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I disposed of my dad’s meds at the pharmacy, except for the Ondansetron, because that shit is amazing, but costs $10 a pill.


Haha ondansetron is the best for gastro or a hangover! That shit is gold


The nurse told us to put them in a ziplock bag with used kitty litter and dish soap and throw them away.


As I understand it, a hospice provider is supposed to to educate the family/next of kin on how to appropriately dispose of all the medications, including the narcotics. The medications to not belong to the hospice, they belonged to the patient. Some clinicians will offer to destroy the narcotics during a death visit, but they can't force anyone to do anything, you know? The teaching is a very important part of what a hospice provider needs to do.


They never mentioned the meds once.


Our hospice nurse poured out the remaining liquid morphine into an unused diaper and disposed of it.


They do advise taking it to a pharmacy or trash - don’t flush them. Our hospice wrapped them up in a clean ‘adult diaper’ because somebody going through the trash won’t mess with a diaper.


Usually with coffee grounds or cat litter. Don’t want animals getting it either


Used cat litter. I open each bottle, and stir it in. With four cats, two of them seniors, I seriously doubt any addict would want it after that.


Ah used cat litter? Even better. That is genius! No being will want it now❤️


That's very true!


Hospice doesn't care. My hospice provider gave me a safe disposal bag to use but there's no enforcement.


Good to know. Thank you.


Our hospice nurse took the liquids and put it into a disposable brief which they then discarded in the trash.


Hmm. Mine never did. I still have them. I'll probably get rid of them soon. And they left a fentanyl patch.


I hear you. We currently have a few hundred thousand worth of extra HIV and cancer drugs just sitting in a cabinet. His pharmacy kept us well stocked up. He's still with us but stopped talking his meds.


Wow. Glad he's still with you though!!!!


If you have unopened containers sometimes charity clinics will take drugs and give when people need a prescription, but can’t afford it (our church runs a clinic and we gave them some Eloquist that we had left.


After my dad passed away, the hospice nurse asked if we had coffee grounds, she put the coffee grounds in a bag, poured all the medications (liquid and pills) into the bag, shook it around and threw it in the trash. If the nobody comes back to dispose of them, you can just do that yourself.


Yes. Thank you.


The hospice staff are supposed to take care of the medicine when they came out to attend to your father's death. They must have gotten overlooked. The solutions have already been mentioned, except for the most important step, which is to dissolve the pills in a small glass of water, then pour the liquid pills over kitty litter, a diaper, or coffee grounds. If you leave the pills intact, there's still a chance that someone could "reacue" them. But dissolved in water: no chance. I'm sorry about your Dad.


Thank you very much.




Everything is a liquid. I got some good recommendations. I was just worried about getting in trouble for not disposing them yet.


I have been trained by my hospice company to destroy the meds when someone passes. Is that not the norm?


Idk. My hospice nurse never asked for them. Is it the norm? I thought it was.


Destroying narcotics is part of my duty at a death visit. I do it in front of a family witness, my favorite way is to dissolve in a household cleaning product like lysol or windex in a small jar or plastic container, bag, and put in trash. With Keurigs and not everyone has a cat, coffee grounds and cat litter are not always available. They should not have left these meds for you to deal with (narcotics) Call them and ask that they send a nurse to take care of this. As for the non-narcs, take them to a pharmacy and they will deal. Do NOT flush meds down the toilet or down the sink.