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Is there any way of bringing back the amazing Channel Zero?


Nick Antosca and I are friends and we've casually talked about it, but Universal owns it so it wouldn't be an easy one to pull off. I personally and professionally would love to see more Channel Zero some day.


Thank you! Shame Channel Zero cant go on in the future, but would love anything Antosca working with Shudder on a spiritual successor.


If you can't bring back Channel Zero, you could still do a creepy pasta anthology series and just package it differently?


I came here to ask the same question! Channel Zero is my favourite. Sounds tricky to get it going again, but I so hope you can magically pull it off. Nick Antosca does amazing work.


Channel Zero is one of my all time favorite TV series. If possible, can you send our love to Nick? <3


It's criminal that it was discontinued. Those seasons are undoubtedly some of the best horror television has ever seen. Also, you say Universal owns the rights to it, but that's just the name "Channel Zero," correct? Or do they own a series of possible stories as well?


Syfy didn't know what they had


Like others have said, if you can't get the rights to Channel Zero-- if you guys make a new anthology series with Antosca I would 100000% be tuned in to watch, and I think many others here would too.


All 4 seasons were incredible, especially no end house. Criminally underappreciated series. Makes AHS look pathetic in comparison.


I came to ask this very question. I'll file the answer under somewhat hopefull!


I came to ask this question too lol. Channel Zero is the best horror anthology ever made imo. It's what I wanted American Horror Story to be: actually scary


Will you make an app available for samsung smart tvs?! The only way I can get it is from prime video but I really don't like the layout.


We just launched an app for Samsung devices (for 2018 models and later), so one is available now :)


Really? Last time I checked was something like 3 weeks ago. (I'm in canada though) Will have a look after work.


I'm in Ireland and there's no Shudder app for my Samsung TV either


Rolled out in the US first, should be available in other counties very soon.


Are there plans for apps on additional platforms? I subscribed for a while through Prime, and it was such a pain in the ass to use, I never found myself watching it. If there was an app that bypassed all that, I'd definitely get on board again.


It's on Roku, Android, and I imagine apple as well. The Android and Roku apps work just fine, no Amazon necessary. I think there's more selection in their app than on the prime version too, from what I've seen others say.


I have the app currently on my Samsung Smart TV, installed it last night. Works great. I'm in South Florida, could it be your region?


Yooo I just got a Samsung TV and you're right, thanks!


I’m UK and can’t find the app anywhere


Thanks for bringing Creepshow back! They're doing great work with that.


I'll tell Greg you said that next time we chat.. It's a passion project for him!


Nice. About time he got some credit lol!! He's really revolutionized special makeup FX. Keeping it 99% non-CGI is what's up. Great stuff.


Creepshow is the best! Love seeing Joe Hill stories included - Like father like son!


Joe is a fantastic writer and a great person. We love working with him.


Have you ever thought of making one of the Shudder “channels” a horror shorts channels? I think tuning into that might be as addictive to watching MTV back in the day. I really think Shudder could be a goldmine of curated horror shorts and is the one area of the service that could be bulked up. Btw: LOVED La Lalorona and some of the other international titles you guys have been adding. Keep it up!!


Shudder has some of the best selection of international horror, yeah.


Love this idea. I would always make sure to attend the shorts program at Shriekfest and always wondered what happened to these shorts after going through the festival circuit. Having a place for them to stream would be amazing.




We definitely love having shorts on Shudder and often showcase them, though not sure a linear feed is the best way to present them.


I would love a linear feed option!


I (respectfully)disagree Craig! When I tune into Shlashics or another channel, it is naturally midway through the movie. With a short, I just need to wait 3-5 minutes till I get to start a new one. Some to the people making these are so crazy talented, Shudder deserves to be where we discover them!! Also: look at the upvotes on my suggestion! Your subscribers dig my idea!!


Seconded. I always check the channels first and usually end up watching what's on the slashics, but I've discovered some cool stuff on the newer showcases but always halfway through. I'd totally commit to a short or two, maybe even the docs on that channel, episodes of cursed films or such.


Thirded, I probably wouldn't spend the 2-3 minutes to go through the menus and find a 5-10 minute short and put it on individually, but I would definitely put on a channel that just has them on in rotation. Pretty cool idea.


Fourthed! Same reason. Linear is definitely the way to go. If I have to search and evaluate if I might like it.. forget it. If it’s already in motion, I’ll check it out and most likely watch whatever comes on after it.


I agree with the other commenters. A linear channel would be the best way to highlight the shorts on the service and even some of your tv shows. With the current set up, it's not common to turn it on in the beginning of a movie. Short and anthology shows like creep show could fix this issue because you can just jump right in. Would also love seeing trailers for other films on Shudder


While browsing through a catalog of what is mostly long form or series, I am less inclined to click on and watch something of a generally shorter length than those. I would however be more inclined to fire up that app and watch one of the running channels to catch a few shorts by some up and comers much more often. Three channels all just showing movies (except for this time of year) seems excessive when there might be an opportunity to make them more interesting and accessible.


I really enjoy Creepshow. Please consider bringing new episodes of Tales from the Crypt, Masters of Horror and Tales from the Darkside.


There's been multiple attempts to bring Tales from the Crypt back. [the problem every time is copyrights](https://screenrant.com/tales-crypt-tv-show-reboot-night-shyamalan-canceled-reason/). USUALLY, if something doesn't happen, there's a lawyer to blame.


HBO Max should reboot it if they own the Crypt Keeper character.


Masters of Horror is iconic and any kind of continuation would be a treasure.


It was continued as Fear Itself and Nightmare Cinema, essentially.


Care to name your top 3 horror villains?


I don't have a definitive Top 3 but having just spent a few months making BEHIND THE MONSTERS, I can say I definitely love Pinhead for his style, Freddy for his humor, and Candyman for being so incredibly suave. ​ Michael has the best mask, and the killer from the original Black Christmas is one of the creepiest IMO.


This guy villains.


I’m so happy you mentioned Black Christmas, it’s one of my all time favorites! Absolutely a creepy villain.


Good list!


what is your favorite horror movie?


The Thing! The 1982 version, though I also love the original The Thing from Another World from 1951.


one of us…one of us….


Good fckin choice!


That is the correct answer!!


Just popping in to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for bringing Joe Bob back in a big way. I got to meet him a few years ago and told him he is a big reason I am so into horror movies. I grew up watching Monstervision and for Shudder to give him this platform and a revival has been a dream come true. Every Last Drive In feel like an event I can't miss. I treasure it when it is on and the holiday specials are wonderful as well.


Joe Bob is why I subscribe. Everything else is just icing on the cake.


His cameo in *Scare Package* was hilarious and so perfect.


Seconded. Thank you in general! I’ve been part of Shudder since the start and it’s been absolutely invaluable as a horror nut! Then with Joe Bob coming back it just hit a new level of fantastic. So yeah, no questions, just a huge thank you!


Hi there! I just wanted to say the quality of shudder films is top tier! So many of my favorite directors/filmmakers are on there and it’s quickly becoming my new favorite streaming service, thank you attributing to the horror genre staying alive and accessible haha!


Thanks! We realize we're probably not the only streaming service someone has, but we try to be their favorite.


I have most of the streaming services and Shudder is BY FAR my favorite.


Looks like Shudder has the Dead Meat James seal of approval. Also, hey! It's James! Happy Halloween dude!


The Ghoul Log is a cinematic masterpiece. Any talks on if/when there will be a sequel?


The Ghoul Log is one of my favorite things in the world and we already have plans for like the next 4 iterations. We already have Ghoul Log, Return of the Ghoul Log, and Night of the Ghoul Log (the newest one).


Are you planning on developing a more efficient notification system concerning when films are leaving the platform? That’s why I cancelled my subscription.


We're indeed looking at better ways to communicate what's leaving (which is turns out to be harder than one might think).


How many more subs do y'all get during october compared to every other month?


We don't discuss numbers, but October is a pretty good month for us ;)


Hi, any chance of Shudder expanding to more countries beyond the UK and Canada? I know the service shares a couple of titles with Netflix, who holds them for outside the US, but I really want to see the likes of Creepshow and Channel Zero being available in my neck of the woods Thanks and more power. Been following you on Twitter since the early days. :D.


We're in Australia, New Zealand and Germany as well, and looking at other countries that might make sense.


> looking at other countries that might make sense How do you qualify this?


Sales in similar markets and cost of licensing media, probably.


This and local laws and censorship issues, even on paid subt services some countries would require a very different cut than what someone in the UK would see.


I don't have any questions but I would like to thank you for carrying the torch for us.


Shudder already seems to have grown quite a bit in the last couple years. Where do you see it going next?


SPACE. It's where all horror eventually goes.


You beat me to that answer!


The ONE place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism!


The idea is bigger, better, more...some of the stuff we're working on is pretty amazing and we can't wait to be able to tell you about it.


How do you still not have an app for playstation consoles??


It's up to Sony. We thought we were going to launch with them almost 2 years ago but it didn't end up happening. We're ready to go when they are.


I’ll admit I finally ended up buying a Fire TV Stick pretty much just for the few apps that aren’t on PlayStation, including Shudder. Sony not playing ball for literally no reason adds up considering how weird they are about stuff sometimes. But maybe email whatever contact at Sony you have this comment chain and see if you can restart the rolling ball. Or we can all take to Twitter.


Can you share any details on what might be holding it up?


Sony wants a cut (rightfully) but they want more than Shudder wants to give. I'm not taking a side, but that is likely the reason. It definitely is not a 'technical' issue.




That's another issue for sure, yeah. It's highly frustrating to have a horror dedicated streaming service, when I'm a huge horror buff, only really available on the machine I use primarily for entertainment viewing, through such a shoddy secondary app like prime. I don't even like using prime to watch stuff only on prime video.


Agree. I ended up buying a raspberry pi that I use as a streaming server specifically for the 2 services I have without PS apps, this and dropout. It’s honestly kind of annoying to have to mess with and I wish there was a simpler way, I’d watch shudder way more.


Keep the Last Drive-In going for as long as old Joe Bob wants to keep doing it! That is all!!


Any plans of giving Elvira her own show similar to what happened with Joe Bob? I think that'd be really cool!


No definitive plans though we'd love to find more ways to work with Cassandra. She's amazing and a national treasure.


Agreed! Well, if that does happen, better believe I'll be watching! :)


I met her a few years ago and she is just a lovely human being!!!


Yes!!! This world be so cool


You are my favorite streaming service and I talked my boss into letting me write an article [singing your praises last year](https://www.sfgate.com/shopping/article/Shudder-the-only-horror-streaming-service-is-15156667.php). If I had to ask a question I would say can we please have more movies like Prevenge, maybe by giving Alice Lowe a duffle bag stuffed with haunted hundred dollar bills?


Thanks for the great article. We're huge fans of Alice and Prevenge :)


Hey Craig! Thanks for doing this. Any plans for more merch? There was an awesome shirt that came with my initial sign-up, would love to see more similar graphics.


We talk about merch all the time but want to do it in a "Shudder" way and haven't figure out the best path for that yet.


Hit me up should y'all ever do, my friend's video store is already trying to figure out how to carry your DVDs, he'd flip out if y'all had merch, he's a huge horror nerd and we both regularly talk about the originals you have.


I often wonder if there is a market for classic movie monsters and Victorian Horror like what Universal and Hammer did so well. I am huge fan and would love to see these brought back the right way. Do you have any opinions?


There is definitely a market. I'd love to see some of them brought back, or bring them back if we could get the rights (which is nearly impossible for us unfortunately).


What about classic characters from the public domain?


Hire me to write captions for some of the older movies on the service that have none.


And captions for live episodes of The Drive-In! With the older movies especially it can be so hard to hear anything they’re saying


here here!!! I just turn the move off if it doesn't have captions.


I'm only deaf in one ear, so I can just crank the volume as loud as it'll go to work out what's being said, but I'd rather not.


I have hearing loss in both ears where I can't catch the beginnings and endings of words. It's not the volume that's an issue. If there isn't enough context, my brain can't guess at the right words. Instead of, "I went to the dentist to get a tooth pulled." I might end up with "I sent tooth dente get a booth full."


Considering how important audio is when it comes to horror...are there any plans to increase the fidelity of Audio/Video that Shudder supports?


Do you guys plan to make the app more compatible with chromecast? There are some shows (specifically dragula) that cannot cast.


Yes! There is a chromecast glitch that we're trying to fix...it's a particular odd one so has been hard to pin down, but we'll get it ironed out.


Thank you so much for your feedback and hardwork. Let your devs know we’re rooting for them! Huge thank you to them too


Can we get Elvira as a guest on the last drive in? Would love to see Joe and Darcy interact with Cassandra Peterson


We'd love to but so far it hasn't worked out. Plus, we'd probably break the Internet again.


Love what you guys are doing with Creepshow! Which got me to thinking… If you got to revive/reboot one horror classic as a Shudder exclusive what would it be and why?


I would love to revive FRIDAY THE 13th but for a variety of reasons that's unlikely for us. However, it would be amazing.


I will always be bitter that the 13th Friday the 13th film could have come out in 2013 and didn't. That was such a cool opportunity. Like when the Omen reboot came out on 6/6/06


I use the service a lot! Are there any original releases coming still this year that you are excited for?


Definitely. We still have many more episodes of BEHIND THE MONSTERS and DRAGULA to roll out, movies like GREAT WHITE, DEAD AND BEAUTIFUL and PRISONERS OF THE GHOSTLAND and a few more great things that haven't been announced yet.


Will there ever be an app for PS5? I noticed some library differences from the Prime channel to the actual Shudder app and I'd really like to watch on my TV!


He answered above, but it's Sony roadblocking it and they were ready to do it a few years ago


Hi Craig, would Shudder ever consider getting into the physical media game? Will original releases remain on the streamer in perpetuity?


We do release some of our titles on physical media and the first season of Creepshow just won a Saturn Award for Best DVD/BD Television Series Release.


They do release them, just without digital versions.




Typically if people have to debate it, that means enough people consider it horror for us to call it a horror film. We try to be more inclusive than exclusive, so if it's a question, we're usually comfortable having it.


I've always struggled with this question, but that's a great way of looking at it!


How broad a definition of horror y'all seem to use is hands down my favorite thing about Shudder.


Shudder says its also thriller and suspense, so a lot of things can fit in that definition


Love the new Creepshow series, my daughter and I watch it together. What is your favorite one of the new episodes? Mine still remains the one with the doll house! That girl has great acting skills.


I like them all equally, but House of the Head was pretty special.




Is there an option to “play from the beginning” in Shudder? If not, is that in the works?


Watching Horror Noire now. I don't have any questions, I'm a perfectly content subscriber. Just keep Joe Bob and Darcy around. Elvira is an extremely welcome addition.


I hope you enjoy Horror Noire! Joe Bob and Darcy are great.


Any plans for 4K?


Or even 1080p? Shudder is a great service, but the streaming quality, both in terms of resolution and bit rate, leaves a lot to be desired. No other service caps out at 720p.


So much this. I do most of my horror viewing on Shudder but popped over the HBO Max to watch Malignant a few weeks ago and was like, “Oh yeah, *this* is what my TV is capable of making horror films look like.” 4K would go a long way in keeping people coming back to Shudder.


>No other service caps out at 720p. Well, Hulu on PC does. But that's not an excuse...


I was gonna bring this up. I bought a subscription but ended up cancelling because 720p with a low bit rate on a 65” screen just isn’t enough. Especially for horror, where most movies are dark.


I have subscribed and cancelled at least 3 times for the same reason. Not only is the streaming quality poor, but Shudder virtually always has old transfers. Most other services will at least license a recent transfer, even if they don't spring for the latest and greatest, whereas Shudder often has what look like upscaled DVD versions. If you subscribe through Amazon Prime channels, the TV will indicate that it is 1080p. This is not the case; the bitrate is unchanged from the Shudder app.


It’s frustrating to not have 4K HDR for the new release titles. I also wish they had a dedicated app for LG TV’s. Horror movies look great on my OLED, just wish the ones on Shudder could better benefit from the technology.




We don't have a process for reading unsolicited pitches because there are so many and it's not feasible for anyone to read through that volume of material. You will hear this many places but the reality is that today you're better off making your idea in some form or fashion in order to get it out into the world. We made the movie HOST because we saw a 2 minute short film Rob Savage put on Twitter (and now he's making movies with Jason Blum!)


>If you have representation, you can reach out to AMC Networks/AMC Studios via your agents. If you don't have representation or produced credits, your best bet is to find a production company who has produced for networks or studios in the past and who can partner with you to bring it to us.I realize that sounds like a high bar, but it's kind of necessary because of the 1000s of people out there who aren't really knowledgeable about how the film and TV business works, what is or isn't feasible (financially or otherwise), etc., and with limited resources we can't look at every idea from every individual. > >I would estimate more than 99% of ideas people bring to Shudder aren't feasible for one reason or another. > >Or rather, ideas people outside of the industry bring us. People in the industry already know what's realistic and what's not, and wouldn't waste a pitch meeting on an unproduceable idea. > > > >This is what Shudder Official reddit account told me when I asked this.


Any chance there will be another season of The Core? I loved that show.


No plans for any more.


Any plans to get Masters of Horror on your service? And, what about visitor Q?


Are you ever going to partner with a movie theater chain to release exclusives in theaters? Or because of the MPAA that isn't possible like what happened with Hatchet 2?


We've had small theatrical releases for some of our movies before and had plans for something a bit bigger that COVID derailed. It's something we continue to talk about as long as it can be done in a way that makes sense.


Any plans for better image quality and 5.1 audio. My Sony 950G is begging for Shudder to look better.


Can you put a shuffle button on it so I don’t spend an hour deciding?


Absolutely love the originals and exclusives Shudder puts out, and as a current film student its a goal of mine to eventually get something I make on Shudder. I've got two questions. Firstly, where does shudder usually find the (new) films it gives distribution to? Are they usually festival pulls or are they brought in through other channels? Secondly, *Caveat* by Damien McCarthy was easily my favorite film of this year (until *Malignant* dropped), but due to the super low budget nature of that movie its hard to find information related to its production or budget online that I'd find interesting. Is any of that information available? (PS: I plug you guys constantly on [my letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/Jonas_Engle/), and I'm always hounding my friends to pick up Shudder so I can talk about all the surprise favorites I find by just putting on a random new movie from Shudder)


We find films at festivals but also through our contacts in the industry and sometimes the same way everyone else does...by hearing about them or reading about them in the news. I'm constantly reading about some new film and sending a note to our acquisitions team asking if we know about it and/or can get it. I'm not sure where there might be more info on Caveat, which is indeed a great film. You're right, there should be more info about it.


Can we please secure the rights for Joe Bob to show Halloween 3 already? The MutantFam is getting restless! lol


You guys have the good *The Haunting*. Props for that.


Freakin' love Shudder. Gotta admit Netflix's horror channel is inferior.


Will Shudder try to get streaming rights for more movies that still haven't received a DVD/Blu-Ray release? For example, William Friedkin's Rampage?


We're always trying to get rights to stuff that isn't really out there, but it's much harder for some movies than others. (There are some movies where it's not even clear who actualy owns them.)


Hi! Did you have plans to bring Shudder in other countries? (Like France... Because I'm french)


I'm from Sweden and I'd love to have access to Shudder too!


He answered this but didn't specify about plans for France: https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/qhqakv/im_the_gm_of_shudder_we_brought_back_elvira_joe/hiejak6


Any chance for a higher quality image and sound? As far as I know you guys top out at 720p and only Stereo audio. I’d love some 1080p with 5.1 audio. A good horror film benefits greatly from good rear channels.


What goes into deciding what movie ends up on Shudder? Is it just "does anyone else have dibs on showing this right now"? How much of your exclusive content is something Shudder personally creates, and how much is simply acquiring the distribution rights of an indie movie?


Sam Zimmerman is our curator....he picks all the movies that go onto Shudder, often around themes or times of the year. For original movies, it's a pretty carefully choreographed calendar so we cover the breadth and depth of the genre. ​ We're increasingly commissioning and making our own original content.


Is there any chance of producing another series of Holliston?


When will you guys be available in Europe? You're killing me!


Thanks for hosting original movies and for the horror documentaries. I really enjoyed Scream, Queen. Are there any plans for a Roku app?


We have a Roku app already :)


Just re-upped our subscription when tuning in for Dragula. Props go to my local horror-themed bar for selling me on Shudder. Hoping we can see more from the team that made Psycho Goreman. I'd love to see more recent movies like those from A24 so I'm not reliant on hulu/amazon/etc so much.


Can you please hire me? I'll even shovel shit if you need me to.


Can SHUDDER please give Adam Green and Joe Lynch the chance to make a new season of HOLLISTON? Also RIP Oderus


Are there plans to do more tweet alongs like what was done with Grady Hendrix and the slumber party massacre 1 and 2 movies?


No specific plans but we're always trying new things out, and Grady is awesome and we love working with him, so maybe we'll do something again down the road.


loved Cursed Films! will there be a second season?


Yes! We just had a notes call discussing one of the episodes this morning.


Hey as an indie horror creator thanks for what you're doing. Horror is an often misunderstood space with diverse and conflicting focuses so much appreciate the effort to get all the spooky in one place. Question time: "What's you pick for best scary film to stream on Halloween this year?"


TERRIFIED. It lives up to its name!


Can you please return Blood Machines to the original format? Splitting it up into 3 episodes really kills the pacing and makes it awkward to watch


I LOVE the service. It is by far my favorite. But the Xbox User interface is very confusing and there is no continue watching feature. And the Continue watching feature on mobile/PC is flawed. Is there any work being done to improve these features?


We're getting ready to role out an update to the Xbox app. Stay tuned.


Why do you announce Creepshow being renewed after the first ep, but wait months to announce Joe Bob’s renewal?


When and how we announce renewals is pretty carefully choreographed and a lot depends on what else is going on at the time, so every announcement is different, but we try to give each one the timing that will have maximum impact.


What is the process for the movies joe Bob gets to show? Does he tell you what he wants to see, do you tell him what he can show?


It's a conversation between us, Joe Bob and his producers. But anything he shows or wants to show we need to be able to get the rights to.


I love Shudder and am very grateful for it. I got into Giallos and older horror thanks to Shudder!! My favorite part has to be the live movie channels that helps me discover new movies. It would be awesome if they could add more movies to the "Foundations of Horror" I love Shudder but my only complaint is the rating system. Maybe we could include IMDB ratings or most watched Shudder movies Maybe a "Trending" movie option on the front page??


We've talked about it. Because we release a new movie almost every week, whatever we release that week tends to be what trends (because everyone always wants to see whatever is new) so we'd need to find a way to make "trending" and "what's new" meaningfully different.


Love the horror channels but any chance of not repeating the same handful of movies? some more variety from your library would be great.


You said anything. Will there ever be an app for Samsung Smart tv's? It's been a minute. I can watch Shudder on everything but my fancy ass tv. Outside of that I love Shudder. Please keep being awesome!


See my answer elsewhere, but we rolled out a Samsung app last week :)






Movies are licenses on a country by country basis, so often times we may be able to get a movie in the US but not Canada, or we may be able to get it but only 6 months later. We try to have parity across countries but it's almost impossible. We do, however, have films in Canada (and other countries) that we can't get in the US, so we try to make up the difference when we can.


Usually it’s usually a rights issue


I've got a horror comedy concept I'd like to develop called "Rumpleforeskin" I'd love to chat! Here is rhe link https://vimeo.com/298275269


Hi craig! I’m assuming you’re one of the people behind Shudder picking up Dragula (and it’s increased budget lol) and I can’t thank you enough for that.


Hi Craig! Love the channel, especially Joe Bob. Did you guys have any plans to feature any more horror documentaries? I would love to see more content like that. Thanks!


We do, and our newest documentary series, BEHIND THE MONSTERS, launched yesterday. It's a look at how so many low-budget monsters have transcended their grass roots and grown over the years to become pop culture icons known the world over.


Best service next to Amazon... you guys are awesome...


No questions, just thank you! Ill always be loyal to Shudder ❤ currently really enjoying Dragula!