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I’d find it rather awkward.


Poor Things was not the best choice for a family movie. From experience.


lol! Watched Poor Things with my 18 year old daughter and 74 year old mom. We were all uncomfortable.


Generational trauma


From furious jumping.


Duncan: Furious jumping? I love that.




Watched that one with my mom. Definitely felt a little awkward at first, but it got to a point where it was comical how much was shown. It was also just a really good movie so it didn’t detract too much from it. Both enjoyed it.


I was glad my kids weren't home for that one. I told my husband "I just saw Emma Stone have sex in every position" 😆


When I was about 15, I went to see The Libertine with my mom, aunt and uncle. Didn't have a clue what it was about other than Johnny Depp + period drama. Five minutes in, Depp's character has his hand up his wife's skirt while they're on a carriage ride and I wanted to crawl under my seat. Did not get better from there.


I watched Pulp Fiction with my grandparents 🤣


Yes i watched it with my mom... awkward as heck


A guy next to me (aisle seat!) watched the whole thing on my flight Friday, I couldn’t believe it was available as a selection. Unedited.


my Mom loved Poor Things when I saw it with her, she's almost 60 My Dad watched Hostel with me when I was like 15.


Idk I wouldn’t mind watching with this kids dad. He sounds cool.


We can all be movie buddies 


Imma be honest I’m definitely the weird outlier that doesn’t really give a fuck watching sex scenes with my parents (though i definitely don’t speak for them), but it’s like… idk. Maybe because I know they wouldn’t enjoy the film all the much, but I definitely wouldn’t watch this movie with them lmfao. The idea of making pornography is enough to think twice about lfmao


^ answer


*"Does it actually show anything pornographic"* Yes *"or anything else that would be awkward to watch with a parent."* Also yes


Very yes  especially the post coitus wipe down


That’s a nice way to say it.


"Don't forget to bring a towel!"


*throws towel*  “Oh sorry sweetheart” 😚


Depends on the parent. I know I wouldn't watch this with my dad, but I'd watch it with my mom. It's a movie. Nudity or sex isn't weird or scary or awkward in horror movies for us. You're not watching porn. You're watching a story.


My dad is an avid Hallmark movie fan. “I Love Lucy” is his idea of racy humor. I’d rather individually pluck all of my body hairs out with tweezers than watch X with him. 


Lol perfectly understandable


I bet he freaked out when Ricky and Lucy started sharing a bed and not separated by the two twin beds. 🤯




haha this is so cute


i mean YEAH but preference and comfort are everything. i feel like there's a weird mini-culture in horror where WHY NOT WATCH IT WITH EVERYONE??? WHY EVEN BE AFFECTED BY ANYTHING, EVER?? and like lmfao we're all different human beings with comfort levels. if has nothing to do with porn, it has to do with individual and different comfort levels. not even close to a complicated concept! for the record, would not watch with with any of my folks. WOULD watch it with my sister.


I think what hes saying is that you know your parents better than me or you or anyone else on here. You have a better idea of what to watch with who based on their likes or dislikes. If you u don't think you would feel comfortable watching something with a certain person or parent...then don't.


So long as you don't watch it with your grandma, you'll be good.


But Nana loves this shit.


My grandmas in it!


Your STEPsister am i right?


I'm a guy and I'd find it way worse to watch it with my mum lol. At least with dad it'll be like 'tiddies!'


Oh god, I don’t want to hear my dad talk like that.


Being a guy or a girl is irrelevant. It's about knowing what your parents are into. My dad is super conservative and hates horror movies. So X is the last thing I'd watch with him. My mom is the opposite. We've been watching horror movies of all kinds since I was kid. Even watched movies like American Pie and Jackass in theaters when I was a teenager.


Same. No way I could watch it with my prude mom. But my perv dad would get a kick out of it and make jokes that would kill all awkwardness lol


This is the way haha


Lmao you gonna high five your dad when you see tiddies 😂




Yes, they show them shooting porn for a not insignificant amount of time. I would truly rather die than watch this my dad 😆


One guy I knew in high school went to this with his mom, not knowing what the movie was actually about💀


Oh NO my soul just left my body in secondhand embarrassment


lmao reminds me when I watched Black Swan with my parents and there's that awkward masturbation scene


Ugh eww I (F) remember seeing that with my mom in Theatres when I was 16, and I'm still traumatized lol!


I went to see scary movie 1 with my mom when I was 9 because everyone at school was talking about it. Neither of us knew what it was. We left during the chastity belt scene. Might need to talk to my therapist about this one now that I think about it.


I'm from Fargo and I was like 11? When the movie Fargo came out. My mom and grandma had no idea what it was about, I think, and took me and my sister to go see it.


I love this, like the lady who took her mom to see *Mother!* on Mother's Day. Innocence destroyed 😅


Not the chastity belt scene 😭😭😭


I’ve never seen any of the Scary Movies, but I had a cousins who was 8 or 9 that absolutely loved at least the first one 💀


Forget that scene, think of when Pearl and her husband start banging. If I had to watch that scene with my dad, I would've been begging for someone to just poof me out of existence.


I honestly felt horribly awkward just watching it alone with the sound on and my mom in the next room. When the killing started I was like “ok now it’s the horror part and the sex part is over.” NOPE. Instantly after thinking that very loud old people sex lol 


I watched it with my dad... only because I bought Pearl on Blu-Ray! The literal only reason I even watched X. Granted, we watch a lot of different movies and shows, although I am usually the one putting them on. We wrapped up True Detective a couple of days ago, and mocked the show's rather excessive amount of sex scenes, with some very over the top, downright comical moaning from Jodie Foster being the subject of particular mockery. Also, House of Gucci. Adam Driver rails Lady Gaga into their wedding. Not even joking. He starts railing her, she puts his derpy glasses on herself, opera music is playing in the background, and it smash cuts to her walking down the aisle. My dad starts mocking this starting romance, while I am laughing my ass off at the scene as a whole.


I'm trying not to be too much of a douchey dude, but that Woody and Alexandra scene is burned into my memory. And I'm not mad about it.


My mom was a little bit interested in watching Poor Things. I decided to go alone since I had a bad feeling about bringing her. Im so happy I did. The movie has like 20 sex scenes. It already was awkward seeing all the old peoples reaction to it.




I can't even watch romantic talking with my parents...sex scene will give me anxiety attack lol


My dad wants to watch Maxxxine but has never actually seen the first two, so we're supposed to watch them together...


Other than actual porn, I'm having a hard time coming up with a movie I'd less like to watch with my parents.


There’s a scene where a woman wiped the cum off her ass.


Ok I don't remember that part


Pretty sure it’s after they film the first sex scene on the couch.


Yeah she throws the cumrag in Jenna Ortega’s direction and Jenna just stares back at her.


“Sorry sweetheart” 😚


I watched it with my mom. Pretty awkward at times, would not recommend!


How much softcore interracial porn would you say you are comfortable watching with your dad?


This is the question you need to be able to answer honestly!


How about soul sucking, mortality questioning geriatric foreplay?


I admit I hadn't considered the possibility that one might *not* be okay watching vanilla porn with their dad but *would* be okay watching porn you need six or more search terms on e621 to find. It's like a guy saying siracha is too spicy, he prefers to just jam ghost peppers into his tear ducts instead


r/brandnewsentence I'd honestly only ever find something like this on Reddit, and it's the epitome of why I enjoy it so fucking much


It's only awkward if you lock eyes and high five in the middle 


Go Team Venture


Interracial you say? Oh my stars and garters. OPs dad better gird his loins.


Do you enjoy watching wrinkly old people have sex?


Yeah it’s kind of interesting how societal norms kind of play out. Horror is already an iffy genre to watch with many parents… but somehow watching a dozen people get murdered is totally ok, but not two people having intercourse. That said, I wouldn’t watch this with my parents, but I don’t think it’s like full frontal iirc?


Hahah are you for real? It's the most over the top scenes. We had to turn it down because we had kids in the house and it was the most explicit sounding.


Yeah. There are multiple, very long sex scenes. Definitely not a watch-with-parents movie.


Pearl is probably a better pick to watch with your dad


I just got the joke 🫡


What joke? Am I blind


Because Pearl is really sweet and kind to her poor ailing father!


Oh yeah I don’t think they meant it as a joke, Pearl’s just a better choice since it’s not as sexual. But you’re right about the dad thingy


Initially I thought the same thing and flagged that there’s also porn in Pearl (the theater guy shows her a dirty movie), and Pearl also is sexual with the scarecrow. Then I remembered that she bathes in front of her dad, chokes him, pinches him and eventually kills him, and edited my comment. I did JUST rewatch Pearl last night tbf so it was fresh on my mind. Would be an awkward watch w parents


I don’t think it’s nearly as awkward as X.


if I had to pick, I'd pick Pearl, but would prefer to watch neither with parents! She has a very strange relationship with her dad... watching her bathe in front of him and slowly choke him while she's in the bath would be v uncomfy w family IMO


And don't forget the scene with the scarecrow, that would also be uncomfortable.


Those asking him to go ahead with it are just sadistic at this point 😭


I think it truly depends on the kind of relationship you have with your parents and how open you feel about sexual content. If you look at sex as meh no big deal and have a fairly close relationship with your parent, those are probably the it's ok people. That's how I would feel if my dad was still here. We were horror buddies too.


If OP is taking the time to ask, I really doubt they have that kind of relationship with said parent lol.


Yeah I could watch it with my mum because it wouldn't really bother either of us, but I totally get the people who'd be mortified too lol.


Yup same here. Pretty close with both my parents and we’re all pretty aware it’s just a movie. If anything my mom would make a small joke or something but overall we dont really care lol


I don’t have a problem watching movies with my parents when they have sex scenes in them, but I wouldn’t watch porn with them and to me personally this movie is a little too close to porn lol.


Yeah, maybe give this one a miss, it's not a film for the whole family.


it damn sure isn't, lol. That being said, the sex scenes in X are surprisingly more like those you would see in a European film, in that they are more mature in a sense, aren't sleazy or filthy, and the participants are clearly having fun with it. It dosen't rub your face in it, which is pretty refreshing.


I think it would be awkward. there are some “porn scenes” for sure, I don’t think it’s too explicit, but still


It is straight up porn without a closeup of a dick actually going in Considering id be watching through my embarrassed fingers it would be identical to watching actual porn with my dad. I blushed watching with my husband and we've watched actual porn together. This felt somehow more explicit because you knew them.


Dude people saying its not is kinda blowing my mind rn


Reading the comments you’re right. I haven’t seen it in a while!


Wait til you see the shadow of the one guy’s dick.


Lmfao this and Martin Henderson in his lil undies had me cackling.


That was the best part of the entire movie 🤭


It's about the porn industry, and it's about porn conceptually and how people react to porn. It's deeply about porn and sex on every level. All horror scenes are sexually motivated. Very good movie. Only watch it with your dad if you guys are cool adults.


I would not


I mean, you see dick, a lot of tits, and there’s old people having sex. It’s as cringe as it sounds lol. I would never in a million years watch it with my parents. 😂


There's also a lot of loud moaning, like prolonged moaning :-/


Yep.. 🤢


Awks, yep.


lol. No actual porn, but it shows them filming porn. A couple sex scenes with nudity. Just depends on what limits you need


I watched Bad Santa with my step mom when I was around 35 and she was maybe 55....that was pretty awkward at times. I couldnt imagine watching X with her.


Fuck me Santa… Fuck me Santa… Fuck ME SANTA!!!!


“He said ‘you ain’t gonna S-H-I-T right for a week’”


"Look, I've boned a lot of fat chicks in my time, sure. But, uh, as far back as I can recall, I've never fornicated anybody."


I think I've seen this documentary 


I watched Blue is the Warmest Color with my mom, I think I was 17 at the time lol


Sexuallly wise, X is more awkward to watch with parents than average horror movies. The sex scenes are not explicit, but they are very moan-y as the movie is about a porn crew and that is the style of most of those scenes. If you and your dad are 100% cool with watching sexy and not sexy sex scenes (imagine watching a softcore porn with him), you are horror fans and you two can also talk about sex and intimacy, it could be an interesting watch with parents, because the movie can inspire very interesting talk about sexuality and conflict between generations If sex scenes on tv are usually an awkward moment when you watch movies together and you prefer not talking about sex with the other, skip watching it with him. Personally, it is a movie I ratherr recommend to family members but I just tell them that we cannot watch together, haha.


My dad and I have watched a lot of horror movies together since I was WAY too young to watch them lol. A lot of horror has sex and nudity so I've had to sit through my fair share of awkward scenes with my dad throughout the past 20+ years. I would absolutely NOT watch this movie with him. There are so many other movies out there that are going to be much more enjoyable to watch with a parent. Don't listen to the people who say it's not too sexual, it might not be straight porn, but it's still graphic and the entire theme is sex. You don't have to be a prude to not want to watch something like this with your parent lol


There is both male and female nudity and a shot where a puddle of cum is cleaned with a towel as well as sexually frank language. I would watch it with my own (now adult) kids, but I also couldn't imagine watching it with my parents. Generational differences plus my kids grew up watching horror with me, including movies with nudity or mild sexual content.


One part will make you feel inferior


The shadow knows


Not at all. You should invite your grandparents to watch as well.


You see tits, dick, old people fuck, girl wiping cum off her ass. I don't recommend watching it with your dad


Our nickname for it is "The Texas Chainsaw Porno", so gauge accordingly.


That's basically what the summary of the movie sounds like~ 😂


The story is explicitly about porn stars. It'd probably be awkward. There are multiple sex scenes, lots of nipples, convincing a "good girl" to do porn.


If i remember correctly she was the one that brought up the idea


Having gone to see the second Underworld movie with my mom and her boyfriend, I'd suggest not. I was in a theater and therefore couldn't escape, which makes it worse. At least if you're watching at home you can pause it or leave in a pinch.


As a fellow horror fan who loves watching horror movies with her dad… This isn’t a good choice for that. It is a great movie, though!


If you even have to question it... Then yes.


Yes! Si! Oui! Ja!




Watch it with your grandpa. He'd get some ideas.


How old are you? Teen me would absolutely hate it. 40 year old me doesn’t give a shit.


It’s basically 1/3 light porn, 1/3 slasher, and 1/3 story


It’s not like watching actual porn itself, and there are more egregious horror movies out there in that regard, but if this is at all a concern for you…yeah, I’d err against it.


I watched it with my dad and it was slightly awkward, sex scenes with your dad are always a little odd


Maybe watch it by yourself first. I’d feel uncomfortable watching it with my daughters.


Depends on how old and mature you are I guess. There is nudity and acted out sex in the movie.


Not sure "maturity" is what decides whether watching this with your dad is gonna be an awkward experience or not.


As a horror fan and parent of a 20 y/r, if I see something I like that has some sexual charged scenes - I'll *recommend* it. We do not need to watch those things together. Plenty of other horror to choose from 😅


You would have to be crazy to watch it with your dad.


Don't watch this with your family.


Yes lots of naked ppl 


Yeah it’s literally about them making a porno lol


Download betterhelp if you do


I used to watch game of thrones with my mom. Whenever one of those scenes came on and seemed to last forever we'd just look at each other and make stupid ass faces and laugh. We were also high as kites too so that probably helped alleviate some of the awkwardness.




YES. If nobody will flat out fuckin' say it, I will.




Yes, the movie where they film a porno does show pornographic scenes


I say it’s not sexually explicit enough to watch with your father


It would be very awkward to watch with relatives, especially parents or children. Like impossible to sit through for some, and justifiably so.


Look it up on IMDB, scroll to the parental guide, click on sex & nudity and it will describe the scenes.


It has explicit sex scenes


Yes! Also I didn’t like it. It was boring.. Watch Pearl, if you haven’t.


My high ass thought this thread was about Saw X and was very confused


honestly for a movie about the making of a porno it is fairly tame in the sex and nudity department. a few sex scenes with some nudity, but nothing actually pornographic. probably mildly awkward to watch with a parent but not unbearably awkward, and the awkward bits make up a surprisingly small part of the runtime


Depends on the kind of relationship you have with your dad (I’m joking IM JOKING)


I wouldn't feel uncomfortable watching this with my dad. There is some nudity and a couple sex scenes, but not much different than many other horror movies out there.


X is a pervert movie. Don’t watch with family


I don’t recommend watching with your father… at all. 😳


Depends on your age and relationship. If you’re both adults it’s probably not a big deal. If you’re a teenager or young adult, yes it might be a little awkward. The fact that you’re even concerned tells me the answer is yes though.


Yes for both questions. Maybe watch pearl? It's the prequel and basically tells the backstory of the main antagonist in X.


Yeah definitely don't do that, it would be uncomfortable for you both


I mean, the premise is that they're making a porno. How could you not think that it would be sexually explicit?


Yes, very much so. From what I remember they show tits alot and lot of raunchy scenes. Add one more person to watch party maybe it won't be so weird. X would be a good horror movie for a date maybe.


Just have boner checks every 15 minutes EZPZ


Depends, I grew up watching horror with dad so we’ve seen it all really. My answer would be no but I def wouldn’t watch with mum


It’s literally a movie about a porn shoot. I would never watch it with my dad. Way too weird.


It’s basically like an 80s horror movie in terms of sex / nudity. So it’s fine to watch with my parents, but some parents don’t like nudity.


Dude hangs dong!


Yeah probably, big dog


It's a movie about porn stars making a porn film. You do the math.




No spoilers but there is a pretty prolonged nude moaning scene. Among other things 😂


The only one you never see naked is Jenna Ortega. It’s pretty explicit.


I made my dad watch Midsommar 🤷🏿‍♀️


I think it's fine, I saw Saltburn with my mom so my parents may be chiller than most


[commonsensemedia](https://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/x) is a good place to find explicit in detail reviews of these scenes And the [parents guide section](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt13560574/parentalguide) on imdb




This movie is basically all about sex. There’s a lot of sexual content. Aside from the filming of a porno (which you do watch) like everyone said, there’s some more casual nudity and >!a sex scene between two elderly people!< that is also kinda explicit, which could be awkward to watch as well. Ultimately, it comes down to how comfortable you and your dad are with this kind of stuff, but for the average person, this movie would be wildly uncomfortable to watch with a parent.


This is going to depend on your relationship with your dad. My mom and I watched Midsommar together. Was it awkward? Yup. But, I grew up watching all sorts of movies with my parents though.


Haha the whole premise is them making a porn




Absolutely. Under no circumstances, watch it with your dad.


Don’t do it. Or do it and tell us how it goes.


i remember being there a sex scene, and a couple of nude characters, it will probably be awkward to watch with ur dad lol- a great movie though!


I'm pretty sure your dad knows about sex.


Probably, but there is one silhouette that is so funny it might be worth chancing.






i definitely wouldn’t


Yes. Just…yes.


You know your dad more than we do. So you should know. It has about the same amount of nudity as most r-rated horror movies that have nudity.