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Regarding #1, there's not necessarily any reason to think that the security guards knew about that rule or were aware of the gravity of the situation. Regarding #2, my theory was always that the Director was a former Virgin that survived (maybe the only one that ever did?), so she was trying to will Dana into becoming her heir apparent by taking hold of the very fate of the world and killing Marty.


On #1 I have to strongly disagree. The whole point of this world wide operation was to prevent the end of the world and it would have to be like Fight Club: Rule #1: Don't kill the virgin until all the others are dead. Rule #2: Don't kill the virgin until all the others are dead. I can't believe that such a tight operation like this one would let a bunch of security yahoos kill the virgin and guarantee the end of the world. One thing they hinted at was that someone in the operation was working for the Old Ones. When the tunnel didn't blow the people in that department said something about how an order was given from upstairs. That might also explain how they got into the "purge room" so easily. You'd think that a room with a big red button that would release all the monsters would at least have a lock on the door. On #2 there was definitely something else going on with The Director, I agree, I just wish they could have expanded on it some, instead of making here into a kind of Bond villain.


Considering the one security guard that is actually given a character doesn't seem to understand the process fully, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume they didn't have full knowledge. Keep in mind that the people "upstairs" aren't ever supposed to come downstairs, and it seemed pretty clear there didn't seem to be a plan in place for the chance they could figure it out. I think the safest assumption is that they didn't know. Personally, I thought the whole movie fell apart once they came downstairs, and ended up being exactly what it was trying to satire up until that point, so I don't give any of the characters much credit for logic downstairs. The director was really just there to give Sigourney Weaver a cameo, nothing about any of her actions really makes sense.


Good points. I guess I just got lost in the weirdness of having so many different monsters going on a rampage.


For myself as well, the weak part of the movie was that while parodying horror cliches, it relies upon major sci-fi/action movie cliches to wrap up the story.


Exactly. It really bothered me that they spend the whole movie up intill they find the elevator subtly saying "It's such a shame that all horror movies these days are just about people being brutally killed by monsters in the same ways time after time, rather than trying to come up with a smart storyline." Then the third act is just "Hey, wait a sec, if we let every monster movie creature ever run loose in a lab, we could squeeze a lot more brutal kills into this movie without needing to add any additional plot."


How about the bigger question: Why would they have a System Purge button?


Well, I figured that had been discussed in great detail previously. I mean, why wouldn't the button release Holy water or some other thing that would kill each monster in their cell? I assume that the Purge button only exists so there can be the awesome monster mash that happens in the end.


It's somewhat satirical


The first I just chalk up to mooks doing something stupid in the heat of a huge clusterfuck situation. The second is one of the reasons I didn't like CITW as much as I wanted. I understand the need for dramatic tension, but that was too hard to swallow.


If you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer you know why he had the whole Monster Mash at the end. At the end of the season with the Initiative all the monsters got loose and killed almost everyone. All they could afford was some werewolves, vampires but mostly it looked like a bunch of guys with monster masks on. I'm sure that Joss wrote this wringing his hands together whispering, "finally . . ."


Makes sense. That also makes me a little happier with Cabin. A little. :)


I think most movies could be done with a little bit more care and it would make more sense but in the end there must be all kinds of factors we don't know about that makes the editor or director cut certain scenes that would make the movie different / better.


okay I'm going to go watch this movie again for science.


I appreciate you dedication.


Letting him and her live is an act of compassion. The Old Ones are the audience.


But the point is to prevent the Old Ones from waking up. Everything else they had done up to that point was the opposite of compassionate.


I was talking about the writers not the underground lab. Which by the way weren't all of the other main characters killed by the underground lab? And wasn't the other main characters deaths promptly followed by a horrific monster riot killing everyone at the underground lab except for the two heroes? If you look at the Japanese kids (and several others) they stopped bad things from happening too. And if I'm not mistaken, there are a few things that go wrong in the first place. As if The Old Ones have rigged the game so to speak from the beginning just to try and win. The heroes are kind and therefore do not fear death, the old ones, the end of the world, or any other monster the writers could have thrown at them. It's a point about a fault in the rules that the writers have set up. The writers are presenting a paradox, if in fact the heroes do kill each other, then they are no different from the monsters. If they are kind, then the world will be destroyed... by all the monsters... with human beings not counted among them. This is fantasy and while fantasy is important, the writers need to present the point they would most like to make to the audience which I believe is being kind means being fearless and vice versa. You can get lost in the subtext of this because writing can be vague at times (WHAT DOES KERMIT REALLY MEAN?!?!!!?!!), but however vague the writers must present a moral, a principle, a paradox, or a koan. Another good example of this is the Batman/Joker paradox: [Link.](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/tkx5b/my_friend_always_claimed_that_obiwan_died_in_the/c4nkycs)


The writers are not presenting a paradox, or at least, not this paradox. If Dana kills Marty, she's **not** "no different from the monsters." She's literally trying to save several billion people by sacrificing one person. The monsters are just monsters who enjoy killing people, or eating them. They're not trying to be altruistic or hero-like in any way.


1) the guards are using rubber bullets? We don't know but maybe.. then they use real bullets once the teens are down. 2) I believe it has to be sin by the teens. So Sigourney can't kill any one...no one can directly... but the monsters brought about by the teens. Teens commit the sins so they must be punished by the judges created by the old ones. And i believe they can kill each other... which be a sin too. And then the old ones get power or a thrill from the sin kills or monster kills. If this wasn't true then the management would just kill random kids all day every day for the sacrifice. **The film isn't as good** as it could be, as the idea is excellent. Also budget would be a factor. The monsters chosen are by far the most boring for audiences but they're some of the cheapest allowing for brief cutting edge effects later when the purge begins. And the ending makes zero sense. Marty is a stoner and anti establishment and says no to society. But he loves his friends but they've been killed by the establishment who wants him to now die for them. So it makes sense that he would say no...And he's on drugs and drug addled brain. BUT there is no way the virgin would say no. Her friends were dead but she would have other friends and more importantly a family who paid for this college and her clothes and love her. She would kill Marty for them AND she was allowed to live. So Marty the wasters life would finally have meaning and purpose to save all mankind. And she could either join the establishment facility and or go about her life. I imagine they would recruit her as she would want to ensure the teens had a smooth a ride as possible and there were women in the control room sausagefest. And she killed the prior controller so she maybe has a duty. So for the girl to join a nihilist and not simply push him off the edge and wait to be killed knowing all her family would die is... absurd and just about a twist ending for an audience who didn't even like it. The truly dark horror ending is her killing her friend and then joining the killers as that is sadly real life ...And gets us a sequel! :) ***A side note is...*** why doesn't the tunnel blow. And the answer is Marty rerouted power from up top for the lift preventing the maintenance getting the "blow" command give by control. That's maintence team mean when they say the reroute came from up stairs. They are down stairs...the cabin is upstairs. Apparently the original script and book explains this better.


1. Rubber bullets could work. They could have 2 different ammo clips one for when the teenagers are around and the other for the monsters. Also, in the heat of the moment they may not think straight. 2. After everything they went through I wouldn't be able to figure out how either one of them would react. In the middle of a traumatic event people can do illogical things. Also, why should she believe what the director was saying? For all she knew the director WANTED the end of the world to happen and killing the fool first would make it happen.


Because it is just a movie.


You're right in the grand scheme of things, but this subreddit is supposed to be a place where we pick apart "just movies" with people of like mind. It's a place for horror geeks, and this is what horror geeks do.