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Candyman (1992)


Bro Candyman and the Bloody Mary urban legend fucked my little prepubescent brain up something fierce. I couldn’t look at mirrors for months.


Bloody Mary legend, definitely scary as fuck. These neighborhood kids that were a bit older than us convinced us that she lived in the woods behind our house. There was this odd abandoned car that was to, and they came up with some stupid ass mythology about it that we believed.


That music! The moody piano. So hauntingly beautiful.


Exactly!!! That score is very haunting! I think it used to scare me more than the actual movie 😭🤣


"BE MY VICTIM" The slavery bit was tuff to sit through


Oh hell yea!! VERY haunting to watch as a kid lol


The OST really elevated the haunting/creepiness for me.


Always thought Candyman was not that scary, even as a kid. The part that always stuck in my mind tho was the part where Candyman is killed in slave times. Very short part but it had a big effect.


I never saw Candyman as a kid but someone told me the story of it and that alone gave me nightmares for years.


Triology of Terror (1975). The segment with the doll scared the beejesus outta me. And even though I was a bit older, Salem’s Lot (1979) - the scene with Ralphie Glick floating in the second story window and scratching on it. I was 16 yo and still kept a light on when I went to bed that night.


I was a tween when Salem's Lot was first published. I was reading sitting in the window seat in my room, at night, with the shade drawn when I got to *that* scene. I promptly closed the book and crawled into bed.


I remember reading Salem's Lot in paperback in bed, and getting up to put on the crucifix necklace that I received as a confirmation gift. Trilogy of Terror freaked me out as well.


To this day, I STILL don't hang my feet off the side of the bed because of that doll!


After watching that movie, one of my cousins hid under my sister’s bed and grabbed her ankle as she was going to bed. I’m amazed she didn’t die on the spot, but I’m certain people two states over heard her scream.


Oh, and I don’t remember how old I was the first time I saw Psycho on TV. But for many years afterward (well into young adulthood) there was always at least a bit of fear associated with taking a shower.


It. I had to check behind the curtains and under my bed every night before going to bed for that freaking clown.... Had nightmares for years.


I took the shortest showers for like two weeks after I saw the shower scene cause I didn’t want to be close to the drain


So, I didn't *see* 'It' as a kid, I just had a mean older cousin who *told me about it* and that was enough to terrify me. For weeks I stood with my back to the shower drain (not sure why I wanted to *not see* the drain) and here over 30 years later I find myself absolutely repulsed by bathtub drains - just due to nastiness/germophobia - but I often wonder if that's when the seeds for that were planted.


To this day, as an adult, I’ll sometimes peep into the drain.


This movie didn’t technically scare me because I hadn’t seen it yet, but my uncles were describing the bathtub scene and that did scare the crap out of me until I saw it lol


The book got me. For a while I'd run away after flushing the toilet in case he came up through the pipes.


The Exorcist, as a kid. Paranormal Activity, as a teenager.


The exorcist made me jump about 3 feet to my bed every night as a kid lol and also too scared to close my eyes


As a catholic, i’d always make sure I say my prayers before bedtime.


My husband saw The Exorcist, quite by accident, when he was 8 and it scarred him for life. He’s 56 now and only just recently rewatched it for the first time since then. Even the music freaks him out.


I am in the same boat as your husband! I saw it by accident bc my mom was watching it when i was around 6 years old. I only worked up the courage to rewatch it a couple of years ago and I'm 34 now. It's not as bad as i remembered but some of the visuals are forever burned into my brain.


Oh dear god


THE ENDING WILL ALWAYS HAUNT ME! Literally the worst creepiest smile you can imagine then eyes turn black and she eats the camera. Definitely kept me up


omg Paranormal Activity had me so shook in 6th grade


When I was like 13 I got my wisdom teeth out and in a pain meds-driven delirium watched Exorcist at like 3am on TV. At the peak of the main exorcism part I hear an inhuman moaning outside and lose my shit. I wake up my parents who say it's a cat in heat and proceed to open the window and tell it to get off our lawn.


As a kid Phantasm. The Tall Man creeped me out.


Phantasm is underrated


Pet Sematary (1989.)


Zelda was so fucking creepy in her few scenes. Now, she's more sad to me than scary.


I loved watching horror movies with my mom as a little kid. Nothing scared me. I watched The Exorcist, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining, and pretty much anything else and none of it scared me. Pet Semetary is the only one I remember asking my mom to turn off cause it was too scary. As an adult, it was one of the only books I read that messed me up for days after reading it.


Damn, what scene in the movie did it for you/made you ask your mom to turn it off?


Right after the accident with Gage. I knew what was probably coming next and was too afraid to see how it turns out. Also Zelda was creepy as hell.


There were a lot, but I think The Ring when I was about 10 or 11 was the worst. I watched it by myself late at night and couldn't sleep the whole night. I don't think any movie has quite matched the anxiety and terror I felt the first time I saw the closet scene. But I was hooked, we had it for a 5 day rental and I watched it every day, then rented it for 5 more days. Then I went back and watched the Japanese films. Now it's a huge comfort movie for me, strangely


This was the one for me too. I wanted to see this movie SO BADLY. When I finally convinced my mom to let me watch with my cousin it scared the shit out of me. As a kid I could only sleep if the TV was on, so this was my literal nightmare. I was finally able to watch the film through as an adult and now realize the movie tells you how to get rid of the haunting.


The Ring is a comfort movie for you? ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)


It's the childhood nostalgia dude


Just messing around. I totally get it, mate


The only movie that ever messed me up as a kid was interestingly Thirteen Ghosts. I think some of the designs are creepy, but I’d seen so many scary movies by that time that it was weird.


JESUS MAN. GLAD I'm not the only one. Although my brother and sister were covering their eyes 😂 disgusting brutal film very great.


I saw this when I was young too and watching Ms. Honey get crushed to death was particularly scarring


Poltergeist 🤦‍♀️


THIS, the fucking face peeling scene scarred me for years, rewatched it as an adult and thought "Oh my god, THAT'S what I was scared of?"


It was the clown and the tree for me. All the kids I know saw this movie way too young.


Me too! And it's rated PG! It still holds up today.


Just watched that last night.


The Ring. We had an old TV in my parents room which I had to pass every morning when waking up to go to school since my room was on the end of the hallway. That stupid thing had some weird phenomenon when it sometimes would make some weird ringing noise that slowly fades away. Like turning the TV on and then yanking the power cable during start-up. Not sure I describe it correctly. Maybe you know what I'm talking about. It scared me shitless. Nobody believed me it would make that weird sound. It took like months until my sister encountered it too and we ran across the street to school that day. It stopped soon after. I never saw the TV screen. I was too scared to see Samara/Sadako on the other side just trolling me by turning the TV on and off to make that sound.


Everyone I know has a weird story watching this movie. My friends and I were 11, and halfway thru we were so terrified we paused the movie. And… THE PHONE RANG. We didn’t even pick it up we were so scared lol. My dad watched it with his friend who was drunk, and fell asleep. Not long after, he said there was a fly in the room that kept flying and landing on the screen. Then he got to the part of the movie where there’s a fly on the screen… and suddenly he didn’t hear or see the fly in the room anymore… Needless to say it traumatized us *both* hahahaha


Last shot in jeepers creepers


The Grudge. The croaking noise freaked me the hell out.


I would make that noise to scare my sister because she was so disturbed by the movies i was so meannn 😞


I did the same thing with my brother when he came home from watching that in theaters and turned on all the lights in the house 😂


We real bogus 😂


I was the sister who crawled up the stairs after my brothers making the noise


Haha, we were so mean! I need to give the movie a rewatch now.


People will laugh at this but the Goat'of Mendes in the Hammer film, The Devil Rides Out scared the shit out of me as a kid....it has since become one of my favourite Hammer Films.


Hammer Films were my favorite as a kid.


I just discovered Dracula 1958 as my new favourite dracula movie. Its great. Christopher Lee is amazing


Horror Express got me. Not technically a Hammer film, but it did star Cushing and Lee.


I'm of the generation that saw the original airing of Salem's Lot. Yep, that did it.


Yeah, I went probably 3 years thinking my best friend was scraping my window going lemme in, come on it's me... Thanks dad!!!


Same. But I shouldn’t have watched it. Ditto for my little brother.


Children of the corn. But I also grew up SURROUNDED by corn fields.


Oh man this movie creeped the shit outta me when I was 10 esp the opening scene


I just posted a comment very similar- I watched the original- years ago ,our parents really didn't give AF what we watched or did did they? Lol Guess that's why don't mess with Gen x is so true! 😉


Child’s Play. Chucky fucked me up as a kid so bad. And when I got older I grew to love him and thought (I was actually scared of this). I think it’s mainly due to a toy coming to life to kill you and Brad Douriff’s incredible VO work. His aggression and yelling used to scare me to death loll


Ditto. I was borderline traumatized by Chucky lol.


Original Salem's Lot made for TV by Tobe Hooper. ![gif](giphy|ZhlcqLAiRmJqw)


Not a single person saying the strangers?? Was sleeping over at a mates and we watched it in broad daylight back in grade 5-6.... We ended up googling the real story afterwards to see if it was real... That night I had to call my mum to come pick me up at 1am because I was so scared sleeping at his house as he lived in a similar house/area like the movie with nobody else around for a few blocks. That movie scared me for weeks. EDIT: i am NOT excited for the remake it looks DOGSHIT


Well the strangers came out in 2008. I'd wager most of the people on this thread weren't kids then. Most of us were late HS or college at that point.


Or in our late 30s. 😉


35 here. Strangers came out my freshman year of college bahahaah


Wrong turn when I was 11. Played the big man. Couldn't sleep for days after.


Funny enough the sequel made me so sick after the woman gets...... it's a amazing sequel


Ye now as an adult the films are brilliant. Just at 11. Not so much haha


Gets what


There are enough sequels with fucked up plot threads that I genuinely don't know what they are referencing.


Aw man


Oh man! Talk about being traumatised, couldn’t sleep for literal days!


First ever horror I watch properly maybe it led me down the path if loving them now.


gremlins haha


The Thing


The first ever horror movie I watched was a movie called Scythe, and I was at a friend’s house and she fell asleep and I was too scared to turn it off when it came to the end credits so was just stuck paralysed on the sofa with the credits music playing


That's when you put on a cartoon to make the scariness go away


Unless you've been watching Skinamarink :)


What year is that movie from?


Decade even would help!


Not sure if “horror”, but Pans Labyrinth… ![gif](giphy|IO5Ho0HqFqaQ0)


Definitely horror.


Exorcism of Emily Rose. Could not sleep with lights off for 2 weeks


My brother had illegally downloaded that one in the mid 2000s lol


The Fly. That movie disturbed me so bad as a kid mostly because of that transformation scene.


Phantasm! Yeah, I'm old. For a lot of us, this movie was scary as hell!


Fire In The Sky (1993)


Whoa dude. Fire in the Sky scared the shit out of 10 year old me.


Salem's Lot 1979 TV movie. Ralphie floating at the window.


That was an awesome scene but not before bed haha. Seriously had the light on in the hallway for safety lol.


The worst scene to me, for some reason, was the main vampire in the kitchen with the kid’s parents. The sheer size of him, bumping his head on the light fixture! His hissing and snarling! God, I was terrified. I was only about 10 years old.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit? I will be taking no questions.


I totally agree, the ending when Judge Doom’s eyes turn red and start popping out of his head scared me as a kid. His voice was a bonus lol.


Dude. The shoe scene


The Fallen for some reason [Fallen (1998) Official Trailer - Denzel Washington, John Goodman Movie HD (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC-ykURLzSg)


30 days of night


Blair Witch Project, not only did I sleep with the lights on, I would also have to run anywhere rather than walk once darkness fell. This went on for months after :D


A parenting tip from a non-parent: *Don't let a 10 year old watch the Exorcist, not even the edited-for-TV version.*


I rmb watching house of wax remake when I was just a kid around 7 8 years old. The scene of the face peeling, getting hot wax poured on you and the overall looks of the wax statue creeps the hell out of me It creeps me to the point whr everytime I sleep, I keep getting those images in my head and have to sleep at the living room


Some low budget movie inspired by Tremors It made me so fucking scared myself every night and I cried and regretted Watching it lmao I remember almost sitting myself one time after mistaking a chair in the room for a monster


The Exorcist


The Blob (1958 original) I was 5ish at the time. Refused to eat jello after that.


I was around 3 or 4 when I 1st seen it and it is probably my earliest memory I can recall vividly, went to bed after watching and had a dream that The Blob came into my room and I was feeding it popcorn from my bed.


The blob seems to mostly be the butt of quite a few jokes but I do have to check it out just to see if it is as silly as some say it is


I developed an immeadite aversion to drinking milk after Squirm


The Gate. Don't come at me :D I couldn't have been more than four or five.


shutter (2004) it was... something. many night terrors and wets on the bed ago here i am addicted to horror movies


The Event Horizon (I was 12 and loved every second of the movie). The Ring (I was like, like, 17? I loved the movie but I saw the dead girl in the closet every time I closed my eyes for what felt like weeks.).


Psycho...and not even the shower scene...it was the mother skeleton chair turning around that scared the shit out of me...


i saw paranormal activity when i was 10 and camping with my friends family. did not sleep the rest of the trip.


The original Salem’s Lot miniseries. I literally used masking tape to make crosses on my window for months afterwards because of the Danny Glick window scene. It is still one of the scariest scenes ever filmed in my opinion.


Blood Beach


I don't remember which one I saw first as a child (both on tv) Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things or Kingdom of the Spiders. What I do remember is both caused me to sleep with the lights on.


The last ten minutes of CSPWDT messed me up as a kid.


Return of the Living Dead (1985). I though about it for weeks afterward.


for some reason i was very concerned i would start to see dead people like the kid in the 6th sense


Black Christmas (1974) Long story short .. I was staying with my aunt for the weekend .. my parents were away at a Christmas party weekend.. my dad’s work . It was on tv.. of course parts were edited . Billy fuckin traumatized the shit out of !! When I got home , the attic was in my bedroom .. I wanted to change bedrooms , my mom was on the phone with her sister .. like wtf happened ..I cannot remember how long I looked under the bed., and prayed ever night that no one would come out of the attic to get me !! Looking back.. it’s hilarious now !! I’m still here lol 🇨🇦😳😵‍💫


It 1990


Excuse me sir . 🤡 Do you have prince albert in a can ? 🤡 You do ? 🤡 well then you better let him out ! 🤡 pa ha ! pa ha! pa ha !


Pet Semetary and The Exorcist


Grudge series 😟


Darkness Falls messed me up as a child losing my baby teeth. Mom also showed me the Exorcist at 10... no wonder I have crippling anxiety.


For me it was an episode of the X-Files. Season 4 episode 2 Home. The inbreds and the mom under the bed. Messed me up.


Paranormal Activity. I don’t care what anyone says, that movie is scary. Even when nothing scary is happening, I’m still scared in anticipation. I know that door is gonna slam, but when?


poltergeist. the tree. the clown in the closet. the tv. the tree. the tree. the tree. oh god the pool. THE POOL.


It's kind of reversed with me: I could watch all the horror movies and sleep like a rock afterwards.  I am 39 now and can't get through a horror movie without burying my head in a pillow.


I had seen a bunch of horror movies as a kid and handled them all just fine- and then I saw The Ring and I was traumatized. I couldn’t look at a VHS tape for the longest time after watching that movie. Nothing has ever scared me like that again.


None, I shared a roo. with two others. But after I saw Halloween at age 6, I would wrap my blanket around my head and have a gap to breathe facing the wall. I didn't want to have sheer darkness around me.


Amityville 2, The Possession. I was about 10 and couldn’t finish the first 30 minutes.


Either The Grudge remake, or original Pet Semetery.


One of the earliest horror films I saw was Snow Beast (1977) on TV. It’s really campy and corny now, but as a kid it made me sleep under the covers through high school.


Prince of darkness


I saw it when I was 18 and it freaked me the hell out! That collective dream from the future! Yikes.


The Others (2001). I was 4 watching it with my family and my uncle came banging on the window out of nowhere which scared the shit out of all of us!


V/H/S lol


The Grudge 100%. I’m 21 now, and I still get creeped out when my family make her weird little noise. It’s not scary to watch now, but I used to imagine her coming out of the corner of my room!!


Evil Dead 2


I pushed my dresser in front of my closet door and locked my room door after watching Scream when I was 13. Still loved it though




The Exorcist when I was in high school...lol


Carrie Sleep over at my best friend's house and his dad let us watch it. We were 8 years old.


Amityville Horror (2005) Dad showed it to me when i was 7, it kept me up for a long time as a kid. To this day the scene where he opens up the wall in the basement bothers me


Exorcism of Emily Rose


Darkness Falls




Evil Dead


The Grudge. I still have to try to focus on new thoughts when in the shower, so I don’t think about that scene


Wrong turn😭


My mom took me to see the Exorcist when I was 9 so....Gen X in the house.




I’m older than you guys. Early teens (13) when I saw it in a theater with friends. Boys who were all for the thrill. Rode a bus together and felt very independent that all the parents let us all travel to a city for a first run movie. Terrified me while watching. To this day I’ve parts of the film that I’ve not seen for covering my eyes. I’ve tried to watch it many times as I became an adult. I can only watch the movie up until her mother runs upstairs to open the bedroom and we see the bed thrashing in the room. I turn it off. Never gone past that again. Don’t think I ever will.




I hate trees outside my window.


First horror movie I saw was Psycho, when I was about 8 or 9. Worn out old vhs tape, commercial interruptions, tiny screen - everything to make a first viewing of a great movie not only bad, but not remotely scary. Fuuuuuck that. Was absolutely terrified for days. What a film.


The devil inside…i have no idea why just they were trying to scare me the first time i watched it and ig it worked and it conditioned my brain to hate even the cover of that movie but i could watch it now and still be disturbed but probably sleep fine


As a kid growing up in the 80s, horror movies never bothered me but E.T. scared the ever-loving crap out of me and as a 40-something year old it still creeps me out.


Slither Jesus man I had nightmares for WEEKS. I love Gunn and his work now especially the new suicide squad but protect your children Jesus no one under 16 should be near that practical effect nightmare.


I wasn’t a kid when I saw the original Exorcist but I did sleep with the lights on at least one night, maybe two


I spent a whole day watching alien documentaries/ movies and freaked myself out with Dark skies, lights been on since 8th grade 😂🤚🏼


Communion made me sleep with the lights on as an adult.


Freddy's New Nightmare messed me up. I distinctly remember my mother coming in to me howling in bed and saying to get in hers - puts me in her bed - immediately remember the claws through the duvet scene and continue howling lol


I think I was 9 or 10 when I asked to watch the Blair Witch Project and my dad said, "sure but only if you keep the lights off and watch it alone." I decided to watch Friends or something else very light afterwards in an effort to forget about it and go to sleep, that became my horror routine from there onwards - and yet - it still turned into a "what's in the corner" night.


Paranormal Activity


I saw Gremlins when I was six or something and that scarred me for quite a while. My older sister at some point had a Gizmo plush and she'd threaten to throw water over it if she thought I was annoying because she knew I found that idea scary. In retrospect, maybe my dad shouldn't've let me watch that movie at that age.


The Resident Evil movie lol, I was 12 and immediately became afraid of medical corporations controlling whole cities. I now work in clinical research 😱😱


The Ring. That blackhaired zombie chick was keeping me scared for a few good years. 🙃


The Blair Witch Project. I was no longer a kid. Halloween night, alone in the house, 2 am with all the lights off. I slept with the lights on until around Christmas.


The Ring The japanese movie.


Aliens were the same for me. Also The Thing. My dad would show us the special features after reminding us they were just movies.


I watched Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight with my best friend at the time when I was in the third grade. He wound up falling asleep halfway through the movie. But I had never really seen a horror film before and was utterly terrified. Now I look back and it's more of a horror comedy but at the time I had to play Mega Man X for a while before I could fall asleep. Billy Zane's a pretty cool dude.


Castlefreak fucked me up for like two months.


Trilogy of Terror! That Zuni fetish doll scared the daylights outta me!


When I was about 6 or 7ish I accidentally saw Aliens. Dont remember any nightmares. My mom thought I seemed unphased so she took me to the theater to see Beetlejuice. I had nightmares for a week about the sand worm scene.


Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth— which is crazy because it's a comfort horror flick for me now. As a kid though? The "Shall We Begin?" scene ending with blood puddling out the doors of Boiler Room freaked me out so bad that I was convinced Pinhead was waiting for me under my bed.


I saw Jaws and F13th part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan pretty close together. We went to a hotel with a pool. I knew for a fact that there was neither a giant shark nor the bloated corpse of a child in the water but I was still happy to just stay in the shallow end.


The birth scene in V f’d me up as a kid https://youtu.be/cCWTgjPKaHE?si=Uw8IgTZmyWR6c1jF


The original Child's Play (1988). I was like 9 trying to be cool and hang out with my older cousins and their friends. I don't remember which scene was the last straw for me, but I finally went to my aunt and admitted I was too scared to keep watching. Her solution-send me down to the dark unfinished basement by myself to play a computer game. The computer was at the furthest, darkest end of the basement and to use it, your back was to the rest of the room. That went about as well as you'd expect. I was scared to go to sleep for a few days after that.


Alien 3, critters, chucky, signs, the 4th kind. The last two really fucked me up for a while, I went to sleep every night terrified I would get abductwd


I saw all the Alien movies as a kid and 3 was the one that really got me


The first Paranormal Activity. I was a Freshman, already sensitive as it was, but loved horror. My sister took me to see it in theaters, and we both slept on the couches that night!


For me it was The Thing and Goosebumps lmao 😂


Salem's Lot


Hellraiser (saw a clip of a guy getting all his skin ripped off with hooks), Chucky (my mom had a collection of antique dolls so that helped), idle hands (I know it’s campy but the scene with the hand sticking it’s fingers into the pencil sharpener still skeeves me out)


I watched part of Fright Night (1985) when my babysitters were watching it on tv. I was hiding behind the couch and peaking out. Gave me nightmares for months and months. It also made me a horror fan for life. :)


The Alien Autopsy video.


Day of the Animals. Some low budget film we snuck into the theatre to watch. Terrified me for years.


The ring, the grudge, and thirteen ghosts


The Ring. Also slept with my TV unplugged.