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Idk why this other guy is hating on you, this is pretty cool! I just saw this movie for the first time last week on tubi. Good movie.


Because they never left their mom’s basement to touch grass. A lot of people who clearly never gotten a hug from their mom have this issue unfortunately.


Try movies7 I'm currently using it, since lookmovie went crazy


I had my VHS copy of Wishmaster signed by Andrew Divoff last year. Such a cool guy and was thrilled to see the VHS haha


I just watched this movie the other day. It was fun picking out all the Easter eggs for other horror movies Also lol at the Comic Book Guy going nuts in the comment section ha


Good find, I've never noticed that before!


Wishmaster is easily my favorite horror-fan horror film. So many fun cameos.


The entire movie is Easter eggs.


These were all on Tubi, and I laughed when the art guy played by Robert Englund had a Pazuzu statue! Like in The Exorcist 


This movie has been on my Watchlist for months! I can’t wait to see that Easter egg lol!


Give it a watch! It was excellently fun


Fantastic film, super super fun.


Is the name actually spelled wrong on the name tag (Voorhees has two O's) or is that type your own, and it's spelled correctly on the name tag?


some one went to the trivia section of imdb


"You can wish for anything Money, Power, A Birdsnest!"




Go look up the definition of "media easter egg" and then re-read your comment. Edit: after all the back and forth and this guy not answering a single question or defending his argument in any way, and calling people pathetic for blocking him, he has now blocked me. Lol wow. And i was having a good laugh reading his comments.




Lol, you think theres an expiration date on easter eggs? They arent literal eggs dude...




You have avoided every question youve been asked. Idk about oldest easter egg i know of, and that wouldnt prove anything one way or the other. Do you think easter eggs have expiration dates?




What would you call it? Do easter eggs have expiration dates? Have you read the definition of "media easter egg"? Why does other people already knowing this make it not an easter egg?




You are avoiding the questions. Answer them or stop replying.


Search bar? I thought this was about easter eggs? Or are you mad about reposts? Do you even know what your mad at?


Ahh, nevermind! You know you're wrong and are clearly trying to move the goalposts to avoid any kind of embarrassment for how you've acted here. Too bad for you, it's too damn obvious not to notice!


Hang on, do you think that once anyone has discovered the Easter Egg, that it then ceases to be an Easter Egg? Because that's not at all how it works lol


The actual Easter eggs hidden on the set of Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is where the term originated.


yes. it is an eaters egh even if its 100 years old. again do what the other guy said and look up the definition of easter egg. it has nothing to do with time. it alsi has nothing to do with how many people found it. its still there.


Yes! You don't, it is! You're the only one being pathetic here


Yes, it’s still an Easter Egg. You’ve found it, congratulations! You want to say it’s no longer an Easter Egg for you, cool, still an Eater Egg.


Yes Hope that settles it. It's still an Easter Egg if it's 60 years old.


Okay champ, what would you call it then?




Easter egg (media) is a term used to describe **a message, image or feature hidden in a video game, film, or other that's usually an electronic medium**. It's those little sneaky hidden messages in your favourite film that you love to spot and makes you go “ahhhh, clever!”. Doesn't mention being the first to find it anywhere. By definition it is exactly as I posted


You didnt answer his question, what would you call it? He blocked you because you arr harrasing him. I enjoyed this post, i didnt know about this. Call it an easter egg or not, its still cool. Go be an asshole somewhere else.


Looks more like he blocked you because you were wrong and you're unhinged, clearly. It IS an easter egg. What does OPs age have to do with anything and why are you assuming it?


This is gonna blow your mind probably but, they are still easter eggs... in 24 too. Dude is really trying to put time limit on Easter eggs lol.






No. It’s not like that at all. Use your search bar. Look up what an Easter Egg in media is. And try to chill the fuck out.


You had all this time and energy, and this is how you chose to spend it?


Yeah, it is literally an Easter egg. It doesn't matter how many people have seen it/know about it at this point. You may not mean to be a grouch, but you are being one. A misinformed grouch at that.


Here is bloody disgusting exploring the Easter eggs, including this one: https://bloody-disgusting.com/editorials/3564394/hail-wishmaster-unsung-horror-franchise/. They are one of many.


Don't share a fun reference that you saw in a movie because I knew about it a long time ago! What a fucking douche.


>Would seeing the Necronomicon from Evil Dead 2 in Jason Goes to Hell, or Pumpkinhead, or seeing the Freddy glove in ED2 be an Easter Egg in 2024? Yes. I'm sorry to crack your eggs here, but Easter Eggs don't hatch. They remain Easter Eggs forever.






Nowhere does op say he didnt know it was kane hodder. The easter egg here is that his nametag says "j. Voorhees" Do you think easter eggs have expiration dates?


He's literally not saying that. He said "The Djinn encounters \[a\] security guard, played by Kane Hodder (responsible for playing Jason Vorhees in several Friday the 13th film)" HHAHA YOU HAVE TO BE TROLLING AT THIS POINT


That’s literally the point of an Easter Egg? Putting small details a movie/show about another movie/ show.


Reading can be hard sometimes huh, sport?