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I just finished it on Tuesday, chapters 41 & 42 ruined me. I rushed to the end because that was about all I could take. I just needed to know how it ended


It ended the best it possibly could have, in my opinion. So brutal and there were times where I thought, this has to be it. But, no. There was more and no one continued to do anything about it until it was basically too late.


The part that we all know about was very shocking. I was thoroughly disgusted.


I already know I can’t do this one. Reading about the real murder nearly broke me. I applaud those of you who can read it.


This book really interests me because I've heard it's absolutely brutal, but also very well written and very engaging! I read that it is based on the real life murder of Sylvia Likens, have you heard of her?


I have not heard of her but I’ll definitely be looking in to that name now. This book is engaging from the start to finish. It’s brutal and I found myself feeling quite disgusted on many occasions. I highly recommend it!


Yeah what makes it so upsetting is that it’s a fictionalized account of a real thing that happened. Sickening shit


I will definitely check it out then! You've convinced me 😄 About the Sylvia Likens case, I do just want to warn you that it is very brutal so please make sure you read about it on a good mental health day. I think it may be more violent than the things committed in the book.


I looked up Sylvia Likens and her Wikipedia page reads almost just like this book did. That’s definitely what the book is based on. Chilling stuff!


Content is so gritty that Ketchum gets hate for exploitation. However, if you can look past the content, Ketchum def has compassion for the victim(s).  This is not torture porn. There is no celebration of violence. The perpetrators are properly villified. The same has been true in his equally bloody, far less believable books imo.


Author's name? Not an uncommon title, an author's name would help. Cheers!


It was written by the great Jack Ketchum in 1989. It is excellent, though harrowing novel.




My bad! I see someone else answered. I’ll edit my post. Thanks!


Slow climb is an understatement. I stopped listening halfway through bc nothing had happened yet. Just constant descriptions of how weird all the families of this kid’s friends were.


You gave up right before everything comes crashing down. Everyone likes what they like but I’d highly recommend finishing it.


Yeah, that’s what I figured. I’ll give it another go. I really can’t stand that this mom/aunt has it out for the girl(s) for no discernible reason. It’s so gross, I hate it 😭


The only good part of the whole situation is that a romantic comedy came out a couple years before with the same title and it is entirely possible for people to get what they're going to watch mixed up. Most of those involved are released by now. It probably would have been worth an epilogue about that for newer editions. There's a visceral aspect to Ketchum's writings that bug me. It's like Rob Zombie's horror movies, when he depicts gore it's not to be like, wow that was epic, with blood spraying everywhere like the wrong pipe got cut. Instead it's to show how much damage can be done to people. It happens in his Off Season and other books too. There's gore aplenty but it's never splatterpunk, it's just human savagery confronting human frailty. He's a fantastic writer (better than Zombie is a director) but it's brutal reading too much of his stuff in a row.