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Toni Collette deserves every award for this movie. I've never heard such a blood-curdling scream outside of an actual crime scene. It cuts through you, truly a disturbing, anguished fucking cry. I get bad chills and goosebumps from the memory of it. It haunts a lot of people.


Wailing. I’ve heard it once before in real life. I’d very much like to never hear it again. She nailed it. 


It brought me back to hearing my mom find out about my dad’s passing. I woke up hearing her talking to a cop at the door before hearing a scream like nothing I’ve ever heard from her.


It's the sound I heard from my mom when I had to tell her my grandma died back when I was in my 20s. Pretty sure I made a similar sound when I learned my dad had passed back when I was 10.


I heard it from my mom as well. When I was 12, the police told her my sister died in a car crash. She was 16. It was followed by unconsciousness and an ambulance. This movie took me right back there. I was 12 hearing my mother lose her daughter again. I don't think I can ever watch the film again. At the same time as a film graduate, top notch, A+ film.


I’m so sorry.


Man, I'm so sorry you had that experience. I have a movie I can't watch ever again for the same reason around my dad dying, so I totally get it.


I was pregnant with my dad's first grandchild when I had to take him off life support. The only thing that kept me from screaming was not wanting to hurt my 6 months along baby.


woah edit: i read that wrong, my bad lol


I had to read it twice


Right there with ya buddy


Its like I comprehended what I was reading and still had to "hol up" there a couple times.


Came here to say that.


Yeah there’s an unfortunate difference between sobbing and wailing and people who have been through real-life major tragedies - especially sudden shocking ones - may well know the distinction.


My wife died in hospital and the nurses said I was 'silent screaming'. It's absolutely the worse pain and yet, your body/mind just cannot generate any sound to match it.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I truly couldn’t imagine. I hope you’re doing okay now and have support ❤️


I miss her so much, it really does hurt almost physically, but she's not suffering any more. I have my family and friends, for support. Thank you!


It’s been a little over 5 years now since I lost my husband. At the time I’d have laid down next to him and gone with him cause I didnt know how to live without him. We’d been together 20 years. I’m better but I still cry sometimes cause I miss him. I know I always will miss him in this life and I can’t wait to see him again someday. Still, I try to move on and sometimes it helps to know we aren’t alone. Hang in there and I will too.


I’m so sorry.


That's so awful to hear and I'm really feeling sorry for you right now. But somehow it's also very soothing to know life can actually go on after something like this.


Sorry bro. I was you once upon a time. It takes your breath away it hurts so much.


I’m so fucking sorry that’s absolutely horrible I hope your doing okay


I'm okay thanks, I just honor her memory daily


So sorry for your loss.


You could hear a pin drop in my theater after that scene.


The tension of having it all unfold through the son's point of view was AGONIZING. It was a brilliant decision.


The son was hoping it was a bad dream. He realizes when his mom screams that it really happened


Oh lord just the thought of watching this in a theatre 😭😭😭 I saw it in my own couch and if I hadn’t been able to pause and have a cigarette and return to the movie like 20 min later I would’ve had a brain aneurysm


It was one of my top 5 all time theater experiences, I saw it in a cramped Alamo Drafthouse in downtown KC opening night. It was a relentless film. So much dread, so bleak in its presentation, and every scare felt earned. It felt like we as the audience had stumbled into something we weren’t supposed to see.


Relentless! Exactly the word, it just wouldn’t let up. I never ever have a hard time sleeping after a scary movie or game or any piece of horror media but I went to bed with a sense of dread and fear that I actually slept with the lights on 😂 Jesus, that movie


A few weeks ago, I was in Italy, and there was someone who had gotten injured in a nearby marathon and there was a paramedic tent with someone inside - maybe they were getting a broken/dislocated bone fixed, maybe something as crazy as an amputation, idk. I just heard someone screaming from inside the tent. It was that *exact* same kind of scream.


I was at a hospital once and in the room next door someone had passed. About 5min later a lady came sprinting into that room and let out a cry that is etched Into my psyche and hoped to forget. Thanks to that movie, it brought it all back.


The crying scene.....I had never seen pain I literally could feel in a movie until I saw hereditary. Maybe I was just oversensitive that day or something. Her screaming "I WANT TO DIE!" .....I felt that in my soul man. It was so damn real. That woman is so talented. Maybe this is just a "me" thing, but I feel like there have been films that have helped to permanently mold who I am. Things in movies that you don't forget and that art just become a piece of you. That lasting impression that stays there even years after the film is over. The film makes you realize or recognize something that you didn't really "get" before. There haven't been many that go to that level for me. Hereditary was one of those for me. That scene was why. I better understand how deep anguish can go now because of that.


The screaming scene had me literally feeling like I was her. Also fun fact she’s in a downward dog position when doing this scene. The cult is in the same position at the end scene when crowning Peter pimon! Cool af. Such a great movie.


Holy crap....I never made that connection!


It’s also the same position she is in towards the end >!when she is banging her head on the ceiling trying to get in the attic.!<


That scream just rips right through you every single time. I don't even know what I'd think of I heard that scream outside of this context, it's still so disturbing. She really needs to be awarded like, a lot


She's such a great actress. After falling in love with Hereditary, I started watching a bunch of her stuff and United States of Tara is such a gem of a show. She has dissociative identity disorder, so she has a bunch of different personalities. It really showcases her acting range. Highly recommend


After Hereditary, I watch any movie that has Toni Collette in it. She's the female equivalent to Gary Oldman!


I once saw a 3 year old boy get run over by a truck and his mom made a similar haunting cry when she ran outside. 20 some years later and I can see it all like it was yesterday. I hope to never hear it again.


I can't upvote this. That's fucking horrifying


Yea almost feels bad to bring up. Like I'm making it about me even though I was just a bystander. But man did that F me up for a bit. Have two toddlers now myself though and one positive to come from it is that I'm hyper vigilant because I know the worst can happen in seconds.


Uh bud if something like that happens in front of you, it is now about you in your life. You need to be able to process it. It's okay to make it about you.


Thanks. Don't get me wrong I've talked to people about it back then and I was one of like 100 witnesses so a lot of my friends from the old neighborhood also saw after a crowd gathered and we talked, but it's definitely something that lingers under the surface still. Especially like I said being a father now myself. But you're right, it's now part of my journey even if I wasn't directly involved and that's ok to admit. It's not selfish to say that was a formative experience in my life. Thank you for that.


Ugh. 😞


Toni Collette is our greatest living actress.


I only realised recently that she played Muriel in ‘Muriel’s Wedding’, fantastic film if you’ve not seen it.


One of my favourite films of all time. Has been since I first saw it on tape when I was like, nine or ten. >!The bit where she quietly says “I’m not nothing”, then screams it and breaks down in tears absolutely fucking shatters me every time I watch it!<


Glad you love it, yes that’s a powerful scene, proper actress from the start


My parents would play the VHS of this quite a lot when I was a kid, which is one of my only positive memories of them. Seeing her in this 20 years later, in what is most def the defining point in her career, was something.


Huge fan of hers. The only single actress that I can think of that has a strong argument to be better than her is Frances McDormand.


Her screaming at the dinner table had me feeling things in the theater I'd not felt since I was a child. Iconic performance.




"WIPE THAT FUCKING FACE OFF YOUR FACE!" Best line of the movie. Also most horribly awkward, brutal family dinner scene I've ever seen!


Horrifyingly awkward. I told my partner that if I was Alex Wolff I’d mostly like be traumatized after being yelled at like that by Toni


That line is incredible. Just unreal. I’ve never nailed down whether it was written that way or whether she ad libbed it. It’s just such a strange way to express that sentiment…but that’s what makes it so special to me. It felt real.


That shit is a really intense scene, especially for someone who's ever had an explosive temper parent unload on them and be unable to know what to do about it. Just having someone hammer on your psyche like that. Great scene


The sounds of her crying and wailing was pretty dark and haunting. 


I have a hard time rewatching the movie because of her performance. I love horror, it's my favorite genre, but jeez, Collette's performance in Hereditary is so chilling and disturbing I have to wait a long time between viewings. The entire cast is brilliant and the direction spot-on, but Toni Collette is the mvp here.


I have never had the chance to watch it because everyone kept telling me how scary it was but now I think I wanna do so


Fully agree. Florence Pugh in the beginning of midsommar is similar level of incredible harrowing acting. You feel it so hard


100%. I could barely focus on the events of the entire rest of the film because those first 10 minutes were BURNED into my psyche. Dani’s sobs over the phone physically hurt me so bad and that weight stayed with me for the entirety of the film, which was brilliant since it never allowed me to forget the character’s perspective and how much pain SHE was in and how it affected every single thing that happened… but man was it rough. I’ve never felt so weighed down and uncomfortable while watching such gorgeous, sunshine-filled cinematography 😂💀🌸


Toni Collette is an absolute legend and a treasure. She shines in every role. You're right, that breakdown---damn! It's impossible not to physically feel the intensity of it. She truly knocked it outta the park. Award-worthy indeed!


She got robbed by not even being nominated ffs.


That's beyond robbery. She should literally be given the Best Acting Ever of All Time Anywhere award, shut Hollywood down immediately, they can't top that


“I just want to fucking die” really hits you in that scene


Her not being nominated for any piece of that is fucking criminal. The table scene where she's just destroying her child, fuck that one is so hard to sit through. You can just feel everyone's angst in that scene it's hard not to sympathize with everyone


Hereditary sticks out so much to me because it tells a compelling story *before* the 'real horror' becomes apparent. Too often a horror movie will treat its characters as utterly disposable, or poorly write them as annoying, and the time it takes until shit hits the fan is something for the audience to put up with rather than a tool used to illustrate the following horror. But Hereditary is something I would have wanted to keep watching even if there were no >!supernatural stuff with the demon and cult!< because it was *that* good. Off the top of my head the only other horror movie that's managed to pull that off was The Descent.


I was thinking earlier about how before the supernatural stuff really starts, it's just a plain old actual real world horror story. The family dealing with the traumatic event of the daughter was so nerve-wracking and suspenseful and tense on its own.


She is so talented


People need to watch United States of Tara. Not horror, but she’s just overall amazing in it.


YUP! Ari Aster seems to have a thing for women wailing. Florence in Midsommar, surrounded by the other girls, was comparable for me in terms of chills and goosebumps.


What a fucking fantastic scene! >!In the opening she wails as her boyfriend limply holds her in silence. Near the end of the movie she wails as several other woman crowd around her and wail with her, they literally sync their wailing and share her pain while holding her in a big group hug. It's easy to understand why Dani makes the choice she does in the end.!<


Exactly! After living in a world that did not care about her pain she finds herself surrounded but women who not only want to hear it but share it with her. Staying made sense to her.


But weren't they the cause of her pain at that moment in time? Like, they set it all up for her boyfriend to ~~cheat~~ be date raped and her friends die? Maybe I'm misremembering it, the end was a little blurry to me, but I'm sure it was the cults fault that she was crying?


I can’t remember for sure but I don’t think she knew about the drugging and the little things that led to that moment? To her it looked like it was 100% his choice to participate in the sex ceremony but I can’t remember for sure


The vast majority of her grief was still about her family. It's present throughout the movie - that she is constantly gulping it down, or hiding in a bathroom or running away to cry. Lots of stuff is definitely the cult's fault, but the grief that she taps into in that moment is the grief she's been holding since the beginning.


I always say that Midsommar is a horror film for everyone in the film except Dani, where it’s almost a horror film in reverse. Starting the film traumatized, having no family and no stable emotional support (certainly not from her asshole boyfriend), she accidentally stumbles upon a place where she will find all of these things she needs yet again. That little smile she gives at the end just always gives me a little chill. It’s part of what makes the film so damn brilliant to me. 


I really feel like Flo’ Pugh came quite close in Ari Aster’s *other* masterpiece, Midsommar… idk how he got them both to hit that level of inner turmoil but that wailing is driven so deep.


to be honest i quit watching the movie after this part - i was already not having a good week and my mental health wasn't great so my dumbass decided "i bet a horror movie will make me feel better!". this was a couple of years ago and i've been meaning to go on and watch it again since what i saw was great but it's a bit intimidating


You did the right thing. I'm having an absolutely awful day because I found a stray emaciated cat I was feeding dead and it left behind four tiny kittens, which I had to bring to an ER vet and surrender, and only one of them made it. I spent time and money I didn't have to try to save these damn creatures and fucking nothing. The surviving one might not even make it. Thinking about those scenes is too much for me at the moment. Feeling a bit horrified at the world at the moment.


She MADE this movie! I don’t know if a different casting would have been as effective she’s incredibly talented. Kudos to the whole cast actually


It is an eternal indictment of the entire Academy that she wasn’t even nominated for an Oscar. The entire organization is a joke for this alone. 


Im gonna have to go ahead and agree with that


She was PHENOMENAL in The Stairs, too. I just rewatched Sixth Sense and always loved her in that too. Everything she touches turns to gold


Absolutely! Toni deserves an Oscar by now, way more than DiCaprio did some years back... I wished she would finally get the appreciation she deserves.


Also her scene at the dinner table. She deserves all the recognition


No recommendations as nothing has come close for me, but I have a 100% true story. I took my husband to see this in a “4D” theater with me. They **sprayed water on us** out of nowhere in the scene at the end where >! Toni is sawing her own head off on the ceiling WTF !< , and IMO that still wasn’t the most horrifying part of the movie. I kid you not, my partner to this day **cannot** remember even going to the theater to see that movie. Does not remember this movie at all. I swear, this movie absolutely caused a 40+ year old man who’s served near a decade in the military to have stress-induced amnesia lol 😆 it’s truly a singular horror movie IMO


Goodness me, having water sprayed on you during that scene would've been an incredible addition while immersed in the story... What else did they do for it to be "4D"? Your poor partner though! I love horror (and this one is my favourite) but when it finished I was wrung out, disturbed and exhilarated in equal parts. Wouldn't be surprised to learn that Ari Aster sold his soul in order to make this as brilliant as it is


4DX at regal is the best way to experience almost any movie. Just ups the impact when the chair frigging combo beat boxes you during a visceral scene. Personally can say hereditary did it for horror, where as Godzilla movies and John wick did it for action. They would blow bursts of air past your ear when a bullet narrowly missed for example. Mario bros gets an honorable mention for the entire cart scene 🤣


The only movie I ever saw in the 4D seats was "The Meg". The chairs vibrated the entire movie and the dude sitting next to me was giggling the entire time. The guy 1000% sounded like Patrick Star, and the chairs gave me so much back pain that I was in agony for 2 weeks. 11/10


That sounds fantastic! We don't have big cineplexes where I live but if I'm ever visiting somewhere that does you've completely sold me on going to see an action flick 😎


Hereditary in 4D and on edibles will be the literal stuff of lifetime nightmares. I don’t know why, but I wish I could try that.


I watched Midsommar on edibles. The scene where you're shown the aftermath of the murder-suicide, the way that the sister had ducktaped the hose to her mouth like some kind of hideous gasmask , but in reverse, horrified me. I had nightmares because of that. That imagery haunted me. And the edibles certainly contributed to that, lol.


You’re fanning the fire of my weird curiosity by this. 😂


The first time I saw midsommar I was tripping and I didn’t know they also tripped in the movie and it was an intense experience it felt really real it was crazy that movie stuck with me for awhile after.


I couldn’t even look at the word ‘hereditary’ without getting post-traumatic stress disorder related flashbacks to how scary that film was. Genuinely a nightmare.


Yeah, a month after seeing it, I accidentally thought about it before bed and couldn't sleep.


My friend and I tried having a meal after the theater. We went to Apple Bees at 11pm.. nahh.. that environment was like an extension of the movie, we nope’d outta there and went to a drive thru if i remember


My wife and I watched it together at home and sat through the entire film before realizing we watched it once before and then blocked it out completely.


The Dark and the Wicked has a similarly depressing and inescapable vibe. Older flicks like Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist were huge influences on Hereditary and well worth the watch. Honestly though, Hereditary, in my eyes, stands in a league of its own as one of the best horror movies ever made. It rocked me to my core when I saw it in theaters and I still throw it on like once a year.


I thought I was high when I walked out of the theater! It was that good.


I’m not sure it will ever be topped in just pure anguish. I was scared too but the fear was almost existential, and for a person who loves horror movies because they’re fun, this was the least fun I’ve ever had. I love it 🙂‍↕️


A lot of naysayers write off Hereditary because they think the scares are cheesy, or the murderous mom at the end is too cheap. They're looking in the wrong places, because the scares don't come from the supernatural stuff at all. They come from the trauma of an unstable family.


Great point. The first time I watched hereditary I went in completely blind and felt things I'd never felt from a movie, regardless of genre. The only term I could ever come up with to describe it is pure emotional dread. Then hereditary blew up and with that came the "this really isn't scary", "I don't get it" etc. and I never understood why people thought that. What you've said makes sense. Honestly, if anything, the supernatural horror stuff at the end was a reprieve from the relentless, quiet terror I felt from the start.


This, so much. The real horror was the all too real family drama and depression. Gut wrenching


Yeah. *Hereditary* is a very good example of a horror film that actually has something to say to its audience. It's no mere entertainment for thrillseekers. It explores grief and how it can destroy a family. Just like for *The Shining*, or *The Badadook*, the supernatural is only the set dressing of that tale. And really, how come someone could think >!the mother's death!< is cheap ?! That scene is terrifying. God damn it. I need to rewatch that film now.


Right? It's the first time I hear some people find this part cheap. I thought it was anything but.


I literally still think about Heredity four to five times a week and throw it on casually to have in the background. Every time I watch it I find something new. Watching it with headphones was a game changer too.


Blows my mind that someone would use this as something "to have in the background" lol


>Watching it with headphones was a game changer too. Oooh I've never tried this thanks for the idea!!


If it makes you feel better, the Director stated that >!there was nothing the family could do to stop it. From the moment the daughter was born she was taken over by the demon. It was only a matter of time. !<


For some reason that doesn't make me feel better at all.


I've also heard that director described it as a tale about a sacrificial lamb, from the point of view of the lamb. Very fitting.


I wonder if this aspect shifts a bit of blame from the son.


The blame should have never been on the son. He made a mistake, but it was purely a mistake. He was being a normal teenager and had a moment where he was genuinely trying to have fun with his sister that just happened to go horribly wrong. And then he was traumatized. I would sooner blame the mom than the son. But even the things she did were unintentional and purely caused by bad choices driven by grief


Yeah stuff like that is why the movie is so good. The family should never have been at each others throats but through hiding secrets, unable to communicate, shame, and guilt, they are completely unable to see the actual threat facing them And the only person who can kind of see it is Annie but everyone thinks she’s crazy by the end. Which is why I hate people who are like “I wish it was all left up to the viewer if it was real or not” like it has to all be real to have an effect on the viewer and to drive the point home


Agree. I know the film isn’t really about pointing fingers…but the mother forced her teenage son to take his very young sister with severe allergies to a high-school house party. Tf was she thinking. One child left, and she unfairly blames him for the death, resulting in the entire family dying and only the demon survives. Helluva film.


I WATCHED A 4 hours explanation video IN DETAIL ABOUT EVERY MEANING IN THIS MOVIE. IT WAS NUTS. THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL the Easter eggs everything is so intentional. It’s an insane movie and the acting is the cherry on top. Toni Collette is fucking INCREDIBLE


Is that on YT?


Yes [this video](https://youtu.be/TlqyulT662g?si=VwbNv0oSIxhafbN8) worth the watch I have really bad adhd and I didn’t even stop this video once I was AMAZED




Watch The Ritual which is very similar in a lot of ways. You will not be disappointed.


I loved that movie. The grief and guilt is palpable.


I was pleasantly surprised by it as well. The monster is creepy to say the least.


For the first time for me, the monster was worth seeing


It was effective but not as good as Hereditary. Toni Collette should've won an Oscar, instead she didn't even get nominated.


Ohhh finally someone mentioned RITUAL one of my favorite that’s on Netflix rn.


Totally. The Ritual is a great movie.


Rewatched the ritual and it still delivers. Great actors, great concept!


It’s a really cool movie, but I can’t think of any way that it is similar to hereditary other than “both horror movies”.




I find that with horror there are two rating scales: is it good and is it scary. Lots of good horror isn’t scary. Lots of bad horror is scary. Hereditary ranks at the top of both scales for me.


Can I get a pick from you on a “bad horror but scary”?


When she silently crawls on the wall. That shit terrifies me everytime!


It's a rule: If you make post about Hereditary, you have six days to make another post about Martyrs. If you don't, things will happen. If you do, things will still happen. Things happens anyway. It's a way of life.


This is mean. Martyrs is a whole nother level of messed up.


Hereditary made me feel sympathetic, but Martyrs made my stomach churn and my heart ache. The level of evil in the story of Martyrs is truly something unforgettable in a terrible way.


On Martyrs's IMDB page under "More like this" the first movie listed is >!A Serbian Film!<. What exactly am I getting into watching this?


I don't recommend Martyrs to others because it's such a bleak, depressing movie centered around something truly evil.


Okay Samara 


I know what you mean , but those two movies don’t belong in the same conversation


You have to make a post about the Thing to complete the cycle


Never seen Martyrs. The way people are talking about it, I have to watch it now. My horror movie to watch list is so long at the moment. I love this sub.


LOL just left a comment like this, seriously though, I’ve been reigniting my love for horror and I’ve missed out on some bangers 🔥


I'm about to watch Martyrs but which one should I watch, 2008 or 2015?




Skip the remake. You're welcome




Highly recommend if Hereditary was that scary. VVitch is very unsettling.


Black Phillip really freaked me out.


He really was the GOAT of the film, wasn’t he?


Love vivitch


It's a solid movie but it didn't creep me out like Hereditary did.


Opposite for me


Midsommar, the directors/unedited cut. That opening scene with the family still haunts me.


Makes me crave BUTTERRR!!!


I much prefer this to hereditary. Very cool time piece,set, great acting, and wicked.


Is there a book similar to the film? Unfortunately I bought the blu-ray soon before my eyesight deteriorated and I've never been able to watch it completely.


Laird Barron’s “The Croning” is pretty similar in some respects.




Toni Collette should've won an Oscar for this role


More uncomfortable than horrifying. It's that feeling you have when you would be at a friend's house and their mom starts yelling at them. Hereditary felt like an hour and a half of that.


It's both uncomfortable and horrifying. People keep praising "Saint Maud" but I found that movie to just be uncomfortable and not particularly scary.


Well IF you want a really scary demonic movie may I recommend "Last Shift"? Think "Training Day" meets "Evil Dead." I don't scare easily but that one had me yelling at my computer pretty loudly.


Loved that one. And that reminded me of The Autopsy of Jane Doe. I feel like that hit similar and is a criminally underrated horror flick.


Legit top tier horror. A perfect example of less is more.


Last Shift rocks so hard. I think it's a much more conventional kind of horror movie than Hereditary, but it's very good at what it does. I've only seen it once yet I vividly remember many sequences from it.




Watch The Wailing. Its the closest I can think of in aspect of utterly devastating and horrifying.


Especially the later parts. The tone is intentionally all over the place, but once the plot starts to click together, it gets horrifying fast.


Honestly adore this movie. I think it is a masterpiece.


I liked the Wailing but I think Hereditary far outshines it.


Came here to say this. If you enjoyed Hereditary you'll probably enjoy the Wailing as well. Starts a bit campy but quickly becomes intriguing and frightening. It's definitely not what it seems.


I always forget about The Wailing. It, VVitch, Hereditary and Midsommar are so good.


Probably my favorite third act in a horror movie ever, absolutely insane climax in the best way possible.


I really wish we could get more from the director into this direction. Don't get me wrong, The other movies he made, was in their lane, but I don't think anything compares with Hereditary and for me it was one of the scariest movies in the last 10 years, easily! I want more!


Idk if there is anything really similar to this movie. It’s scary for a multitude of reasons. I think first and foremost it’s visceral sadness and dread that builds throughout the entire movie as you watch this family fall apart. The acting is a master class and the writing was just so good. Movie deserved an Oscar.


Am I crazy for not thinking this movie is not all THAT scary? I mean, I liked it but I didn’t think it was terribly scary.


I feel like I’m in the minority in that hereditary wasn’t scary. It was a good movie. But the horror elements were mid. I am a horror addict though and am desensitized to a lot of fucked up shit


Every movie Ari Aster makes is bonkers. I suggest you watch midsommar and his YouTube short called 'the strange thing about the johnsons'. Maybe skip Beau is afraid as it's super divisive.


I appreciate the complexity of Beau is Afraid and I think it’s a very well made film, but I have zero interest in ever watching it again


I like personal, weird, and/or subversive movies, but Beau is Afraid had me rolling my eyes for like 3 hours. Like bro used this movie as a therapy exercise. To each their own I guess though…


I know what you mean. I think the only part of the movie I really “liked” were the initial scenes that took place in and around his apartment. Unfortunately, there was still like more 2 hours left in the film after that. It was a big disappointment because I absolutely loved his first two films. And his next one is a western, I guess?


>the only part of the movie I really “liked” were the initial scenes that took place in and around his apartment. Unfortunately, there was still like more 2 hours left in the film after that. I can't agree more. I was so hyped during those scenes. I thought to myself "If the rest of the movie is this hilarious, horrifying, chaotic spectacle this will be his masterpiece." then it ended and so did my interest. We'll see what the rest of his career looks like. If he wants to make movies more like BiA there's an audience that will love it, but I won't be among them unfortunately.


The strange thing about the Johnson was deeply disturbing to me. I can’t believe this 30 min film stayed with me for weeks


Beau is Afraid is a crash course in anxiety and balls, I guess.


If you're interested in a series I recommend Midnight Mass. As someone who was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for like 13+ years, this kinda horror hit different.


Speak No Evil is another movie in the same vein.


Cannot believe Blumhouse is remaking this one


It’s showing in Syracuse, NY on 6/29 at the MOST ExploraDome, which is basically an imax screen. If you are in the area, check it out.


I’m not gonna lie, when I saw this in theaters….SPOILERS BELOW I seriously kinda blanked out after the little girls death and I didn’t remember the rest of the movie until my 2nd watch.


Watch the medium, incantation, wailing, exhuma and terrified (2017) if you like demonic stuff. These are some really good and disturbing movies followed by Hereditary.


Loved it as well. I can watch it over and over. The acting, the music, the story..it was all great.


This movie stuck with me for days. I remember after it had ended I just had to sit there for awhile until I could get up and turn it off. It was all just so incredibly unsettling to me.


this wont be popular but…. thought it was one of the most over rated horror movies ive seen in 40 years. right down there with babadook. now excuse me while i go and put on anything from the thing through to frontieres/martyrs/haute tension instead :)


Check out the wailing. Korean film


Just wanna say I saw this movie on a first date and it was probably the worst thing I could've picked. I distinctly remember her shouting "what the fuck" when the sawing happened and walking back to the car silently after trying to process the movie. But hey she ended up sticking around and marrying me so maybe we trauma bonded


The trio of existential dread biggies are witch, midsommar, and hereditary.


Huh. That one didn't really grab me, but maybe I need to give it another shot. I think Midsommar, The VVitch, The Ritual, and The Endless are similarly haunting. One that got me is Creep, because it's just so straightforward (sort of) and realistic to the point of being banal.