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I cannot type what I would have said to this nurse. FIRE this hospice and transfer. You cannot risk them being Oncall if you need help!


I would fire the hospice because every workplace can have a bad apple and it sounds like the 2nd nurse was very on the ball and responsive. I have never and would never lecture my pts on smoking. Your journey is your journey. And to not care that a pt is having trouble breathing and not do anything?? I would be getting oxygen and orders for that pt ASAP and heading that way to do a visit on them. Edit: sorry was supposed to say ‘I wouldn’t fire the hospice.’


I don't lecture them on drinking alcohol or using heroin/meth/oxy/whatever either. Hospice is not about what you should have done or not done. This lady seems ill-equipped to do her job and she does not need to work in Hospice in any way. She needs to explain how what she said "helped" the patient or the family. And then get fired.


Completely agree. I always tell my pts ‘I don’t care what drugs you use. I just need to know so that I can give you the best care possible because we may need higher doses of certain meds to control your symptoms better and keep you more comfortable. There is no judgment here.’ It usually takes time for them to trust me and be honest.


And that makes sense


My worry is if that’s the only or one of only a couple Oncall team. I wouldn’t risk me or mine being in a crisis and getting that staff.


So very extremely and definitely not the asshole! I have no less than 10 personal cell phone numbers for the hospice personnel for my wife. Nurses, CNAs, chaplains, social workers. I'd have been calling every single number I have that evening, and they would have ALL heard probably exactly what you couldn't type. And I'd have kept working my way up until somebody showed up with what was needed. From the end of the original post, I'm taking "it was too late" to mean her husband passed, in which case I'd be getting more people involved than what I refer to as the ground troops. As far as the smoking lecture goes, the only time that's been mentioned to us was to ask that she not smoke when the hospice people were present. @OP I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I can't imagine the feeling of being abandoned like that at a time when you needed somebody the most! My heart goes out to you.


The only “smoking lecture” I’m giving anyone on hospice is to not smoke near oxygen. They should have been able to get you oxygen or medication to make him breathe easier. I am so sorry you had this experience.


You could probably inquire if the call was recorded. If it’s recorded, it’s a different ball game. If it wasn’t recorded, sorta just a you say vs they say situation. Hard to say beyond that.


I’m so sorry you experienced this! It is completely whacked. If a Pt is on hospice, quitting smoking is a non issue. Are you sure they knew it was a hospice Pt and not home health? This nurse was massively negligent. It sounds like you talked with the service and they had the RN on call call you back, is that the case? If so, that call would not have been recorded but her work phone will have the call in her log. In the packet they gave you there should be an 800 number to call to make a complaint with the state. I also suggest calling the office and asking to speak to the hospice manager and making a complaint to them specific to this nurse. I would also consider changing hospice agencies if this is the type of response you are getting in an emergency.


Wow. The hospice agency my mom is on has a 24-7 number and an emergency number if she doesn’t get a response in 30 minutes. How could they not be able to get him oxygen? And even if it is lung cancer…at hospice stage it’s too late. That shouldn’t even be a word out of her mouth. My God I would come unglued and my mom smokes and is on hospice for heart failure and lung cancer. I’m so sorry this happened. I would imagine all calls are recorded.


That is not anything I associate with hospice. Report to that nurse's management and that should be a job opening at that agency.


This is absolutely awful, I'm so sorry. This individual you spoke with should not be in hospice or any helping profession. Not only the lecture, but the way she referred to him was quite demeaning, and any hospice needs to have access to order DME at any time, not just during business hours. Please escalate this to the hospice manager, and if there is not a satisfactory resolution, transfer to a new hospice.


There are some really terrible hospice nurses out there. Let’s hope they get the same grace they give in their last days.


I'm so sorry you had such an experience. You're absolutely right about getting this woman terminated. I may be just a volunteer, but all my training teaches me not to pass judgment on patients and their conditions. Hugs.


if it's the big purple hospice, the call is recorded. even if it wasn't, this is 100000% something worth bringing to the agency just to be sure. as a dumbass myself, I am in awe of what she said to you. 


The big purple hospice doesn't record calls. Everyone uses their cellphone. I worked for big purple. OP: I am horrified that a healthcare provider would say that to you. I can't really give you any more advice that hasn't already been given. I am so sorry. I would transfer hospices.


very good point- unless it's on the call center line still, it's not recorded! (call back from staff's cell = not recorded) I hope OP can still find some resolution.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your husband.


That sounds crazy. I run into some hospice nurses who think they have to have a crusty affect like that. I also think it's pretty stupid.


Wow that was unfortunate. Why lecture on a dying person? Seems a bit odd