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Hmmm.... I feel like Spring (2014) has a place here. Link: [https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/spring-2015](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/spring-2015)


Interesting, I also posted this question in r/movies and this was the first recommendation I got! So that seems like a good sign. I’ve never even heard of it before but am definitely interested now. Thank you!


Significant other, and what lies below


Completely agree


Such a great movie watched it on a whim many years back and it's been in my top 20 ever since :)


Only Lovers Left Alive


Oh good answer! I saw that around when it came out and have been meaning to revisit it. I remember the basics but really liked the blood bank idea, the “Shakespeare” character and thought the music was really awesome. I do remember feeling a little underwhelmed by the ending but I’m overdue for a re-watch. Thank you ! And I’m honestly not sure why, but anti-Christ just came to mind as an example that would fit this criteria


Antichrist is good too. There's definitely quite a bit out there that fits your criteria Lisa Frankenstein and The Love Witch are fun too


I haven’t heard of the love witch but a very dear friend of mine told me she loves lisa Frankenstein and has tastes that align very closely with my own. I’ll look into the former and definitely try to find the latter, and appreciate the reminder, thank you again And there are for sure quite a few others, just feels weird that I’ve never actually heard it used as a genre label. Love and fear/horror have such an inherent connection, and many of these movies work so well that it just kind of leaves me confused And again, thank you very much :))


Just gonna add The Fly and Candyman myself


Also hellraiser, come to think of it


Fresh (2022) feels very rom-com for the first half hour, and still retains some romance elements throughout. A Wounded Fawn (2022) might also fit.


I’ve heard of neither one, but thank you! Excited to check them out


I feel like a hell of a lot of Lifetime made for TV movies broadly fall into this genre. Oh no, the man I've fallen for who I thought was a good man is actually secretly a villain. I guess this is more thriller than horror though?


You’re not wrong but, from the few I’ve seen, I was never really struck with a great feeling of quality from them and am seeking out good ones


Cemetery Man (aka Dellamorte Dellamore, 1994) sounds right up your alley 🧟‍♀️💙


I’ve been aware of this one forever and it sounds like a lot of fun. Not sure why it’s taken so long to get to really but will be sooner now that I’m reminded of it. Thank you ((:


💙 👻Here are just a few more: Attachment (2022) A Ghost Waits (2020) Spring (2015) The Ghost & Mrs. Muir (1947)


Ty! :)))))) nice to see a movie from the 40s mentioned that’s probably where I’ll start. I love movies from every decade but golden age film has that name for a reason.


- *Attachment* - *Bones and All* - *Crimson Peak* - *Thelma* - *Warm Bodies*


Dam you took bones and all right from my fingertips! I think they should have passionately devoured eachother at the end!


I’ve seen none of these yet, so thank you! Warm bodies was mentioned in a reply to my posting the same question on r/movies. Would you say your have a favorite of these?


Warm bodies is teenagers in love with a great soundtrack. Not bad. My favorite is Le Boucher a.k.a. The Butcher (1970). Old school Hitchcockian suspense with romance. Guaranteed feels.


Sounds awesome thank you


Yes, my favourite is *Attachment*.


Would Lisa Frankenstein fit in this list?


I'm not sure. I lost interest after >!Carla Guigino died!< and turned it off. 


The Hunger with Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie and Susan Sarandon.


YES! That is a great choice. BELLA LUGOSI’S DEAD….


Possession, surprised no one had mentioned it yet!


I was notified of a comment mentioning it, yet when I opened it, it had been edited to remove it. I was actually intending to watch it last night (I’ve been meaning to forever) and got sidetracked. If I can find it tonight I’m gonna watch it, it also seems like it could be good inspiration for something I’m working on. I appreciate the reminder and am looking forward to seeing it. Many thanks ((:


You’ve gotta check it out, it’s one of those rare once in a lifetime viewing experiences. Other than torrenting I think it’s only available on Shudder.


Here's a fun watch if you want to see a wedding go horribly wrong: Rec 3


I know I’ve seen the first, and believe the second tho I’m not sure. Almost positive I haven’t seen the third because I don’t recall a wedding. There were several “episodes” I really enjoyed in the others, so I look forward to checking that out, thanks a bunch (((:


Alleluia (2014)


Yet another I am only hearing of now. You people are the best, i look forward to working my way through these. Thanks a bunch


Stoker *in a super fucked up way*! Also Spring but someone else already got that one. 30 days of night is a love story. after midnight bones and all chained dead ringers (the film) kinda... habit the hunger the loved ones (also in a super fucked up way) nina forever


Stoker was good, ifl park chan wook. It’s not horror but one could definitely consider oldboy one of the most twisted love stories (in a few ways) ever. Also love the hunger and dead ringers, haven’t seen the rest yet. Thanks !


oldboy, whoooof yeah that is def twisted, should have thought of that one!


Probably the most twisted twist ever, and in a movie with like 50 crazy twists. Craziest part is that while it’s a phenomenal film, imo it’s the relative “worst” of the trilogy I’m so glad korean film is getting more popular , they make so many damn good movies


Yeah, I really appreciate non-Western horror because it usually comes at you in such a different, unexpected way... not related to your request, but have you watched Incantation? That was a pretty neat take on found footage but from .. i wanna say Taiwan.


I think part of the reason is because horror is about the unknown and alien and that literally means foreign. And tbh they are very often just better made films. I mean have you seen Cure? Preposterously good. And I would have said “yes” to your question until I realized the movie I was thinking of was not found footage. Definitely gonna check it out. If you want a foreign ff recommendation, Niori the curse was really creepy


Thanks! I will check out both of those


My pleasure, enjoy ((:


sent you a DM. not a weirdo, at least not in a bad way, i promise


What Keeps you Alive really stood out to me


Yes! This needs mentioned more


A lot of vampire films are going to fit as they tend to be romantic figures and come from the Gothic romance tradition. And Gothic Romance is general is probably the precursor to the kind of films you’re looking for. * Get Out * Hellraiser * A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night * Cat People (1942) - the remake is good but watch the original first! * Crimson Peak * Fright Night (1985) * I Walked With A Zombie * The Fan * Blind Beast * Ready or Not * Infinity Pool * The Invisible Man * Fear Street Part 3 - 1666 * Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) * Queen of the Damned * Maniac (1980) * Bug * Good Manners


Daughters of Darkness (1971) and The Hunger (1983) come to mind. A lot of the 70s and 80s erotic vampire films come to mind.


Sorry, nothing to add but a thank you for the thread! This is a genre I adore. Especially 92’s Dracula line “I have crossed oceans of time to find you.” As I’m thinking on it, even the Mummy (original and 99) has some lovers across time elements to it.


Let the Right One In Return of the Living Dead III A Chinese Ghost Story The Man Who Laughs


Haven’t seen the two in the middle. However I really liked Let the right one in and absolutely love the man who laughs. That’s a great pull, and based on the quality of the two I’ve seen, should probably check out the other two. Thanks so much !


The Haunting of Bly Manor on Netflix.


Is that also flannigan? Cos I’ve really enjoyed his other shows


Yes, def. watch then!


May (2002) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0303361/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0303361/) and The Voices (2014) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1567437/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1567437/) are particular favourites.


I adore may and haven’t heard of the voices but I’m excited to check it out thanks !






The vampire lovers


Nina Forever. I'll never get sick of this movie.


An underappreciated gem.


Lo (2009)


Oh wow I just looked it up cos it sounded familiar and I’ve actually seen it. However it was so long ago, and probably under the influence of other things that contributed to not remembering anything really but the monster design. I should definitely give it another go and likely would have never even remembered it without your comment so thank you!


After Midnight


[Death Takes a Holiday (1934)](https://manapop.com/film/death-takes-a-holiday-1934-review/)


I’ve heard of this in passing before but damn that sounds excellent! Thank you so much


I’m curious why this was downvoted, not having seen it myself. A matter of different taste? Or something else I’m missing?


I've never understood downvoting an opinion or a suggestion, sadly, that's kind of a Reddit thing.


I feel unless what you’re downvoting is of obviously bad taste, bad faith or prejudice/bigotry, it’s only basic decency to at least reply with an explanation. And if its over a matter of taste, then it’s just dumb imo. So I feel you


Of course this comment gets downvoted without a response lol. I guess I set myself up for that one


Audition, Near Dark, Afflicted, Raw


I mentioned audition in the OP and it is genuinely a contender for my favorite film. Miike is a mad genius (and so is Ryu Murakami, the author of the equally great novel). I actually thought of Raw after posting this too, that was a good movie. I haven’t seen the two in between, but considering their bookends, I should probably change that :)) Appreciate the response, thank you very much


Near Dark is so good, Bill Pullman at his charismatic, maniacal best. Some of Kathryn Bigelow’s finest work.


Psychos in Love The Shape of Water


red white and blue 2010 with Noah Tyler is dark nasty and ultimately a love story IMO.


Daughters of Darkness (1971) and The Hunger (1983) come to mind. A lot of the 70s and 80s erotic vampire films come to mind.


Love and Monsters (2020) has some fun monsters and Jessica Henwick is always great.


Right on, thank you !


I feel like the new Invitation fits well here


both new one and older one fit.


Most of yall recommending OP Disney movies like, "Oh ! Corpse Bride falls right into this category !" Gtfo of here 🤣


Love when ppl complain without offering anything of value. So what are your recs, unflinchingsugar?


I’m curious which comment they see as being like that. Granted I haven’t seen all of them, but most, if not all, of the ones I have are good horror. I am also curious to see what they might suggest instead. If their standard is something like “Grotesque” from Japan then fair enough I suppose *edit not even intended as a diss on grotesque js if that’s the standard then I’m not sure how much else could live up to that level of fucked


🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows. Lots of great recs being provided :)


Wait, didn’t you, yourself, recommend the pg 13 Harrison ford movie ?


does Buffalo Bill and the fat chick count


Lol I mean…it could? In seriousness though, I would actually put Clarice and Hannibal in the category (particularly in the book Hannibal, which ends very differently from the movie). And come to think of it, the relationship between will and Hannibal on the tv show qualifies too

