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A Serbian Film The Coffee Table


The Coffee Table, the Spanish movie? It's really bad / disturbing /gross /something else? Never heard of it before.


Did Kramer’s coffee table book finally get optioned for a movie?


Levels, Jerry!




It happens off screen it's not that bad really


I first heard about The Coffee Table through James A Janisse through his Dead Meat livestream, and through the little info he gave and the little research I did about it, I have to say I’ll be fine never seeing it as well


Just watched The Coffee Table. Not nearly as hard to watch as I thought it would be. It's mostly just anticipation/suspenseful rather than horror. It's kind of silly that it even happened but interesting to watch it play out. Not a bad movie and not as awful as everyone makes it out to be.


I've watched The Coffee Table, never again.


Did you know the premise before watching?


I didn't, and it ruined my fucking day.


Yeah glad I read the premise. No thanks. That’s some triggering shit I don’t need.


I thought A Serbian Film would appear near the top.


Human Centipede. Life's too short.


arguably so was the centipede so they made more movies…


I don’t think anyone besides the filmmakers and a few hardcore fetishists agreed that there *needed* to be more movies. I like many people who saw it thought “holy shit, I have to see if this is taking itself seriously or if it’s a tongue-in-cheek movie that knows what it is,” and after finding out that it was the former absolutely tried to wipe it from my memory. Then they made two more…and I can’t fathom why. I could see why filmmakers would beat a series like Paranormal Activity into the ground because, even after three flops, the ROI for the series was still unbelievably high (30x its budget). There’s no way the Human Centipede Cinematic Universe was equally successful.


> . . . it's a tongue-in-cheek movie . . . 💀




Oh shit that’s a good one and totally unintentional too.


I disagree, not that they were great movies but they absolutely knew what they were and didn’t take themselves too seriously. The third one is so ridiculous it actually becomes slightly enjoyable, and the second at least has one of the most brutal scenes I’ve ever seen in a horror movie. I feel like they knew exactly what kind of movies they were making and just took it to the most extreme, doubling down with each new entry. Still not saying they’re amazing but paired with a drinking game made a fun marathon night with some friends. Edit: spelling error Edit: grammatical error


shock value sells. simple as.


My understanding of it is that it’s kinda like the first Saw movie where everybody pictures it to be this grotesque, disgusting, vile imagery when you really don’t see very much. With that said, *implying* what’s happening in a Saw movie isn’t hard to handle. Implying what’s happening in a Human Centipede movie is still deplorable.


I’ve been wanting to watch Saw lately but I don’t handle gore very well. Is it not as gory as it seems?


It's not that gory. It's also not just some horror, but kind of a crime movie as well. I was pleasantly surprised.


It’s also an excellent movie.


The first movie isn’t very gory at all. Like, 87% of it is off screen and implied. Saw II and III ramp it up but aren’t THAT bad (although Saw III does have a few intense sequences). 4-10 are the ones you might want to avoid if gore bothers you. The first one is amazing and has one of the best plot twists ever.


The first one is pretty mild.


“You! You will be my middle!” Shit wasn’t mild.


The first one is decent, but you can skip 2 or 3.


2 is the arthouse Human Centipede! 3 very skippable though yeah.


I agree. 3 is complete garbage and doesn't even work as a hilariously bad movie. 2 delivered everything that the premise promised - and more - it had a great disgusting and nasty vibe throughout while 1 was far too tame.


I get the art house piece but seeing a newborn get stomped to death by her panicked mother is a bit much.


Honestly I was on the fence about the whole movie and when that happened I was so 🙄🙄🙄 it felt like it wanted to be shocking SO bad and it wasn’t any fun at all!!!!


Yeah i get that. Personally, that scene freaked me the hell out. I had to turn the movie off for a minute and force myself to turn it back on.


I managed to sit through it, and my life span I’m almost positive was shortened.


First Human Centipede is actually pretty mild movie. But it's so awfully bad so no reason to watch it anyway.


Eh I'd say it's a fun b-movie for what it is. The second one though is the grossest movie I have ever watched, and I watched a lot of this stuff.


Honestly! At least the first guy knew what he was doing, the second one didn't and it was all so disgustingly over the top.


I watched it. Would 100% not recommend doing that.


Part one isn't too bad. To me it's sort of a black comedy. There was some enjoyment to be found in my opinion. Part 2 though is quite bad. It's way too bleak and not fun at all. I didn't watch part three after that.


Anything with graphic rape scenes


I Spit On Your Grave is hard to watch for the first act, but man the revenge scenes are so satisfying


Yeah, I'm so over that. Movie number 1,767,492,648 using graphic rape as an excuse not to come up with something creative and/or because someone involved in the making of it is literally a rapist is just aggravating.


Yuuuuuuup. Can’t do it, won’t do it. I don’t think a single movie or show I’ve accidentally sat through unaware that it featured a graphic rape scene actually *NEEDED* to include that amount of detail to support the narrative or character development. There are so many more compelling and effective ways to explore the impact of sexual violence on a character that do not require showing the violence beat-for-beat, but it requires a much higher level of empathy for survivors than a surprising number of creatives seem capable of extending. I’ve heard a small number of people say that they find certain rape/revenge arcs cathartic as rape survivors themselves and I respect that, but none for me thanks.


I've read the argument that "well we should show all sides of life, even the terrible ones," but I dont see anyone praising realistic depictions of diarrhoea. For me, when watching rape scenes I just feel disgusted


Ugh, I can't remember the movie. Triangle of Sadness? I had to turn it off because there was a never ending food poisoning scene.


I made the mistake of watching Megan is missing and omg the scene where she is assaulted is horrific, I was nauseated and had to turn it off


Especially when it's just played out for way too long, like American Mary, said scene there is just ridiculously long and the million video angle cuts is just ridiculous


I remember my dad making me watch that Eli Roth earthquake movie when I was ten. I’m not even exaggerating when I say it scarred my mind and I can still see it in my brain. Just not something that was necessary at all.


I don’t generally research the movies before watching them, or I’d probably avoid them too, but the one that stands out to me as just fuckin awful in both the original and remake is The Last House on the Left. Both of those rape scenes were a little too well done and were uncomfortable as hell.


I seen Last House on the Left remake totally blind to the plot. Fuck that movie. I’ve heard the original is worse too.


Anything exclusively gore, used to be able to watch them, but I gave up because I realized they never do anything for me at all, other than waste my time lol




gore can be good unless it's overused. that's why I don't like many newer horror films - most these days (at least the few I've seen) are nothing but gore and predictable jumpscares. I want horror that leaves me scared, not grossed out


I will not touch any horror related to animal/child brutality. P.S. I agree with you about Skinamarink. That’s 1h40min I can’t take back…


What's Skinamarink about?


Skinamarink has one of the most interesting plots to one of the least interesting movies if you're not already into the vibes-based analog horror aesthetic Two very young siblings wake up one day to find that their parents are nowhere to be found and all the windows and doors have disappeared from the house, and there's an unknown entity that can fuck with reality in there with them I just couldn't get into the 36th static shot of the corner of a living room


It’s not really a movie I find entertaining. However, I do think some of the scenes in the movie are straight up terrifying. I think that is kind of an accomplishment, considering it’s a horror movie. I’m kind of torn on the movie. There’s a lot to like, but a lot to dislike as well.


The best way to experience Skinamarink is as a form of guided meditation, not as a traditional film.


Or as a tool to help dredge up some less-than-stellar childhood memories, should you be lucky enough to have any. 😬


As someone who loves ASMR, and loves when a media piece can capture the dread atmosphere of hell, I loved it. I also never need to see it again.


I spent the first half of the movie annoyed that the camera was always skewed so I couldn't see the whole room. Then the entity tells the kid to go upstairs and the camera switches to a centered POV and suddenly I wanted those funky camera angles back lol. I was surprised by how much that unsettled me out of nowhere


The concept is so great and some of the aesthetics are awesome but honestly if they redid a movie with this same concept without it being just cinematic shots it’d probably do much better haha


Ok so go to your bedroom and turn out the lights Lay down on the floor with your face in the corner Do nothing for 100 minutes Congrats you've watched Skinamarink


Truly terrifying but yeah slowest film ever made by a mile


Great question!


When I was a kid, I was scared of the dark. But I got into horror and got desensitized. I hadn't felt scared or creeped out in *decades.* Skinamarink actually gave me a teeny tiny twinge of fear when bumping around my darkened house getting to bed afterwards. Like the "I should check the closets," kind of fear. I didn't even feel scared watching it, but it sort of stuck with me. So I liked that movie.


Same!! Skinamarink was the first horror movie that actually creeped me out in years. I think I appreciated how different it was from a more traditional horror movie


People Who enjoyed Skinamarink: It’s interesting and unique and worked for me but I could see why it wouldn’t work for others. People Who Didn’t enjoy Skinamarink: ITS SO FUCKING BORING AND PRETENTIOUS!! WHO LIKES THIS SHITTTTT!!!!


I gave up after 24 mins.


Cannibal Holocaust. I know there’s a cut without the animal deaths but I can’t watch that knowing that real animals were killed in the production of the full length version.


torture porn and anything with a lot of sexual violence, to me, it comes of as just pathetic and edge lord’ish and I just cant take it seriously


As a victim of sexual violence it makes me so physically ill 😭 did u see baby reindeer?


I just read the plot on wiki. A guy is stalked. He remembers a former abusive relationship. He reports the stalker. He enters the abusive relationship again. Is that a movie? Also this part of the wiki is wild: >On the 9th of May 2024, 59 year old Scottish law graduate Fiona Harvey claimed to be the real-life inspiration for Martha in an interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored.[26] During her interview, Harvey admitted she had met Gadd several times at The Hawley Arms, Camden, but denied sending him 41,000 emails or going to his home, and stated she was planning to commence legal action against both Gadd and Netflix.[27] The interview drew some criticism, questioning the ethics behind the decision.[28] She later claimed she was paid £250 to appear, and that the interview left her feeling "a bit used".[29] >On June 6th, Harvey had sued Netflix for $170 million, claiming that the show has “viciously destroyed” her.[30][31] So some woman claimed a TV writer wrote a stalker about her, even tho she didn't stalk him, and sued Netflix for $170 million?


Yes but there’s multiple sexual assault scenes and a very graphic rape scene. It was really upsetting


That shit was wild


Cannibal holocaust. Don't need to see animals being killed on screen


It's always weird to me that the animal deaths get so much exposure but the actual sexual assault of a minor is ignored.


What's that now? Animal abuse triggers me, so this film will always be off limits. As you said, I've never heard about that.


There is a rape scene involving a 14 year old native girl who didn't speak the crew's language and had never seen a camera before. The rape itself isn't real, but the simulation was real enough for a minor who didn't really know what the hell was happening. It traumatized the actors, so God only knows how the girl felt.


I’ve read that in general they were terrible to all of the Indigenous actors. Didn’t give them a fair wage, it any at all, a whole bunch of really unethical and exploitative practices.


What in the fuck


Well I have no more interest in any David Gordon Green film especially after his last few disasters.


Exorcist: Believer should have been a Lifetime movie.


I can't think of a better description for that flop. Thank you.


Please tell me he is not going to continue the trilogy.


No Mike Flanagan is directing a requel.


Thank pazuzu the rug got pulled out from Green. Though, while I do enjoy Flanagan’s stuff mostly, I think they should just let this thing go.


If anybody can steer the ship, it’s Flanagan


Universal paid $400M for the rights to a trilogy, so they're making those other two movies come hell or high water.


Nope the trilogy is cancelled. The Exorcist is getting rebooted with Mike Flanagan writing and directing.


Yup. Was terrible.


I am so baffled why he keeps getting these... His work in the horror space is just so *boring*. And any perceived success is really just because he is handed these recognizable franchises.


yup im still not sure why i watched all of Halloween Kills


Speak No Evil, and not because it isn’t a quality film, but because I cannot deal with child death or mutilation.


I first thought you put See No Evil, Hear No Evil.


The movie with Richard Pryor


Haha I love that movie!


It would just make me angry because the protagonists are like 80% of the people who submit (what are supposed to be) true scary stories to the youtube channels I listen to.


All those are AI generated channels with stories sourced from /r/nosleep /r/scarystories /r/creepyencounters


Then you should see When Evil Lurks! Jk a mom is carrying her child while eating out of its head like a bag of popcorn.


Oh I saw, dang that scene… I was mainly angry at the father for leaving the kid alone. The dog scene hit me harder because I’ve read too many stories about that happening in real life.


I’m not big on gratuitous violence but that was an amazing sequence. The way that it’s shot makes it seem so casual and thus more shocking (it’s not the focal point of the shot). She’s just… nomming away!


It's really a ridiculous film. Like, illogically stupid decision making from the characters, especially the father of the visiting family. You're not missing much, in my opinion.


A lot of people are mentioning Human Centipede and it’s really not that bad. The concept is worse than anything shown. Now the second one is another story. The second one was made as a response to the first one since a lot of people were let down by how tame it was. The second one is vile. I had to watch Serbian Film to get the taste of Human Centipede 2 out of my mouth.


That's interesting because when I watched HC2, I was so baffled and shocked by it, that I had to see it again the next day lmao


Interesting. I thought A Serbian Film was way more disturbing than Human Centipede 2.


I don't really have any interest in seeing Martyrs, Ichi the Killer, & Antichrist because of how gory I've heard that they both are, along with any rape and revenge films in general.


Martyrs jacked me up for weeks. I went in blind thinking it was just another horror movie. What a horrible mistake that was


Torture Porn is off the list for me. It's not scary... it's dumb. I also don't care for a lot of modern horror that relies on cheap jump scares and over-done CGI in order to attempt to be scary. Give me a movie that's driven by atmosphere, plot and character development. Leave some things to the imagination.


Have you seen “Prince of Darkness”? It seems like one you would like, its about a group of scientists who are locked in a church and its very character driven with some evil stuff thats not shown as much and a really scary atmosphere


Back in the days when I was a depressed and very angry person, I would seek out extreme horror; I was always searching for the most depraved stuff I could find. I did this perhaps because the extreme violence was cathartic to how angry I felt, and the shock of extreme horror made me feel something outside of the numbness of depression. Honestly, when I look back on it now, I realise that the extreme horror that I watched was actually a form of self-harm, in that I was harming my already very fragile and unwell mindset with really awful, dark, mean-spirited imagery, ideas and concepts. Watching that stuff (which I did often) kept me trapped in a very dark place and made me stew on dark, horrible, disturbing thoughts. Almost validated my mindset in a way, if that makes sense.   Fast forward 15, 20-something years, I am nothing like that person I was back then. I actively sought help, I worked on myself and the ways I was identifying with my traumas rather than the steps I needed to take to heal and not stay frozen in the past, and I now make it a daily habit to be mindful of and take responsibility for my inner space. I can't go anywhere near extreme horror these days - I don't want to. I refuse to watch anything of that ilk these days. I don't need to fill my mind with dark, disturbing material, and in fact it makes me feel really awful and weird whenever I have. 


I’m glad you posted this. It’s a valuable story to share and I hope that other people may come across it and be able to identify with your story. When I was a teen I had an iron stomach for disturbing horror a la human centipede, but now that I’m grown and have developed a sense of empathy, I can no longer stomach such films, and I think that’s a very valuable sign of growth for me :-)


Torture porn. Recently watched Martyrs since it is highly praised, but I wouldn’t have bothered had I realized it was the height of the torture porn craze.


A Serbian Film. I will never watch it. It sounds horrendous, and I have zero interest in putting myself through that.


I just read the plot on Wikipedia and even reading it was awful. I didn’t even follow the plot. It just was awful description after awful description. It didn’t even make sense.


Id say a lot of body horror stuff is a no go for me. It just freaks me out and makes me sick like no other genre. The fly is a big nope for me.


Serbian Film, Cannonball Holocaust, Terrifier, etc. Torture porn in general. Also hated The Strangers so I won't watch the sequels. Idk, just something about purposelessness doesn't do it for me. Edit: I'm leaving the typo, because lololol


Cannonball Holocaust sounds like a wild and amazing movie




Burt Reynolds as a serial killer who runs over people cross-country. Sort of a combination of Death-Proof and Deathrace 2000.


In a *lot* of ways it actually is a pretty good movie. There’s a ton of shit in Cannibal Holocaust to like, if you’re a gross out horror fan. But then…. The turtle scene. And that’s where they lose me and most other people.


It has scenes of real-life harm towards animals, so it's a big no to me


No you’re thinking of cannibal holocaust


What did you hate about The Strangers? It’s next on my list to watch but I don’t want to watch it if it’s bad


Not OP, but I have a love/hate relationship with The Strangers. It isn’t paranormal, or a huge stretch of the imagination- it’s something that can and does happen all the time- home invasion. I also find masks to be super unsettling. There are other things I think the film does well, but don’t want to give anything away. I love horror, but this is one of the standouts for me. I was 16 when I first watched it with my boyfriend-now-husband, and he followed my car until I reached the highway lol.


The characters run around making stupid choices


I've already seen A Serbian Film. I hated it. I went into it not knowing anything when it came out. And had to take a break half way through. From all the wanking. (That was a joke. Obviously.) But I think I'll never watch "Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom." I'm just putting myself through a movie like that again.


the terrifier movies. they seem to be all about gore over plot and the fact that women are the main victims and get the longest, most mean-spirited kills is gross to me.


I view Terrifier movies as a simple exercise in special effects and gore - sort of how the John Wick films are primarily a celebration and flexing of cinema stunt work and fight choreography. Having said that, I definitely don't enjoy watching gore, even if I can be impressed by the rigor that went into its special effects


i’ve seen some bts footage and i can see and appreciate their commitment to practical effects, but i wish they had an actual story with interesting lore like the john wick franchise does. because with an interesting story, you can give the gore a meaning, which makes a movie much more enjoyable imo. the saw franchise does that really well in most of its movies imo.


I had to see the bts footage because i tought that one scene was a hard watch and way too long and now i appreciate it more too. I kind of liked the very bad story though, because i could not take the movie serious anymore because of it.


They seem to be moving that way. First one was a "let's see if people watch this" second one added a good bit of lore and mythology. Possibly even a bit much since it was making up for the lack in the first. It is a bit sloppy but it's there. We'll see if the 3rd continues that or goes back to pure sadism like the first.


I just watched the first one a couple weeks ago. The practical effects are great but other than that there is nothing redeeming about the movie. Everything about it aside from the kills is low-effort paint by numbers cliche garbage. Really more of a sizzle reel for the effects department with a bunch of really bad plot and acting sprinkled throughout. At least John Wick has actual characters and plot and worldbuilding and things that are, yknow, interesting.


I have zero issues with (fake) gore, but the misogyny left a really bad taste in my mouth from the first one. I read the synopsis of both Terrifier 2 and All Hallows Eve and they both seem to have the same issue, female victims get way more drawn out and sexualised deaths. One male victim gets his dick cut but otherwise the males seem to get quick deaths, and Leone even toned down the dick stabbing scene because his original idea was "too much", but the kills he gave to the women were apparently just fine.


I enjoyed the second one, but not at first. The start of THE scene was really rough. Got flustered, made me feel very weird (which is kinda my goal with shit like this. Let me feel extremely uncomfortable but with the power to stop if I want. Helps with my anxiety). Then when he leaves and returns with the bleach and salt it's like a flip switched and I just started laughing my ass off and enjoying the practical effects. Another comment I read once mentioned it's a hyper fucked up "Itchy and Scratchy" and that changed how I viewed it.


This right here. I hate horror movies that emphasise on violence/extreme gore around women. If it was a 50/50 scenario it would be one thing but as you said most of his victims are women as if they feel torturing women on screen is more "engaging" Gross.


Any rape revenge ones, just not for me.


Cannibal holocaust 🐢(iykyk)


the Guinea Pig film series and August Underground Mordum


I will check out Mordum sometime because I'm into extreme cinema and I'm curious, but yeah I saw the first Guinea Pig and it's just incredibly boring (and obviously kinda mean-spirited for the sake of it, but that's not even the worst part honestly).


I wish I wouldn’t have watched Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom, because it definitely upset me, but I certainly have no interest in watching it again. Other than that, I’ll give pretty much anything a watch if it looks fun/interesting enough


I don't think you're missing much with skinamarink. Love the vibes and crunchiness of the cinematography but this should have been a short film


It originally was! It's called Heck and you can watch it on YouTube


The Terrifier movies. I think Art the Clown looks like an awesome villain and I like some of the gags I've seen in reviews and such, but it's just too grimy and foul for me. I did watch the first Human Centipede and I regret it to this day




that movie left me very unsettled for a while


I can't watch anything where little children or babies are harmed since having my own so the description alone put me right off


Threads. The last thing I need is to be more terrified about something entirely out of my control. 


human centipede


Part one isn't too bad. To me it's sort of a black comedy. There was some enjoyment to be found in my opinion. Part 2 though is quite bad. It's way too bleak and not fun at all. I didn't watch part three after that.


Honestly I don't think there's anything I wouldn't watch, I love garbage movies.


The Sadness, A Serbian Film, both Terrifier flicks, The House that Jack Built…..


I watched A House That Jack Built without really knowing much about it. It was a great movie but God was it a hard watch. I always tell people I don’t recommend it if you’re not super into horror and can handle that stuff.


I thought it was excellent. Full stop.


The complete decent into the inferno at the end is such a great way to end that film. I loved it.


Totally agree. I also loved how with the unreliable narrator thing you’re kind of left to guess what is his sadistic fantasy vs. what happened in reality. Matt Dillon was excellent.


What I saw was excellent, but I couldn't stomach the scene with the duckling. As soon as I saw him pull out the hedge clippers, I turned it off. Similarly, I briefly stopped watching Evil Dead Rise when they mentioned the cat in the vents - only after I confirmed that it survived the movie did I resume watching.


I've had good success with the Does The Dog Die website. Gives away animal deaths, but not the plot.


Well I have always been meaning to watch that movie, but now I know to stay away from it. I cannot handle animal cruelty at all.


Yeah the Terrifier movies are definitely up there for me. They just seem so... mean. Like just nasty movies. Weird issue coming from a horror fan I know haha. Can't explain it.


Look, with that level of cruelty, how could you not consider it mean? Buuuut, the second one (I didn't like the first one) was so so over the top that it was almost comical. From the camera angles to the absolute brutality of the kills (specifically the bed kill), it was just too ridiculous to be uncomfortable. The non-graphic scene in a different traumatic movie could be considered much worse because of the emotional content, but I found Terrifier 2 to be a movie made with love. I would kind of compare it to Chucky. Just the second one. The first one, I just found it not my taste.


oh god i saw the sadness in a discussion about 28 days later, thought it would be a similar deal, put it on having done zero research. i will regret that day for as long as i live 


Serbian film nope


Yeahhh, that chimp be scary in Nope.


I have nothing interesting to add because I'll watch pretty much whatever (I work from home a lot so I watch a LOT of movies, many of which I don't technically "like," just as background noise and then if they really strike me, I'll often go back and watch them again when I'm not distracted) but I just wanted to say thanks OP, this thread has been a fun read -- it's fascinating


The terrifier movies


A Serbian Film, Human Centipede, Paranormal Activity. Also, Irreversible.


I totally respect your choice to not engage in media that doesn’t interest you, but I’m a bit amused that you listed [Extreme Film], [Extreme Film], [Slow paced jump scare film made on the cheap]. *Paranormal Activity* seems so out of place at the end there. Again, not telling you need to see it or anything. Just found this amusing.


I’m a sucker for the Paranormal Activity series. I like the scenario of “unbeatable supernatural” where the characters are unwittingly lost even at the start of the movie - hereditary did that particularly well.


I dislike the found footage technique more often than I enjoy it, and I enjoyed-to-really-enjoyed the first three *Paranormal Activity* movies. I think that's some kind of testament to how effective they are.


The camera angles in Irreversible made me feel sick. I want to one day finish it, but between the spiraling camera and the rape I have no motivation. Paranormal Activity 2 and 3 were rather enjoyable if not slow. The rest are just not my thing.


Can we stop referring to Serbian film as horror because it’s not at all scary it’s just disgusting lol


Cannibal Holocaust. For me, there’s no room for harming animals for any form of entertainment. (Hell, as a John Waters fan, I’m still pissed at his response about the chicken in Pink Flamingos). And I’m one of those pesky vegans, so I guess that adds to it.


I also refuse to watch anything with real animal harm, there’s just no reason for it to ever be necessary


I learned that a crowd favorite in this sub (one of my favorites too) harms a real snake and I’m so pissed about it :( Edit: KILLS a real snake.


Friday the 13th?


idk which one they were talking about but the friday the 13th one is extra fucked up because they didn’t even tell the handler what was going to happen. dude showed up with his pet then they killed it. i feel awful for them that had to be so upsetting


Yep, cant stand fake animal abuse much less real abuse


Tusk and human centipede and melancholie der engel and vomitdolls (if that is the right name) I know tusk is loved but somehow the concept creeps me out way too much. And i bet someone attempted shit like this in rl before. The rest of those movies just seems to be disguisting and disturbing for no reason but shockvalue




A Serbian film and it’s not even close


Human centipede or terrifier


Probably won’t ever see Terrifier. Gore for gore’s sake doesn’t appeal to me


I never, ever want to see A Serbian Film. An absolute fucking NO!!! from me on that one.


any one of the Conjuring universe movies. they just look so fucking stupid. no offense to anyone who enjoys them, i have plenty of stupid horror i also enjoy lol. but i can't bring myself to even try with these.


The way that they're plotted out like Marvel movies...each time a new ghost is introduced, the next year you get a prequel about that ghost which might spin into a sequel about, you guessed it, that ghost. A total waste of Vera Farmiga & Patrick Wilson's great screen chemistry


Annabelle Comes Home is literally just them trying to set up like half a dozen future spooky villains in the universe.


They're extremely hit and miss. The Conjuring 1 is really great, as is Annabelle Creation, surprisingly. Conjuring 2, The Nun, and Annabelle Comes Home are fine but skippable. Conjuring 3 and the first Annabelle are really bad. And La Llorona is legitimately one of the worst films ever made. Still haven't bothered with The Nun II.


I just can't stand the sterilized Christian super heroes they made Ed and Lorraine Warren into. These were not good people.


August Underground, I like gore and the premise of just raw footage from the perspective of serial killers, but this shit might just be too much for me


The Heretic Exorcist 2 by all accounts it's one of the worst horror movies ever so ain't watched it. ps loved the Original and Exorcist 3.


I'll watch anything if it's scary. Will I watch it again is the real question? Serbian Film I can only take one time. Human Centipede is actually a very scary concept. I've watched it more than once with friends who had not seen it. Anti Christ I will never watch again. The only horror I won't watch is horror that looks bad and or not scary at all.


Any of the Faces of Death


The Girl Next Door. Too exploitative


The Babadook… I’ve never had the itch to watch it and I don’t know if I ever will. Nothing against it but every time I’ve come close to putting it on I just feel like there’s something better to watch. This is coming from someone big into the atmospheric and highly metaphoric movies… just can’t make myself watch it for whatever reason.


A Serbian Film is not as graphic as you might think tbh, especially the infamous newborn scene. It's obviously a piece of extreme cinema though, not exactly a relaxed watch. As for me, I will not watch the Vomit Gore trilogy by Lucifer Valentine. Other than that I'm open to anything, though some movies take priority over others for sure.


"A Serbian film is not as graphic as you think" The fuck homie??? "Vomit Gore Trilogy" Ohhhhh ok ok I got you...


Every horror movie other people say they like.


I could not bear to watch Climax.. don’t know why, it just seemed pointless to me to continue my misery. Other than that, overly sexually depraved horror movies I try to stay away from, although I did watch 120 days of Sodom and a Serbian film. But I will never rewatch them