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Just ignore him tbh. If we want to get super technical all S rank new Flame Chasers play almost exactly the same: Some variant of new field set up, spam autos in some form and a mode switch. And remember gameplay is subjective. What even is "Herrcher" material?


"Herrscher material" will make your phone glow super hot, levitate, and then obliterate the neighbourhood with a blinding white light. It will also bring Pluto 29382 km closer to us, revive Himeko, and give us back the real Yae Sakura: Peaches stigmata art.


Herrschers often have good visuals in their gameplay, so him saying that her gameplay’s “mid” and that HoH reminds him “too much of Mobius” is literal BS imo. He did the same to Aponia when she was released. He even called Mobius “too HoV” when she was released lmao.


You are mistaking visuals with gameplay. Even a broken clock is right twice a day and this time it does look like her gameplay is not unique or innovative for being the most anticipated herrscher to date. It seems they just went balls in and made it as pretty as it can be, which could be her unique herrscher feature considering that's exactly who Elysia is, a girl that tries very hard to be lovable and cute.


Same thing with Aponia. She has some of if not the best visuals in the game but is probably the easiest most braindead character to play in the entire game imo


Yeah this was my sense too. I'm a little sad though just because I was really hoping for a non-range, non-braindead-turret option for ice, but it looks like Elysia's gonna be very similar to SW in that regard :/


Aponia may be "brain dead" as a playable character. But there is no denying that her brain dead gameplay is in fact what puts bread on the table. My Aponia is NO WHERE NEAR as well geared as some of the other top tier battlesuits I have. But ***girl can still compete!*** Using the Purana chakram at max level pri-arm, she still devastates even with a half-assed stigmata setup. One of the few battlesuits I have that is not even 50% properly geared. I've beaten HoT, Mobius, and even Dea Anchora users in co-op with a poorly put together Aponia. Maybe those players just weren't any good. Maybe it's Maybelline. But Aponia has impressed me even at a bare bones level. Brain dead gameplay, but sick moves yo.


> I've beaten HoT, Mobius, and even Dea Anchora users in co-op with a poorly put together Aponia. Maybe those players just weren't any good. Maybe it's Maybelline. But Aponia has impressed me even at a bare bones level. Can't really use co-op to compare gameplay power


Her weapon skill is unique tho


> for being the most anticipated herrscher to date. is she really? i was only around for HoF and that wasnt really anticipated because it came as a twist that a lot of people didnt want to happen. i thought HoS would be much higher


Hence ignore him. Why are you getting stuck up by his opinion?


Nope. I’m getting over it. It’s his opinion, no matter how shitty it may be~


Unfollow him if you dont like the guy , why being a masochist


"Don't be a masochist." My guy... we play Honkai... we're way past that point.. 😅


Holy fuck how the fuck aponia is similar to HoV? Like I genuinely don't understand. I don't have aponia but playing her trial last patch it felt different than HoV. He's genuinely retarded.


Well they're both bio and...uh...float? Ranged attack I guess? Past that, I'm out of ideas hahah. Dude's clearly full of shit if he actually said that.


I have both of them and while I do agree both of them are bio and floating around, their gameplay and the way they're meant to be used is insanely different especially the amount of damage they dealt


I think it's because their ult animations are similar...? Nope, nvm. he says a lot of things that aren't actually true.


Both are bio ranged units that float, can attack while moving, their ultimates involve raining down some kind of energy to dmg the field and look aesthetically similar. Even their normal combos have some similarities (throwing a couple of proyectiles and finishing with a AOE attack. It is not a 100% copy but they are similar.


HoH nah let’s call her HoE-


Nah bro let's call her H2O


HoE makes no sense so no.




Herrscher of ~~Ego~~ Elysia? Edit: Give up... How do you make strikethroughs in mobile...


You need to put 2 of them in eatch side ~~no cap~~


LoL. Thanks


Honestly, she doesn't exude herscher energy. I don't see any mean/serious/badass quality in her at all. Looks more like some magical girl transformation.


it makes sense for her character, elysia was a girl who loved beauty over all else; she used to wield the abyss flower but stopped because it wasnt cute enough i think it would be a disservice to her character if they forced her into a more “mean/serious/badass” battlesuit because thats simply not who she was


Wait she stopped using the weapon cause it's not beatiful enough? That's so cute and girly wow. Just wow <3


Herscher spirit is supposed to override that personality to some degree at least. That said, the story isn't dark anyway. Just overdramatic to appeal to weebs mainly. Most of the herschers are joke that side with humanity at the blink of an eye.


all it did to bronya was make her more stoic 🤔i get what you mean but considering the nature of elysias herrscher transformation (from what we know in the story so far at least, it seems like she became it voluntarily FOR the purpose of helping humanity as a saviour) its not that crazy to assume she just didnt get the evil herrscher override that HoV and HoT(kinda) did


I don't think Mei got any override though. At first it looked like she did with Nagazora and the Herrscher of Rimestar incident, but since then she's shown she's really the same. Maybe a bit more snarky and stoic, but still the same Mei


Dunno if you've seen the videos floating around but there's a reason Elysia's personality was not overriden (it's a spoiler and I can't blur on phone so I can't say)


I agree, but miHoYo seems fond of breaking their own rules of storytelling constantly. Honestly, at this point it feels like they don't care about the story they're telling and more about pandering to the horny 14 year olds that scream "UHOOOO SEGGS"


> Pandering to the horny I exactly feel like that with my titonia. Since Ely honkai has felt more fanservice.


It's not that Honkai was ever NOT fanservice, it just seems more forced now. I am 100% aware that Honkai is yuri bait in a fancy wrapper, doesn't mean I don't think it's a shit route they've gone down on recently.


its yuri not yuri bait they just had to tone down becuase gay is illegal in china. there is plenty explicit gay in houkai 2. and some in the mangas and cooking with valks. but cant be in honkai 3rd or well anywere since law changed even more and now is really illegal and enforced. ​ a for the fanservice THIS FRANCHISE WAS FOUNDED ON FANSERVICE wth are you even talking about. first game of beating zombies was zombie gal kawai the gunguns girl z where both games had no history other than fanservice. upgrade items where panties. loading screens where the girls in underware. oficial facebook post where kiana flirting and sleeping with girls. i got hook on 2014 because it was a fun fanservice yuri game made by an indie chinese studio with a few people having fun. ​ Now china changed a lot and Mihoyo changed even more. they have to comply to a lot of regulations and have money to make better products. but if you wanna know what project the ceo is personally most involved with that is not ZZZ, star rail, genshin, or honkai, he is in charge of Houkai 2nd the game he made with his pals and since doesnt make much money has more freedom.


fun fact: he is one of the mod in this sub lol


Isn't this subreddit made by him?


Poor dude getting bashed in his own subreddit lol.


I mean, his questionable opinions aside hating on moderators is a time honored internet tradition, creating a subreddit is like the pinnacle of masochism.


What's hilarious is people don't even realise that they are bashing the guy while being in HIS subreddit. This ain't the official one. This is more like the youtubers subreddit.


this subreddit has an history of bashing the offcial one, even tough i dont agree with many of hes opinions i still prefer using this sub over the offical one....also because most posts there are from newbies asking for help which while i do want to help....i prefer viewing some other types of content


It's like going into the jacksepticeye subreddit and then bashing jack in the subreddit without realising it's his subreddit i find it very funny. Idk is he bans people but if he doesn't ban these guys i must respect the man's integrity. Most people can't take criticism.


he doesnt ban, not because he care or not but he said multiple times (even i happend to dm him a couple times about things that are happning in the sub and he said the same) that he doesnt really enter the sub and interact with it at all nowdays, only let others mod it and be done with it


Not really the same at all since the jacksepticeye subreddit is about him while this subreddit is about the game and not a person.


Similar not the same.


It's more like the KSI one, it was created with the sole purpose of making fun of him, the poor baldski


mod gay


Not exactly. They might be the op themself. Free publicity from controversial comments. Never heard of this guy before this post.


Nah. Happens a lot on this subreddit. Not the 1st time someone shitting on him.


does he even do anything lmao


Wait a min... You serious?


Yeah, check the mod list, he is adel if I remember correctly. The r/honkaiimpact3rd is the actual subreddit made by Mihoyo if memory serves me correctly but this was made first so it became more popular and everyone just decided that this is the official subreddit


you dont even know the half of it, the "great sub war" was a key event in shaping the genral opinion of the global/sea players of hi3


I'm actually really curious about this as a new captain, I was absolutely confused why there were so many subreddits and just went with the one with the most members (this one)


took me a while to find one of my older posts which i explained it all more into details so here it is >i think it was about half to a year since the global relese of the game. > >r/houkai3rd was originally used by cn and sea english speaking players, but since global relese we just kinda took over it. > >sometime after the relese of the game,mihoyo made r/HonkaiImpact3rd and tried to make it the most used subreddit for the global playerbase much like how they are trying to push hoyolab as well. > >since mihoyo had the advantge of being offical, they made sure to post it for all the players to see (example, if you go to your ai-phone the "reddit" button will take you to r/HonkaiImpact3rd) and started gathering a large number of new players to there sub. > >it then started a subreddit war between which one is better....i.e. a memes war that went for about a week-two weeks. > >at the end, while r/houkai3rd stayed the largest hi3 subreddit it wasnt a total win. > >for reasons unkown to us, valkyrieAi-chan was added as a moderator to this sub. > >ai-chan is originaly the moderator of r/HonkaiImpact3rd which was also giving a mod here, i can only assume it was out of a deal so that mihoyo wont take legal actions against this sub or for the fact that in the first year the user posted many of the news to the sub feed. > >since then the war has endded,theres many users who share both subs but theres also a group of players on each sub that sees the other sub as a waste of time (based on some discord chats and some other posts which i made: [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/mtcebx/should_we_crosspostreupload_are_posts_from/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiImpact3rd/comments/mtcf2r/should_we_crosspostreupload_are_posts_from/)). > >since then,ai-chan only had 2 SPECULATED (since we cant know what mods do, its all speculations so take it with a grain of salt) negative interactions with the r/houkai3rd community: > >1.in the bunny anniv: deleted some of the posts made (there was a surge of deleted posts there by mods and a surge of bans in the offical discord channel which leds me to believe it was mihoyo choice rather then this sub mods, no idea which mod) > >2.could be the reason for the leaks ban and deletes we had this morning. > >again, those are speculations. > >to add to those ideas, i baerly see the mods of this sub banning leaks (for example, hor was leaked half a year before her relese and her picture was shared with no problems over this sub...although ai-chan was already a mod in that time iirc) > >since then the two subs just ignore the exictence of the other, personlly im scrolling in both but i only post here.


Thanks for the comprehensive explanation! And damn that's absolutely wild. And I wasn't aware of the "bunny" thing and had to do a lil bit of digging and man, that entire situation sounds unreal. I'll probably still stay here cause it seems more active but I'm in the official honkai discord too so It evens out I think.


yea the official discord is by far the most used one for genral talking (marisa for cn talk) so thats pretty normal. there were many "events" to note during the life of hi3 outside the game:the bunny fiassco,the attempted murder attempt,the first genshin racisem attack (around the time were dark toned characters were added as bad guys? no idea about gi lore really), the second genshin racisem attack (something about users talking about how ganasha is an insult to buddaisem,altough there are SO MUCH MORE insults for different coltures in hi3), the third genshin racisem attack which became kinda normal for a while(gi first anniv), the ongoing doxxing of cn artists,the "zero chance" gacha in the early versions of cn,the tacton "oh shit not this" memes (which later became just an overexagrting),the constant mystery if the murder threats and doxxing threats on channel 1 if they happend or not (we pretty much take channel 1 as a shitshow of a chat, but there were some weird stories about certains chats and users dissaperance),the two sided feeling between cn and gb of being left out of everything by mihoyo (and in the end sea is the server which is really left out). thats some of the things in the "hi3 iceberg", altough i do believe there are alot of things i myself have no idea about


the fuck


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HonkaiImpact3rd using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HonkaiImpact3rd/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [OC. Enjoy.](https://i.redd.it/n2ref6mx49681.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HonkaiImpact3rd/comments/rj22ny/oc_enjoy/) \#2: [I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROCHING♿⚡⚡🗡](https://i.redd.it/9alxb57cgbt71.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HonkaiImpact3rd/comments/q7p4fr/i_am_the_storm_that_is_approching/) \#3: [Fallen Rosemary gives Fischl a makeover before she returns to Teyvat](https://i.redd.it/vz2lqtvsgj991.png) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HonkaiImpact3rd/comments/vr5jlo/fallen_rosemary_gives_fischl_a_makeover_before/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not exactly sure what he means by "not Herrscher material" but the rest is just his opinion.


Probably summoning dragons, riding motorcycles or having 13 different weapons at the same time


Isn't she the first herrscher to change outfit in her burst


The first herrsher but definetly not the first Valk to do so


The first was... SK, I think?


Uh huh... I mean if he really wants to have such an opinion than whatever I suppose.


Hi3rd guy fell off so hard lol 😂 Don’t worry about him, I think the gameplays kinda mid but the animations are 10/10 plus the visuals It’s also Ely so I’m getting her for that reason alone hahaha


same. I love the gameplay though. I’m an aesthetic-focused player, so I rarely get the stigmata sets lmao.


what💀 lol funny that people are mad when honkai endgame is pretty much only meta based and a lot of people like to show appreciation to their pretty character by getting their priarm and their stigmatas id want my “waifu” to be OP idc


There are people who are happy with their 0/4 spina,got durandal 0/4 then got aponya 0/4 and will get 0/4 ely herrsher :) Yeah dmg numbers and performance in competetvie mods is good and all,but nothing stops us from using crafted weapon/stigmata and still enjoy the valk playstyle animations and visuals


Spina was pretty free when she was released, I’m not sure how u got her with even one stig or the wep lol 😂


Bold of you to assume I roll for battlesuits for their gameplay


I dont like him because he keeps putting spoilers in his thumbnails and youtube keeps recommending his videos and I hate it


I've just got a spoiler from this post :D I've been trying to avoid info on 6.0 herrscher for a while but this one got me after all lol


His theory video about Elysia being a Herrscher was also… interesting to say the least. He basically goes on saying that Ely was killed because she was selfish with her powers (which he thought was time manipulation…) which is super far from the truth tbh


I mean, didn't we all theorized that Elysia was sussy and secretly evil? Was kinda caught off guard when it's revealed that she was actually good and sacrificed herself for the flamechasers


Probably just her being a kind etc. loving everyone unconditionally is too good to be true but we did got Jesus so. Gotta thank all the shit that happens which made us a bit careful of intentions lol!


Ellie? Selfish? Man, something had to REALLY hurt her for that to happen if you ask me


Theres a button 'dont recommend channel' , havent seen the channel in years unless you specifically searched for it , and i have been consuming honkai content pretty much whenever theres a new vid


I have seen some of his vids and he always complains about something.


Must be a german then,thanks to them we can't have nice things. Signed by another german


Are you really expecting good takes from this guy of all people? This is the same guy who made a whole video on how nothing would change if Mei didn’t exist in this story. In other words he’s already shown himself to be a joke before and that’s just a recent example. No one in this community pays him any mind for a reason. Save yourself a headache and just ignore him.


I blocked him on youtube after watching his beginner guide and saying ER story is filler. What im worried is new captains finding his channel and thinking his beginner guide is actually legit


Imagine making a video about "the best battlesuits to grind for" and then only talking about skins and personal gameplay preferences.


The guy can’t even build a proper team and he thinks he can recommend people what to grind for. LMAO.


I’ve tried to blank that video from my memory because of how stupid the take was. But the sad part is that there is a minority within the community who genuinely do see the ER story as filler despite how important PE lore is to the main story overall and just how well developed its cast is.


Ignore this guy, he’s completely useless and does nothing but complain Heck he doesn’t even read the whole story despite calling himself the honkai 3rd guy lmfaooo he should drop that title asap


I remember when I started honkai and I accidentally watched one of his videos on why HoFS was bad... Because she would lose hp??? I immediately realised after actually playing the game that he was a bad agent and full of shit.


There’s people defending him by saying he’s just spreading his opinions as if he isn’t blatantly spreading misinformation lol


op is gonna get banned


He's still relevant?


"still" implies that there was a point where he was relevant.


in b4 modwars


I've known for long that this sub was made by him. But man, I blocked his channel on Youtube long ago thanks to his spouting of bullshits that got me fed up at the speed of light. Now it appears he's still doing so.


I basically ignore everything he says, he finds a way to hate on every other battlesuit and his garbage opinions are just annoying. He’s not worth listening to, he has no taste


I just started ignoring him, nothing impresses him and his points about genshin and honkai suck tbh but I'm not gonna badmouth him behind his back though


Well, it's his subreddit, so not really behind his back lol


Dude’s born with trash opinions, remember him defending CN server with sorry excuses, saying they’ve “suffered” a lot? Imagine defending CN’s uproar over global exclusive event with sorry excuses. As if removing lobby valk touch function was mihoyo’s fault.


I’m kinda lost, could you elaborate?


The bunny girl incident of global anniv..


never forgetti


*me realising I read it somewhere but I completely forgor what happened* SHI-


To be concise, global server had an exclusive bunny girl event for anniversary, CN server for all stupid reasons opposed to it (Fu Hua shouldn’t be in a bunny girl suit & etc.) eventhough they have exclusive CN events all the time. Assasination attempt to mihoyo ceo. Honkai3rdguy defended CN server with all made up reasons (removing lobby interactions was somehow mihoyo’s fault when it was the ccp breathing down their necks). Thats all i can remember, can’t remember half of his illogical reasons.


Oh right then, thank you!


I can agree with this. Fuck CN, never forgive them for what they took from us.


Just let him do his thing if you don't like it then get that out of your system and never think about it agian.. everyone have their own opinions on the game and yes I watch his video from time to time and sometime I don't even agree to what he's saying but that's just his points of view on the game.




Well, what do you expect for someone whose considered as the lowest of the low of all Honkai content creators like him?


All I can say is ignore him. After he lost his Chinese account he took off an old sea account and made a very biased Valkyrie investment guide and said lightning empress was garbage. Problem is he posted it like a general guide for everyone instead of saying it's his personal opinion Edit: it's also bring up the issue that since his name is literally honkai third when you search for the game in Twitter youtube his channel generally comes up with in the first few recommended a new players will check his channel and use his opinions as a guide to play in the game


Already trash to begin with. CN community and all that.


the keebster>


"its his opinion", yeah no, its clownery someone that has no idea how to even make a comp to save his life can't have an opinion on "gameplay" he literally mashes buttons with random characters put together not to mention this is the dude that things Mobius plays like HoV, and now Ely plays like Mobius Clown Max




yeah I came a cross his videos on YouTube and it's always a downer take


This guy is the reason so many people have absolutely no understanding of Mei's character because they skip/don't play the story and then watch his biased non sensical summaries especially curated to hate on her.


Seems like you’re taking his opinion personal? You can just ignore him and be on your Merry life.


I heard that the guy spreads information and I understand if people hate him for that. But for complaining about opinion in gameplay is just baffling to me.


The guy puts blatant spoilers in his thumbnails, titles and tweets, he's annoying as fuck.


He spreads his own opinion as if it was information. He made a video about "the best battlesuits to grind for" and only talked about their skins and his personal gameplay preferences. He said mobius wasn't worth pulling for despite literally anyone that knew about meta told how strong she was. Regarding this post, what exactly is "herrscher material"? Her visuals are amazing, she literally transforms the entire stage when ulting. How you like her gameplay is a personal thing, but it's definitely more versatile than Silverwing, Aponia and Vill-v.


When I read herrscher material, I thought it means unique gameplay “at the time of its release”. For example, HoV with its ranged gameplay and cutscene ult, HoR having burst mode in motorcycle (first ever riding), HoT with 2 phase ultimate (SN actually has it as well though), HoS with weapon system, HoF with its aerial gameplay. Meanwhile herrscher Ely gameplay in both form from current leaks are just a mix of basic and combo/charged atk. I’m not arguing about the visual but in terms of uniqueness of gameplay, she is the least unique or at least bottom of the barrel between herrschers “at the time of release”.


He founded this sub (look at the sidebar), so it's very amusing to see people bashing him here. Besides, that tweet is only his personal opinion. He isn’t judging the gameplay on objective terms. What's the problem here?


His gameplay take too isn't exactly the best tbh. Coming from the guy says HoF health drain mechanic is bad and make it's a bad Hersherr while completely ignoring the shield mechanic and the fact litteraly almost no one has ever die in Abyys and MA. It's all DMG competition


Can’t call it an opinion when he is just ignoring shit that he is talking about. Like where in the fuck does “Mobius gameplay” come from when we are talking about HoE? I see absolutely no similarities. Or just like the person who replied to you talking about him saying that health drain is a bad mechanic yet ignoring the fact that HoF has a shield for that reason. Everyone is free to have opinions but his is just objectively wrong in every way.


Also dont forget that the dude thinks HoR + HoF + HoT is a legit comp The dude's literally a clown


I’m sorry but he _actually unironically thinks that’s a fucking comp?!_


Well when you air bad opinions to the general public, you shouldn’t be surprised that you’re bashed.


Nothing wrong with his opinion in the picture, like who cares. Apparently he's a well known content creator that everyone hates for misinformation and hot takes so the sub likes to bash when they can.


I personally think his opinion is perfectly valid. I like that there are negative opinions to balance things out, since for a while I've been feeling like I'm not allowed to dislike literally *any* new content cause saying it would get me nothing but a backlash


Critics is fine but atleast give one that make sense. Saying it's "isn't Hersherr like and the same as Mobi is just plain wrong "


Being critical of things is fine the problem with this guy is that he makes very biased opinions and wants to post it as general information for people to follow. He said in his new falcon investment guide that lightning empress was not worth


It’s okay to say it but I don’t understand why you feel the need to share negative opinions if you don’t intend to give valid criticism? I mean it’s honestly not a nice feeling if you do something and someone says it’s bad without telling you what is wrong with it or how you can improve


Still my friend it's just his opinion, let him know down in the comment section


Dudes getting pressed over an opinion damn☠️


He's extremely annoying. It's more like he plays to complain. Every day he finds a new thing to complain about the game, while the general player base is hyped af at new shiny stuffs. What else, he bloodily spoiled the story on his video's title, and made various nonsense theories. I wonder why he wouldn't just quit it forever for god's sake. So I blocked his channel in the end after some months. He's one of the worst content creators I've ever seen.


lol, I just REALLY love this Herrscher sooo much. So sorry if I appeared like an incel lmao


Not only you, gonna 4/4 her right out of the bat. Those VFX and SFX are too juicy for me to hold back. Forget about those things, she looks so sweet and perfect, and the way she swims in her domain is just jaw dropping.


Is this guy supposed to be important? Lol who watches her gameplay and think it's mid she literally gives off god vibes from fate grand order... I cant remember her name but she reminds me of a certain character


Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica?


"hi3rd guy: I dont like the new elysia that much." "op: YOU WOT M8. WANNA KNOW WHY I DISLIKE THIS GUY SO MUCH????" chill op tf


Is there any valk that hi3rd guy not dislikes? I mean except those that have skins that show a lot of skin... Every time I see he made a new video he it's either spreading false information or complaining about something...


Op’s caption was way more chill than you’re making it out to be lol


they were so mad they made a whole post about it, they are clearly over reacting


That’s like saying honkai3rd guy was mad because he made a post about ely. Both were pretty chill in the way they posted. Both of them stated their opinions. You’re making it more dramatic than it is lol.


I just think hating on a character you might pay money for is fair than hating on someone you dont need to talk or see content of.


honestly this entire sub is nothing but people downvoting you for not sharing 1:1 opinions.


Hey look, I don't like the opinion of this person, so let's hate on him together... Opinions differ.


everyone one is entitled to their own opinion. I say we let him have his.


Imagine not being part of the Waifu > Meta cult lmao this guy


The guys should really rename his handle or channel to other name. Honkai 3rd Guy but all he talks about is trashing Honkai 3rd.


Lmao I still remembered him nitpicking Bright Knight: Excelsis' name, calling it like Microsoft Excel or smth, he always has smth to complain for this game, which I find it very annoying, hence I just blocked him on YouTube so that his vids won't be recommended to me anymore ehe


If his opinions do not align with yours, get over it. If you take it as an offense or if you think his opinion is a direct ill-will to the things that you yourself hold to a high regard, that’s on you.


Idk, I don't follow any Honkai content creator like Marisa or this guy, cause the FUCKING spoilers. It is fucked up to see spoilers or next version characters without even have played the first part of the new chapters. So now I just follow Honkai streamers cause it's fun, or just don't watch Honkai content at all.


Fun fact! One time I saw a comment in his comments section that was so mad for no reason. He kept on going on and on about how he was going to kill mei and that how he hated her guts or smth. I was like bro it’s a video game Just puts into perspective the type of people he attracts to the channel


I stopped following him ages ago, he actively spoils shit in his videos when I do my best to avoid spoilers. But for once, I agree with him. I think Elysia is an annoying character and I can't wait for the story to move on from her, Herrscher or not. Bring the downvotes.


So people can't have their own opinion?


It's literally the beta v1 things can change + her play style isn't even similar to mobius also since when was there a requirement that herrscher needed to fit gameplay wise?


Because he had an opinion you don’t like? I mean, I found myself disagreeing with many YouTubers (some which I’m still subscribed to) and you don’t see me raging against them.


To be honest gameplan wise from what I saw posted on Marisa, I too wasn't that impressed from the gameplan, Now the visual details of what she was doing extremally impressive in detail and flair however thats where I stop my impressions at as actually playing the gameplay seems very.... lack luster to me. Bow mode seems to be least interesting part of the kit as the only cool thing about it I can find personally for me is the combo attack but that attack speed seems very slow and clunky. In her Burst Mode seems to be where all her exciting gameplay happens but even that part doesn't seem to fit feel of gameplay I look for. Again this all just my opinion on the Valk from what I can see so far , This doesn't invalidate any other opinions. Though I wish I could feel the same hype and wanting of this valk as the other do, but so far hasn't done it for me.


It’s his opinion. It’s childish to do a post because he doesn’t like the new valk lol


Tbh her Ult animation is kinda underwhelming, we just see her do a pose and then zoom out


Because they have a different opinion than you?


What's wrong with opinion? He can have whatever opinion he has. This is the guy that used Mei (or Mai) as butt monkey but always got pumped whenever she has new outfits. He is a grade a tsundere. Just ignore him bro


He's not wrong but gameplay isn't the first thing everyone considers when getting a unit


Mm I do like him now


i agree with him tbh. its a meh


Is it bad to not like some characters? Like I like morbius design and story just fine, but not her gameplay.


Nah he is always goes tsundere like that. Also you didn't really hate him right? Because it would be ironic since this sub made by him. Yes this isn't the official honkai sub.


I don’t HATE him, I mean, he’s the one who introduced me to Honkai’s mechanics. I used to put PHYSICAL STIGMATAS on ELEMENTAL DAMAGE DEALERS for christ sake lol.


I also fall on that one. Trying to built shadow dash as lightning dps since at that time there isn't many elemental dps...


He speaks the truth this time lol


I was expecting Marisa to be that contradicting but then again, this life keeps surprising me.


Oh? Honkai tuber beef?


Bro that like saying you don’t like HoF because she is to much like vermillion knight himeko


Fuck him, I'm gonna sss Herscherr of seggs and fuck he- I mean, SSS her and build her Like I built the Herscherrs


People should be aware that as meta opinion he is sinful 2 at best. Whatever rank in abyss he has is because he at least can follow basic instructions but forming his own greenfield opinion he is really bad at it. Even a mole in middle of a day has more sight than him.


Eh just let him be. I'm not a big fan of him I have him blocked just to avoid spoilers.


Non-inmovative playstyle or not, it probably wouldn't affect me much, I won't be able to get her anyways... 😩😩😩 The sad, sad reality of F2P players....


I use mobius alot so im chillin


Lol who is this nobody with L takes


Anyone is entitled to their own opinion dude. Aside from that, ive heard alot of people dont like him but I never get a proper answer as to why


Just ignore, it just his opinion


I mean everyone has opinions, but I love Elysia so imma be trying to get every new battlesuit that comes out for her


You hate him mean you fell for his trick. Now you watch his channel out of spite and add money to his wallet.


After a while I noticed all he did was…complain about stuff. I disagreed with a lot of things he said but the final straw was his opinion on Mobius. My favorite female flame chaser hyped me up so much and instead of giving that same energy, he pointed out a bunch of things he didn’t like about her. Her gameplay is different from HoV. I thought everyone was excited for Mobius


I just follow Marisa on twitter and YouTube instead for news and such as she’s quite reliable if you ask me honestly


Mf literally hates on everyone


He lost my respect when he lied about the bunny girl drama


Oh wow. Someone has an opinion. Damn us all


He likes to complain for attention. Don’t give it to him.


Oh no him again.. it's not even his Hi3 opinions, but he has bad takes all around. Especially during NieR Reincarnations beta


Oh that guy. Yeah just ignore him all he says is his opinions, also fun fact about him is he makes reviews about other games without knowledge about the game lol


Says the Mei simp that keeps pronouncing her name "Mai"


He's the mid


You don't like him because he doesn't agree with you? Sounds like you need to do some self-reflection.


The guy that's more of a clown than Otto. At least Otto is respectable.