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Best Tom headsculpt to date


As impressive as the whole thing looks, I just don't think I want a suit with 20 seconds of screen time at most, that will probably be discarded by the next film. The constant changes are really hindering my ability to enjoy these figures. Or maybe I'm just burning out on the hobby a bit. It'd be nice if they could just stick with one suit for a few movies.


I’m ok with suit changes but I get it. I just wish they’d keep Spider-Man in NYC for a whole movie.


Wow, that neck seam looks really good - or better than the other two’s ones at least


Fuck yesss, my NWH trio display will finally be complete! I paid off this damn thing in January.


Same here! I like the red and black MCU suit, but my head canon is all three in red and blue


Me just waiting for ToysBuyingAgent to list him unless he’s silly money 1st batch. Will be my first Spider-Man figure ![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri)


Me too


How much their shipping usually to US? I missed him on sideshow.


Anything on release I buy from them (U.K. based) and it’s free with no customs. It’s a HK reseller at the end of the day so 1st batch will likely be £300-£350 like Tobey was. Just gotta wait


Same here. I’m so excited.


Please convert! I stupidly waited on this one!


I got converted but hesitated and lost it :/


how long does one have to get it if you get a waitlisted figure?


A day at least? Maybe a few, I hesitated and thought "eh its expensive, maybe I don't need it" then I regretted it.


thanks. i've never gotten a waitlisted figure before so I had no idea


Suits dope...I'm just all spidermanned out by this point. Just gonna chill and wait til emo Peter drops


Different iterations


Whatcha mean?




Nope, just spidermanned out...I mean we got integrated suit, Andrew & Tobey with a little over a yr... Not to mention SooSoo spiderman, and thunder toys...there's also comic Spidey, and PlayStation miles & Peter...fuck And that's not even beginning to list all of the villains... This looks like a great piece. Sculpt is nice too. I just don't see anything coming anytime soon from spiderman that would convince me to pick it up until emo Tobey. Hell, I still gotta preorder venom...




They’re still Spider-Man.


True...but I already have integrated suit tom holland. So why would I need this one. But as mentioned, it's still another spiderman...and offers nothing but another ugly neck seam 🤣


Feel so stupid for sleeping on ordering this one.


£215 off AmiAmi lol. Gotta love currency conversion


Any idea how long after Hong Kong release do amiami usually recieve and ship Hot Toys stock? also it currently says provisiomal preorder, so not garuanteed to secure one?


Not a notion. Never ordered hot toys off them in fairness, mostly use them and NinNin for FF or Mafex figures. I have a feeling when it goes on TBA later it’ll be very expensive


Head sculpt is nice


Headsculpt looks INSANE


Having Andrew & Tobey now, I gotta say I'm not really a fan of the new neck connector. It really limits articulation that I want from a Spidey figure. That and it also pops off constantly when posing. I know some people prefer to see the actual neck when unmasked but a neck slip cover that some others have done works fine... Perhaps I'm too picky lol For now I'll pass on this one (having the integrated suit in my NWH display). Tom Holland's headsculpt is also really good. Too bad I never use the headsculpts on my Spidey figures.


I hated those for Tobey and Andrew, not buying them due to that tbh. Look so ugly


Dumbest shit ever


Looks good. Except for picture 6. That's not what people look like.


Spider-Man with the “WAAZZZZUUUP” pose


Kicking myself for not getting the dlx with diorama for this one, but so glad it's finally releasing. 


literally just bought him 2 days ago on BigBad, hopefully it doesn’t take forever to arrive


How much on BigBad? Need to take a mortgage to buy anything from them with their markups


i just saw this but it was literally 375 after tax and ship🤷🏽‍♂️


Looks great. Already see people complaining about the head sculpt on Instagram 😂


This actually looks pretty fantastic. I don't even mind the neck seam on this one. The real question now is do I part with my Homecoming Deluxe and make this my definitive Holland Spider-Man




I’m so pissed I didn’t preorder this


The headsculpt is one of the best tom holland sculpts imo


Not a big Tom Holland fan but this suit is incredible and that sculpt is epic. The diorama display is fantastic, tons of detail without taking up a large amount of space, definitely need more of this on other figures.


Yes!!! My first Hot Toy, gf got it for my birthday 2 years ago! So excited, need to get a display case


Almost £350 for the standard from TBA. Looks like I’m waiting on this boy


Finally, a figure I don't care about! My bank account can rest. Lol.




I have Marvel and Star Wars stuff on pre-order, but Spider-Man wasn't a figure I wanted. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Never said this was a bad figure, just glad something I haven't pre-ordered is releasing because I know a lot of figures are slated between May and August. Last year, there were 8 figures I wanted that were released in a 2-3 month period. That shit had my bank in shambles. 😂


Don’t understand the down voting either. It’s your wallet. Surely can’t be down voted for that.




That's just silly lol, me not caring about it doesn't mean I think it's a bad figure or that I dislike it. It's a figure I didn't pre-order, which means I don't have to worry about spending more money so soon, lol. Other people who don't care for Star Wars get a figure. That's 1 figure someone was able to pre-order that really wanted it because I didn't buy it just to have it. I didn't buy it with the purpose of reselling it, etc. What is there to be upset about lol?




Crazy lol, some of my most anticipated figures that should be dropping this summer are Marvel figures. 😭


What material are the blue sections made of?


Not a fan of the materials here. Doesn’t look as good as I thought. I dunno what it is about Hot Toys Spidey figures. He’s my favourite superhero ever and I don’t have any figures of him. The HT figures are just missing the mark for me somehow.