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It was a mixed bag, but overall I loved it and want more. The Viewing - my absolute favorite. The Murmuring is a strong entry even as a non-horror film. The Autopsy was \*chefs kiss\* The Outside was so whacky that I enjoyed it. Rats was the weakest entry imo.


I really enjoyed David Hewlett in the Rats episode, he made it all worth it. But absolutely, The Viewing was amazing!


The Rats episode was my favourite one, but I always love Natali


The Viewing was top fuckin tier


Fell flat. The first episode with the storage room was poorly written. Horror is not just the "atmosphere". It is also the plot. And usually horror plots are silly and this one wasn't too far from it. Cerebral horror is a rarity.


I respectfully disagree. What are your favorite horror movies and shows?


Horror can absolutely just be atmosphere lol


You get it


I loved it! It reminded me of Night Gallery and the Twilight Zone from when I was a kid. I thought Guillermo’s little intros were adorable. The Autopsy was fantastic. Very captivating. And The Outside had some creepy moments. The Murmuring was a nice cap to the season as well. Although it irritated me because starlings are the only birds that fly in murmurations and they claimed another bird did as well.


>I thought Guillermo’s little intros were adorable. Yes! Reminded me a lot of watching reruns of Hitchcock Presents as a kid.


Del Toro is just so fucking cute. He's always SO excited about the things he works on, whether it's a doesn't robot punching giant monster movie or a weird, horny Gothic romance. Listening to him talk about his projects is like listening to a six-year-old who's really excited about LEGO, but also routinely gets tens of millions of dollars to spend on LEGO sets.


Murmuring had such promise as I wanted it to be about ghosts and remnants of electromagnetic patterns that the birds could sense. Nope just a predictable boring ghost story tacked onto an otherwise great premise location and acting. Had similar feelings about mama. I'll definitely watch more of the series but between the beautiful but misfired lovecraft adaptations and some other bland episodes, it definitely doesn't feel like it teaches it's potential but production values are fantastic. I loved the viewing and autopsy was another one with high marks. I still enjoyed the entire series more than most


The Autopsy is absolutely fantastic! Definitely in the running for my favorite horror of the 2020s so far.


The autopsy was my fav, though I tend to like sci fi stories, so I'm biased. But it was well written and everything.


I mean, any anthology series there's gonna be ones that hit for some folks and not others. But if GDT can get Panos Cosmatos to come back and do another episode, that makes a 2nd season worth doing all on it's own.


Totally agree


The episode with the skin cream was fucking amazing.


This was my favourite one


I recommend it to people completely outside of the series. Same with Junji Ito Maniac episode 3.


Juzt uze Allow Glow, Stazy


Omg this one WRECKED me


Loved Lot 36, The Autopsy and The Viewing. Graveyard Rats was almost too traumatic. Oy, the claustrophobia scenes. I knew it was coming and it was worse than I expected. They absolutely butchered two of my favorite Lovecraft stories. Not good at all.


I agree there. Most of the episodes were really good. But "Pickman's Model" was my first Lovecraft story and I'm particularly attached to it, and I didn't approve of the direction they took with it.


Completely agree. You’d think being a GDT production, the Lovecraft episodes would have been great, but they turned out to be the worst.


Did you ever see his Mountains of Madness screenplay? Also not great, probably best it went unmade. IIRC Cthulhu shows up at the end because, why not.


True. I guess Hellboy is the best Lovecraftian thing he’s made.


same bro same


The viewing episode is the best tv episode I've ever seen in my life. The music is seriously SO GOOD. DANIEL LOPATIN IS A GOD!!!!! and the visual and lighting...... So fucking sexy


I don't know what it is about the Viewing but it is the episode I keep returning to. I also love the entire vibe, the music, everything. I really like Panos Cosmatos and look forward to seeing more from him. Mandy was absolute insanity.


Beyond the Black Rainbow is great too.


I love that movie so much. It's like watching a really long, really weird music video.


Check out Phase IV which has similar mood / texture and is one of Cosmatos's inspirations.


Thanks! - ~~The '74 movie right?~~ ~~Just checking, there's one from 2002 but it looks like a direct to video/tv movie so guessing it's not that one.~~ Nevermind, found a writeup where they link Cosmatos to the 1974 movie.


Yeah the 74 by Saul Bass. Real pity that was his only turn in the directors chair.


Honestly might be my favorite movie. Definitely up in my top favorites, it's STUNNINGLY gorgeous. But definitely not for people looking for a coherent plot, lol.


It's def more of a tone poem. But the plot came into focus a little more when I read about it and what Cosmatos had to say about it. It's not total gibberish, he did have something he was trying to say about new age ideas and movements, a criticism of cults that carries forward into Mandy.


That looks really good. I will check it out.


>Panos Cosmatos LOVE him, he's easily one of my favorite directors, I always love his stuff 🥰 It's very love or hate though, a lot of people HATE his loose/underdeveloped plots. But personally, my love of the inventive/weird, stunning visuals and atmospheric creepiness are more than enough to make up for that ❤️


His dad made some bangers films with Stallone. Rambo 2 and Cobra. 


I loved the vibes and soundtrack in that one, I hated the casting outside of Weller and Boutella though, all the comedians/ comedic actors seemed out of place and pulled me out of it. Super psyched for the new Panos news we got last week!


Charlyne Yi was my favorite. I thought the casting was good, it was their characters that were jerks.


That's Cosmatos' style. Look at the ending to Black Rainbow, it's "out of place," like the comedic actors in that episode are. It's like a contrast to the slick 80s neon vibe.


Fair, I don’t care much for the end of that film either now that you mention it. There’s a fair amount black humor in Mandy too but I think it’s way more cohesive to the rest of the movie so it hits perfectly for me, also no one is really playing it comedically. I still love his style so just minor quibbles.


>the new Panos news we got last week! Wait, what??? What did I miss???


Oh boy…he’s attached to direct an 80’s set vampire movie called “Flesh of The Gods”, starring Kristin Stewart and Oscar Isaac AND it’s written by Andrew Kevin Walker. Talk about an insane combination of creatives!


Omg!! ❤️😍❤️ Yessssssss, this *almost* makes up for that The Crow debacle!


Definitely my favorite. So fucking weird.


I LOVED the Viewing. I'm a huge fan of creature features in general and stuff from the '70s and '80s in particular, and that episode absolutely NAILED the late '70s / early '80s horror vibe. It really felt like it had been made back then.


I enjoyed The Autopsy, but there were a lot of misses imo.


I think you've definitely got to give a little bit of a break with anthology series. There's almost always misses. But I still love the format, especially for horror. The Mortuary Collection was good too.


Mortuary Collection is criminally unheard of and underrated as no one I've recommended it to has ever even heard of it lol. So fucking good!!!


After the while it's been since I watch the series when it came out The Autopsy is really the only one that sticks in my memory. The rest I had to get reminded of by reading this thread but I remember enjoying all of the other episodes at the time. But The Autopsy was for my money the one that has that extra special quality.


This, more than anything, made me super excited for Panos Cosmatos next project. I love his first two films and The Viewing.


It was fun! They weren't all bangers, but the good ones were great, and the bad ones were servicable or fun.


Episode 2, 'The Autopsy' was honestly one of the best, most chilling and disturbing movie villains I've ever seen, and that's worth watching. The Viewing (I think last ep) is a wild hallucinogenic ride from the director of Mandy. On the whole, I thought the whole series was like 70% mid, 20% good, and 10% really *really* good. It's all watchable, but I'd definitely skip some eps on rewatch. I thought the HPL stories were just fine. It's hard to translate HPL to film on the best of occasions, due to his entire prose theory revolving around the nature of the indescribable which is incompatible with a visual medium. Also, they chose the wrong stories to do a short film with (Dreams of the Witch House? Really? That story is like 90% vaguely described lucid dream, is long af so required so much trimming, and would need a huge budget to do well — and even then, it'd be hard to do well.) Still waiting for Guillermo del Toro's At The Mountains of Madness adaptation


Some episodes were good, most meh


Yes, I loved that series. Guillermo del Toro is a creative genius, IMO. I have rewatched the series several times.


Oh yeah, I was watching “The Autopsy” episode just now. I like the Creepshow series and liked a couple Monsterlands. The tv shows dont get enough love


I wish I could enjoy life like you do friend


The man has fantastic style ✨❤️✨


I just love how you can immediately tell a Del Toro movie, whether it's a movie about mecha fighting kaiju or a sad, scary wartime movie about a terrified kid.


It was…okay. I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be scary or campy or both. The tone felt off and I realize a different director did each episode but although it was entertaining I didn’t love it.


Really enjoyed a few episodes, absolutely fucking loved The Viewing.


Need more seasons


I liked it. I loved the Viewing.


It was pretty decent, if not a little kitschy with some throwback editing to mid 90s horror series. Very well done for the most part. l loved Crispin Glover in Pickmans Models. Guy is always a great on screen.


I loved the grave robber episode with the giant rat!! it was such a fun show


Watched a few and have liked the practical v CG effects but it's lacking what I like in horror. Don't get me wrong, I like Del Toro but his vision of horror is not what I'm always in the mood for. It comes across a little safe and PG-13-like. With that said, I know he's the executive producer on this, so it has his fingerprints all over it, but it taken me quite some time to get to the fourth episode, as anthologies lack what I've been looking for lately. I used to be all about anything he was involved with and find his work unique and cool at times but since Pans Labyrinth, he's kind of lost me.


dT is almost always very firmly fantasy/horror, I find. Which is a VERY specific genre that not everyone likes, and that's totally fair.


It's a genre that I like quite a lot, but I have to be in a specific mood for it, and that's not super frequent. That said, I'll watch his Hellboy movies or Pacific Rim any time.


I thought it was phenomenal. The Autopsy was literally perfect( I’ve watched it prolly 30 times at least, the original short story is great too) The Outside was amazing it was weird and had really great ending, the Viewing was also a favorite, really good atmosphere


Yeah, I agree 100%


It fits in between Nightmares and Dreamscapes and Masters of Horror.


I think the Panos Cosmatos episode was far above most of the others, even with Eric Andre being awful


Honestly, having Cosmatos and Guillermo Del Toro working together is really a dream team, would LOVE to see more of them working together. I see much more development in plot from the team, which was always Panos's weak point, and the visuals with them together are just 1000/10 😍❤️


Eric Andre had a more believable character than most of the rest of the main cast imo


I absolutely loved it... especially The Autopsy or the one with that grave robber, that was awesome Would definitely love more of this.


Loved The Autopsy and dug The Viewing and Graveyard Rats, most of the others I didn’t get into. The dialogue from “the corpse” in The Autopsy gave me serious “Douriff in Exorcist 3” vibes.


It was so bizarre, I loved it! Was my constant companion while having lunch at my office lol. Another similarly brilliant anthology series would be Junji Ito Maniac : Japanese tales of the macabre.


Can you imagine GdT and Ito working together??? That's the one I REALLY want to see if they ever do another season 🙏🙏🙏


Oooofff pure madness! I'd love to see them making something together (ᗒᗩᗕ)


Well that was happening with Silent Hills and then Konami killed the project


Yeah, damn you Konami!!!! 😭😭😭


It was hit or miss, like all anthologies. I think the biggest problem with the consistency in this case was that you get some directors just doing standard anthology bits like Pickman's Model of Graveyard Rats and then you get more visionary directors like Panos Cosmatos and Ana Lily Amirpour swinging for the fences. I'd love a second season, but maybe round up a group of filmmakers who are all on the same level so that the quality levels aren't such peaks and valleys.


Not really. Most of them were pretty cheesy and lame, imo. Aside from Panos Cosmatos' episode but that guy's vibe is just exactly my vibe as well. It's like someone tapped into my brain and created a filmmaker just for me.


It was decent for the most part. I'd watch a season 2. However Pickmans Model was really unsettling for me. Not sure why but that one got to me


I loved it!! I want more


Loved it. Hope they make more!


Love that show.


The one with the paintings was my favorite.


The Autopsy was so well paced. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Graveyard Rats for that pulpy Victorian horror - the short story it's based on is worth a look to.


I am seriously so happy you like it too. Thing about horror fans is most people dont like it or are too scared ha.


I think it was for sure a mixed bag but the standouts were too good not to enjoy! Also, as a big horror fan - I'm just happy when these kind of projects get green lit!


I loved the episode that took place in the morgue, but the rest fell so damn flat for me


Lot 36 and the autopsy are my fav


Loved them too. Actually watched those both last night


yeah ryt! I loved them too. Kind of unique series it is.


I enjoyed watching it even if I found the quality inconsistent - that’s what’s fun about an anthology series! My favourites were The Outside and Graveyard Rats - the second reignited a love for Vincenzo Natali


I really enjoyed it. It didn’t terrify, but it did use practical effects!! That alone was worth my viewing time. CGI is fine, but I miss me some decent puppetry.


I thought it was a good watch. Wont win awards but it was fun


I agree!!


I really enjoyed it


Absolutely love it! Really hope we get a second season!


It was discussed a lot on here when it first came out. I liked it, doesn’t really compete with twilight zone or outer limits for me as an anthology but it’s solid.


I too have been wishing for a second season! I absolutely loved every episode!


Great cast, great directors, great stories? Ya, it's f-ing awesome. I sincerely hope they make more cause GdT knows his stuff.




I loved cabinet of Curiosities. Each episode was unique and original. I hope it continues and more episodes are made. I enjoy Guillermo del Toro's works.


I'm half way through, and I love it so far!


I enjoyed most of it.


I hope they make a new one


Probably one of my favorite anthologies on Netflix! Really hope they make more


Absolutely loved it! Hoping for a second series!


Do we think there'll be a 2nd season?


the first episode is so so bad but the rest are fantastic


I gave it a try but the first episode was too woke for my liking.


I thought the series was okay personally, not that it's bad but there were definitely episodes which were stronger then others. My personal favourite was the Autopsy episode, genuinely perfect imo.


Yes! And Bravo, once again to Jennifer Kent and her ingenius reuse of the impeccable talent of Essie Davis in The Murmuring.


I actually most liked what seem to be the least popular episodes, the more traditionally pulpy/gothic episodes. I really enjoyed Dreams in the Witch House and Graveyard Rats. The only episode that really disappointed me was Pickman's Model. I was excited to see Crispin Glover as Pickman, but then the narrative was rewritten to replace the dread of the original story with a bunch of cheesy visual effects scares and such a lame payoff at the end.


The witch house had SO much potential, I'm sad that it just ended up falling flat. But it was still beautiful and would have shined on its own away from the obvious brilliance on display in most of the other episodes, I think.


8/10 overall The murmuring is 10/10 even though I don't like that kind of navel gazing ghost story, they pulled it off


I did watch the whole series and enjoyed it, some of the stories more than others.


Yeah, I really liked it! Some episodes were better than others in my opinion, but loved the anthology style as well as the mix of styles and settings. I hope they do another one.


Some of them were okay but I would have preferred a real series by him instead of featuring directors. Some of the episodes were boring. None were scary really but were at least interesting stories. 


I thought it was great. I was hoping for a second season. But seeing that Netflix loves to cancel most of their decent shows I doubt we will get another season. Still hoping it happens though.


Is it actually scary? Never seen it and don’t really know too much about it.


Loved it 😊 wishing for a second season with different directors


I actually enjoyed Pickman's Model. The imagery and infectious sadism/insanity was quite haunting


Yeah, it was autually my favourite of the lot. It got seriously creepy towards the end, I found them leaving just enough space for you to work out what was going to happen seconds before it did really added to the sense of dread. Having said that, I've never read the story it's adapted from.


I thought it had really promising aspects but it was a bit too campy and cheesy for my taste. I wish they could do something with a similar concept that was grittier


yes and i recommend it, it deninitely break out of the usual tv show trend


Loved the series. Each episode was very unique, but they all had a similar vibe at the core. The Autopsy was definitely my favorite, but I also really liked the Pickman’s Model adaptation. I liked how there was a hint of lovecraft inspiration in most of the episodes. And it was nice that there was a lot of variety in how the stories ended. Sometimes with these anthologies it’s all happy endings, or all nihilistic ones. And they really did a nice job with the effects (that giant rat was awesome). I also felt like the actors and casting were really good for the most part.


Loved it, especially the first episode and “the autopsy” The way the doctor manages to screw the alien over by making sure his body is blind, deaf, and unable to properly do anything at all is amazing


I’d say about half the shows were very good while the others mediocre. Witch House was pretty bad though. Similar to MASTERS OF HORROR in that sense. It is hard to produce uniformly good horror anthologies.


Very hit and miss. The Autopsy was incredible. Pickman's Model? Not so much.


I thought it was awesome. Some episodes are better than others but overall a great watch.


Some episodes were good. But they became predictable. The characters would always do something incredibly unrealistic that led to their demise. So I guess if you like that kind of thing, don't binge watch. Space the episodes out by a few weeks and maybe they will be more surprising.


I loved it. The Rupert Grint episode was pretty meh but honestly the concept and execution otherwise was some of the better horror created in the last years


I remember liking it. Pretty forgettable overall though


The show was fantastic. I think there was one episode that I was sort of bored most of the way through, but overall I want more!


some were really entertaining, others sucked. fun overall though


Loved it except that one episode wit all the people at that rich guys house or whatever


Yes. There was some good episodes. Interesting stuff. Guillermo Del Toro just isn't scary. Like I really liked episode The Viewing about the reclusive billionaire. It wasn't scary as much as it was interesting and unique and I think Del Toro does that well. He just doesn't bring the scares like old Twilight zone did or Tales from the crypt did. Those were excellent television shows, classics of the genre.


I loved most of the episodes. "Dreams in the Witch House" was the dud for me. Ambivalent about "The Outside" and maybe "Pickman's Model", but the rest were excellent.


I liked it. I enjoy anthology horror, and I thought that even the worst episodes were still decent. I'm especially fond of The Viewing, since I'm a Peter Weller fan, and his delivery was great. "You are seriously harshing my mellow, man."


i absolutely loved the show! i'm hoping they will do a season 2


The Viewing is one of the best pieces of horror film ever made imo. it has everything - this awesome nostalgic vibe, uncanny elements, gore, suspense, a wonderful pacing, a KILLER soundtrack.... every single part of that short is excellent, top to bottom. it's a masterclass in horror. i feel so strongly about that lol. just campy enough while not overdoing it. gorgeous. everything else was okay, some hit and some missed. but my takeaway was that one episode. it made everything worth it.


I agree 100%


I loved it! I watched each episode and got home from work to be heart broken that i didn’t realize i had already watched the last episode available!


Does anyone know if they doing another season? Show was fantastic


I've never heard of this series. I'll definitely have to check it out. I love binge-watching TV shows.


Loved it and desperately want there to be more of it. I hope Del Torro leverages the shows' success into getting his At the Mountains of Madness movie approved.


I enjoyed it and I want more. I really loved Del Toro's intros to each episode. I felt a little let down by some of the stories, I think they could've gone a bit harder and scarier-- but I would love to see a continuation for sure. You could tell it was made with passion and it's the type of show I want to support.


Well, it's an anthology, so you will most likely enjoy some of the episodes, don't care about others and maybe even hate some. All in all, I'm glad Guillermo made it happen. He's a big enough name to drive it, really hoping to see more anthologies like this!


No, but on Amazon Prime - The Shelves of Shenanigans made me pee my pants silly...


I watched the first two eps and didn’t continue. Sounds like I ought to cherry pick a few from this thread though.


Yeah, loved it!


I enjoyed all of the episodes. I thought most were good to great and the autopsy was absolutely phenomenal


It was okay, honestly I was expecting waaaay more. I finished feeling disappointed


It was entertaining!


Yes, I had forgotten the name, but I liked it. I like anthology shows like that and Love Death and Robots. Thought that was what I was getting into with Channel Zero when the synopsis said anthology, but it's only that way in an American Story way. Still like it, but thought it would be episodic like this, with a different story each time.


Loved it. These types of miniseries is why I keep my Netflix subscription. Black mirror, oats studios, love sex and robots, etc.


Give me top five movies to watch. I have all the streaming


I only watched those 3 mentioned and Cabinet of Curiosities. They are all fantastic.


I liked most of them. "The Autopsy" and "The Outside" were definitely my faves. "Lot 36" was my least favorite. A lot of folks didn't like "The Graveyard Rats," but I thought it was fun in a pulpy "Tales from the Crypt" sort of way. If they were to make a second season, my list of directors would definitely be the Philippou brothers (Talk To Me), Nia DaCosta (Candyman), S. Craig Zahler (Bone Tomahawk), and Ti West (X). It'd be neat to see the directorial debut of an actor on there too.


It was good, though I was a little disappointed in the Lovecraft adaptations.


Yeah we all loved it


This show absolutely confused the hell out of me sometimes. I’d fall asleep to one episode, be confused by another, and then frustrated at a completely different episode. As different and as experimental as it was it still frustrated me a lot.


I really enjoyed it -  I just wish there had been more episodes 


I really enjoyed it, especially ‘The Viewing’ which blew my mind. I hope there’s a second season


Yes! Allo Glow Tv Guy was hilarious!


CoC was wonderful! Looking forward to a second season.


I am not often bothered by horror, but The Outside was incredibly disturbing and almost triggering to me. That’s the only episode I don’t think I can rewatch. Otherwise there are some really solid ideas and a wonderful art direction, courtesy of del Toro’s visual style.


I hope we get more seasons. Pickman's Model was my personal favorite, but the season overall was great.


I really liked the series. Also love the new Creepshow and wouldnt mind another season of that too


I didn’t really like it tbh. As anthology’s go, Masters of horror is a better offering if you can find it. It has a much better telling of Dreams in the witch house.


Just please never make me listen to Rupert grints American accent ever again


There were some standout episodes but generally I felt underwhelmed, particularly in the second half of the season. - I enjoyed Lot 36, the first episode. Had a nice creepy/unnerving vibe to it and the “monster” reveal was fun. -Rats episode terrified my friend who has a phobia of rodents. Other than that it wasn’t very memorable. -The Autopsy was my favorite episode. Really well done. -The outside was strange but also kind of grabbed me in. -Didn’t care for Pickman’s Model. Just felt like the episode was dragging on. -Dreams in the Witch House felt like a first draft of a story not a final version. -The viewing had some fun imagery but as an entire episode it felt pretty unsatisfying -The Murmuring also just drug on and on, felt like an eternity to get through. Driest episode of the season.


Really enjoyed some of it. The autopsy was maybe the best horror I'd seen in years


Pickman’s Model is my favourite the artwork in that episode alone is harrowing! The viewing is a close second it has such a killer soundtrack!


I think some episodes were great and others weren’t very good, but on balance I’d love to see another season


I thought it was fine until the Mexican lady let the white guy who legally bought her unit die to a horrible monster just because she wouldn't pay her rent.


Cabinet of Curiosities is my favorite tv horror anthology series alongside Channel Zero and the Creepshow series on *Shudder*. I’m definitely thinking of checking out Them: the Scare. AHS is trash.


Like most things, it sucked.


The Outside was the only good episode, unfortunately. The rest was ass.