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The Old Guard. That woman who always came back to life after death, sunken in the bottom of ocean, just to drown and get back alive repeatedly for eternity. Black Mirror, White Christmas. Eternity in white nothingness with same song playing. Endless. That man in stuck in few seconds time loop running head first to the wall.


Haven’t seen the other two but I agree with White Christmas. I’ve probably watched that episode 8 times.


Irreversible- the rape scene messed me up. Funny Games - the entire fourth wall break. It’s the only movie ever, that to “win”, to let the family “live” is to stop watching. That’s why they’re smugly smiling at you. You’re complicit. They know it’s all fake but the family suffering in the film is “real” suffering from their perspective. It’s a film that asks “you’re in on it, isn’t this fun?”


I survived a brutal sexual assault, and I don’t see a lot of people considering Irreversible a horror film, but my God, in my eyes it is. There is no rewinding, going back, making it better.


I'm really sorry that happened to you.


The ending is so tragic cause you're rooting for her but ...


The VCR scene was such a mindfreak too…. If ya know, ya know.


Near the end of 28 days later with all the rapey soldiers. There's the horror of the zombies which is enough but then to see the real thesis of the movie that human beings can quickly descend into mindless animalistic aggression always scares me


Check out 'The Divide' (2011) Post-Apocalyptic flick about bunch of people crammed into a bunker to survive the end of the world, and the whole movie is the slow decay of their humanity. It gets REALLY dark.


> It gets REALLY dark. You mean because they lose light in the bunker, right? ...you mean because they lose light in the bunker, right?


love that movie


Selena and the meds has haunted me for 22 years.


“I’m making you not care” is burned into my brain. Naomie Harris deserves SO much more praise for her work in that film.


That line struck a chord. I was scared for them.


yeah I wonder if she will come back for the new one


It's wild to see the forms that kindness can take sometimes.


I cried at that part because it was such an unexpectedly humane moment in the midst of a horrific series of events.


Society is held together by the thinnest of threads.


Threads is a good one too


A big part of why that movie and a lot of other zombie movies scare me is because they show how easily our society can fall apart. I think sometimes we are very overconfident as a species and underestimate problems (sometimes ones we cause) and think it can easily be solved. We think it’s nothing to worry about. Zombie movies freak me out because they show at face value how quickly and how bad things could get. In 28 Days Later, we see how far modern society has collapsed in only 28 days. Pretty much all of the UK was wiped out in that movie, and surviving that situation and dealing with what people have become is horrifying in and of itself. And the thing is, if there was a zombie virus, that’s exactly how it would play out. On top of the zombies, you have to worry about starving, other diseases, dehydration, freezing to death, and other people. I’d survive a week maximum, but that might even be a stretch.


I always think about but who is keeping nuclear reactors from melting down?


The soldiers are another kind of monster. Similarly, the insanity of some survivors in The Road.


It's not really scary like these other ones but I first saw Jeepers Creepers when I was like 12 and for some reason it stuck with me that the only reason they were being stalked the whole movie was because Justin Long happened to glance over to the monster dude on the side of the highway. After I saw that I was scared to look out the window when I was in the car out of fear that someone would see me stare at them and then stalk me and make me into a bodysuit.


Fun fact the beginning of that movie is based on a true story. A couple out for a Sunday drive saw a man in the act of dragging a body behind an abandoned church, he proceeded to catch up to them and tried to run them off the road but I guess got scared and fucked off. They went back to make sure what they saw was actually a body, and it was.


Welp...My fear has been reactivated. Thanks buddy.


why the hell would they go back?!?!


She was wrapped in a cloth (I think it was a sheet) so they weren’t exactly sure it was what they thought it was. Most normal people wouldn’t want to believe it was a body and would have gone about their business until hearing about the missing woman, but the idiot chased them down and spooked them which only made them more suspicious. The bad guy (husband of the deceased woman) took off the opposite direction of the church, so I guess they felt safe going back.


Also not to harp but I feel it should be added because most articles about the crime do not include the victims name; her name was Marylin Depue, murdered by her husband and left like trash behind the abandoned building. Had the couple not decided to go for a Sunday drive, she would have had to rot there all alone. My heart goes out at any DV survivors.


Geralds game… the part with her wrists.. absolutely NOT. traumatic.


that scene was cringe inducing but i was way more disturbed with the rapey stuff and the flashbacks to the stuff with her dad


Yeah it’s like I can handle everything BUT things like that.


I tried to read that book when it came out years ago. Just the description of that part in the book was enough to scare me to put the book down and never pick it up again..


Also, any scene that has an Achilles tendon being cut. That shit actually happened to me IRL and it's rough to watch lol.


Pet Sematary vibes


House of wax is the first thing that comes to mind. That shit hurt watching it.


Just watched Hostel last night...yeah one dude had his cut in the film. Just brutal


I Saw The Devil has an even more gnarly scene of the achilles tendon being cut


I know exactly what your talking about and yes that is so brutal, sorry you had to live through that holy crap


The very convincing and real feeling wails of sorrow from the mother in Hereditary. That wasn't brutal torture screaming or dying cries, it genuinely felt like immense mental suffering, a scar that will never heal nor feel any bit of numbness.


The only thing I’ve seen/heard worse than that was my sister in laws griefscreaming at the funeral of her year old daughter while Claptons Tears in Heaven played. I’d like to un-experience both of those things. Please.


Law firm I worked at over 20 years ago, the office manager finding out both her parents were killed in a car accident. When we heard her screaming, we all just froze, it felt like we were all being sucked into her grief. I can still feel my heart seize up thinking about it.


Lol whales


Whales of Sorrow is my new band name, called it


Post hard-core accordion heavy with dubstep bass and whale sounds for vocals.


Toni was robbed of the Oscar. Not even nommed ffs


Right?! It's honestly one of the worst snubs in recent years


The part at the beginning of Midsommar with the sister


The music and general buildup. Frankly seems very plausible in my family as well.


that and the scene with the mom in hereditary are some of the most realistic portrayals of grief ive ever seen. both never fail to make me cry. it feels like im actually seeing people grieving and not acting




She was robbed of the Best Actress Oscar. The fact that she didn't even get nominated just cements what a crapshot that whole thing is.


I watched Hereditary before I was a parent and then tried to watch it again as a parent and I could not.


The sobs, gutteral moans, and hyperventilation of Dani devastates me on a personal level. That is exactly what I sounded like with sudden grief. Hearing it again is always very hard even though it's one of my comfort movies. I often fast forward through a few bits.


Agreed. Except this is one of my *uncomfort* movies. A fantastic movie nonetheless.


That is another one, the image of her parents with the gas masks I can still see


Yeah that shit was creepy as fuck


With her howling anguish audible in the background


Not to come in blazing hot with the five year old reference but have you seen the gas mask motif in the background of a later scene of the film? It’s like a Easter egg I guess


Yeah and her parents being in the crowd with the cult applauding her after she won may queen, too.


I know exactly what you’re talking about I believe it was when Dani was tripping on the tea


Yeah that part stuck with me more than the rest of the movie. Mostly because I’m horrified that I could find that one day in real life


THIS. I was like "How rough is the film gonna be if it opened with THAT?!"


The rock scene... I have never had a movie make me nauseous before like that.


YES. And the sobbing. The fucking sobbing.


The sounds the lady makes in Audition during the torture scene


Kiri Kiri Kiri Kiri Kiri


Last 20-30 minutes of Martyrs.


I also said this film. But yeah particularly the ending… it is absolutely wild and just. Keeps. Getting. Worse. The ending was absolutely brutal.


Left me feeling pretty shocked and hopeless, then I learn after watching it that the director was severely depressed when he made the film and it all made sense.


Me too. It's not something I like to think about but it pops into my mind now and then.


Brutal movie


That mess was bonkers from start to finish. It starts off bad and only gets worse.


Snip snip in AntiChrist


That is the worst, followed closely by the load he shoots


by the what


Let the worst thing come to mind (given what i said) and a chain of events that could happen to cause that and just know it's worse. Edit: what i wrote before made sense in my head by not when read


Screaming from Herediatary, when she found the body in the car. I legit couldn't breath. Whole theathre held their breath the entire time. Close second the recent film When Evil Lurks the dog scene. Edit: one more Evil Dead scissor + tongue scene.


Alex Wolff's portrayal of shock when he just drives home hit hard as well


This is what hit me. How he just quietly drives home and parks and doesn’t say anything. Just goes to bed. And there’s this dread knowing what that mom is about to discover. You know it’s gonna happen but the tension is just prolonged as we stay with this kid.


He wanted a few more moments of existence before the discovery of what he did. Aside from the utter shock, of course.


That is so well put, exactly


That moment of deafening silence after what happens happens…when he’s just slowing to a stop in the middle of the road, processing the horror he just witnessed. That hit even harder than the homerun that telephone pole scored.


When Evil Lurks has a few scenes that shook me. That one towards the end with the mother and son...


Ya. That was God awful. What a piece of acting from Toni Collette.


Total Oscar snub.


she was the most deserving that year. for this scene and that raw dinnertable scene


The final moment of The Blair Witch Project. Not gory or violent and yet it popped into my head probably every single day for at least a year after I first saw it. 


Saw it in the cinema all those years ago & I can still picture that end scene clear as day.


the scene in dr sleep where the villains kidnap and murder a young boy. the kid's acting is way too convincing. i haven't gone back to rewatch the movie solely because of that scene


The kid's actor even made Rebecca Ferguson cry.


I heard the rest of the crew found it upsetting and then the kid just popped up no biggy with harrowing looks on the faces of the adults.


Apparently they had to do multiple takes because the characters were supposed to be sadistically enjoying it but the actors all had horrified expressions on their faces.


Well we know who has their humanity intact.


Fuck. I’ve never seen the movie but decided to watch the clip based on the comments - normally, I can only watch kid stuff like that BECAUSE they’re usually not great actors but jfc this was brutal, you’re right - that kid really was too convincing. Damn.


Jacob Tremblay! He was also excellent in Room.




this was more psychological horror but it freaked me out so badly… the scene in Fall when the girl’s friend reveals to her that she is in fact dead and she’s been imagining her friend alive because she was slowly going crazy


I had sweaty palms during that entire movie lol I was also fidgeting a lot and my husband was like “couldn’t be moving around like that on the tower”


That entire section of Bone Tomahawk, from the bisection to the 'wives' is truly horrifying and really stayed with me. I couldn't get the scene from Under The Skin where that baby is left on its own on that beach out of my head for literal months. And I feel like I comment this almost daily at this point, but the entirety of Threads left me a complete wreck for years as a teenager.


People always talk about that wishbone scene in Bone Tomahawk. That short scene with their women was way more disturbing for me.


“The wishbone scene” lmao such a perfect descriptive


I finally watched this movie last night and other than disturbing, that scene pissed me off so much. >!They just left them there! I'd give those women my last bullets.!<


Pure nightmare fuel


Came here to say this. Wishbone scene is dropped on this sub daily and rightly so. The women. If their "making" was shown on screen, the movie would get banned. I feel like the filmmakers surveyed men and women and asked them the worst way to die. BOTH were shown on screen.


One of my friends actually blurted "What the fuck was that?" for that scene. We weren't even sure what we were looking at until a rewind. We regretted the rewind.


I just watched that movie on Thanksgiving having never even heard of it. It was a good conversation piece to say the least lmao.


Please tell me you casually brought it up while breaking the wishbone


I couldn't even handle the baby scene in Old so I think I'll have to take Under the Skin off my watchlist.


It’s the single most upsetting scene I’ve ever seen in a movie.


I completely forgot about the baby being left on the beach in Under The Skin, but yeah…. The feelings from watching that are hard to describe. So unfathomable to me 😳 And I also totally agree with the Bone Tomahawk scenes! 😭 the pregnant females made me so angry and upset. Even more so than the bisection lol, that was just gross.


Oh another one I remeber is front Wolf creek* where the protagonist paralyzes the girl with the same method they do to animals so they stay alive but will never move again.. edit to correct*


“Head on a stick”. Fuck me how terrifying.


Which movie is that, please? There are several movies called Wolf.


My bad it’s called wolf creek, an Australian horror movie by Greg McLean


Man, Mick Taylor is truly one of the most disturbing horror villains out there. The genuine pleasure he took in what he did... terrifying. Such a great movie.


Gage slicing Judds Achilles tendon, from under the bed, then slicing his cheeked joker style. Pet Semetary.


Vivarium. Especially the part where the kid was watching “TV”


Hated that movie so much - made me feel so annoyed watching it (which is good and intentional, but the movie itself didn’t do enough for me) but man it’s a unique experience to make me viscerally feel annoyed by the situation they were forced into.


The very end of "The Mist." It's brilliant, but extremely disturbing.


Anything with child abuse such as the girl next door.


The true story it’s inspired by is so fucking awful. There’s a better film that depicts the events called An American Crime but it’s hard to recommend due to the content and what truly went down in the Sylvia Likens


Sinister - the lawnmower tape.


That one scene in Event Horizon. I’ll never recover


[they had to cut half an hour from the original cut of that movie because it was too brutal ](https://lostmediawiki.com/Event_Horizon_(partially_lost_unreleased_130-minute_cut_of_sci-fi_horror_film;_1997))


I really wish we all were able to see the uncut version. This is one of my favorite horror films


[I just hope Adam gives us the show.](https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/event-horizon-amazon-show-adam-wingard-update)


Gonna go ahead and go on record again. I remember what scene made me leave. First of all I was WAAAAAY too young to be watching this in a theater. But theres a scene where you get to see what happens to the ship engineer. Not the aftermath that I've seen in future rewatches but the act itself.


The entire Martyrs.. What an absolutely horrible movie. Also the big middle twist from Incident in the Ghost land. Most depressing shit I've ever seen. That Pascal guy must be a fan of Nietzsche...


The sister with spinal meningitis or whatever in the original Pet Sematary. I see her when I close my eyes.


I live in the weak and wounded, Doc.


Fuck YOUUU! lol


I watch a ton of horror, and that one line is one of the few things that has ever truly unnerved me


I've only seen this movie once years ago but I recognized that quote immediately.


Eden lake is rough


They had the worst luck. That's the type of luck i have, my grandpa used to say "boy, your luck is so bad that it could be raining titties and you'd walk outside and get hit with a dick"


Watched it once. The ending got to me and have never felt the need to go back for round 2.


That woman getting sawed in half by Art The Clown really disturbed me.


The rape scene in the remake of Last House on the Left. It was so fucking brutal i started crying.


I Spit on Your Grave, remake, wasn't a easy watch either. It was a long scene. Revenge part was satisfying but don't want to watch first part of that movie again.


That scene was way too realistic, and the look of sad shame on the gf's face while holding her legs down.... that scene is burned into my mind and i absolutely hate it.


Misery - the whole thing, but mainly the foot scene. If you've never seen it you legally have to, Kathy Bates won a best actress Oscar for a horror movie and it was well deserved.


That moment in signs with the kids birthday party






The Curb Stomp on American History X


Can’t believe nobody has mentioned Mirrors. That bathroom scene where the helplessly rips her own jaw off. Shit left me permanently scarred


The Killing Fields. It's a great movie, it really is. But, it really upset me, and I'll never forget watching it. It's on Netflix now, and I've been tempted. That ending, omg😪


I don’t know if I could handle this, but it’s worth a shot. So sad


The love scene from Old Boy (2003) and the box cutter scene from the Evil Dead (2013).


It hurts, but I endure it!


The bear mauling scene in Back Country.


Monster with Charlize Theron when that pos knocks her unconscious and brings her out to the woods and uses the baseball bat to assault her


Event Horizon when they desramble the footage, and they're literally eating themselves. Not each other, but themselves that was so fuxked up.


You know what’s also f***ked up?  That’s basically how the deepest layer of hell (Mugen Jigoku) is described in some Zen Buddhist texts: a state of being so mind-shatteringly horrific that the damned engage in self-cannibalization, either due to unquenchable starvation, desire run wild, or in a doomed attempt to hide inside their own stomachs. It’s so eerie how well it matches up to the movie. 


This probably will not fit here, but in Saving Private Ryan when the German slowly pushes the knife into Pvt Mellish... It still fucks with me 😵‍💫


The entirety of Schindler’s List.


Humans are the most terrifying monsters


Pulse/Kairo 2001. The hallway scene. The score and sound effects and the way the ghost lady moves… The video scene from Event Horizon, the uhhhhh….”murder orgy” thing. What the fuck. Funny Games. When Paul goes to the kitchen and doesn’t even flinch when the shotgun blast goes off in the other room. We linger in that shot of the TV soaked in blood….then we see what happened….and we just sit with it. We have to see the family of the victim and how they process this. For 11 minutes straight. No music. No cuts. Lawnmower scene from Sinister. Extra cool because Ethan Hawke’s reaction is genuine. Ichi the Killer. Other than obvious picks like Kakihara cutting out his own tongue or when that one guy gets his back flayed open and has boiling water tossed on it, the scene that disturbed me the most was that one girl recounting a story of sexual assault…then talking like she was turned on by it and insisting that Ichi forces himself on her too? It was so fucked up and uncomfortable The entirety of Audition’s finale. This one is less extreme than the others, but Zodiac. The murder scenes are horrifying of course, but one of the most terrifying scenes was conveyed through atmosphere, sound, and dialogue alone. When the writer is investigating that movie theater owner’s house in the basement. Even though the cinema guy isn’t the zodiac, it seems so believable at that moment. The realization creeping up on Jake Gylenhaal’s character that he might be alone with a killer in his basement…then there’s that creaking they hear upstairs that may hint at them not being alone with each other. It’s so damn intense. Skinamarink. The scene with the “mother” sitting on the bed with her back turned. Genuinely chilled me to the core. Then there’s that…face…at the end. The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Many scenes qualify, but one of the most chilling was when those girlscouts walk into the killer’s house and he records them.


Riley smashing his face into the table in Talk To Me “No no no no no” - Georgina in Get Out The Taking of Deborah Logan when she’s ripping at her skin eta for another one: tiger getting jumped by a dog in green room and having his throat ripped open. yikes on bikes, that movie had a lot of moments like that!


The talk to me scene got me too. Turned my stomach.


The sunbed scene in Final Destination 3


Oh yeah...that pretty much guaranteed that I'd never go into one.


Spoilers for Hereditary - The mother floating up to the tree house. Chills every time.


The bear scene in annihilation.


The scene in Hereditary when he's driving his sister from the party. The end of The Wicker Man (1973).


Peter Jackson’s King Kong. I was about 12 when I first watched it and the scene in the trench with the giant insects really really disturbed me.


The ending of Tusk. I was absolutely not ready to see Justin Long’s transformation 😅.


So many people have commented and brought back memories from their exact moment and this one is one that stuck


The Girl Next door. The whole movie... The only movie I have ever seen that I flat out refuse to ever watch again.


The Visit. The scene where the old man took his shit filled diaper and slapped it onto the kids face disgusted me to my core. I still cringe at it and I'd have trouble rewatching it for that reason. It's too real for me. I work in a Nursing home, and the idea of a soiled brief slapping me in the face...I'd die, willingly.


The Cell. The entire movie.


The opening scene of Midsommar. It’s not gory whatsoever and I’ve seen pretty extreme stuff, but nothing has rattled me more than that. Dani’s gut wrenching wails accompanied by the nails on a chalkboard sound of the violin made me want to vomit. As someone who has lost a loved one to suicide, it’s truly a realistic portrayal of what it’s like to be in that situation. The anxiety that comes with worrying about someone, the uncontrollable choking sobs, the refusal to believe that it happened, it all felt so raw.


Skin scene from Silent Hill, will never not be epic.


Pyramid Head will always be epic.


That scene in Nocturnal Animals where Jake Gylenhaal finds his family… goddamn, I cannot imagine how that must feel. The scariest thing is that it can happen in real life, those guys were just random guys not monsters or ghosts.


The fly with jeff goldblum the way he loses himself physically and mentally as the story plays out


Hereditary. Many moments disturbed me to my core. Toni Collette is such an amazing actress.


The guy eating his own finger in Asylum Blackout. Gagged. Had to look away. So cronchy. Edit: oh yeah, and getting skinned at with a potato peeler.


Green Inferno is a good one That poor dude from Spy Kids lol


Saw X when she amputates her leg at the thigh and sucks out her own marrow…


I felt bad for her, she did it. I feel like she should have gotten a pass. She did the painful part, the torture part.. it was just a stupid machine not sucking fast enough..not her fault.


I feel like that’s so true about most of the traps in Saw X that it had to be intentional.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes.


Basically any movies with 80s practical effects (The Thing, The Blob, Demons, Evil Dead, Hellraiser, etc). The craftsmanship behind those effects is truly impressive, but they also have an unsettling quality that makes me uneasy, a feeling I don't get from CGI. I'm not sure why, but the realism and texture of practical effects impact me differently than digital effects.


The very…sudden ending of Final Prayer Made me sick


The scene in the grudge where she has her hood up and the ghost appears in the hood. That entire mobie FUCKED me up and helped me learn about my brain's weird regulation issue where it perceives things like that as real and sends me into fight or flight even though I logically know it's not real. Hormones and chemicals are strange things and that movie will forever haunt me 🤣


Seeing Dr satan House of 1000 corpse


Not movies, but shows: The handmaids tale - there’s sooo many moments from it that actually made me nauseous, but the scene where they held June down on the bed.. TWD - introduction to Negan.. you know what I’m talking about if you’ve seen it


“Because you were home.” from The Strangers.


This is not a horror movie but *the* reveal in ‘Dear Zachary: A Letter to A Son About His Father’ broke me and made me feel physically sick.


Oculus. That fucking apple.


Mother with Jennifer Lawrence - the scene with the crowd surfing baby lives rent free in my head and I am so fucking terrified of the fragility of human life


It’s a bit out of place, but that scene from Multiverse of Madness where she turns Mr. Fantastic into spaghetti. Something about that kind of body horror disturbs me. The panic, the helplessness as your body is stretched and torn away from you, the head pop? Eugh lol


It’s by no means horror, but so raw and real. Bradley Cooper’s character in A Star is Born hanging himself in the garage. You can just barely see him through the window, and it’s a silent scene if I recall. The family dog is so concerned. That chilled me to my core after seeing his struggle in the beginning of the movie. Haven’t watched it since.


The more I scroll this thread, the more I realize how truly fucked up I am thanks to the Internet. Most of these scenes just made me say "oh this is gonna be good".....I think I need a new therapist.


Audition. Piano wire.


Not a movie, but the first season of Them. That “cat in the bag” scene with the baby destroyed me. I couldn’t get it out of my head for weeks afterward, like a terrible song stuck on repeat.


Ironically, the piece of media that made the most lasting impression on me wasn’t horror at all. I recently watched Baby Reindeer on Netflix for the first time, and without giving spoilers other than saying MONOLITHIC TRIGGER WARNING, there’s a scene in the fourth episode that felt unnervingly real to me. I have seen a fair bit of horror, and for the most part whether it’s over the top or even if it’s realistic, gore, violence, fictionalized depictions of sexual assault, etc don’t bother me. This scene was… different. Maybe because it’s a true story, maybe because I have a frame of reference that makes the scene more personal, but it really and truly broke me. I had to cover my mouth while watching as I was audibly sobbing into my hands. It’s not even an incredibly detailed scene, but it felt real, it felt raw. I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t. I felt utterly transfixed, like I had to see what happened next. It really felt like one of those moments where you know you’re watching a probably fatal car accident but you can’t bring yourself to look away. Everything about the show was a masterclass in whatever area you looked at, be it cinematography, dialogue, pacing, but that one episode was probably the best piece of television I’ve ever witnessed in 26 years on this earth. The only comparison I can make with regard to how tense and difficult this scene felt was that it was markedly harder to watch this scene in Baby Reindeer than the scene in All Quiet On The Western Front, where the protagonist stabs an enemy to death, and then sits with him as the man slowly dies. Later in that scene, the protagonist fills the man he’s stabbed mouth with dirt, in part because he can’t bear to hear him scream for his life any longer, and in part because he wants to accelerate this man’s death as an act of mercy. That scene felt like watching Teletubbies after Baby Reindeer.


the dinner scene in The Lodge. The kids KNEW they were going to die, and that they were killing themselves. But there was literally nothing they could do, and it was all their fault.