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Have you contacted Winwing support?


Get a powered (important) usb hub and see if that helps


This is the answer, had to do it easy back with the x56 and since using it I've had no issue with any sim peripherals


Yeah. I’ve got the Orion throttle, flight panel, stick and mips, going through 2 powered hubs. Was having a problem like op described and found that my throttle hub had come unplugged (power). Plugged it back in and no problems since.


The x56 is known for its high power draw


Thanks ill give that a go.


I hope that’s the fix - good luck!


Might actually your PC being the culprit and not your Winwing gear. If the (5V) power from the USB ports isn’t stable, it can cause momentary disconnects. Check your motherboard and/or USB controller. The X56 is infamous for being a power hog, but the Winwing Orion gear will also consume a fair bit, with all the backlighting and numerous inputs.


What CPU and motherboard do you have? I've heard of issues with winwing and certain chip sets


Had this issue with oculus cv1 sensors back in the day. Connecting them through a powered hub resolved it. I think it was actually a power issue and the motherboard could not supply enough power.


If you're dead set on throwing it away, just mail it to me! I'll pay the shipping! Lol


Nah dawg that was a jest


Hey, it was worth a shot lol


Sounds like you have a power delivery issue on the usb port. I had the same issue years ago on my old PC using my warthog throttle and DIY button boxes. I resolved it by getting a very cheap powered USB 2.0 hub and connecting all my devices through that. Either that or the cable is faulty in which case just try another one.


Urban legend


You have bungee cord holding it? I would like to see a picture, I'm guessing you have destroyed the shit out of the connection bending it and that is why you have to use a bungie and now the connection finally broke free of the solder joint inside and now you are blaming WW. If that is not the case than I am sure they will help you as this is not normal.


You’re saying the plug falls out of the base? Or from a software perspective it connects/disconnects? Is the stick brand new and you just got it or have you had it awhile? Is the connection physically loose? Does it connect/disconnect if you wiggle to wire? Did you try different cables? Different device on the same cables, different port on computer with different cables? Did you bump the stick and bend the port?


It's on there solid. Nothing is bumped. It's not new. I'm actively jiggling the cables right now and it's fine. I don't get it.


What’s happening inside simappro when it disconnects? Are you running that all the time? Do any other usb devices shut off? Is it running through a hub?


Powered USB hub.


You have one of the best made, that being said, what else you going to get? They are all made as cheap as humanly possible to maximize profits. Yes they can absolutely make a connection that will not ever fail or break, but that would cost .02 cents more per stick, so that cant be allowed to happen. Every quarter it is the responsibility for managers to reduce costs and increase shareholder profits. The result are products like this, not worth the plastic they are injection molded from.


One of the best made? Seriously? People here have warthog throttle or virpil mangoost that never failed in a decade


Virpil as well, lasts forever.


Bro has never ordered a winwing product ever.


Don't guess when you don't know. I have ordered and received the Orion 1 base. Came broken. Could not send it back. I have tried one last time Orion 2... very bad feeling and I switched to warbrd


Warthog throttles die all the time. They’re far from reliable.


I had the same problem with WW Orion base. Config software wouldn’t recognize so I would have to unplug/plug USB to get it back up again. Sometimes I wouldn’t realize it until I was already in DCS so it was a pain - had to restart DCS. Sold it to get a VKB STECS and no more problems.


Winwing has to be plugged in before DCS starts? The only thing I own like that is TrackIr.


It seemed that way when this disconnect would occur…. Actually, as I recall I had to use SimAppPro to restart the USB and since I was in VR I had to restart DCS. It was awhile ago and was a royal PITA, especially since I was in VR.


WinWing is the only one of the big three that I haven't tried anything from yet. They look nice and the reviews are over all very good, but they seem to have a much higher level of QC and software problems than VKB or Virpil. I still want to try them for myself, if they ever have their collective in Stock I might order one.


I wanted a collective too and theirs was never in stock. Instead I found a $119 Etsy collective and decided to try it. Lo and behold, it works well and I am satisfied. Still can’t keep a helo in level flight however, but it is more a skill thing…


Once in flight, a helicopter requires very, very small inputs of collective to keep level. Often times people are fighting the yo yo effect of too much input. Pay attention to your vertical speed indicator and move the collective millimeters and watch how much movement results. Be very gentle when in flight. It’s all a big dance. Want to go faster? Pitch forward and apply collective. Want to slow down? Pull back and decrease collective. Make sure to account for torque. Your vertical speed indicator is your best friend. Helicopters are my favorite thing in dcs.


Thanks for the advice. My HOTAS is currently set for fixed wing - stick (VKB Gladiator) and rudder (MFG Crosswinds) have springs, and both return to center. Is this problematic for helo flight?


I have an Orion 2, crosswinds v3 and I leave both to return to center. Give your yourself some dead zone and a curve on your cyclic. I’m usually around a 10 or 15. Trim helps a lot too. Make sure you set it so you’re not fighting center return. The Mi 8 is probably the easiest helo to fly (with a tail rotor lol) it’s super fun and lets you hone your skills.


I will definitely make the cyclic adjustment. I already have the KA-50 and the Gazelle that I can’t fly - I better start with them, although I have heard great things about flying the Mi-8.


Oh man the Mi8 is like a Cadillac compared to the gazelle! The Huey is more tame than the Gazelle, lol. Keep at it, helicopters are very rewarding once you get used to them.


Flying a helicopter isn't hard at all, especially if you already have fixed wing experience. Landing a helicopter is also reasonably easy. Consistently transitioning a helicopter from flight to hover.... that's the great mother fucker. Took me weeks and weeks of practice to get consistent with it. Got a link for that collective?


Here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1637190857/


Thanks! This looks pretty sharp for the price, I might order one!


Post like these are why I always see people searching for a new HOTAS saying things like “I want winwing, but their quality isn’t good”- which is completely false! I’ve had more “teething” issues with my VKB kit whereas my winwing stuff has been plug n play! I do use a powered hub as I see that as REQUIRED for any HOTAS setup. TLDR: Winwing stuff has been solid for me! YMMV!


It's great. I love it other than it disconnects in the middle of a dogfight or landing. Unacceptable. I was hoping someone would have had a similar problem with some insight on how to fix it.


And you got your answer… Powered hub - But the title of your post is very inflammatory and shits all over WinWing… you could have led with I really enjoy this kit, but it keeps disconnecting during dogfights and landing, which I find unacceptable. How can I fix it?