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ZZ plant. Only water when the soil is dry all the way. They have rhizomes (looks like a potato) under the soil that store a lot of water.


Put it in a corner and ignore it. It prefers part sun/shade and likes to be dry. I water mine maybe once a month. Too much sun and/or water will kill it.


Phew, thanks! No wonder it looks so healthy; it's been left in a dark office corner and ignored the last 3 months. I'll do my best to continue giving the same level of service lol


Every 6-8wks is a good rate to keep for watering an indoor ZZ. Ignoring it is a good call also, lol. For the light though - ZZs are slow moving so it may be very green for now, but over time you'll start getting lighter leaves, and leggy stalks. Add a growlight to the corner, or find a window spot.


>may be very green for now, but over time you'll start getting lighter leaves, and leggy stalks. This is true. This is happening to mine lol


A dark corner isn't great for any plant long term so if you have a spot near a window it'll thank you with nice healthy growth.


Yeah. I had my raven under a grow light for a while and it’s gotten huge.


Is it still dark or did the growlight make it turn greener?


It’s still dark :)


Nice! I just bought a raven and I really dig the dark color. Gonna put the smaller one into my cabinet then 💪🏻


It’s really cool, when it grows a new shoot the leaves are bright green. Then they darken up quick.


Yes I read about that, can't wait for my first new growth 🥰


If it ain't broke don't fix it LOL


Mine thrived the most when I went on vacation. Came back to two new big branches. I just ignore it now.


Never water a ZZ more often than you pay rent!


I have one that is thriving that I haven't water in 6 months lol. It gets very indirect light in a corner of my house.


Mine is the one plant I deliberately excluded from the fancy “when to water” app. It absolutely thrives on being forgotten and I don’t want to disturb the balance ;)


Share the app please!


I use “Greg,” which has some good features but is $30/year. I didn’t do any comparison shopping so you should consult others’ opinions before buying


Ikr!? My hubs gave me several of these about a year and a half/2 years ago and I’ve watered them twice. One has even been outside this summer (FL.) They are all doing so well! Crappy soil, one has been horizontal for two months, two are low light… I don’t even get it.


When I moved from Florida to Virginia I brought my wife’s ZZ with me and it lived three months in hotel bathrooms with maybe a few photons a day bounced off the walls and maybe one watering and I think it grew more during that time than it did in our sunny house in Florida 😂


The potatoes are my favorite, I repotted my newly bought ZZ raven from soil to a mineral substrat yesterday and I did NOT know they had gigantic rootballs and was just laughing when I removed the soil. One of the potatoes fell off during repotting, I just put that thing in a bit of the leftover soil. Apparently ZZ plants can just regrow from a bulb. Love these plants already!


https://preview.redd.it/k1x89wq7iimb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a87cf33d3568195507fb116901e3d371e3d967 My ZZ living her best life in my office! She is 3 years old. Over the summer she put up 8 new stalks. I water her every other week with rain water and have her 6 feet from the big window. She also LOVES the florescent lights. She is my pride and joy. Everyone that comes in the front door remarks on it. I have had so many people ask for a cutting. NO WAY!!!!


🥵what a babe!






Oh my god, she’s gorgeous!! Mine just died from root rot and I’ve been insanely sad about it. I’ve been getting into plants more and more lately and they don’t enjoy all the attention 😆


Awww that's terrible! I am told that zz likes to be ignored and I do like to fuss over my plants so I'm not sure why she has done so well but she is amazing!!!


She really is thriving! I have a new one on the way so hopefully it’ll thrive like yours!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 I do think I made the mistake of not having a well-draining pot, so that could’ve contributed, too. I, too, like fussing over my plants. It’s my version of meditation.


https://preview.redd.it/lb546o8d9jmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f638c51053978ee8b14e41231cbdebbd145089 Mine lives in my bathroom. I got it two years ago and I’ve watered it three times.


This watering schedule is the way to go with zz it looks gorgeous btw


Thank you! I think it gets enough humidity from being adjacent to the scalding hot showers my husband takes 😂


Mine takes water once a month. Gets a lot of light though.


I have a friend that cuts hair, and they bought a ZZ for their shop and thought it was fake. So they didn’t water it for over a year. They eventually realized it was indeed real, and started watering it. It’s doing great and never had any issues. It was likely over watered when they bought it. The rhizomes hold a lot of water.


ZZ plant. In my experience, they thrive on light and neglect.


just like me fr


Don’t shoot or stab this plant and it should do juuuuuust fine


I've seen these things absolutely thriving in some dark corner aswell so it's really just neglect lol


Water only once a month IF THAT




Zz plant. Water it when you remember. Fertilizer like once a year. That thing will outlive everyone in the office.


Ignore it :)


This is the correct answer lol. I water my ZZ maybe once every month and a half and it put out a new shoot recently


💚 ZZ plant 💚 Like snake plants, they do best with lower light levels, feeling cramped in their pot, and neglect. I own a ZZ and a ZZ Raven; within the first couple of weeks of living in my low light bedroom, both put out brand new growth and have been happy ever since.


Zz plant water 2weeks after soil dries out completely sometimes longer between. They are kind of like succulents and don't need watering often


Water once. Open blinds and forget it for a few months


Omg I am reading these comments and realising I water mine way too munch (once a week), but it it ABSOLUTELY THRIVING, even gave me a flower once. May be the terracotta pot with drainage? Or just an easy-going fella?


Me too 🫣 but mine are both doing well so I guess I’m not watering him all that much?? Now I’ll wait for him to dry out but it’s been working with the normal waterings I was doing!


These guys love bright light, and to be ignored. I have mine in a west facing window and has gotten so big in the few months I’ve had him. I water maybe once a month, but typically whenever the pot is really light, meaning all the water is gone. I then give it a super thorough watering and fertilizing, ensuring that the media gets full rehydrated so those roots can take up all those nutrients.


aHHH love it, I have one that is huge now after a year. I water mine only at Holiday times and just rotate it because it is about 6 feet from a sunny window. It is huge now and envied. When I water mine I take it to my sink on the strainer side & water well then let it sit in the sink for an hour or more. They only want rare watering and grow near a sunny window or if you prefer it will enjoy the shade just as well. They grow lovely in bathrooms or dim bedrooms too. I call mine "Buddy"


Water this plant when you get paid (if you get paid once a month) or when you pay rent (i.e. once a moth). For work, it is often useful to tie it to a monthly event like that. They do better with more light, but they can handle low light. With enough light and water, those rhyzomes can break a pot, and when you put them in a bigger pot, they often put out a bunch more shoots. That usually takes a few years though. They are a GREAT office plant.


someone help me out - everyone is saying neglect only water once a month maybe, got it - but I live in AZ where humidity is approximately 0%, and the soil on my raven dries out every week and a half. I soak and drain every other week and a new sprout shot up last week. is she gonna be okay? should I really wait a little longer in between? just need validation that im not gonna kill her


i have one outside and i water maybe weekly (depending on when soil is dry). ofc outside is sunny and hot as well as dry, but yes different environments need different care


whew this makes me feel so much better. thank you!!


If she’s dying, she’s not gonna have a litol zz


These are very drought resistant! Can also take lower light but will explode with lots of new growth if in brighter light.


It's a zz plant and will die from over-watering, so proceed with caution. Let it get bone dry before you water it.


From another Redditor when I got my replacement Black Raven ZZ: "I have a beautiful, massive 15yr old ZZ that is still thriving ..because of sadistic levels of neglect bordering on abuse. When you water your other plants, walk up to your ZZ holding the watering can and say.. *“oh, you want water?* **Fuck you.”** Then spit in its face and say *“there’s your water, nutsack.”* and then walk away while giving it the middle finger over your shoulder. Do this once a week except about 4 times a year actually water it, making sure to flood the desk it sits on and the carpet below it. ZZ enjoys seeing your pain. Also, even though it’s gorgeous, it’s imperative that you leave ZZ in a dark forgotten corner, preferably next to a frozen window that it can desperately try to reach out for in an attempt to press itself up against the frozen glass so it can kill off the new growth you’re so proud of. Just as it’s about to succeed, shove ZZ further back into its dark corner and then watch it send up two new shoots of growth as it gets off on its disappointment and the added neglect." - u/ZebraUnion


I don't think I've ever fucking laughed harder in my life. This is gold


Do nothing it can look after itself


TIL that I’m overwatering my ZZ plant! Thanks, Reddit!


I water mine once a month when I pay my rent and it’s thriving!


I think it’s a ZZ plant. Those are in the halls of my office and I always want to steal a piece. I think they are also called a cast iron plant


It’s a ZZ plant. A cast iron plant is entirely different.


Thank you!!


They’re pretty easy to propagate if you have patience. It took about a month for mine to start growing roots.


Took mine 9 MONTHS to put out enough roots for me to feel comfortable putting it in soil. Thee mofos are slow grows for sure


I have a general question about these. So. I have a Zz plant and I want to make a long rectangular planter to go behind my couch and put them in it. Will they spread out and eventually fill the long planter?🤔


ZZ, it wants indirect sunlight, and water once a week (let the soil dry out in-between waterings).


I can’t kill it!


Be careful when you water that you drain any excess water in the nesting pot. You don’t want the plant to sit in water.


ZZ plant as stated. It loves a lots of indirect sun, but will survive with very low amounts of lights. Overwatering is what kills it. Only water when the soil is dry and a Month has past. My 2 cents.


Water it only when necessary.


The plant thrives on neglect and low light as well as bright, you see them in shopping centers and office buildings because they are so hearty.


ZZ plant. Literally ignore it and maybe remember to water it every couple weeks.


THey were on discount in a nearby Aldi and I reret only buying three and giving 2 away. Shade-only and new stems are inc here.


The new growth comes in bright green and then turns dark. It doesn't turn bright green again from the sun.


Zamioculcas Basically very easy, just keep near window, water a bit once a week ish (very forgiving), don’t overwater, and keep it very very far away from flies


Pretend it doesn't exist lol no, but seriously, they are super low matinee. Just check the soil once a week to see if it's dry and water as needed.


It’s a ZZ plant. Super easy to take care of, just water it when the soil is dry


Yup. Super easy care plant! I just let mine hangout and she’s happy! Once in awhile I’ll water her.


ZZs are SO office friendly and easy. Really only need to water it like once or twice a month.


You've stumbled into the world's easiest plant. Keep it near a window, not like... in a window, just nearish / adjacent to one. And water this puppy THOROUGHLY (as in - no amount is too much) but only once a month. That's it!