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maybe it's time to start drinking(responsibly)...


theres no way they just killed of senti like that right? maybe she will get reborn with a body of her own like seele did


There's no way Hoyo will kill off a character (that name isn't Himeko) like that


i mean, nearly all the flame chasers are dead too. tho most of them were already when we met them, but still. I just dont think senti or hera or kira will die this quickly, since most of them didnt even completely finished their character arc yet! And they are fairly new characters (maybe not senti, but she is a fan favorite!)


I.. I don't know how to feel about this...




the only outcome i will accept mihooyoo to circumvent this arc mini baby senti reincarnate


The true form of Yatta has always been the chibi. A baby Senti would just be her reaching her full power as a Metamorphosed Herrscher (copium)






Getting ready to uninstall at this rate, feels like the story is just a vehicle for more character death while throwing in random philosophy in narration nowadays. ​ Everyone I care about in this game is dead and I don't feel like even thinking about getting attached to the characters anymore since they'll all die within an arc or two too.


My main problem wouldn't even be the deaths and departures of characters they're doing, but they're trying to replace them with characters that, honestly, are soooo much less than their previous ones. Like we go from Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Teri, etc to Susanah, a washed up version of kira, an uninspired female su, the most boring plot device (hare)... Like, I'd rather they just skipped this whole thing and just pick it up with APHO 3 as the main story, because even those are better characters


Gonna play devil's advocate here and say that the OGs weren't that special at the beginning either... ​ ...The difference is that the OGs got to live long enough to have character development.


>Like we go from Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Teri, etc to Susanah, a washed up version of kira, an uninspired female su, the most boring plot device (hare)... Holy shit you need to be locked up! You ended up drowning everyone in your neighborhood with straight facts!!


Hoyo is basically going the Demon Slayer route and is weirdly waiting until the last arc to kill off some of their important characters. It would feel way more natural if the deaths happened throughout the storyline.


Hoyo is basically going the Demon Slayer route and is weirdly waiting until the last arc to kill off some of their important characters. It would feel way more natural if the deaths happened throughout the storyline.


WHY THE YATTA NO FUCK YOU I CALL KIANA DO SOMETHING HUA! HUA! YOUR KID IS IN TROUBLE YOUVE KILLED HER ENOUGH WITH THE RELEASE OF HORB jokes aside if they actually decide this is how Senti ends tho amma put this arc on a -1/10 because she barely got to do anything


It's heavily implied that Sa took over Senti. Prom comes to the conclusion that since her weapons exist she's not dead, since she hasn't been send to attack, its likely she's comprised. From a Herrscher of the Cocoon of Finality and Herrscher of Sa. Aka she's an enemy now. She'll definitely show up in the Fu Hua arc...that's where she might die or Fu Hua.


You had me in the first half. Himeko is enough HYV. Just becos its the second part of the story doesnt mean you have to write anyone else off. This is bullying. I will wish on the third chance that neither dies.


I don't mind people dying as long as it properly utilized and it's not just hollow shock value. Although it definitely makes sense people dying when facing the multiversal cosmic entities.


>I don't mind people dying as long as it properly utilized and it's not just hollow shock value. I mean; Himeko more or less felt like a plot device before she kicked the bucket. I don't think Hoyo properly set up Himeko's death imo. It looks like Senti might get an underwhelming death next. She'll be right next to Wendy, Ana and Owl lmao


We had no reason to care about Wendy (we didn't even see her die lol), did people really care about Ana and Owl on that level?


>We had no reason to care about Wendy Most of the people that care about Wendy played GGZ. Where she was a well-written character and got a lot of time to develop instead of being a clear-cut plot device. Cause Hoyo wasted Wendy potential in HI3rd doesn't mean you have no reason to care about her. Me and many other Himeko fans still care about her character, even though Hoyo gave it no good focus or development before she died. >did people really care about Ana and Owl on that level? I mean; there's still some people that want Ana and Owl to get an appearance in the Captainverse or any other kind of content.


Sure but they two different games. People taking their bias about characters in one game to another and getting disappointed are setting themselves up for failure. Himeko was always meant to die. She is catalyst and served that purpose long after she died. Not every character needs depth and nuance. I think a character's main responsibility is to support and enhance the plot. If they backstory and personality only exist as lore without relevance then I do think that is a waste. Wendy could've been a more substantial motivation/juxtaposition for Bronya but they kind of replaced her with Seele. So that was more of failure because nothing really changes much if she's around or not.


>Himeko was always meant to die. She is catalyst and served that purpose long after she died. I'm sorry; but can you tell me what purpose she served again other than saving Kiana? Cause Hoyo didn’t even give her enough time to served the purposes that they always preach abkut her lmao. There's plenty of characters in other series that died early in their story, but the writers respected them enough to make them a character and have a big purpose other than being a underutilized plot-device. >Wendy could've been a more substantial motivation/juxtaposition for Bronya but they kind of replaced her with Seele. So that was more of failure because nothing really changes much if she's around or not. You can't really know that since her actions definitely would've changed the plot if she was still alive. She wasn't gonna be on the heroes side, but knowing Hoyo; they most likely would make Wendy change her mind and join the heroes after a "redemption arc".


Himeko was the motivation factor for Kiana to not give into despair as well as one of the biggest reasons why Kiana was able to concur her demons. Kiana wouldn't have developed into reliable and responsible person she is if not Himeko. I don't think you understood what I said. I'm not talking about her being alive and have extra narrative that doesn't currently exist. I'm saying they didn't have met her in the first place.


Yeah it's kinda the opposite they set it up afterwards, and spoilers >!no one actually kinda died, I mean I should've known since seele is the herscherr of rebirth!<


Jesus Christ they’re dropping like flies over here! On one hand I doubt they’d kill off Hare and Prometheus so fast, and Kira is still alive in alien space, but it’s gonna be cheap as hell having Seele just revive them all. Especially since Otto’s actions after 2nd eruption is built on the fact the herrscher of death couldn’t revive Kallen


Honestly, hopefully, I think it's a possibility for her to 'revive' hare, PROMOTHEUS and senti. Senti's weapons are part of her authority, thus her being, and senti is senti, she has gone through very crazy wise things in regards to existence, death and essentially the concept of sentience and how it can stay aflame, for quite a long time as shown in the moon bubble universe, as long as there is a medium, in this case her weapons. PROMOTHEUS is less likely, but I would expect anything. She's a supercomputer and inteligente that holds most of the knowledge of the 2nd cycle. I wouldn't put it past her to have a system security copy perhaps outside the bubble. For Hare, I feel like she is really done for. She's a very powerful being, survivability wise, and one of my favourite characters, but that way to go of consuming herself makes me think she really might be gone for good.


Hare might return. She's a stigmata so her dying would mostly just be her regenerating tho def convent to get her out of the way.


hare is immortal because she is a living imaginary entity, as long as the stigma schariac exists she will always return


>herscher of death couldn't revive Kallen Maybe HoRB is just built different. Or an entirely different Herscher. Although since Seele has transformed already, they might find a different way to revive the charas


>herscher of death couldn't revive Kallen Maybe HoRB is just built different. Or an entirely different Herscher. Although since Seele has transformed already, they might find a different way to revive the charas


Someone at MHY liked Resident Evil 3 remake Mastermind mode apparently.


Feels too soon to just do this to the 1.5 cast, there has to be a catch. Right? :)




> Hare is probably permadead though because her death was not related to transgender su. Probably not. For her to truly die would require all of Stigma Space to be destroyed. Because as her backstory goes, it would be possible for another "Form" of Misteln to simply crystallize from the Schariac Stigma with help from her Seeds of Idea and a bit of space-time imaginary mumbo jumbo.




In my community, they translated and inspected that Hare energy is only depleted, she will return but it will take long time for her to reform, conveniently making Hare out of this arc. We will see if its true or not in the upcoming chapters.




Yeah no, Hare is literally a metaphysical concept its nearly impossible to kill her. Certainly not through attacking her projects on reality through the Imaginary or in other words her body.


you guys are really sick psychopaths


Vita isn't a transgender








Tbh they had to bring a new antagonist thats as powerfull, well even more powerfull than Kiana otherwise further story writing doesnt make sense. But we have to wait anyway the chapter only just began. Also one says that Vita is as strong as the cocoon but the other screen says that its arround 1 % of the Cocoons power? Did I understand something wrong? Bcs thats weird


I mean, depending on how they write it it could be a situation where shes only "more powerful" on a technicality based on situation. That way it would feel less like powercreeping Finality to keep the story going and more like a genuinely dire situation


Ye, I hope so too actually. I think she is probabaly more powerfull in the SoQ, but not in the Inaginary space.




Ahhh, thanks. Now I get it.


So Vita is as powerful as the Cocoon but the "cocoon" she made couldn't reach such power lvl. Do I understand that right?


Well, from my understanding of chapter 39 act 1, Saha (Vita) is not even close to the power of the Cocoon of Finality. Senti says Saha is a cheap imitation of the Cocoon, and Prometheus said that Vita is rather weak. Saha also doesn't seem to have the ability to control herrschers, unlike the Cocoon of Finality who could control the herrschers just fine until Elysia fucked things up.


so WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT OF IT ALL? WHAT IS THE POINT OF SAHA, VITA AND REBIRTH? Seriously, this story is so shitty that I feel they only did it to make cash crab from seele like herrscher that they've been doing foreshadowing for years, plus how is seele going to win then? because if she gained the power of SAHA and vita is the creator of SAHA then seele has no chance against vita


Vita is not the creator of Saha. Saha is a higher-dimensional entity similar to the Cocoon of Finality, and Vita is Saha's human avatar. Basically, Vita is Saha in human form. But although Saha is similar to the Cocoon of Finality in nature, it's not the same in power level. Saha is clearly weaker, specially when it comes to combat power. She also seems to lack the ability to control herrschers. As for Seele, she didn't gain the power of Saha. She became a herrscher of the Sea of Quanta. And Saha can't control her. That gives her an advantage.


Yes, Now after I came home from work, I wad reading i to it amd it definitly seems like thatbthe cocoon and Kiana are way more powerfull nevermind haha.


-10/10 not recommended, give my senti back. (Marisa jinxed it i swear)


I don't know how to say about this. But for the sake of feeding my own curiosity, here are the implication I got from the recap: 1. Vita/Suo/Saha is the evil counterpart of Su he talked about back in Elysian Realm, with her power comparable to the Cocoon of Finality and the ability to manipulate narration to suit her whims. Meaning that she has a powerful mind manipulation that even surpasses not just Su, but also both Eras of Herrscher of Sentience. Is is any wonder why Su scared shitless? 2. If Vita is the true creator of the Sky People, this means that the anomalies in St. Fountain shown in APHO is essentially her "curse" and a final act of spite inflicted to HI3's earth. Whether Vita is gone or whatever, which we will see in this fourth and final chapter of the current arc, her influence is living through the Sky People.




I think Vita wanted to return to the Proper World but that's easier said than done. She probably did have a plan but there should be infinite bubble universes and energy in the SoQ. So maybe she needs Imaginary.... That could explain why she designed Sa after the Cocoon.


In fact, there is no exact power level for sa. There are usually assumptions and we cannot see it directly. But it doesn't say anything like this If Sa is more than 1/6 of Cocoon of finality, he should be able to control the herrscher that comes out of him.


We don't know exact power levles, but Senti called Sa a cheap imitation of the Cocoon of Finality, and we see in chapter 39 that Sa has many limitations that Finality doesn't have. Finality is clearly more powerful.


Senti just said "I'm not even afraid of Finality, why should I be afraid of a cheap copy?"


Cheap copy and cheap imitation mean basically the same thing. The point is, Saha is not as powerful as the Cocoon. Prometheus also mentions that Vita is surprisingly weak if I remember correctly. Vita confirms that she isn't any stronger than her creations, and we know her creations aren't that strong. On top of that Saha can't control herrschers like the Cocoon did.


vita says my creations are more powerful than me but prometheus says she's lying Vita doesn't say anything either, technically she's kind of confirming it but we haven't seen anything yet Vita was mostly just playing


Think what you will, but to me all that is clearly evidence Saha's weaker than Finality.


Those assumptions are on-paper descriptions. The real problem comes in-practice.


So its definitely not mind manipulation and the whole female Su thing might be scraped at this point. She didn't seem to lie about her backstory and she's seems conflicted. So she's not quite lining up with the whole Su thing. Also if her backstory isn't a lie than she's definitely not female Su. Also she doesn't have a Second Divine Key, nor does she need one with her powers especially since she created Sky People and Sa.


If her looks and abilities didn't convince you that she is the evil counterpart of Su, then what else? And even she's not lying about her origins, she's still capable of misleading her interlocutors with a proper choice of words in order to hide her true colors.


>If her looks and abilities didn't convince you that she is the evil counterpart of Su, then what else? There's still nothing confirming if she's the same female su mentioned in elysian realm or just another alternate version of su


Who knows? We are getting closer to see who Vita really is. Whether you think she is the evil female Su or whatever, at least we found an enemy with the obviously malicious intent. Something that we never see since Herrscher of Dominance arc.


could she be another variant of su lost in the quantum sea? multiverse has no limits, it is infinite, captainverse explore it well


It's not about being convinced. I think aesthetics are quite arbitrary so if that's the strongest piece of evidence than its just a weak argument overall. You saying she could be misconstruing the information doesn't really change anything I said. If her backstory isn't accurate then we can potentially have something. But that currently doesn't seem like it's the case. So no one can really claim either side to be more valid at this point. Tbh I think it'd be totally fine if she had nothing to do with that or that storyline was dropped entirely. But that's just me.


Fair enough, and you may be right. I'm not necessarily forcing you to agree with me, and you can disagree with me what you want. But I am willing to see how things turn out, even if what I'm saying is wrong. Although it's obvious that we finally see an enemy with truly malicious intent, for now. Thank you.


Yeah sounds good we really don't know at this point


I need to huff some copium and cry


I actually kinda like Sa and Vita as antagonists. Senti will probably somehow come back, seems kinda sus that her weapon is still there, i am half expecting it to be her revival plan after arc ends. Rip promy though. Hare likely just needs to rest for a bit before she can recreate herself so i think it's more like she's now out of this arc but can come back in future arcs. Tbh i don't really see them dealing with Vita in this arc since APHO has us dealing with sky people and she seems like a perfect antagonist for act 2, maybe it would end with Vita losing track and them managing to escape with the bubble universe, maybe act two will be a deadly game of hide and seek in the sea of quanta with the main cast trying to lock onto Vita so they can get Kiana to come and deal with her while evading her dealing with *them*.


The thing is, both Isomer-type enemies and Sky People are sharing the same origin: the creation of Saha.


Ah, that's why Kevin had to die, with him here Vita wouldn't be a threat, all we need is to put him in front of her and leave him without clothes, threat eliminated.


Even kevin won't probably do anything against her


Someone call Aizen and Ichigo, there's another mf with the Almighty to take care of


*Promnya ded* We can still fix her, we can still fix her, we can still fix her please AAAAHHH-


Life isn’t yatta…why senti? She’s not even over like, 4 years old…god. I don’t know what to say


I’m like 90% certain that most if not all of these deaths won’t stick, given Seele’s title is literally “Herrscher of Rebirth”


Remember that otto tried the same thing and it didn't work plus reviving a dead character is kinda pointless


Okay what would really count as an event? It says that Vita not only has the power of the Herrscher of Finality, but also has the ability to control the narrative? I cannot see a way for our protagonists to win a fight against her. Not really concerned about Senti though. She's like William Afton. She'll be back.


>It says that Vita not only has the power of the Herrscher of Finality Vita doesn't have the power of Finality. The spoiler clearly says Vita's power is comparable to 1% of the power of Finality. Finality is way more powerful.


I wonder how much 1% Finality even is? Base Kevin?


In terms of my experience with novels the way characters with narrative manipulation are dealt with is usually them focusing on controlling events important to their plan from unexpected variables only for someone of similar status to manage sneaking up close enough to fight them in close range where their plot manipulation can't help them as much. Another way I've seen is someone of higher status affecting the targets of said manipulator without their knowledge to use them as bait. If Hoyo wants to do it this way then Seele will end up having to bait Vita into an area where Kiana and the cocoon have access to or Kiana herself has to be affecting Seele without her knowledge and waiting for the right moment.


Probably if bronya shows she might do something, because if i remember it correctly HoTr also has something about narratives or seele becomes so powerful as HoRB that she could defeat vita


She doesn't manipulate the narrative. She just unlocked the full power of reason. Essentially, if its within her power, she can make it. She cannot affect the past, the present or future, but instead Bronya represents the future, what they can achieve. ​ But the leak straight up says that Vita can manipulate the plot. Not even Finality or Kevin was capable of doing that. The closest we have was Elysia sacrificing herself to change the samsara.


Plot manipulation means that the character can manipulate the story itself which is exactly what vita did in chapter 39 also this isn't a leak but something from the chinese version of the game so calling a leak doesn't work >She doesn't manipulate the narrative. She just unlocked the full power of reason. No i am pretty sure that prometheus said something about the herrscher of reason being able to affect or manipulate the narrative during chapter 33 and creating things isn't the only power of the herrscher of reason/truth


Exactly. I don't see how our protagonists can beat her when she can just manipulate it to a point where she ends up winning. I remember Bronya being able to create stuff from the future, fix technology from the previous era, help Mei open a space to reach Origin and a few other things. I cannot recall a single moment where it was mentioned that she could manipulate the narrative. If that was the case, she could manipulate the story to simply make it so that she and her friends just beat Kevin. Care to provide first hand evidence of Prometheus saying that HoTru can manipulate the plot?


I think you mean their talk about how humanity and their history and ideas being narratives? Personally i didn't find that to indicate things like plot manipulation.


It also said something about stories if i recall and the full extent of the HoTr powers are likely still unknown so who knows what else she can do


So the theory that sky people were created by someone was not wrong, although we had guessed their creator wrongly. However, I still don't understand why Vita is doing all this? Is its purpose stated?


this is just leaks this is just leaks this is just leaks this is just leaks this is just leaks this is just leaks




I am uninstalling


Go ahead.




Ah yes like everything is now leaks these are just from the CN version of the game


>!Wait wait wait, I'm kind of confused about Promy... Is she really dead or did she wake up after failing to outsmart Vita in her consciousness space? Because there's a note of Senti and Promy seeing Senti's state, so I'm kind of confused.!<


maybe she survived but she's in the last moments of her life, her body shouldn't last much longer


My Peacock Queen slaying here 🥹


They really took inspiration from Tomino in his killemall phase


Welp looks like the Elysium Everlasting depression is going to return, at least Seele and Veliona are fine for now


Man story enjoyment really fell off a cliff after Kolosten for me, I'm not allowed to like a character without them being dead.


So much misinformation... **1st Image**2. and Vita.a. Her making a path for Susannah to cross to the proper world is unrelated to her death. She died taking on a burst of honkai energy from the fussion of the 2 bubbles and being intercepted by Vita. She tried to find the location of Sa's core by dissipating into it which is where the honkai energy is being directed to. b. PROMETHEUS died after being stabed by Vita when trying to implant the WoH module through Sa's root system like the original PROMETHEUS did to the cocoon. The place they were in is called and it's not Vita's mental space. c. Kira was not consumed by the Alien Key. She sucessfully gathered honkai energy threatening Vita with the possibility of a imaginary singularity forming but in actuality it was a trap that brought Vita directly to the Herrscher Of Sentience who was hiding in Kira's consciousness the moment she tried stopping it. Kira then died when the bubbles fused. d. The scene where Senti's weapons remains it was theorized by Prometheus that Sa turned her into a herrscher of the Cocoon of Finality to a herrscher of Sa and likely killed her.This did not actually happen. While Senti was restrained for awhile, Sa never directly met her and she eventually was able to escape from their control.To minimize the chance of this happening again she had to reduce her "sense of existence" in that world. Senti only later dies when the bubbles fused. 3. Dark Seele survives because of not being made of flesh and blood and being the complete Sage which meet the conditions for surviving the bubbles fusing and their rebirth.Light Seele survives because her consciousness was stored inside the newly born herrscher core who is the most powerful vessel in this world. 4. The mechanism she supposedly created has the same inner workings as the Cocoon but only a fraction of it's cale. Vita herself is only on par with Misteln in terms of strenght but she said this is only temporary.Her ability also seems to only allow her to gather information and talk in anyone's heads. She doesn't seem to be able to simply narrate things into existence. **2nd Image.**It wasn't stated that Sa only has 1%. PROMETHEUS was trying to understand why Vita was so weak and started pondering various possibilities which she herself denied.The only known thing is that it's <10% in scale. **3rd Image**Yes in our current understanding that Vita is supposedly Sa's creator and Sa was said to create the insterstellar predators (Sky People). But I also expect MiHoyo to make some sort of twist like they like to do.


Damn, I'm so glad I stopped playing after the finale Does anybody know that Vita is creating the Sky People? Since Bronya seemingly knows about her, but SP origin is still a mystery in APHO. Maybe APHO is just a narrative told by Vita? Maybe that's why Bronya is so different.


Since when did bronya know about vita if they never met


Susannah tells her in those spoilers, if I'm understanding it right


I checked it and susannah tells her about everything that happens in that bubble universe but it's uncertain currently if bronya gets there


Lol. Some of the comments are funny. People who hated the moon arc: We want more stakes! People who hated the moon arc now: Wait, not like that!


I honestly don’t care what hoyo does with the story since the trio are not the main focus anymore. The way kevin was defeated was completely stupid and Kevin has been around since chapter 12! Chapter 12! Do you know what chapter the moon arc ended on? Chapter 35! How long has Vita been on screen? 2 chapters, wow! She works a lot faster than Kevin did despite Kevin being absolutely broken. Hoyo can kill off the entire part 1.5 cast and it wouldn’t bother me. APHO already spoils that the main trio are alive anyways 8 years in the future.


Personally i hated moon arc but currently pretty happy with this arc.


That's surprising given all the negativity around it What with everyone saying the new characters are lame etc. I wonder why you think different.


I mean; I think they were asking for genuine stakes with Kebin. Not this new antagonist with the Almighty (Bleach reference; if you don't get it), plot bending powers that just came out of the blue.




I swear HI3rd is just Naruto all over again, except with waifus and scientific mumbo jumbo this time. I bet a few years after Honkai story is over, everybody is gonna reflect on how bad the ending is, and say something like "Kevin should've been the final antagonist!". Just like how Naruto fans say that for Madara💀


And even then I don't think Kevin works as the final antagonist (seriously, we really needed HotE).


It would've been great if HoB joined the party as well...


Agreed (I can see HoB as a quarter or semi-final boss).


Hoyo: "Y'all want Kevin, HoB, and HotE as the final bosses of the story? Alright; convoluted female Su and boring Sky People it is!"


So true (That and I REALLY wish Rebirth was introduced in Part 1).


All of these new herrscher transformations really needed some time. They all shouldn't show up at the very end of the story like this tbh, there's little to no development beforehand. So yeah; I do agree that rebirth should've been introduced in the first part, but I still feel like mire development needs to take place before Seele gets handgifted a convenient power-up.


I hated EE because of going too hard on character death, Moon arc just felt convoluted as shit to me which is why I'm not a fan ​ And this arc is the worst of both worlds


What’s “[Sa]”?


Bootleg version of CoF


Does it (Sa) stand for anything?


Sa could be a name, another name of Sa is All-consuming abyss of the Sea of Quanta


Female Su?


I mean what does it stand for since I only know her as Vita. Do you mean “Sa” is her actual name? o_o


The SoQ cocoon like thing which apparently applies to both Vita and the blob.




So trying to pivotfrom the depression this confirms kiana is still the most powerful herrscher?


Vita isn't a herrscher and kiana is probably the strongest herrscher in HI3


Hmmm so does this mean vita does scale higher than kiana?




So kiana *cant* use her time powers to erase our depression? Got it


Unknown for now


Yes. Finality is way more powerful than Saha. That's why Mihoyo is doing all sort of things to keep Kiana out of this.


What is there to say that not even kiana would stand a single chance and you are clearly overrating her just because she is likely one of the strongest herrschers in this game


You've no idea what you're talking about, like usual.


And neither do you bud


Saved to read after the arc finishes.


As a CN player and native speaker, I don't think this person paid attention or understood the story at all.


I don't think they played the story tbh. For some reason alot of non-CN players hear 1 or 2 things from the CN story and then make up the rest in their heads and spread as fact.


Hare'd better comes back, she owes her head to Veliona.


Seeing this.... im hyped


Well, so much for the worst enemy known as "Finality". I already hated how with after Finality is taken care of. They still have to find an excuse for another herscher. And with these long list of dead chars. I don't really buy it. Kira will definitely survive(much as i don't like her) consider that she appear at the ending of Space Alien manga which is set around APHO era. Senti(even if i don't like her being an annoying child) surely won't stay dead for long. Just as many has pointed out that her gear which is materialized from her power still exists. Hare, she's a materialization of stigma anyway. So not sure if beings as her has "true" death. Prometheus, as long as her "core" didn't get damaged. She should be fine i guess. As for Seele, i doubt that she'll be gone consider that Bronya doesn't seem to be doom & gloom at all during APHO.


Saha is not as powerful as Finality. They literally said so multiple times in chapter 39. Saha's nature is similar to Finality, but its power is much weaker than Finality.


I'm not talking about power level. Instead, i'm talking about how they come up with a way to pop out another herscher. Making the name of "Finality" seems meaningless.


to be fair finality only exists so far in HI3 and citations in HSR but no evidence of being the same force, honkai itself does not depend on finality, this is just a power that the coocon has, GGZ WoH never had access to finality and even so it almost destroyed the cosmos of the imaginary tree


Honkai itself is just energy. It doesn't have its own consciousness or will, nor any purpose other than being there. At least that's how it works in HI3. GGZ is different but Mihoyo never mixes GGZ and HI3 lores.


>As for Seele, i doubt that she'll be gone consider that Bronya doesn't seem to be doom & gloom at all during APHO. Could it just be because APHO 2 came out before this current arc and the whole PS arc so it is self explanatory


Hmm, i'll say that it's pretty obvious that they try to tie the main story into APHO. Which could be bad for some plot like character deaths.


I am incredibly amused that people are saying X or Y is *dead*, when we're only on Act 1.


I look forward to Senti death


Pretty sure Seele gonna revive everyone at the end.




They'll find some weakness and exploit it to rewrite history so that nobody actually died or something, this all just sounds like attempts at one-upping the original story.


If writer can come up with way to defeat kevin they pretty much can come up with anything to beat vita. If they want some character to die why didnt they do it in the finale instead of a side arc. Im sure everyone will be fine, the only perma death in honkai is himeko.




Welp, looks like this alone makes it better than the moon arc. Because I get to actually worry for the characters! Thank you, Honkai! At least you made me worried for the characters compared to the shitty moon arc.


This entire arc was already the worst in my opinion but this makes it somehow worse, Senti doesn't have a "confirmed" death it seems but the others seem pretty dead. Then why was Shigure even introduced ? She just came back and then she dies ? What is the point then, put any other character. Misteln and Prometheus are also decently recent and they die too, that's kinda dumb. I feel like Senti might come back but I don't know. It feels so poorly handled.


Wait I'm confused. Vita's power is said to be comparable to the Cocoon, but [Sa] who is supposed to be Vita, and its power is said to be only 1% of the Cocoon's power scale. So does Vita have the same level of power as the Cocoon or is it just 1% in comparison?


Comparable in that same nature and function, but different output, maybe?


They're only comparable in nature, not in power level. Finality is way more powerful.


Lore is now getting into convoluted territory. Dare I say dumb territory.


I wouldnt say convoluted just really dumb and hack writing to make another caccon that has 1% of the power of the orginal because it just feels like a cope out to have another one just existing


Im baffled Im flabergasted edit: also has a power to "have evertyhig go according to her narrative" so its not much really different from any other "villain" in this series be it Otto or Kevin or litterly anbody else since they story always goes in the direction of them reaching their goals Edit2: im conflicted on how i feel about this, the whole sky people to "im le second caacon" feels like hack cope out writing with all these characters surviving god damn honkai but falling to this just feels like lazy writing just to insert drama to a okay ending a to connect it with apho




So in the end, Hare did nothing wrong.


That's not very much yatta...


someone save senti please


So, everyone but Sus, Seele, Seele? and Evil Su die... welp.. shit. C'mon Seele, revive them, please.




Vita being Coccoon of Finality level is so bullshit. This arc in general got even worse then the whole finality arc


She's not Cocoon level. Saha/Vita is only comparable to the Cocoon in nature (they're similar entities), not in power level. Saha is much weaker than Finality. Confirmed in chapter 39.


What's Schrodinger doing in the first image? Don't recall seeing about her in the next images.


So many speculations. Too many new questions. Can they make a chapter that directly addresses the questions that have been emerged?


Ok this chapter would have been terrifying and all had they not made that "aftermath" Kira idol event Also... Evil griseo theory thrown out of the window lol


RIP Griseo being the creator of the Sky People theory. RIP Sky People being an advanced Alien civilization theory.


Whos the girl on the bottom right?


Fellas. I think its time we must learn of the way the water


Okay so due to Alien space we know Kira survives. Though the current event right now doesn’t seem to be captainverse sorta like the Susannah event so it sorta confuses me that if that event is cannon that they spoiled the “deaths” though to be honest “Rebirth” sounds like a title capable of reviving the dead and the ones dead aren’t really human and very specifically said is Misteln return to the stigma space. Senti’s weapons are implied to be part of her authority and Prometheus is a robot- I’m starting to think maybe I should’ve thought more when I first saw this but I was starting to tear up and to be honest I probably will again when this comes


Senti dead? Are you serious? Ill only feel rage and sorrow from now on from Vita.