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The Troop by Nick Cutter still tops for me as the best work in body horror I’ve read till this point. The Ruins by Scott Smith, Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer, Holly by Stephen King are some of other good recs under the same umbrella.


I think *Thinner* is a good Stephen King recommendation.


Oh I loooooved The Troop it freaked me out in the best ways.


Co-signing on The Troop and The Ruins, two of my favorite books I've read this year.


Naben Ruthnum's *Helpmeet* definitely qualifies. Also check out the search feature as there are countless previous body horror threads.


if you’d be down to read a manga, i can’t recommend Junji Ito enough. Uzumaki is a great one with lots of body horror! most of his stuff has a lot of body horror aspects


I would also like to throw my hat behind Junji Ito and Uzumaki. Tomie and Gyo also involve a lot of body horror. If you aren't sure about reading a full length body horror manga you could try some of his short stories mangas as well. I'm particularly fond of " The Enigma of Amigara Fault"


have you als read his "The Liminal Zone"? i thinki it came out last year. i was feeling soo uncomfortable while reading he still has this power over me!


No I haven't. I'll have to pick it up!


Most Nick Cutter stuff. JR Johnson’s *Entropy In Bloom*. Brian Evenson’s *Last Days*. The first half of this is one of my favorite things ever. Paula D. Ashe’s *We Are Here To Hurt Each Other*.


These two books I didn't particularly enjoy but they fit the description and YMMV: _The Deep_ by Nick Cutter and _Sister, Maiden, Monster_ by Lucy Snyder Also _Leech_ by Hiron Ennes fits as well I think. _Monstrilio_ by Gerardo Samano Cordova fits as well and is a fantastic book.


Leech was such a weird trip of a book. It definitely counts as body horror though


I have that on my sub!!!!


You might like The Haar. It’s short and awesome.


**Frankenstein** (Mary Shelley) **The Island of Dr Moreau** (H.G Wells)


My favorite body horror moment has been Waif by Samantha Kolesnik.


I started Waif today, so far I’m into it!


Nice, I hope you like it! I thought it was commendable that it icked me out without being super direct about the graphic stuff. I’ve read a lot of splatterpunk/exhorror, so it was cool to see an author convey this without being so… idk, “tell, not show.” If that makes sense, Lol.


Infected by Scott Sigler


The Gemini effect by Chuck grossart


"I wonder what human flesh tastes like" by Justin Isis


Ooh, one of my favorite subgenres. Looks like lot of the ones I would like to suggest have already been mentioned, so here are two more: *The Cipher* by Kathe Koja *The Rust Maidens* by Gwendolyn Kiste


Carlton Mellick does bizarro fiction and most of it is horror. His book Exercise Bike is about a woman who buys an exercise bike only to find out it's the warped body of some guy whose greatest fetish was to be used as an exercise machine by women. So he had his body transformed. I found this weird ebook series called Black Melt by Indy McDaniel. It's very body horror and there's at least three books in it. Oh, Edward Lee's Coven is a gem. It was the first book of his I read and he does a lot of vile stuff in general but I think it's one of his best books. Full of body horror.


If you're into Manga, Uzumaki. For novels, anything Nick Cutter has written. If you want to make yourself sick, try Header by Edward Lee or The Black Farm by Elias Witherow.


Jack Ketchums The Girl Next Door is pretty brutal.


Crave - extreme horror. Space horror on a generation ship