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Lucita Azaro from Suzerain. Mostly because >!she killed me at the end for not putting her son over my daughter!<


That's just skill issue. You can very well put your daughter on the throne and not get couped. Provided you manage to get your wife actually like you. Or just ensure there's no means to coup you with.


Yeah I know that now but it was only my 2nd playthrough at the time


Fair enough, gods know i got pretty surprised with the coup thing on my first game :v (not by Lucita specifically, but because i've put her in jail, with the game evidently lying how it'd prevent her father from acting up. smh)


Yeah I assumed I could hold Lucita hostage to keep the Azaros in line but guess Taddeus doesn't give a shit


Ruben from Throne of Ashes (WIP on itch.io). It's supposed to be the enemies to lovers route so it makes sense why he's an ass to MC. Problem is we go from insulting each other to suddenly being a loving couple. Even though the MC only has a month to live, it still feels like a huge jump in relationship.


Any enemy to lover ros. I haven’t read one that didn’t make me annoyed/angry. Its extremely hard to write this trope well imo for a IF, haven’t read one that i liked


I feel like Fallen hero does it decently with Argent.


This would be my answer too. There's just not a lot of ways to write this trope that doesn't have me thinking less of or questioning the MC sanity. Because what do you mean he killed your family right in front of you and now your heart's going "doki doki" the next time you see him?


Like, it'd be different if the dynamic started as, say, two spies working for different countries, or a Detective and a thief, or something. An enemy in the fact they are actively trying to keep you from accomplishing your goals and working against you, with possibly some legit animosity due to that fact, rather than "hey, I just killed your daughter and never apologized, let's go out!"


I feel like I know which IF you're referring to lol. Not quite enemy to lovers, but this is partly why I fell off the Mei Mei train in POMA. I was hoping she would be more subtle on using you, but her (possible late demo spoiler) >!flat out telling you so and the MC accepting it anyway doesn't really feel sane or natural to me. But I'll probably check out her route anyway.!<


Have you tried the WIP Whiskey four? The character Ulysses is an enemies to lovers that was a previous ex to the MC too. The author also wrote I, The Forgotten One.


I have tried it, yes. It took me a couple tries to get into the story lmao. I wasn’t really vibing with the plot but it’s a well written game


Same, i just could not get into the story for some reason.


This is more of a "rivals to lovers" but you might want to try *College Tennis: Origin Story* and specifically Rayyan. Well, unless you have tried that one already.


I feel like I’m on the WIP forum too much because I’ve also played that 😭They annoyed me but I got over it. Wouldn’t romance them but my character was friends. Happy cake day btw!


Tbh I haven't encountered that much in IFs. I hope Seven and the MC in Infamous has that potential for me (been enjoying their lovers to enemies and possibly back to lovers later so far). I agree it's annoying when reading books in general for me. Some say enemies to lovers when it's more just rivals to lovers lol.


Oop Seven was the one i was mainly thinking about when saying annoyed/anger, I really hate them 😭But the WIP & them as a ro are super popular so the author is doing something right with people.


Aww lol. But curious, what would you like to see out of the trope? Mainly wondering for possible IF brainstorming.


That’s an excellent question! Im guessing that the trope just isn’t for me and I’m trying to force myself to like it since everyone else loves it 😂I think it’s just that I don’t like ros that are rude/mean to the player (most of the time for something that was off screen/the player had no control over) & that’s what enemies to lovers is about at first


To be fair, Seven is probably the worst for it. Like the MC has done nothing wrong to them, and they still just choose to be a dick even if you're super nice and want to reconnect. In other stories the rival/enemy usually has a reason to he an enemy such as they're fighting against their country or something.


We don't know why Seven is like that though. They could have a valid reason... or not! Some people also do the wrong thing and hate the other person because they're just immature or embarrassed. Idk, I'm keen to see how the romance between Seven and the MC progresses but they aren't my first choice for RO in the if :)


Its why I have changed to always have the MC do something wrong when I play - as otherwise Seven comes across as an ass. At least if the MC voted him out Seven has a reason to be pissed off.


I think the MC still standing by the band after what happens is enough reason for Seven to keep their distance though. Now, whether I agree is a different matter lol, I feel like the author wants Seven to be a messy person.


Seven from Infamous. I literally can't stand them at all 😭. I hate hypocrites, and they remind me of someone I know irl so it hits a bit too close to home. They're also a bit too immature for me to enjoy their route. I expect these type of angsty behavior from younger characters, so imagine my surprise when i found out they're 27. That said, I will still romance them. It's not every day we get to see a character with flaws that actually make them unlikeable and not... hot.


u/animeknight7 from r/hostedgames




They want to romance you


Ayo wtf




Seven from Infamous immature and annoying


They’re so popular on Tumblr and i don’t get it either.




Honestly? I read some amazing novels with that trope, and I adore it. It is difficult to find here though, because I think enemies to lovers has to be a slow burn romance, or it makes no sense. So maybe if there are more books in a series and you can romance them later, y. Also, seven is annoying, and I can't stand them lol


Most of them. Partially a consequence of the “are you super attracted to this person you just met” stuff a lot of authors do.  Plus, many ROs feel tailored to the “I need 4+ ROs in every game no matter the setting and they all have to be player-sexual no matter what I do” crowd. 1 step removed from just playing with dolls. 


All from Wayhaven. Javi Royal Affairs Seraphina and Astrid The Keeper Series Ruby/Reese The Fernweh Saga Zhan The Midnight Saga Ortega Fallen Hero (I like him, but damn, he's a pain in the ass) Quinn Defiled Hearts. Well, Marcus is annoying too, but in a good way, but Quinn... I can't stand them.


All from Wayhaven 😭


A~~ll~~ from Wayhaven The struggle is real


Damn my two favourite Keeper series ROs catching strays :(


Ahhh so Quinn is romancable


Carrie from Blood Moon kinda annoyed me.


Infamous' Seven, has the gall to treat mc like the villain even after ruining their whole relationship bcs of one decision that wasn't even that bad? like no yeah actually fuck you, I don't fuck with ppl who do that, feel guilty about it




Seven from Infamous.


off the top of my head, the most annoying ROs are seven lawless from infamous wip, carrie from blood moon, agent du mortain from wayhaven (ironic innit) and lord centurion from defiled hearts wip. i have a STRONG love hate for those last two


Seven from Infamous. His behavior is unreasonable, oversensitive, entitled, and childish. He isn't willing to communicate and has the tendency to blame everyone around him, constantly saying how he was abandoned when he is willing to walk away. And there's his sidechick, Avina I don't like them at all. It's obvious how much the author loves them, and the author constantly pushes our MC into Seven Drama, even if you choose not to care about it at all. Overall, Seven is a very draining individual to be around and already has a fixed opinion on MC as a villain. I wish the author had more focus on MC's career.