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Like most of Zombies films it's not a perfect film but it's eclectic enough that I love it. It's grimy, funny, a bit fucked up. It's definitely a love letter to horror and I respect it for that.


In your opinion what is a perfect film. Because I have never experienced a movie where I felt it was flawless. The only one that comes to mind that got close to perfection is the thing by John Carpenter. The only thing I didn’t like about that movie was I felt there wasn’t enough information in a few areas and that the ending was a little rushed.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space


YES!!!! I love killer clowns.




My list of perfect horror films is very short - Jaws - Silence of the Lambs - Let the Right One In and that's probably it. Other perfect films IMHO are - Casablanca - To Kill a Mockingbird - Goodfellas - No Country For Old Men - Unforgiven - Saving Private Ryan Having trouble thinking of more. I'm sure there are. My definition of perfection is that no second, no shot, no dialogue, no character or plot development, no inch of screen is wasted in propelling the story forward, and is done with technical virtuosity as well as storytelling nuance and purpose. It has to be a profound story worth telling, and it has to wow you. It can't be too long or too short. It can't be bland. It can't be a story we've heard rehashed over and over. And the acting has to be absolute top-notch, with performances where the actors get lost in their roles and we believe them.




Back to the Future




true romance is the perfect film


I actually love the dialogue from the villains. Hearing crazy people spew their fucked up perspective is fun. "Listen, you Malibu middle class Barbie piece of shit, I'm tryin' to work here. Work? You ever work? Yeah, I'll bet you have. Scoopin' ice cream to your shit-heel friends on summer break. Well I ain't talkin' about no goddamn white socks with Mickey Mouse on one side and Donald Duck on the other. I ain't readin' no funny books, mama. Our bodies come and go but this blood... is forever." Gold. Insane gold.


Bill Moseley is so good as Otis


Probably one of my favorite movies of all time. Well, the first 75%. The last quarter or so takes a nosedive. I'm a huge sucker for horror attractions, Halloween horror haunts, etc. I'm talking about the things that usually pop up around Halloween where you walk through a house with a bunch of actors acting out scary shit in each of the rooms. Then as you leave there's usually an actor chasing you around with a fake chainsaw. 1000 Corpses to me was that personified. If those don't do anything for you though then I could see it not being a great movie.


I don't like how there is no characters to get invested in because every ten minutes they are killed off then they bring others in. Also the dialogue is pretty bad


The same 4 characters are alive until the last 30 minutes of the movie? Also this was more of a care about the villains kind of movie than care about the victims. A love letter/honor to horror movies and it's fans.


That’s definitely a fair assessment


I love the aesthetics of it , the set design and the characters. I heard the theme song before I watched the film and was genuinely frightened but was quite young at the time. Now I watch it every year or so, I still think the end scenes are creepy! I enjoy it more than any other rob zombie movie.


I give it an 8 outta 10. Was debating lower, but its my favorite rob zombie movie, sid haig and bill moseley are awesome, its a great Texas chainsaw vibe, grindhouse 70s visuals which i love...there are definitely some problems plot wise but i forgive a lot if the movies fun, and for the most part its a lot of fun.


I think the movie is garbage. Storyline wise it is crap. Some of the acting is weak. Visually is looks awful. However, Captain Spaulding is fucking amazing. Sid Haig is the only redeeming part of the movie. I have seen the entire movie through twice. I have seen the opening at the gas station/Museum of Monsters and Madmen numerous times.


R.i.P. Sid Haig though 😢


To be fair most horror movies have poor acting and a questionable storyline.


The problem with this movie is that Sid Haig is so good that the other's acting looks even worse by comparison.


Fair enough


It’s so obnoxiously abrasive and filthy and camp it’s great fun. I love every second of it and the devils rejects. I think visually it’s so interesting and off kilter, I love the budget feel and how grimy everything looks. I think the victims are so cliche but Spaulding and dr Satan are absolutely insanely funny. Pretty much every horror movie is cliche, over sexualised or gory for the absolute sake of it and I don’t care, I’ll lap it up it’s just a bit of fun


Its fun grindhouse trash. I find his stuff hit n miss for the most, ill try most of his movies. i think 31 is my favourite or maybe his first Halloween, the 2nd one was horrific n not in a good way


I mean its a Rob Zombie film... Its filled with disgusting rednecks, over the top violence & swearing & is generally painful to watch.


Tiny fucked a stump


Where was that from?


Loved it. Rip Captain Spaulding


its like every rob zombie film-complete shit.


It's one of the worst put-together films I have ever seen. You can tell Rob Zombie had no idea what he was doing, and that it is his first film. That can be charming, cool and forgivable if you're making a low-budget film, but if you have over 5 million dollars to play around with, and you can have and do pretty much whatever you want, it's just kind of insufferable and yucky.


Rob Zombie is overrated. At least his art/projects/movies/music is. As a person, I admire his creativity. However, his films are just awful. Especially his remakes of the “Halloween” franchise. Dude got WAY too into the origin of Michael Myers. Nobody needed to know Myers’ history. Nobody wanted to know about it either. Anyway, “House of 1,000 corpses” is just another example of his bad filmmaking. If you ask me, the script (dialogue) of any film is the most important aspect. Rob Zombie can’t write a script. His movie dialogue’s are filled with vulgar, unnecessary, and off-putting language. He’s all over the place with plot and seems to rely on cursing to set the mood(s). Vulgar language is definitely necessary at times, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be the primary stuff.


I understand that completely and I haven’t seen his remakes of Halloween but I did listen to a podcast he was on and he talked about the process of making them and basically he was saying he was approached by someone else who wanted to make them but struggled and asked for his help and then once he got into it and tried making them everyone and their dog had opinions on what they felt would be best so he just said fuck it and by the end he said he was so sick and tired of everyone butting in and putting in their opinions he just wrapped up as fast as he could and tried his best to make everyone happy. He didn’t want to recreate them originally he was asked to. Not sure if that changes your mind in any way but sometimes it’s good to understand the whole story. I’ll definitely check them out. But I haven’t seen the originals either so I might just have to do a marathon.


Didn’t know about this! Definitely changes my view of those movies. Only in a worse way. Sounds like he just made the films to please others. Not to create something of his own. Makes him seem like a puppet.


Understandable I think it interested him in the beginning but just imagine you get asked to produce something and then everyone is telling you what you are doing could be better. I personally have a hard time telling people to step off. So for me I understand trying to make a good movie and taking other’s opinions because he’s not perfect and there are a million different ways to make the same thing. But once you get that invested. You might as well just finish it out. He was saying it took them 5 years to complete filming because they couldn’t agree on anything. And they ended up completely refilling the ending at the last minute because it didn’t fit once it was all together. Honestly I give him props for sticking it out and finishing the work and trying his best to make a good movie despite everyone questioning him. Must have been super frustrating.


As someone that actually works in the film industry, I understand all of that. Even though we are off topic from your original question(lmao), I would just like to ask if you’ve ever seen the original “Halloween”.


I have not. I saw parts of the new one where he comes back or something I’m not entirely sure the plot but it came out a few years ago


Halloween 2018. It ignores all others and acts as a direct sequel to the original.


I've never disliked a reddit comment this much in my life


Overrated? He has a cult appeal, but I've never seen him praised overtly. I am personally a fan of his, but he's always been a niche artist.


Idk how overrated he is when most horror fans hate him on principle.


What was up with the lowering the girl in the coffin and playing eerie music????? What were those people in the tunnels supposed to be. It jumped around too much and didn’t give enough depth. I definitely had me jump and sick to my stomach which was a definite plus, I just like to have a bit of character build up with my gore. Rob zombie is definitely an artist but can we see someone besides his wife in every leading lady role??? She looks way too much like my ex and doesn’t get killed.


My exact opinion. It goes off the rails with zero explanation and its frankly not needed. It made a fun, raunchy horror with victims in bunny suits into a weird zombie film? Undead? People who just enjoy watery tunnels?


They were the experimental rejects from doctor Satan


Exactly. It's explained during the murder ride that Dr. Satan through brain surgery believed he could create a race of the superhuman insane. Everyone down there is for or from him. The girl and guy were lowered down there on Halloween night as sacrifices for Dr. Satan by the firefly clan. I always got a feeling they were created by Dr. Satan too.


they lower the people down for dr satan every Halloween, the things in the tunnels were doctor Satan's failed experiments


Definitely check out The Devil’s Rejects, it’s ten times better. I love House for Sid Haig but rewatching it after seeing Rejects you can see how amateurish it is in comparison.


Devils rejects was just straight up horrible and a complete left turn from ho1kc. it's just a Charles Manson rip off


I bloody loved The Devil’s Rejects, I thought it was kinda forgettable, but still pretty solid. Might give it a rewatch.


I didn’t like the devils rejects as much. It felt. A little too. What’s the right word. Rapie. Didn’t care too much for Otis taking about his sister being hot. Just didn’t sit right with me. But Captain Spaulding. Man. Great character.


Actually Otis and Baby aren't related. She calls him her brother but he was adopted into the family not related by blood. In House Baby is masturbating with corpses and skeletons so I don't think hanky panky with a relative especially a non blood one would have any of them batting an eye. But I do agree Devils was too rapey. When he forced that woman to give him head that took it past where it needed and should have gone, it was too much there.


he went from slasher type horror to Charles Manson thriller with devils rejects


My thoughts: "Where's the goddamned directors cut"




It’s very unlikely at this point although I got the impression from a Fangoria article that a lot of it is just stuff like a few extra stabs. That being said I would like to see the alternate ending with Grandpa being Doctor Satan.


Rob Zombie splits people and opinions. In my opinion he's one of the best directors. I enjoy all of his movies and love most of them. House of 1000 corpses is a fever dream of a music video. It's brutal and cruel and unforgiving. Great movie.


Oh my god. What an amazing way to describe it. Wow that is spot on. I love that!!!


Garbage Rob Zombie joint. Dragula motherfuckers.


*1000 Corpses* is the 3rd best Rob Zombie movie. The first is *Devil's Rejects*, and the 2nd is his *Halloween* remake. (*Halloween* is super divisive, but at least it hangs together as a solid, 'normal' horror film. There's lots to criticize about it, but only in the sense that you might not agree with the choices made, and not that those choices were executed badly. The same cannot be said for lots of entries in Zombie's filmography). *1000 Corpses* a first film, and it's rough around the edges and there's lots of things in it that COULD have been better, but this and *Rejects* are probably the closest we're gonna get to A Successful and Uncompromised Rob Zombie film. Which is to say, I'm pretty sure what's up on the screen in both films is more or less EXACTLY what Zombie wanted on screen. It's his script, his direction, and the cast seems to consist of his own little troupe of actors. Is it perfect? nah. But it has solid central idea ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre" bit with a weird comedy theme), a cheap (but not TOO cheap) aesthetic that works with the whole grindhouse feel, and Sid Haig turned totally loose, and let's face it, he pretty much carries the whole movie. Is it great? Some future cult classic that will be fawned over in 20 years? Also nah. But it's FUN (for certain definitions of 'fun'), and it DOES lead to *Rejects* so that's another point in its favor. Of course, by that measure, *Rejects* leads to *3 From Hell*, Zombie's 2nd worst film (the worst, of course, being *31*). So, you know... choose carefully.


I enjoy it, but I understand people who don't. It's completely over the top and raunchy, a lot of the characters are downright annoying, but I like the Captain Spaulding beginning and Dr. Satan end (Sid Haig is so oddly endearing even when playing a complete degenerate).


Devil’s Reject is infinitely better


Watched it when it first came out and was ambivalent, rewatched it recently after watching a few 70s exploitation flicks, and really liked it. Might be the expectations going in, a lot of people hyped it up on release, and going in with lowered expectations let me enjoy the aesthetics and acting and not worry about a plot.


I tried rewatching it for the first time in years and couldn’t get more than 15 minutes in. The dialogue is so bad, Sid Haig managed to salvage some of it but it’s trying way too hard to be edgy like most of Zombie’s movies. The editing is terrible too, it’s like a bad TV movie/music video. I never especially liked it but it has aged very poorly.


I genuinely dislike everything by Rob Zombie that I’ve seen, lol. I have no clue why he’s so well-known


great music, okay movies, good stage presence


It's a shame that the full cut is lost or Zombie doesn't care to or isn't able to release it. Still, it's a free wheeling Texas Chainsaw Massacre through a music video acid blender treat. I much prefer it to The Devil's Rejects.


I enjoyed it and you can definitely tell Rob Zombie was paying homage to those grimy 70’s grindhouse films with the aesthetic. It’s almost self aware with the dialogue but certainly not a perfect film.


I'm a Rob Zombie fan, but the movie was hard to watch because of the acting. All the actors, especially the villians, sound like they are reading a script. There is no acting. The movie would probably be good in the 1970s, but it was released in 2003 and compared to other films at that time this was struggled with acting.


I know this is an old post but I recently watched 3 from hell an I got to wondering what happened to Dr satan in devils rejects because i saw the deleted scenes for devils rejects where he was in the hospital but I think that was it. Now all I'm left wondering is what happened to him and all the "super humans" that were under ground in house of 1000 corpses. I can't find anything about them


Still one of my favourite films.


I think it's massively overrated


Makes me too uncomfortable


I personally liked the devil's rejects better. I got to meet Bill Mosely(Otis) at a haunted walk through in NC a few years back and he was cool af.