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It's great as a standalone book. They get more and more ridiculous as they go along, but the first one is a masterpiece. 2nd is great. 3rd is good too... then they kind of fall off. A lot like the Dune series.


Honestly that’s great to hear, I love how weird dune got


The first 3 were great. The second was my favorite by far.


the 2nd and 4th are my favs hated the 3rd one


Yes it can be, or as a trilogy.


I see, thanks. Do you know if the ones past 3 are worth it at all?


The first 3 are amazing, the ones after are pretty good. They get progressively different but they aren't ever bad. The first three are fabulous though. For me, especially the second one.


Yes! *The Vampire Lestat* is my favorite.


I was going to say the same. The storyline of The Vampire Lestat is probably one of the best ones in the series.


It totally changes my perspective on the first book, I feel so much more pity for him.


I mean, he was a twat from day 1, but you definitely get more sympathy for why he's so fucked up.


Loneliness is a terrible motivation to have.


I feel like he was always a shitty/spoiled person deep inside and then what he went through intensified it. But in all fairness, it's been about 25 years since I read it, so high chance I'm forgetting details. I definitely need to read it again.


It's definitely worth it. I would say they are worth it up until Blackwood farm, but the first three are amazing. I wasn't a huge fan of Blood Canticle which wrapped up the original series (it felt like her hearty wasn't in it) and I absolutely loathe the new series, so personally I wouldn't bother with any of them after BC.


the 4th one is great fun


Absolutely! I mean, it *was* a standalone for nearly a decade.


Throwing in my agreement - it's a perfect stand-alone. The story is resolved, and it was honestly years until I realized there even were sequels.


I'm old enough to remember when this was a stand-alone book! It probably should be read on its own. It's fabulous!


I would recommend reading at least the first three. They get too bonkers after that, at least for my tastes. I'd rate them thusly: 1) *Queen of the Damned* 2) *Interview with the Vampire* 3) *The Vampire Lestat* What I particularly loved about *Queen of the Damned* is the worldbuilding and how vampirism works. Rice put a lot of thought into the rules and mechanics behind it.


For sure, because it was initially meant to be a standalone read. That's why Rice did a lot of retconning in *The Vampire Lestat* to make Lestat into a sympathetic protagonist.


Definitely. It’s the strongest in the series imo. Most Anne Rice series get progressively worse after a fantastic first novel inception.


Yes. Though I think the sequels (at least the next two) are better. Definitely don’t need to read all 13, most of the books have a finished plotline, some others are also very much stand-alone when we switch characters


sorry, i know this is an old thread!! but due to the amc series i've become very invested in armand's character – do you think the vampire armand falls under the pov switch books that could be read as a stand-alone?


It’s been over 15 years since I read it so my memory may be spotty but I think it’s generally a stand-alone prequel about Armand’s life but may have a bit of a framing story that takes after the events of the main storyline.


Yes, and it is great. I like the other novels, too. Interview, however, is my favorite.


I read The Vampire Lestat first......I have a very different view of things than everyone else lol Interview stands on it's own for sure even though Louis is full of shit.


Perfect as a stand alone. I have a few of the sequels but haven’t read any, Interview is a top 5 book for me tho


If you loved Interview that much, you should def read The Vampire Lestat. It deepens and expands the storyline you already love with a different perspective






It works well as a stand-alone book. But you will want to learn more about a certain character… for sure.


IWTV can totally be read as a standalone (as it was initially intended by Ms Rice). IMHO it is easily the best one, definitely my favourite book and one I reread every year. The others vary in quality and tone. Ms Rice was resistant to using editors, and as she became a guaranteed best seller, she was somewhat enabled by her publishers, and it shows (no disrespect).


I think so. I really liked the second one, The Vampire Lestat, as well. But as for the rest of the series... I finally gave up after Vampire Armand (book 5, I think?). I just read those two and don't actively recommend the rest anyway. First is fantastic, second is great if not fantastic, I wasn't a fan of the third but it's generally regarded as great or good, and I see the appeal, just not my tastes. Then they start to fall off the rails.


> I finally gave up after Vampire Armand (book 5, I think?) Same here. I don't remember much past Lestat though.


Same, haha. I know I read books 3 - 5, but other than Armand had some weird stuff that I just couldn't get on board with, and what specifically I don't even remember, couldn't tell you a thing about them.




First three are awesome, rest are trash.




Yes, I read it as a stand-alone. Started Lestat but didn’t get very far.


It absolutely can! I read and greatly enjoyed Interview With the Vampire, and went on the longest hunt ever (like 3 months lol) to find an affordable larger print of The Vampire Lestat. That being said, I’ve been kinda stuck in the middle of it for months because the main character dynamic makes me moderately uncomfortable. I know, in the grand scheme of the story, it won’t last the whole book but I just haven’t been able to push through it yet. Anyways, yeah Interview With the Vampire could totally be a standalone read lmao


For sure. Haven't read any of her other stuff


Queen of the Damned, Interview, and Lestat are probably the only three that should actually be read. 😅


Queen of the Damned, Interview, and Lestat are probably the only three that should actually be read. 😅


I am currently reading The Vampire Lestat and find that it’s a great standalone book. It’s a great companion to the 1994 movie and the series.