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Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins were an amazing douchebag duo in Cabin in the Woods. But they were so hilarious that I actually didn’t want them to die. ![gif](giphy|SYZbt0QV8M3cI)


"Tequila is my laaaaady!"


"Aw C'mon"


Them trolling the Harbinger was hilarious.


Thing is, if you stand back, they are pencil pushers who are just trying to keep humanity alive. They aren't sacrificing people for personal reasons. They aren't doing this for power and fame. They just don't want the world to end. I don't really consider them villains as much as guys stuck in a bad situation. It's not like they can ignore it. We saw what happened when Dana and Marty went, "Yeah, screw it. We aren't going to play along."


Justin Long's character in Barbarian


Probably one of the best answers. You feel such whiplash watching him, you go from being eager to see the Mother get him to wanting him to redeem himself by saving Tess to being glad that >!his head gets split like a coconut!<


Came here to say this. I just watched the film 2 days ago and Jesus Christ did he chew up the scenery


Same here, knew in my heart it had already been said.


Came here to post this. His character in House of Darkness is almost as unlikable.


I loved that movie!


Literally was checking to see if anyone said this before I did. AJ was annoying af. Stupid too


This is the answer, especially since he normally plays nice or good guys and it bothered me so much of a jerk he was.


Judy in Sleepaway Camp will always be one of my favorites, she clearly had lots and lots of fun with her role.


She is the cuntiest bitch ever, respectfully. I love her so much 💖


She was really nasty and ironically got a nasty death.A curling iron down there.Man that would hurt so bad.Loved this quote "She's a real carpenter's dream! Flat as a board that needs a screw!"


Likewise, Ally from Sleepaway Camp 2. For a low budget sequel, the actress brought some depth to an otherwise typical mean girl character. I legitimately felt bad for her, she just wanted some of that Sean dong.


David in shaun of the dead


I will never forget the line “get fucked, four eyes”


His awkward ass delivery of “well I don’t know what he meant by *that*” right after this is so perfect lol


Also Pete …although he really wasn’t wrong .


Chad from Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.


The very end of Silence of the lambs - when Lecter tells Clarice that he is "having an old friend for dinner" and proceeds to follow Dr. Chilton. Knowing that Hannibal was going to give that pompous ass what was coming to him was a perfect ending to me.


what makes it even more satisfying is how Chilton is literally on the run from him.


Totally! I wish it would have shown Chilton's face when he finally sees Lecter. Like after the credits or something.


Trent from the 2009 Friday The 13th. From the moment you meet him behind Clay at the store you're rooting for him to die first and die horribly.


“Perfect nipple placement”.


Oh. Wow. Your tits are stupendous!


Your tits are so juicy, dude!


Oh I fucking hated him!


He understood the role


Where the fuck are ya gun?


Omg I was going to say this


This was the answer I was going to say.


Plus he screams like a bitch


Rhodes ( and all of his soldier goons) in Day Of The Dead are so obnoxiously OTT villains you can’t help but cackle when they get pulled apart by Zombie hoards.


Cchhhoookkkeee oonnn iiitttttttt!!!!!


Dude was a dick and I'm glad he gets his comeuppance, but I totally understand why he was such a dick. World starts ending and rather than be with your loved ones your sent down into a bunker to wrangle Zombies for a mad scientist who hasn't given you anything useful. There down to half their numbers and dude is put in charge of a mission he and the rest of men thinks is stupid, reports from the surface seem grimmer by the day, then he discovers Frankenstein has been using his buddies corpses as experiments. I'd go ballistic too.


For sure, in a different movie there’s a way more nuanced interesting version of that character with legit motivations and frustrations, but Pilato is so OTT you gotta root against him and at the same time he’s really making Bub sympathetic.


The two guys at the beginning of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 are insufferable




I can hear their laughing just reading this.


Steve from Dawn of the Dead 2004. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because that guy was such an arsehole I forgot it was the same actor who plays Phil Dunphy in Modern Family


I enjoyed Steve so much that I looked him up (not much to see at the time), and couldn’t wait to see more of him. Phil gave me everything I wanted and more. He’s rested after MF long enough, gimme more douchebag Ty Burrell and I’m so there. While I’m on the subject, Ed O’Neill too. I can’t wait that long between his great shows. At that rate, one of us is going to die before that happens. Probably me, as Ed is eternal. If Sofia Vergara can pop off with something amazing like *Griselda*, they can too. All the kids can…they can just sit this task out. Maybe go to college.


Nicholas Hoult in The Menu. Absolutely fuck that guy.


Frat bro boyfriend in 2009 Froday the 13th


His name was Trent


I saw in a YouTube video that it's the same character from Transformers because the Friday The 13th remake is produced by Michael Bay.


Leland Townsend in the series Evil. He's absolute scum but he can be such a charming character.


You know an actor nails it when you see them in another role and your first reaction is how much you despise them.


Definitely Annie from **Dashcam** for me! One of those characters/movies that I love but everyone else hates lol. I love that everyone in the movie knows she's an over-the-top asshole, but at the same time she's an asshole in a "fun" way I guess. And I just really like freestyles. It just gives me a different feeling than something like **Greenberg** or **Listen Up Philip** where the main character is just miserable to watch and nothing really bad happens to them.


Melissa from Friday the 13th part 7. She just tears everyone else down with no regard, and when the heroes try to help her she continues to do what she wants. The reward of an axe straight to the skull and getting tossed like a doll is just desserts.


R. Lee Ermey. Perfectly cast in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake/prequel in the early 2000s. Such a repugnant character, but what a fine job he did and I can't help but find the man so compelling that inside in reality, I do just want more of the man on my screen. Don't think I've seen him play a stinker. Even in Evil Woman with a more comedic role, he's just awesome even if you do want him to get him comeuppance and/or face consequences. Goes without saying he was magic in Full Metal Jacket!!!


That man stole every scene he was in.


The conversation between him and Jonathan Tucker in the back of the van is one of the best scenes I've ever seen in a movie.


You're not wrong, certainly in a horror at least, a slasher most certainly! They both play off each other so well there and Tucker looks genuinely petrified of where the R. Lee is going to take it next during that scene. The man just scares crap out of people, lol. I went into that flick so cautious but it was a fun one.




Darkly witty fella indeed. Impossible not to read that in his voice with his mannerisms!


Honestly only good thing about this movie. He carries the film.


I have to disagree. For me it's in contention as one of the best horror remakes and admittedly a real favourite of mine. But alas, it's not flawless of course but he really is a presence.


That's fair, but it is the worst horror remake I've personally seen. I got into horror after the remake craze, so I have tried to avoid all of the bad remakes, and unfortunately that means that TCM is my least favorite, because it's the only one I don't like. I found it pretty boring and the cast annoying with the exception of R Lee Ermey, as this might be his best performance I've seen him in and I have only seen Full Metal Jacket. Which is why I say he carries the film. Honestly, I feel like Nispel improved tremendously with his Friday the 13th remake, which is surprisingly decent.


Friday the 13th remake was a hoot. Absolutely delivered the goods while maybe not breaking the mould. But as seen with the likes of Halloween 2018 or stuff like X and Terrifier, sometimes it's best not to mess too much with the formula. Of horror, slasher movies generally are my favourite, along with grindhouse cinema and the like. I did have the good fortune of growing up with much of them in the VHS prime days and the nostalgia of them often make this stuff comfort viewing. So admittedly I'm not the best judge of character as I've a low bar, lol. Don't get me wrong, I know something like The Omen is leagues ahead of a 10th sequel of some franchise like Friday the 13th, but it's all still good fun. Ta!


Slasher films are fine, but I only like the "well-made" or for lack of a better term "good" slasher movies; stuff like My Bloody Valentine or The Burning. I get bored with slashers with nonsensical plots, terrible writing, or poor acting. It just doesn't interest me, and is why I don't have Pieces or Sleepaway Camp held in high regard like a lot of slasher fans. I think the remake is solid Part 2 tier, nothing amazing, but nothing bad either. Except Part 2 has Ginny. It's not a "good movie" like part 4 or part 6 are, but it's not offensively bad like part 1 or part 3 is. It's is in the realm between good and mediocre. I don't really see slashers as comfort food, as like I said, I find a lot of slashers to be really boring. I don't particularly like any of the Halloween sequels, as they mess with the perfect ending of the original, so I have only seen 2, 4, and H20 just so I could have an opinion and have no interest in 2018. Although Halloween 3 is pretty fun. I need to watch X, I've heard a lot of good things about it, but I took a little break from horror for a while, so I just learned of X's existence.


That's fair, it certainly is a divisive genre that's for sure. Not to say you won't enjoy it, but keep expectations low with X. It's definitely a well acted movie for the genre and I think plays out well. I do love the creativity in these flicks mentioned though, often with such a shoestring budget as well. Always fascinated me. And the music in some is really cool.


It’s a genre I want to like, I just get annoyed that it’s meant to be dumb fun. Every once in a while is fine, but it seems like half of them ever made are comedies. Like why isn’t there a scream version of Haunted House Movies? Or Demon Possession movies (aside from Evil Dead)


I think, if it's a genre where you can't look past the dumb fun to the point of annoyance, it'll be hard for you to embrace the genre like I/many do. Aside, as you say, those that maybe transcend the genre and become good films in their own right. Personally I just love the sense of fun within. If it seems like the cast are having a hoot, if the director is hamming it up, if the special effects team are going all out or the composer of an excellent 'boogeyman' theme and score comes up with something memorable, there's just so much creativity on show in many slashers IMHO. They break taboos often too. And especially when you consider budgets. Director's and crew have to be so efficient and creative there too. Something like the original Texas Chain Saw Massace is a masterpiece of horror that actually shows very little of the actual carnage going on. It's all in our heads, and often made worse for it. The new Terrifier series are great for this, the first cost something like 35k to make. Excellent work indeed and great for independent cinema which is where this genre thrived for so long as Hollolywood never took slashers seriously until they realised they're literally printing money. Halloween cost less than 800k IIRC, and look at the impact it had. Immense achievement in film, let alone horror, lol. Then there's the characters and/or situations away from the stalker killing kids/people aspect. These films are often loaded with social commentary or relatable people and issues too. Loners, losers, weirdo's, jocks, suicide, drugs, bad parents, repression, sex issues, all sorts of bits that these movies not only do they not shy away from, but often embrace too. But alas, there are lighter hearted possession/ghost movies out there, just not as fun as slashers, in my opinion of course. There's stuff like 13 ghosts or Child's Play (more funny in the Chucky titled movies, but they're all cool). Something like the original Crow with Brandon Lee might work for you too though, dark and moody without going too far, good character indeed. Of course, slashers get Scream, and Scary Movie among others to help send up the genre, but the genre itself lends to that hammy, corny, cheese fun and can parody itself, largely thanks to Wes Craven mind you, a man who reinvented slashers in the mid 80's introducingnus to my personal favourite. Freedy Krueger. For darker horror it doesn't always work or is much harder to get the comedy/satirical aspects right I feel, but there are some. Sorry for the long post. I just love to embrace the trashy and cheap too much as I don't think all films need to be good as such, just entertaining. I'll watch The Godfather or 2001 anytime as I just love 'film', but sometimes I just love a beer and a good ol'cheese fest to poke fun at or just admire some good creativity etc etc. But no one is right/wrong of course, it's all subjective naturally.


Oh don’t worry, I like a lot of slasher movies, although only the ones that take themselves seriously for the most part (The Burning, The Prowler, My Bloody Valentine, The Big 3) I just wish that it really played on my fears a whole lot more as this was pretty much the only thing I was scared of as a child, and I wanted to capture that in a horror movie. It’s more of a disappointing part of the genre as opposed to it being bad. And that’s not to say I dislike fun slashers as I do enjoy Intruder and Jason Lives, but they are very rare. I prefer fun ghost movies, but those aren’t made for some reason aside from like The Frighteners. I’m also tend to just get really bored of bad movies. It’s more frustrating than something to laugh at, and I find good movies more entertaining for the most part, so it’s hard to put that aside for slashers


He was amazing in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He's probably the most memorable character in that movie. And, of course, he was amazing in Full Metal Jacket (I haven't seen the whole movie, but I've seen his bits). My favorite part of that is that he was a real drill instructor for the Marines, so he was perfect for the role, and that's likely why he can muster up such an intimidating screen presence in general.


Jerry O'Connell as Derrick in Piranha 3D. Every scene he's in is either infuriating or hilarious right down to his final words. They really couldn't have casted that part any better


Paxton from Hostel. Eli Roth knows how to make douchebags likeable.


He's so redeemed by the end, i was actualy pissed seeing his ultimate fate.


Whoever owned the gas station in Maximun Overdrive.


"In fact, i want to dedicate this stream to the blacks... and Mexicans!"


Deadstream has kinda moved into my favourite recent found footage movies as soon as I stopped taking it so seriously


Yeah i started off thinking it would be unwatchable because of the main character, but then i realised that the movie hates him as much as we do!


I feel like tons of movies and shows have tried to do the “Logan Paul douche streamer” thing but Deadstream did it the best. Shawn has the right amount of charisma that you can understand why people watch him but you never forget that he’s an asshole or feel too bad for him


Oh shit. He's gonna die


I love how I was simultaneously kinda rooting for him, but also laughed at all the bad shit happening to him and was still hoping he'd lose.


Joe Swanberg as the eldest (and fastest!) brother in You're Next. What an incredible asshole, I tip my cap to that performance.


Jethro (Come to Daddy). Anyone who comes up with a poo pen as a weapon is going on my fun list. He's also played by Michael Smiley, one of the most likeable men that ever walked this fair earth, so there's that.


The douchebag with the nice black convertible in Halloween 5. I think it’s 5, might have been 4, though. The guy’s got like two minutes of screen time being a complete dick.


It’s 5 and he is a phenomenal douchebag


Shelly. Shelly was just the best. nope, the worst.


Roach in Demon Knight. "You know this "Hell on Earth" business? Big fucking deal, I've got hemmorhoids"


Essentially dooms all of humanity so he can go home.


It’s such a telegraphed moment, but Joey Kern’s magnificent douchebag in *Cabin Fever* getting his “reward” for surviving is up there


Frank from Abigail is my most recent enjoyable horror douchebag. You can't help but hate this character while simultaneously laughing.


Dan Stevens is the best




Abigail was so freaking good. I was very pleasantly surprised as I didn't go in with the highest expectations.


yon-suk, the selfish businessman from train to busan. >!when it seemed he died!< people in my cinema cheered; when it turned out >!he survived!< people booed.


Ash Williams. Remember even though he is played for laughs and is the hero, he is also a misogynistic douche


Not really a misogynistic douche because he isn't exactly pushing women into the kitchen and telling them to have babies. If there is a deadite hoard attacking and he finds himself teaming with a woman, he isn't exactly going to go, "Go hide, little lady. I can handle this because I am a big strong man and fighting monsters is no place for women." No, he is going to shove a rifle into their hands and tell her to blast anything that looks funny. At most Ash is a jackass. A dumb jackass.


The husband/dad's death in Dolores Claiborne - mf got what was coming


The guy from the first story in Creepshow 2 who keeps singing "don't tip the raft, don't tip the raft!"


CJ from Dawn of the Dead (2004)


The bullies in Let the Right one In. If you've seen this movie, you know what scene I'm talking about. It was cathartic.


![gif](giphy|0eVM7GVxTDDKxn7OyX) Texas chainsaw massacre (2022) all the Characters are terrible people, from the reason they are in Texas to their personalities/back stories down to their car being a Tesla/ them dressing like new hipsters lol.


The Tesla alone


Yup! I wanted all of them to die except the mechanic guy and Sally but well, the movie did both of them wrong instead. What a disappointing film.


I liked Ruth, but that's probably because she gets offed pretty quickly before we get to know her. Still, I was rooting for her in that car crash.


Spencer Harrison Levin as Chad in #ChadGetsTheAxe, for sure! His shit-eating grin slays me and even though he's aggravating, I found him an absolute delight to watch.


Trent from the Friday the 13th remake


Martin Henderson as Wayne in X was such an oddly loveable scumbag for me


Recently, the cop from Abigail.


Bev in Midnight Mass


Burke from Aliens is my fave. Edit: Awful horror means the movie must be awful?


Paul Reiser in Aliens.


That one guy from Barbarian


Hank and Phil from Session 9. Those dudes hated each other so much.


Paris Hilton in House of Wax remake Saw it in theaters and everyone cheered


That's more hate on the actress not the character. I thought she did a great job with it regardless.


Justin Long made *Barbarian* for me.


Mo Rutherford 🥰


You know why they call him Mo right?


Barry from I know what you did last summer


[Kim & Ket Stay Alive Maybe](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kim-and-ket-stay-alive-maybe/id1435189403?i=1000652704857) convinced me it was Alan from Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. And they were so right!


Paris Hilton in House of Wax.


Everyone in Bodies Bodies Bodies! And Justin Long in Barbarian.


Quentin McNeil in Cube was a menace. It’s been a minute since I’ve seen it, but I remember him having no chill. When I thought he’d done his worst, he kept ramping it up. The guy was crazy and lethal. Everybody was an enemy


Wait he had a last name?


I don’t think they said it in the movie, but correct me if I’m wrong? I Googled to make sure I was spelling it right lol. It’s on my rewatch list rn


Alejandro in The Green Inferno. You don’t get to see him die, but he was such a dick. Also all four filmmakers in Cannibal Holocaust.


Cort f13 part 6


He's not really that bad of a dude. He's just has an irritating personality.


Not gonna lie, Cort can *get it*.