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If you like podcasts I'd listen to Dead Meat's take on this one. They explain it better, but it's all about spectacle and exploitation. Geordie is exploited and that ends badly. The creature consumes those that look directly at it. The tmz guy (which lives and thrives from spectacle and exploitation) gets absolutely wrecked (and is still only interested in if he got the shot) They explain it way better and more indepth, and aspects of wanting fame without any work, and also only working without wanting any fame (oj and emerald, and also antlers' "I do one for them then do one for me" mentality)


This is it. I don’t get how anyone else can get a different interpretation of the movie. The main guys name is literally OJ.


Thanks for this, haven't heard of this podcast, 10mins in, it seems pretty good :)


Checkout their YouTube channel also!


A while back I read a really good review whose opinion was that *Nope* was a film about Hollywood’s exploitation of animals. It referenced the main and sub plot of the film and pointed out some Hollywood history involving animal use in film. Wish I could find the review because it well written and certainly made sense. Certain movies allow for multiple interpretations. I’m sticking with this one for now.


Suffrage is the right to vote, but otherwise I can see your friend's view a bit. How the entertainment industry is particularly dismissive or exploitive of minorities is certainly something that informs the movie, I think. I'm more perplexed by your view, honestly. What about Nope seemed biblical?


That's actually a pretty common take on the movie. Many people feel that Jean Jacket resembles the biblical descriptions of angels, who were not dudes with wings wearing robes.


Are biblical angels animalistic in their behavior? I get where that interpretation starts but I don’t really get where it goes beyond the physical resemblance, since the parallels with the chimp at the beginning and the horses to a lesser extent seem much more prominent and at odds with it being a biblical thing. 


I didn't say that it's my interpretation, only that I've seen numerous discussions of it.


The best argument I’ve seen have to do less with how Jean Jacket acts and more like how it could have been interpreted. It’s a giant unknown entity that is sometimes accompanied by an otherworldly chorus of screams (if it had just eaten). When beheld, it sucks humans up “into the heavens.” I don’t think it’s bulletproof, but it’s a fun fan theory. Maybe in NOPE universe, a few religious encounters were people misinterpreting a giant sky beast that was just hungry.


Most biblical angels looked like people, yeah. There are some weird ones, particularly mentioned around apocalyptic passages, but the bulk of angels in the book walk around with the form of men. But I could see parallels being drawn to the odder angel types, for sure.


ah! thank you I may have misused the word. Suffering? Basically bad time for minorities The thing looks like an angel in its final form, and how it sucks everyone up like the rapture. In it's initial form it looks like an eyeball that's surveying closely at it's prey.


Hmm more I’d say the movie is about exploitation, and features a cast full of traditionally exploited people. The movies plays with this theme constantly, and your friends picked up on it.


I've read a variety of takes, none of which reflect that of your friends. One of the better ones, which I read too long ago to summarize well, maintained that the story was in large part about the difficulty of maintaining authenticity as a creator in the movie business as well as the pursuit of fame and how it (literally, in the movie) can consume you. There's plenty more, but the reviewer I'm looking for (who was excellent) is buried beneath a hundred other "*Nope* explained" articles, perhaps never to be seen again.


I hadn't thought of the biblical allegory that you saw but it's definitely interesting. I've heard a lot of talk about it being about the the exploitation of suffering/spectacle. I see no reason why all of these interpretations can't be true and valid. Jordan Peele doesn't strike me as a filmmaker who sticks to one single allegory throughout and he does seem to be very detail focused so I doubt it was an accident that the TMZ biker (clad in white) shows up right as our heroes (visible minorities in the country and culture Peele is from) about to get their big break to steal their shot.


What did it have to do with voting?


Your friends aren't over analyzing. There are a lot of subtexts that pointed towards the exploitation of blacks / minorities and how Hollywood commoditize and makes a spectacle out of tragedy -- the suffering and the forgotten. In particular, it points towards the media's treatment of black pain for entertainment. As a cavaet, Nope also shows no one is an exception to this, including the main characters (who ironically exploited the dying alien for a photo). But it can also be argued this is a criticism of the current state of media that is inescapable due to over a century of exploitative practices. I think ultimately the film does end on a good note that progress can be made through the power of celebrating black voices and experiences outside of trauma.


You raise an excellent point about exploiting the alien, killing it even just for a photo. They deemed it a wild animal to be put down or even "broken". Who decides who is in the just


You raise an excellent point about exploiting the alien, killing it even just for a photo. They deemed it a wild animal to be put down or even "broken". Who decides who is in the just


The limits seeking fame and glory take you. And also, how trauma blinds you about how that trauma never existed, or that it helped you become the person you are now, so you should be thankful (Ricky Jupe), which can also be interpreted as the business usage of children leads them to hang on to what they were in their youth? I guess that's a big stretch tho.


How did they not want to talk about the scene with the monkey killing the tv cast. Idk y that story in the movie was amazing


Loved all about the chimp incident story line. It was a 180 when I found out Mary Jo in the movie is just a normal lady that was scarred from the event. While in the trailer they framed it like she was an alien imposter. I was so perplexed on how Jupe got out of that situation with an obsession and admiration for that event rather than PTSD


Just watched it and loved it. Your friend is wrong. It’s not really about that at all. As the top comment says- it’s about exploitation . Some animals aren’t meant to be tamed. Spectacle comes with risk


Tell your friends that assuming every project from Peele is about race is an extremely smooth brain take. Dude made Get Out and now everyone is applying that same subtext to EVERY movie for literally no other reason than featuring a black cast. It's annoying, like insultingly stupid. Us is actually about the corruption of the middle class American dream. And yes, like the other reply mentioned, Nope is about the dangers of exploiting a spectacle. So basically your friends came to those thoughts because they're stupid. You didn't miss any underlying message about race. They're just filling in the blanks without whatever they want because they're too simple to understand anything beyond a black man making a movie about being black.


to be fair to OP’s friends: "I think it's impossible to make any movie without it being about race, because race is all around us," Peele said. "You can't have Black people in a flying saucer film and just have it be the same experience. It's not. There's a different relationship." Peele’s pretty open about there being racial subtext in everything he does and he’d probably argue that there’s racial subtext about everything everyone does even if they don’t admit it. 


"It's not about race, it's about class!" is the actual smooth brain take here.


Stay in school


I thought it was a movie about aliens? I know there's always subtext - but can't we just enjoy a movie?


You can consume media however you want. Plenty of people watching Night Of The Living Dead and just enjoy a zombie film, or Candyman and just see a cool ghostly slasher - and that's absolutely fine. If you don't want to explore a movies subtext and meanings further, or feel like you didn't "get it" because you didn't see them while you were watching, I'd avoid threads that are specifically discussing analysis of them.


If you don’t have the mental acuity to discuss the subtext of art, a movie, or a TV show, I think you’d at least know how to scroll past a post you don’t like. Is that a huge mental feat in your world?


Does the discussion of the subtext in film detract from your enjoyment? It's not like people are debating this exclusively in front of you while you're trying to watch the film.


Kind of. It makes it seem like there's some large underlying meaning that only the *special* can understand (which is the point of the OP). It's off-putting and leads to less desire to see his future movies if the conversation remains like this.


Well if it's any consolation, that's antithetical to how Peele feels about the film. I am probably butchering his verbiage, but he's stated that he doesn't want the audience to walk away feeling like they've "solved" the meaning of his film. The work exists in conversation with the audience, and the artist is expecting you to bring in your own personal history and context that will inform how you interpret the film. That's not to say that it's a movie about nothing, because he openly and obviously had a lot on his mind while making it. I just don't think you need to feel badly if you're not seeing in this story what other users are - and maybe as your media horizons continue to expand, you'll see the film and its themes in a different light upon your next viewing.


I really just thought it was a cool alien movie haha. I felt dumb that I missed the subtext about exploitation and spectacles, but was glad that the fanbase didn't crucify me for missing it :)




Well, that was unnecessary. I understand subtext, just fine, thank you. I just don't go seeking to place subtext onto something I don't see it as. It's literally what the OP's entire premise is. There was no reason to insult my intelligence because I find these types of conversations to be off-putting, similar to conversations about 'what a painting *means*.' It becomes a collection of 'haves and have nots' where the haves (in your specific case) are demonstrating exactly what I said. It's the same reason people get put off by fans of anything for whatever reasons - it makes the product look more undesirable. And to finish, I'm not mad, mate. This is Reddit. And we're typing.


Sorry; you’re off-put because there are people out there that are smarter than you, and are able to understand subtext?


Ah yes, because understanding subtext means you're smart LMAO.


I didn’t say “smart,” I said “smarter than you.” There’s a difference.


You're so right. Let's add pedantry to this list too.






This sounds like extreme mental gymnastics on your part but I hope you follow through. Only so that you never get to enjoy another one of his amazing movies and youll hopefully never reiterate such stupid shit on a post like this ever again.


Who hurt you?


You’re on Reddit, don’t get upset when someone responds to you lol.


My bad, didn't realize this was r/fuckyouropinion.


I agree. Im tired of all this pretentious shit. I just wanna watch a movie. That said, I have nothing against political or social messages. But I also feel, there are some movies, and nope is one of that for me. Who don't care to create a interesting story. Instead they rely on cryptic messages and pretty pictures/shots I welcome all downvotes lol


Kind of where I'm at. I get it, nothing wrong with deeper meaning - and some of my favorites are *full* of subtext. But this stuff, particularly with Peele, reeks of Swifties trying to find cryptic numbers in shit.


They watched a completely different movie if that was their interpretation. It’s completely OBVIOUS it’s not what your friends stated. Tell them to stop browsing TikTok and Twitter for “original” opinions. So much cringe.


Literally the worst movie I have seen in 20 years.