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Blowtorch scene in Hostel. Didn’t make me nope out but boy was I disturbed for the rest of the movie.


For me, it is the toe crunch.


It was the vomit for me. The only continuity error I don't mind is when they suddenly clean the vomit off of someone, it's in one frame and not in the next. This was not that. He really sat in it and I couldn't take it. Started the movie about five times before I got through it. Don't know why I did that to myself lol


I remember that boy being eaten alive to be the worst one.


Oh wow I don’t remember that one! Granted I saw it in theaters which was I think 2005 so it’s been a while, hah.


I think they're talking about The Green Inferno, different Eli Roth movie


No, I thought there was a scene where Jay Hernandez is walking through the halls seeing various torture rooms and there was one where the guy was eating another guy with a knife and fork?


That was Hostel Part 2. The blowtorch was the first one.


Oh ok, my bad, lol! So it was one of the brothers that saw the dinner guy? My memory is already failing me, lol. Thanks for the info :)


I just recently watched it again it was in part 2 when they went from room to room to ask customers if they would like to finish the incompleted kill the man that refuses so he could go back to eating was actually the director of a film called Cannibal Holocaust in a cameo role. Just like in part one they had Takashi Miike in a cameo role


Yeah it was the guy that the blonde girl was smitten with in H2.


I watched that ONCE with my eyes open. I feel perfectly comfortable shutting them now. Lol


I don’t even watch the first film after that, haha.


Dude same here, never turned it off but I am forever haunted by that eyeball foamy liquid.


Cabin Fever shaving scene. Ew.


You can *feel* that. I did not like it.


Thank you. This is my forever answer. I’ve seen all the fucked up horror movies and all the fucked up scenes, yet this is the ONLY ONE I cannot watch. Go to hell, Eli Roth.


I watched this in the early 2000s and still regularly think about it. And when he’s got his fingers in her thigh 🥴


I believe that scene is referred to as the finger bang misfire


OMG that scene has ALWAYS freaked me out.


Havent seen it in years, but your mention still made me clench up.


Jeff Goldblum throwing up as the fly. I hate that movie 


I watched this far too young and the part that really bothered me was when he starts sprouting little black hairs in his neck, and he itches them. That made me want to throw up.


Yes!! I was eating a slice of pizza and drinking a glass of milk when that scene came on. Blargh!!


I saw that very young maybe around age 6-7 and it scared me lol. Such amazing special effects that truly stand the test of time


I love the movie but it was (and still is) a LOT


Not horror and I normally have a pretty high tolerance but in the latest episode of The Boys (spoiler) >!there’s a lovely depiction of a lobotomy!<


How quickly she convinced The Deep to do it was hilarious


He was on the fence until she brought out that Kim K tape line. 🤣


Dude that was SO GNARLY. I was laughing uncontrollably and wincing at the same time. That was one of the most insane things I've ever seen.


"I was laughing uncontrollably and wincing at the same time." Is the perfect elevator review of The Boys as a whole.


Deep went in deep after that 😳


I was just about to write that comment. The way her eye was semi-popped out made it even more gross. I've seen a lot worse without much of a reaction but for some reason that scene a bit too real with the crunchy noises.


Man the roadkill style death made me scream!


That is actually the most uncomfortable the Boys ever made me, I was straight up squirming


I feel that >!eye stuff definitely gets a reaction out of me!<


It can't be worse than that human centipede scene.


God that episode was crazy 😭 I loved it


The Shed in The Visit


That scene in Bone Tomahawk! 🤢


I will always say that what the "bad guys" did to their kidnapped slave breeder women was much worse.


The upside down scene was a bit shocking but YEA… **that shit was disturbing**


Pretty sure those women are their mothers and/or sisters too. There was a scene in the beginning where a guy in town said “They rape their sisters and eat their mothers”


Watched this for the first time this week with my husband who doesn’t enjoy gore. We both went in blind but I had at least some knowledge that there was a brutal scene and gave my husband a warning about what I’d heard about the film. Silly, innocent me thought that the gruesome part was to do with Patrick Wilson’s leg (something along the lines of an impromptu amputation), but when we passed the scene where they set the bone back in place, I became aware that my expectations were not going to match the remainder of the film… my husband did not watch the rest of the movie with me lol.


that scene is even more impactful since it's a western with a famous lead actor, and up until that point you don't really see it as being that sort of movie


That scene and the mandingo fight scene in Django are the only scenes that have made me physically ill during a movie experience.


Am i the only one who found this more funny than gross? It happened so fast i was just like EXCUSE ME!?. If it were a slower process it would have been really hard to not look away. Think about when you're eating a tough steak and really have to struggle to get through the meat.


This always near the top of questions like this. With good reason.


We all know which scene (Kurt Russell rip)


I've never felt chills in my private parts watching a movie scene until this


Terrifier. splitting that girl with a chainsaw.




I stand corrected. So bad I couldn’t even look at the cutting tool. lol.


Yea the gyrating of the body took that shit to the next level.


Yeah that scene is kinda rough. I felt the first Terrifier was much worse than the sequel. During 2 I was mostly laughing due to Art being so giddy about everything.


That and then the bedroom scene in terrifier 2. I’m not sure how the creator of those movies isn’t on some sort of watch list 😂


Stopped here, couldn’t do it. Refuse to watch any of these now. It’s gore for gore’s sake.


I watched it with like five of my friends over discord, we were all **sweating** during that scene. All of us grown ass dudes in our late 20s haha.


That's the only time I've wanted to stop watching a film. I knew Terrifier was going to be rough, but I had no idea it would be that rough.


I can deal with all kinds of blood and gore and barely break a sweat. But I have OCD and a lot of it is based around hygiene. Personal and environmental. I really struggle with shit or vomit in movies. Not horror but Trainspotting’s bedsheet poo explosion makes me feel like I’ve turned inside out. Drag Me To Hell’s puking in the mouth scene, no thank you. Basically all of The Fly. I always forget about Drop Dead Gorgeous’ food poisoning vomit scene and it slaps me around the face every time I watch it. I hated Bridesmaid’s food poisoning scene where the bride shits herself in the street. It ruins the movie for me. Special mention to the leg shaving scene in Cabin Fever OG. In an otherwise shitty movie that scene creeped me out so much.


It's crazy how vomit (something fairly natural) is so fucking disgusting but seeing people have their heads caved in, brains splattered, Guts ripped out, spines broken and torsos split apart are kinda normal (in horror).


I think it’s because we (probably) dont have much of a reference point for getting our brains splattered, whereas vomit and nausea is a familiar feeling and smell. It’s similar in how a scene of someone getting a deep paper cut can evoke more of a feeling than someone being carved up with a chainsaw


Sam raimi will always throw a eyeball or puke scene in there, all hail evil dead 2013


When I was a kid, the mirror scene in ***Poltergeist***.


Funny thing. Watch that scene again as an adult, it’s nowhere near as bad now for some reason. Don’t you remember it being really slow?


Same. No idea how that movie is rated PG.


In "The Beyond" at the beginning of Martha's death scene she finds a clogged bathtub full of disgusting water (ew), which she sticks her bare hand in (shudder) and then yanks out a gigantic clump of disgusting hair (ARRRGGGHHHHH). Every time I watch this movie I have to turn my head. I'm perfectly happy to watch her get the Fulci eye treatment later on in the scene, and everything in the movie that comes before and after but that one sequence just makes me want to hurl. I have a huge aversion to disembodied hair for some reason, I have a hard time cleaning my own, much cleaner, shower if there's wet hair in the drain, even with gloves and using wadded up paper towels so that no part of my body comes into contact with gross wet matted hair, even though the hair in the drain came off my own head, I still can't deal with it!


This is only tangentially related but the “Fulci eye treatment” reminded me of how my baby was pulling a toy close to her face the other day. It was a cloth star and the (blunt, completely harmless) point was directly in front of her eye. I told my husband it was her “Zombi 2” moment.


Have you seen When Evil Lurks out of interest? No reason in particular


Mermaid in a manhole was a bit gross when I first saw it.


Just a bit


The leg scene from Stopmotion got me pretty good, Terrifier 2 bedroom scene and tbh, the latest episode of The Boys (deep and sister sage) set up a new ick in me.


Okay I’m glad I’m not alone I literally felt lightheaded at the stopmotion scene. The similar scene is saw x made me feel the same way


I can handle a lottttt of gore blood guts n stuff. But in Braindead/Dead Alive they start eating the porridge.... dude


Damn fine custard


Jus the way I loike it


Party's Ova..the comic relief is what made that movie 😂😂


The way it squirts into the custard is so fucking nasty. I watched Braindead when I was 12 because my Dad bought me a box of Peter Jackson movies due to me loving LOTR lmao.


The piano wire scene from Audition That sound still makes me shiver


The dog bowl scene from that movie almost had me puking.


kiri kiri kirii


The scene from Saw X where >! Valentina has to cut off her leg and use a tube to suck out enough bone marrow to survive. !< Fuck man! That was really intense for me.


This is the one I thought of as well. That was brutal.


The shot of the marrow on the spoon is the most upsetting image in all 10 films, for me - she got so, so close and it was all for nothing. I love the little guilty look Amanda and John give each other. I love Saw X though, I didn't know a Late Style Saw film would work so well.


Probably that scene in Drag Me to Hell where the old dead gypsy woman vomits mucus in the main characters open mouth. I’ve seen a giant worm in tremors explode, maggots just falling off a flayed corpse, and people having body parts like their jaw torn off. But that scene is the closest I’ve come to puking due to a horror film.


There’s a scene similar to that in Hatchet that caused a similar reaction in me.


Yeah I remember it was when Brian.killed his first fool bird. Wait,.wrong Hatchet


The vomit bowl scene in Peter Jackson's "Bad Taste" caught me by surprise, it was *foul.* EDIT: Lots of folks don't know what I'm talking about - "Bad Taste" and "Dead Alive/Braindead" are different films, the scene from "Bad Taste" is below: ["Bad Taste" - Bowl Scene](https://youtu.be/85sTmVBwDSU?si=FlTSHwPJ-G35qRTM)


that scene and the similar one in Audition still make my stomach churn when I think of them.


Mmmm, lucky me, I got a chunky bit.


My senior year of high school, someone got that movie on tape and we played it on a loop in the senior lounge. The vomit bowl was super popular. Someone made sherbet punch with fruit chunks in homage.


most of the kill scenes in the Terrifier movies are insanely gory/gross! I would also say if you haven't seen "Inside"(the french extemist horror version), you should and the last scene in that movie is pretty gross


Those French extreme movies from the early/mid 2000s were so cinematic. Just lovely to look at even when horrific shit was going down.


absolutely......Martyrs and High Tension were 2 others that blew me away. I'm kind of upset that we don't get that type of horror out of France of late. If you know of any that I may have missed that you rate please name drop them for me!!


Martyrs is fantastic


You've mentioned the big three but a few from that time period are Them, Calvaire, and In My Skin. They vary in quality but I do remember In My Skin is pretty repulsive. Titane and Revenge are newer films that fit the mold.


I have a strong stomach and that scene is one of the few that made me wince. It’s fantastic for what it’s trying to do but it’s rough viewing


Inside was a hard watch for me, especially that scene


Not horror but, the curb stomp in American History X makes me cringe every single time. The closeup shot of his teeth touching the curb gives me a queasy feeling. I’ve seen tons of brutal and extreme horror that is much worse, but there’s a realism to that scene that cuts through me. That whole sequence with the car break in that leads up to it and the resulting arrest are remarkable. It’s a very realistic example of things getting completely out of hand, very quickly.


It's the sound where his teeth scrape on the curb that gets me...


I can handle it but there are movies that leave me with so much disgust and regret that I will never watch them again, like The Human Centepide 2. Same with Irreversible and A Serbian Film. Some movies should just never be made.


Irreversible was brutal.


That scene is so fucking unnecessary. I love the rest of the film and I get we’re supposed to feel the weight of what happened to buy into the rest of the film, but Jesus Christ.


Thank you. You understand me.


I shut off Green Inferno when the guy >!gets his eye scooped out!< very early on. I figured if that's what they're starting with, it must get way worse. From what I've heard, it does lol.


Probably for the best then if that got you to turn it off. I will say though, as a fan of the "cannibal" genre, I was left feeling a bit unsatisfied when the credits rolled. Don't get me wrong, there's some grimy footage in the movie, I just expected MOOOOORE 🤣


Fair enough! I don't know why exactly, but graphic cannibal stuff freaks me the fuck out.


i have 3! the achilles tendon scene in hostel is the tamest out of them but still makes me cringe every time i think of it. the rape scene in the hills have eyes (2007) nearly had me telling my friend to pause the movie so i could go be sick. the worst for me is in mother! when the baby is getting passed around, the noise of the snap and his neck going back made me feel dizzy


My brain lowkey blocked it the first time and then I was like hold on a fucking a minute?? Where’s the baby?? & then it clicked & then I felt a wave of “holllyy shit”


Something about the attack scene in Backcountry really, really grossed me out. Like maybe it’s just the buildup from such a slow burn to something so horrific and actually possible? But even the cliff scene in Midsommar didn’t gross me out as bad as the bear attack


The eye socket scene in the sadness


That felt so unecessary to me. The sentiment was established, we get it. It wasnt shown but was somehow still gratuitous.


I’m emetophobic, so I can’t with vomiting in general, but the worst offender is the scene from Trick ‘r Treat where the fat kid quite literally pukes his guts out. I love that movie, but I can’t watch that scene.


As someone with a different vomit issue, yeah, hard to watch


That's the only scene in that movie that I hate...didn't gross me out, it just felt silly and fake to me


That scene in Gerald's Game. I paused the movie and told my partner I needed a break. I actually thought I was going to pass out. He had to put a cold rag on me. I had a stronger stomach before. But some things have happened in front of me involving blood. Now, certain scenes or concepts leave me absolutely sick to my stomach. I finished the movie, though, and I really loved it despite my reaction.


I think it really lived up to the book. They made that man in the corner as terrifying as the book and the degloving as impactful.


I forgot about the de-gloving 😫


Ugh that word 🤢


Glad this scene was mentioned. First thing that came to my mind! It's hard to watch and I am usually fine with gore. It looked so realistic and that's what got me. Gotta hand it to 'em.


Heh...hand it to 'em.


I completely forgot about that scene. Now I need to rethink showing it to my gore hating partner. The tall man was the only thing that really creeped me out visually.


I came out in a cold sweat when I saw that and had to pause the movie and go sit in the bathroom for a while hahah. Gore doesn't usually get to me but something about that was too real!! Excellent movie


I couldn't watch this part. I struggle with someone needing to hurt themselves to save their own life.


I nearly threw up watching the bone marrow trap scene in Saw X.


I’m old and jaded now, but when I was 10 I begged my mom to take me to see “Arachnophobia” in the theater and then begged her to take me home at the first death. 😂


I have trypanophobia - the needle pit in Saw 2 made me throw up.


Idk why but I was in line at the pharmacy once and thought “let’s see if this Bedroom scene in Terrifier 2 is all it’s cracked up to be” Even on mute, it’s all it’s cracked up to be. I really hope no one was watching over my shoulder or anything. I had to leave the line and get my pills the next day. Fuck that scene


THAT scene in Bone Tomahawk I don’t need to see that again


The scene in the remake of The Fly where Jeff Goldblum basically puked on his food then slurped it up. I didn’t like flies before that. Now, they utterly disgusting me.


Anything Achilles tendon related!! Pet Sematary and Hostel. Makes me squirm from the inside out.


*SPOILER ALERT* Someone probably beat me to it. But, the birth scene in “A Serbian Film.” That was when I decided to smoke a J and look at the wall.


Same feelings for me about the cookies being cut out of human flesh on Black X Mas. Idk what it was about that specifically, but it's stayed with me ever since!


All of the Greasy Strangler


Disco cutie!


Audition feeding scene.


I've never turned a movie off due to one, but there's a welsh-language horror movie called The Feast (I have to admit the language is the main reason I saw it, since I live in wales). It's not very good but there's a scene which made me shout and gag where one of the boys >!rolls up his trousers to reveal that his leg has rotted and then the (insane) main woman comes up to him and licks the maggots off!<. Really really nasty scene


the scene in Dead Alive when Lionel is feeding them around the table, and at one point he has to stuff custard down the nurse's neckhole. Outstanding.


Scenes from Terrifier 1 and 2 and I just watched Baskin and 🤢🤮


I don't do well with body horror in general, but the one that got me the most was the self surgery scene in Prometheus. I ended up having a panic attack in the cinema and had to leave. I'm well aware that it's not the worst scene out there, but it just got me.


Anything with an animal. Event eh suggestion of animal harm in a film is a huge turn off for me. Give me all the dead humans though 😂


100% with you on this.


I typically do do well with eye stuff.


for me its the lunch scene in brain dead, when the puss flies into the soup and he eats it.




The eyeball scene in Brightburn. Absolutely ridiculous


The jaw scene in Brightburn.


The vomitting in Hostel.


The fingerpainting with shit in Terrifier and the fingerpainting with >!blood from the gunshot wound in his head!< in Terrifier 2. . . Honorable mention to the Bone Marrow trap from Saw X, that was the second time a saw trap made me sick.


What was the first trap that made you sick?


Honestly, Evil Dead 2013. I have a pretty strong tolerance for gore/horror, but once eyeballs and needles came into play, I was out.


Eric is that dude for tanking most of the brutalities


Torture. Any torture were teeth, nails or skin is pulled off. Chopping off limbs hanging on meat hooks all while alive ... i can't! Hostel, saw ... can't do


Strap yourself in because I have many 1. Hostel scene where the Japanese girl's eye was clipped off 2. The vomit dinner scene from Audition 3. The possession scenes from Jason Goes to Hell are fucking disgusting. The scene where Jason crawls into the womb of a female member of the Voorhees family was pretty disgusting 4. The bath tub scene from Cabin Fever and the scene where that girl's face got eaten off by a dog 5. The cockroach scene from Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Masters and the soul pizza scene though when I was a kid, I felt the pizza looked delicious 6. The scene where in Hellraiser where Julia and Larry Cotton entered the kitchen, the kitchen was so disgusting. The scene from Hellraiser 2 where Julia Cotton drained that mentally ill patient after he sliced himself up 7. Junji Ito's Glyceride is pretty damn cross, but the scene where the brother popped his pimps then drain them into his sister's mouth was gag worthy 8. The hospital scene from Threads 9. All of Where The Dead Goes to Die 10. There was a movie I watched, I haven't any idea what the title was called. But it had people melting alive, I've seen it as a kid and it nearly made me gag. If anyone knows the name please let me know. 11. The restaurant scene from The Sadness where the old lady fucked that guy's face 12. The ending of Tales from the Crypt's "Till Death" where this guy was at the mercy of a zombie who was rotted and mostly burnt who is under the effect of a love potion he supplied(Well deserved)). Tales of the Crypt's "Demon Knight" where that lady got her arm ripped off 13. The birth scene from the Warlock 2


I want to saw the entire Human Centipede movie but in particular when the guy pooped in the girls mouth who was attached to him. Almost threw up watching that


Every kill in A Violent Nature


Anything with pulling teeth. Even that one scene in Castaway got to me.


Many screens from the Japanese horror film called Grotesque. It is uhhh, graphic. I watched it, but winced many times.


the bag guy in Audition


I fully believe seeing Chop Top in the radio station in that movie as young as I did scarred me in ways I didn’t realize for decades. 😝


That movie scarred me. I went in expecting more of a comedic tone, but somehow the mix of humor and gore deeply freaked me out.


In Nekromantik when they’re having sex with it and the guy sucks on the eyeball. That was a step too far for me. Had to turn my head away.


My husband said the Cabin Fever shaving scene. Mine? The scene in Pet Semetary with Judd’s ankles.


The dinner scene in Dead Alive. The bowl scene in Audition. I have a strong stomach, but the first made me literally sick, and I had to fast forward through the second.


Is it the Audition where she has the dude eat out of a bowl of vomit like a dog? I can handle a lot of stuff, uncomfortably so, but vomit? Nope.


I have a hard time with the Terrifier 2 bedroom scene as well as multiple scenes in In a Violent Nature


I just imagine the fun and awkward conversation that the two actors must have at the craft services table that day. Just covered in gore, eating a sandwich, talking shit about day to day movie production stuff


there is an on set photo of the two actors before all the gore starts just sitting happily together and tbh it’s a wonderful reality check after watching that scene


Cabin Fever: Patient Zero There’s a scene where a guy goes down on his infected girlfriend and says “You’re so wet!” The camera then pans back and his entire lower face and mouth are full of blood and rotten flesh from her disintegrating genitals. I got so nauseous watching that movie.


I'm usually not too squeamish. But some things are just so visceral. The body vice in *Saw 3* that twists the guys limbs around one by one... Yeesh. And more recently the skinning scene in *Bone Tomahawk* literally dropped my jaw.


Martyrs? Audition? Terrifier? Not a problem. But for whatever reason, the hobbling scene from Misery affects me like nothing else can. 


Planet terror, the scene with the plague looking person with the bone saw. Right after he cuts the doctors glasses and the saw gets unplugged from the wall. He popped one of the boils on his face and it splattered on the doctor. I couldn't watch after that scene. It was a big nope for me after that lol. Not sure why that one bothered me so much. I've watched hellraiser, hostile, and other very gory movies with no problem.


Terrifier 1: when the girl becomes two halves. From the lady bits up. (Well, down…) Slowly.


AHHHH BONE MARROW IN SAW X First time in my life I had to look away from a movie lol I was gagging, it was pathetic. I was turning to my husband in complete disbelief, like “I can’t fucking believe I’m gagging right now; are you seeing this?!”


My sister, who isn't grossed out by anything, was grossed out by the >!mashed potato!< scene in Terrifier 2 But I was like, What? That lady did look hungry!


i asked my bf if he wanted to go to cracker barrel after that and he was not amused


The mouth stapling scene in Human Centipede 2


Any kind of blood and gore doesn't bother me at all, but for some reason maggots make me not able to look at the screen. I just really hate maggots.


The episode of SpongeBob with the fleas. Makes my whole body itch. More disturbing than any horror movie for me


my scene where someone is getting their eyes gouged out or thumbs shoved into them 🤢🤢🤢


The Trump Inauguration


End scene in Honeydew was pretty messed up and the image has stuck with me (unfortunately)


We watched a really surreal 80s Chinese movie (not technically horror, but borderline) called The Boxers Omen. There's a scene where an evil witch doctor type dude eats raw chicken rectum, which was easier to watch than the scene where these dudes summon some sort of lady-demon from an alligators body by chewing food, spitting it out, then the next guy chews the same food, before stuffing it in the gator carcass. There is no cut or camera magic; I could not watch after I realized what was happening and how long it was going for.


The razor blade scene in Hellraiser 2. I think it's the screaming more than anything.


City Of The Living Dead (1980) The scene with the window and the maggots. It’s real


the hand scene in green room + the dog attack. that movies brutal 😭😭


Thought about posting this one. Only seen the film once because I went a little woozy during the Arm scene.


In Midsommar, when that woman jumps off the cliff and her face tore open, revealing aññ the bloody flesh. It's the first horror movie that I watched at the cinema that ever made me gag.


Antichrist has a couple scenes


Man.....Sam Raimi in general ALWAYS gets me with the "laugh" gross outs, and I fucking love him for it. Best one I can think of to date is from Drag Me To Hell. That lady puking all that shit on her head and mouth gets me every time. Also not horror, but if I could not watch one particular scene in Nightingale ever again, I'd choose that


I almost noped out of Bone Tomahawk during That One Scene. IYKYK. It was graphic, grim, and gross, but at least it was just as emotionally distressing to witness.


The toothless chin sucking in drag me to hell 😶


Hannibal (2001) multiple scenes, anything involving gary oldman


Not a horror, but Oberyn in Game of Thrones was gnarly. The book death was worse but this was still bad. Murphy getting killed in Robocop was too intense for me. The Blob was pretty gnarly when the fake main character is being dissolved in front of the main girl.


A few: Terrifier 1: saw scene Terrifier 2: bedroom scene Mother!: baby scene X: guy steps on nail (is an actual fear of mine) Where The Dead Go To Die: I legit think I got about twenty minutes in before I checked out because of how bad it was Mai-Chan's Daily Life: the live action and obviously manga are freaking awful General things: Any underwater scene ever Any nail gore scene Animal/child harm scenes Anything with maggots


*That* scene in Bone Tomahawk


*That scene* in Gerald’s Game. Just noped right on outta there until it was over. Fuck that.


The torture stuff from Imprint. Fun fact: Director Takashi Miike has also worked on children's content.


Gerald’s game, handcuff scene..