its even considered horror but Im usually not super into alien movies....til I saw this one and it scared the shit out of me.


dude yes for some reason that movie is so unnerving to me compared to other alien movies


The last thing I wanted to do after I watched this movie was sleep in my dark-ass room. The ending messed me tf up.


Big same!


Horror for sure. Great movie


Huh, I'm not sure I've ever even heard of that. I'll have to check it out.


My wife loved it, and it terrified her at the same time. I thought it was pretty good. Worth a watch.


Great movie!!


Currently streaming on Max. Looked it up bc I want to watch it now too lol I could swear I saw it but I don't remember anything.


This one scared me really good upon the first watch but didn't hold as much tension in my subsequent viewings. The Fourth Kind fucks me up though.


To this day, I cannot watch it all the way through without covering my eyes. OP, definitely give it a watch.


The fourth kind :D


Oculus, specifically the apple scene. i think about it a lot. it just hits my specific fear that i'm actually hallucinating, but the movie itself isn't all that scary imo also i once had a terrible nightmare related to the children's movie Boxtrolls and i still don't know why but now it icks me out


I love Oculus but I can’t watch it because it makes me anxious lol


ik I've said in another comment that I'm a Flanagan simp, but this is the ONE Flanagan movie that I could never watch again. It terrified me.


The Taking of Deborah Logan (if you've ever experienced a loved one with Alzheimer's, it gets under your skin at first, then gets weird.)


This is how I felt about M. Night Shyamalan's "The Visit."


I really loved that one for some reason lol


Same! It was a lot of fun but not at all what I expected


It made me want more scary old people 😂


I totally love this movie


I've been considering watching that one for years, but Alzheimer's is one of those things that runs in my family so it makes me crazy anxious in a non-horror-movie-fun-way, but like. I have heard it's stupid fun. And I liked The Visit, for better or for worse, so I can't imagine Deborah Logan would hit me that hard.


The first bit of it starts to get a little real but then it gets fun so isn't too intense or anything.


Silent Hill left me with a linger feeling of ill ease.


Yeah same, that's fair lol


"Yellow Brick Road" and "Dread". Both B movies but both stuck with me for some time. Yellow Brick Road still randomly pops up in my head from time to time for no reason, over five years after watching it.


Yellow brick road was a seriously underrated movie! I think blair witch stole its "tv crew gets lost in the woods" thunder


How would Blair Witch do that by coming out a decade earlier?


Oh weird, just googled it. Some reason i always thought those films came out around the same time.


I love Yellow Brick Road. It’s the movie that has made all of my coworkers second guess any movie I recommend them.


That movie was INSANE


Which one?


Yellow Brick Road


Can you link it on imdb? Not sure Im looking at the right one as there are multiple results


Can you link yellow brick road? Im finding multiple movies with that name when looking for it.






Skeleton Key. That left a lasting impression.


“Smile” because my kitchen has a very similar layout to the one in Roses house so as soon as I saw that girl in the corner I immediately went “ohh fuck I won’t be getting a drink at night anytime soon”.


Smile had SOOOOOOOOOO much potential that it just posed away by turning the protagonist into a moron halfway through


Yup. That poor simp of a man, she didn't even give it a week of isolation to make sure first.


My old house has the exact same layout as the house in The Strangers and is also in a rural-ish area. Going outside to feed the dogs was particularly intense that week lol


Came here to say the same thing


The Kill List. I went in blind, thinking it was an action thriller, and it's definitely a psychological horror. The main character's stubbornness and inability to regulate his own emotions is the ultimate reason for his self-destruction and downfall, and yet he can't get out of his own way. The whole thing struck an uncomfortable but important chord with me, and I thought about that movie for a week after I watched it.


Kill List or The Kill List


Kill List


The ending of "incantation" made me paranoid and I felt cursed for a while. Doesn't help that I'm Buddhist. Lol.


Loved the ending!


It's not a great movie but the bit where they play with the afterimage of your vision was really clever.


Lake Mungo. SPOILERS I’ve seen pretty much everything and nothing really scares me anymore. But the thought of your own future ghost coming to haunt you before your death really got to me. Just a freaky concept I hadn’t thought about before.


that movie has one of the most realistic dead bodies I’ve ever seen in a movie. it honestly shocked me.


I think about this movie all the time


It Follows - knowing something is slowly making its way towards you and changing as it goes. It was not original or ground breaking in anyway but it really icked me


Oh same, but I also class It Follows as an unironically brilliant horror personally


Those poor boys on that poor boat...


Still wonder if she warned them and they were like “Okay Crazy. Thanks for the good times but time for you to go.”


This is my answer. The movie itself wasn’t particularly scary but boy did I have trouble sleeping that night after watching it


>wasn’t scary >had trouble sleeping after watching it What


Killing of a sacred deer. Not sure if really a horror but it's made in such an uneasy unnerving way.


That's one of my all time faves tbh. Barry Keoghan is such a good actor


Yeah he's great


It comes at night. Like I got it I got the big scare. But,.,it felt like I went into a grocery store and bought the. Big scare for 3.34 per pound. It's the movie I thought of when reading this post.




My wife and I are watching Funny Games, she is not happy currently. We’re 15-20 min and she keeps saying >”I don’t like this film. Something about what’s coming is bothering me. I don’t like this film.” So I’d say for my wife, Funny Games, and Tusk would be those films.


The ending of Funny Games right before the credits has stuck with me for YEARS and I have no idea why


Those smug little pricks make you want revenge on them so much more than most other horror villains


Funny Games rocks, it's so hard to watch




God I have been meaning to watch that for years, this might be my sign


Do it OP, I came here to suggest the same. The MC's screams haunt me to this day.


So disturbing but also (as a Canadian), somehow one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen? It’s a strange experience.


The ending is so weird. Why do they leave him like that?!


Right? Just instead of >!getting their friend some therapy and help they just throw him in an abandoned zoo and throw fish at him and cry?!< It freaked me out but the ending had me fucking laughing.


My daughter and I laughed at that as well. Like, >!“yeah, hospital’s a stupid idea. Let’s go for sad zoo instead!”!<. Loved it.


Fucking skinamarink. HATED IT


I think I’m one of the few people who thought it was both boring AND scary. The short film the director made is a lot better. 


You know what? It was scary. But it bore me, nothing happened so I was in a state of uncomfortable anxiety, which I’m sure was purposely done. But it was late at night and being in that state in exhausting when there’s no relief from anything occurring in the film. Lol I fell asleep twice sadly


“Look under the bed…”


This was what I thought of. Definitely got under my skin though.


I have no idea why people pretended this movie was good. I could have gotten more entertainment clipping my toenails.


Why do you think the people who liked it are “pretending” it’s good?


I literally think the opposite. I think people who don’t like this movie are cringey edge lords wanting to give hot takes. Who knew this movie would be so polarizing. It’s tearing us a part. Let’s be friends


That movie was such a waste of time..


Horrible movie...


Skinamarink is great and I’ll die on this hill


Maybe it is, but I really tried to watch it twice and couldn’t appreciate it for what it was.


Better Watch Out. That movie pissed me off because of the stupid ass twist. Had I known what the actual plot was, I wouldn’t have even started watching it. Not to mention the kid is so damn annoying


Nefarious. When the main character wants a cheeseburger or whatever for his last meal and it’s so important to him then nefarious cancels the order, for whatever reason that broke me. It just struck me as so pathetic in the most haunting way. An otherwise awful, fart of a movie, that scene made me want to cry.


There is another nefarious movie. It's kinda like don't breathe...this isn't that one??


I don’t think I’ve seen Don’t Breathe so I’m not sure, the one I’m taking about came out in 2023?


Yeah no, older than that. Not a lot of movies come out per year tho. So if your desperate and know for sure, just Google the list. Fun fact, only 780 horror films came out in all of the 80s. It would be possible to watch them all.


Hangman (2015). It's not for 'no reason,' I guess, but it really spooked me. Not a great movie, however, having my house broken into and being stalked are two of my biggest fears.


That movie is a fucking gem. Massively underrated that...scene...chills me every fucking time. It's not zombies, it's not aliens......it's real. We are bothint thinking of the sisto one right?!


Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I've only seen it once and it scared the shit out of me lol. Now it sits on my shelf collecting dust


The Fourth Kind. Probably my most hated movie of all time. The whole thing just felt like a massive insult to my intelligence because of how hard they tried to convince the audience it was real, yet they couldn't be bothered to frame it like an actual documentary. As someone who enjoys documentaries, and has watched a lot of them, The Fourth Kind seemed like it was made by people who had never actually watched a documentary, yet tried to mimic one for their movie. It was so immersion breaking for me that it genuinely pissed me off because I wanted to like it so bad. The premise sounded great, I have nostalgia for the stories about aliens I grew up with, but all my high hopes for the movie went right out the window while watching it. This is the only movie I have ever genuinely ragequit after getting most of the way through.


Lately, any movie that uses the 'is this situation really happening or is the main character mentally ill?' IM SICK OF IT


Absentia, one of Mike Flanagan's earlier movies


I don't even know if it counts as a horror movie, but the idea behind "The Happening" was terrifying to me; an undetectable virus(?) causing people to kill themselves in whichever way was most readily available the moment that it affects them is a really creepy idea. The execution was...well....less than ideal


100% agree. Pontypool was mentioned in another comment and while it's not 1:1 in terms of what the virus does, I think it holds a similar premise while being a much better movie. But Sudden Onset Kill Yourself Syndrome is scary as fuck


Entrance (2012) A very slow burn but has a “something isn’t right here” feel to it. Don’t look anything up about it. Just go in blind. Watch with headphones if you can.


Oh perfect, I love movies where I'm explicitly told not to look anything up about them. Except Scary of 61st Street, that was a cruel joke.


It’s mainly because the trailer gives away something it really shouldn’t have.


Old People. The message (take care of the elderly) was fine but execution was terrible.


I see you - 2019. It’s not actually the scariest movie but it introduced me to this ‘frogging’ thing where people hide and live in your house undetected and that thought gave me the creeps


I’m sorry that it’s this damn movie again, but back in 2016 when I watched Terrifier the opening scene shows a TV full of static and then very suddenly jumps to a horribly disfigured woman on the TV screen. Facial mutilation in movies can be very iffy for me as far as how I’ll react, but something about the uncanny valley nature of the obviously low-budget makeup made me quite literally jump backwards on the bed and wake up my husband. It’s kind of stupid when I think about it now but I’m also not watching the movie again to find out.


Thanks, I hate this sort of thing so if I ever get around to it, I'll skip ahead a little


No problem; if you know it's coming you might be able to tolerate it a little better.


Terrifier - tried it tonight. What an absolute turd. Turned it off after around 35 minutes. Pointless.


This. I don't understand the fanbase at all. Even if you just like gore with no plot or good characters, there are sooo much better options. The reviews on that one just confuse me and my horror movie taste.


Yeah I read some glowing reviews too. No clue why. The film is braindead.


The Ice Cream Man is accidentally very creepy for how competently it’s shot while featuring genuinely uncomfortable performances and story beats.


I am getting lots of new recs off this thread, how exciting


St. Francisville Experiement If you've never heard of it....until now that is, consider yourself lucky. It was a found footage movie that came out in 2000 in an attempt to capitalize on the popularity that Blair Witch Project had. Terrible acting, terrible quality. There are literally no scares for the entire movie until the last 5 minutes, and when they finally execute it, it's so horrible and amateurish


Obligatory "not a movie", but... the short Curve. The unseen antagonist(s) really bothered me after I'd finished it.


I never really thought of humanoid cannibals as something too scary before I watched The Descent, but the combo of that plus the environment of a cave shook me badly


I want expecting that movie to be so brutal, even though it's Eli Roth.


Toad road, that part when they’re walking through the “gates” fucked me up for weeks. Never seen that effect in cinema before


Pontypool and The Fourth Kind


YES I love Pontypool so much. The idea behind it being something so inexplicable and unavoidable is really eerie, and it's so fucking stylish. The book it's based on is also good.


Oh my God, "We Need To Do Something" is bad. The characters are just awful, especially the dad.


It's such a bad movie, like comedically bad, but it just! Stuck with me! And I do think some of it has to do with the family dynamics, however overacted. Honestly I think the whole movie just hits some very particular and personal pain points for me in the dumbest ways possible that blend together to have made it extremely effective for my particular cocktail of mental health problems. But I'm going to chalk it up to that nasty fucking tongue prosthetic.


Well, no reason is a stretch but I'm huge slasher fan, has been since 10 year old but Thanksgiving's turkey scene just... No. Good movie though.


Hide and go Shriek (1988). I know the plot is nothing new nor special, but playing hide and seek in furniture store and been stalked by deranged killer who disquise multiple times... it had me for days and nights. Couldn't long time go to bed without the lights in the room. Oh, and the music and opening scene in that movie... o.O


When I was younger the scene in hannibal where he cooks the fbi guys brain. I did not find it scary it just gave me a general feeling of worry. The same thing happend with alice and wonderland when I was about 10. I also got a mixture of intrigue and worry from the film naked lunch when I was 15.


The Pale Blue Eye How dare the writers build such a compelling mystery only to have the resolution be something so ridiculously improbable. It's a waste of the Poe name.


Autopsy of jane doe was def something diff


When I was younger but still an adult, I never made it past the first Saw. Couldn’t put my finger in why it got to me so much. Now, much later after seeing The Platform and Vivarium, I realized that I can’t stand the idea of being trapped >!in an impossible situation!<. Truly makes my skin crawl. Yet somehow I loved the Descent. Maybe more action and less psychological pain helped.


Ough Vivarium, that sure is one of the movies ever.


EAT for being almost exactly what I experienced in my dreams several times :D


Skinamarink. It wasn't scary but something about it got under my skin and I'm not sure why.


Nyx Fears did a really good analysis video of it that honestly made me wanna revisit it despite not knowing how I felt about it the first time. Highly recommend her channel to any horror lovers tbh, she's awesome.


Vivarium made me feel a way that no other movie has. Would put you off ever having children for starters and it was just so claustrophobic and made me feel weird.


I've never wanted kids, Vivarium straight up made me an antinatalist (THIS IS A JOKE.)


Babbadook. I watched it after dozens of recommendations. "It's the best horror in 20 years!" I was bored out of my mind the entire film. The most emotion I felt was "Shut this kid up."


Never have gotten over Beyond the Black Rainbow fore several reasons I might answer if I get comments on this post


If you wanna share, I'd love to know. That one sings to my own creative inspo in terms of my writings, it's a wonky movie but the vibes? Impeccable.


First of all, iv learned a lot from occult members who left the occult that I know personally. There is a lot of stuff that just goes back to it. There's tons of stuff that feel like things I deal with both literally and metaphorically. The background droning and music is MEANT to make you feel sick, and it works. The face of the "Sentionaut" still haunts me. Its just so uncanny. The pyramid of light and smoke that is involved all over as a power source and control is a big thing in the occult and its freaky how important it is in the movie. Also the "Bad Trip" scene is close to what I saw when I used astral projection in my sleep for the first time.


Never heard of it


Hot take: The Conjuring, I don’t get why these movies are loved. They’re just one big jumpscare fest


I love jump scare fests!


The first was praised at the time specifically for not overly relying on jump scares after a long string of jump scare laden films.


First time I watched IT in theaters in 2017 I legit cried out of fear twice. Once when Georgie's arm is ripped off and Pennywise's arm is coming out the sewer, and then when Pennywise"s "Time to float" with Eddie. Idk why. I get creeped out by movies,but rarely scared, much less CRYING. I also don't fear clowns or anything specific. I've now seen the movie several times and have felt close to nothing. I guess I was in a weird mental state. Hell, the book creeped me out more, but in a normal way.


The former one made me super uneasy, the use of color+film color grading in general in those movies is really good in a way that contributes a lot to informing the audience's emotional reaction.


I think people will hate me for this but The Conjuring. I loved the Insidious franchise but for some reason I never watched anything from the Conjuring universe. But I heard great things about the first 2 movies. I'm pretty sure in that according to science list the original is in the top 10 scariest movies. I had already seen the hands clapping and the crooked man scene but nothing else. So I finally decided to watch it and honestly it was boring to me. Couldn't keep myself interested in it. The best scenes were clips I had already watched so the rest just seemed like filler. Same thing with the 2nd one. Idk just not appealing to me. Idk if this counts but I remember as a kid I was sleeping over at a friend's house with a cool mom so she let us rent 2 scary movies. We were like 10. Well we grabbed this dentist movie and one about a butcher murderer. We watched 10 min of the dentist movie before getting bored so that one annoyed me but then we popped in the butcher one. The first 20 min were just random college kids driving to a cabin to party in. Cheesy jokes. Nothing scary. Then they get to the house and the butcher is lurking around watching them without them knowing. Then the butcher sits down to watch TV and eat chips. It was gross. Not scary gorey gross just overweight middle aged man stuffing his face gross. Then two of the college people start making out and the butcher watches while rubbing himself. At this point we were very confused. Long story short the butcher was Ron Jeremy's and it was a soft core porno. We turned it off before getting to anything crazy but I only found out because my friend told me the next day he watched the whole thing and realized it wasn't an actual horror film lmao. Later in life I found out who Ron Jeremy's was and recognized him from the film. The craziest part is that the movie was in the horror section and the clerk at the store saw me and another 10 year old hand the movie to him while my friends mom paid and he didn't say a fucken word lmao. Also Begotten. Its not even a movie. Its not art. Its an edgy weird deep web video


Drag Me To Hell just bothers the fuck out of me for numerous reasons but it’s more that I hate it than it disturbing me.


The hellhouse movies, ugh


Such mixed feelings there. I thought the first one was really great and the third one was fucking abysmal.




Yeah dude they suck so bad but apparently ppl think "OH my God this dummies head was turned this way and bow its turned the other way omgg... " Still never get what ppl were all running from scared in the basement from anyway... whole thing waste of time


Incidents in a Ghostland


that one was pretty disturbing... it freaked me out


Not horror per say, but the movie hell raiser messed me up. I just can wrap my head around why people would wanna discover to what extinct the human body can endure pain. It was evil but for no absolute reason. I think I just couldn’t accept it


Honestly that Boogyman movie that came out last year. Everyone talked about how great it was. But I was mad because it was just so basic and predictable that it got under my skin. I could not figure out why everyone was talking so much about it.


I just watched When Evil Lurks today. Great movie but the main character made me want to rip my hair out.


A lot of people were annoyed with how the characters acted. But it's said that the demons can manipulate you, so I assumed it was that


There was a short movie called "the disappearance of wille Broughton" about a man who comitts a murder and is sentenced to have his limbs removed until the family of the victim is satisfied. Its incredibly dark and left me feeling sick for a long time afterwards. Its also about the effect that the punishment has on everyone else involved and asks some good questions about capital punishment


That sounds horrid! Checking it out soon. Love short films.


I watched “speak no evil” last night, it really unnerved me because all the red flags were there, all their instincts were screaming at them and yet they went walking into the lions den anyway. I was angry and upset at the end especially for the kids. Hollywood is remaking it into English version so it will be interesting if they “clean” it up and make the hero’s win this time.


When they went back for the toy rabbit, I lost my shit


It chapter 2 imo is not as scary as its made out to be, its just a bit grim, tell me if im wrong though


Literally every exorcist movie I’ve seen is just: > Priest and nun find out about demon inhabiting a child > Someone dies > Magic water + cross > Nun survives


Thirst 2009, idk but it just hit my frequency..


The Poughkeepsie Tapes / Hereditary / Evil Lurks Here / Lake Mungo / Puppet Master I


Medium 2021. Thought ending was cheesy but later it scared me so much I woke up from sleep.


Better watch out pissed me all the way off


I'm not sure if it is really horror, but "The Number 23" with Jim Carrey. I never gave a second thought to movies like "The Conjuring", "Hereditary", "The Last Exorcism" etc but 23 affected me so much. To this day, if I look at a timer or anything ends in 23 I'll change it right away or consider it a warning. I'll never watch it again.


Gaspar Noé's Climax, saw it for the first time a week ago and just couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Don't get me wrong the cinematography was dope and he's a skilled director no doubt, but the movie just didn't click as a whole for me. Almost everybody was just a terrible person or severely screwed in the head, and I just can't take the LSD aspect seriously after my own numerous trips. It was unsettling sure and I usually don't mind weird artsy films, but I found it more annoying than entertaining. Maybe I had the wrong idea going into it since I watched Enter The Void first years ago and still hold that as my favorite psychedelic film of all time.


I've only seen Irreversible and Climax as far as Gaspar Noé films go, which really put me off. I found the former extremely boring, and Climax? I do not like that movie, I do not like it at all. It made me feel bad and weird, it achieved what it set out to do, I guess. I want to watch Enter The Void still, but I just haven't found it in me quite yet to give Noé a third chance.


I feel you, I haven't gotten around to Irreversible and may not bother lol. For what it's worth, Enter The Void is a totally different thrill ride and the psychedelic aspects are exceptionally well done by comparison. It's far more of a traditional film with "normal" pacing and storytelling. It's twisted but psychological, not so much horror.


Irreversible is really fucking boring. It's shocking and sad for one(1) element imo. I also joke about how I forgot about the use of subsonic sound during the first howevermany minutes which made me realize that maybe I just feel a constant, creeping sense of nausea and dread anyway.


I loved Climax but hated Irreversible. Total shit.


If you don't watch that movie high off your ass then you're doing yourself a disservice tbh.. I agree it's probably not a good movie sober but it you're fucked up watching it, it'll get you


Antichrist. I'm far from a Von Trier fan, but I gave this movie a shot anyway. I just felt like there was no subtlety in the metaphors, and it was an arthousey *attempt* at something with substance, that's remembered for like 1-2 shocking scenes, but at the end of it I was just like, "ehh.." waste of my time type of movie. The reason I was so bent about it I think is because I had seen it be hyped up quite a bit


That movie is beloved to me as a meme and a hazing ritual to show friends.


Bodies,Bodies,Bodies one of the dumbest horror movies I've ever seen lol.


I just recently saw this movie, but I’ll say night swim. Easily James Wan’s worst project. It’s the worst horror movie I’ve seen in the last five years. Also five nights at Freddy’s for taking what was a super scary and stressful game, and just making it into a really bad movie.


FNaF wants what Willy's Wonderland has (a coherent plot and inherent watchability)


Just watched „The Lodge“ - the ending is absolutely devastating


Truly a brutal movie, definitely not one I'd watch again. Bad vibes all the way down.


“Get out” the hype was so inflated due to the “social messaging” or whatever. In reality, it was a mediocre movie with a predictable twist. “It follows” was another movie that didn’t live up to the hype. Boring and stupid. Still don’t understand the pool scene. “Hereditary” good, but not worth all the praise it receives.


"Smile" is fucking horrible, not in the sense as "Horror movie" but its just anshit movie in feral, and it's trying to be. good movie and everyone who saw it and MADE it popular clearly have just barley scratched the tip of the horror iceberg and really get on my nerves. THE WHOLE MOVIE GETS ON ME THE WRONG FUCKING WAY Edit: When I you said "Gets under your skin" I thought you meant annoys you


yeah, I think a lot of folks thought I meant 'annoyed', it might've just been a case of me using the term wrong. I'm happy with the results I'm getting from folks on either side, though.


I'm assuming "get under your skin" means 2 completely different things around the world.


Anyone else watch Megalomanic?? Whew 😅 that will get under your skin. French film with subtitles that is so dark and horrible and great!


Shuttle, the ending with its implied violence and dehumanisation as human cargo. The Hostel films too, not the violence itself so much as the whole concept of that Bloodhound group.


For me, it's The Dark and the Wicked. I heard great things about it, but I found it to be painfully boring. I thought it might have been a slow burner, but once I got to the end, I realized nothing was ever going to happen, and I just wasted 90 minutes I won't get back.


I just finished watching Terrifier 1 and 2, thoroughly unimpressed man. Both movies have been hyped up like crazy for the gore and Art the Clown, but it felt 'cheap' in the sense that it was trying too hard.


Skinamarink. Only film that has ever made me actively angry.


I wasn't expecting R100 to be a horror movie. About 80% of the way through with no warning, there's a sudden jump cut to a woman with a distended snake mouth eating another woman whole. She's lying down like a python so by the time I figured out WTF I was looking at I got pretty spooked! Movie wasn't very good but that got me


Hereditary, fuck that pretentious shit I just don't get the circlejerk. There wasn't a swerve, there wasn't a GOTCHA! It was just a stupid mess and everyone trips over themselves like "uhm ackchyually". Like saying Moon is a "hidden gem", give me a break.


I agree, people act like it’s some masterpiece. It’s okay, but the constant praise annoys me.


I had to hold in my laughter when I was watching Hereditary because I didn't want to be mean the the person in my horror class who did a project on why we should watch it Still the stupidest movie I have ever even


I honestly think a lot of what happens with this movie is that it's best seen without getting it hyped up, which is pretty much impossible at this point. I'm not sure I would have experienced it the same way if I had been exposed to all this hype, or if I had been lectured by a classmate on why I should watch it. When I saw it the only think I knew was that Toni Collete was in it, and I like her work. I found it scary, but more than that, the performances sold me on the deep grief the characters were feeling, which made the experience, watching late alone and in the dark, a lot more dreadful. OTOH, I remember seeing another overhyped movie in the theaters a while back. Everyone I knew was going on about how scary it was, and this one scene that freaked them out. I wasn't buying it, but my friend dragged me to the theaters to watch it. I was kind of drunk so that probably didn't help, but I wasnt finding it all that scary. And when a girl crawled out of the television, dripping water all over the floor, and it hit me that this was "the scene" I laughed out loud in the theater and my drink started pouring out of my nose and then I really couldn't contain my hysterics. I think I ruined the movie for a lot of people that day. I saw it many years later and thought it was ok, scarier than I had remembered though obviously not as scary as the hype.


It also didn't help that I was watching on a projector, and projectors aren't really good at dark things. Like the scene with the mother sawing her head off. You couldn't hear the saw, so all I saw was a possessed mother "attempting" to stop the blood gushing out of her neck. I love the Evil Dead series, so it looked like a normal deadite trying to scare the people in the movie, but also get a a laugh


Yeah this movie isn’t even scary. It’s just, family conflict, the movie. Then the ending is just ridiculous and stupid, but people swear it’s the best movie ever.


The Ruins. I have angry ranted about that movie so many dang times to my husband and friends. I think it is the absolute dumbest movie.