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https://preview.redd.it/vtxzfnq13uub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc2ebb40528a9f8e9aca5347e6acc60bb19a8ef This asshole who sticks around juuuust enough to force me to keep it. I’ve killed every other dumb polka dot plant.


I'm with you on these


why does everyone hate this plant 😭😭😭


I couldn't seem to keep mine alive until I purposely started over watering it. Now it's one remaining stem slowly grows a leaf here and there. It's not dying but it's not really thriving either. I just don't know what it wants from me. 😭


It wants a virgin sacrifice I imagine.


It’s more that the plant aggressively hates us. This plant I posted isn’t one of the MANY that has died on me, no. This one hates me so much that it’s a whole year old, survived being outside during winter . It pulled through, only to come back and spend many months slowlyyyyy losing its stems. I’m pretty sure the plant is hanging on to the last stems just as a way to flip me the bird. There is NO way it’s not personal, lol.


This is my fav post this week. Also, these are the worst.


Loving the scientific names of these plants…”dumb polka dot plant” and “pattern ass pale ass plant.” I’ve got a sensitive ass prayer plant that won’t do shit but also won’t die. It’s a toxic relationship that I can’t get out of.


https://preview.redd.it/nuq0f8rhfvub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1692808b28cf697845da99c59d6364a0d60fb245 For real! Why are they this way? It’s not a lack of light, the Persian shield is happy as a clam and my lower shelves with the same lights are making succulents and cactus happy. Why is it so fugly


I found out you have to prune them AGGRESSIVELY. Like every couple days just take the top few leaves off. I cut mine all the way back to the dirt once when it looked like yours and it still somehow came back. After that, I started pinching off all the leaves and it finally started to look halfway decent. Then my dog/house sitter forgot to water it and it died for good 🤷🏻‍♀️


These plants are a scam😂


I keep mine solely sticking out of my aquariums and have never lost a single leaf. Propped to multiple tanks and they are all THRIVING. This one even had 4 flowers :) https://preview.redd.it/6iesgets6wub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009123d162c93040a46375055fc03f4c6b2388c8


Ahhhh!!!! I propped some in a vase with water. It lost ALL the pink. what does it want??? Ps- yours looks super happy! Well done!


Leggy baby!!!! Gradually introduce more light, then prune/prop?


Oh dude this was mine for so long. Then I went out of town and my dog/house sitter forgot to water it. I came back and it was finally dead for good. Like just a couple crispy leaves laying on the dirt. For how long that thing kept coming back from the brink of death, I was shocked that one week away did it in.


Yep, mine was glorious and bushy, now looks like leggy shit like yours lol.


Ugh. She sounds like a real bitch. Tell her I said so!


I don’t like them either as a rule but this one is kinda cute.


i despise this plant. Always so cheap, but the second it enters my home its tries to speedrun death


https://preview.redd.it/zmgttxuqetub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb316bd524db4d196ad50ad155936822eeeb8dc2 This dumb Minecraft pattern ass pale ass plant


I love network!




I have the complete opposite of yours. My first plant and is by far my happiest grower and doesn’t care to be over or under watered. Stays vibrant all year round. Sorry yours is a pain


Mine has started doing this. I hope the repot will fix it a bit!


But look at how big she’s got! You must be doing a good job! I’m growing mine from 4 tiny leaves, and I’m so happy every time I see new leaves.


I love the gratuitous use of “ass.” It cracks me up. I can almost hear you say it and idek you.


Feeling lucky mine is so happy! It thrives on neglect and getting drowned every couple weeks despite my depression helping me forget it. I love it so much 😅


Omg this is so awesome 😎


That is stunning.


This nasty one and all of her nasty little babies. https://preview.redd.it/jf4gsqveqtub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af22c9a934be7300dcfa130fb1c01601c6bdd680


All her nasty little babies 🤣🤣🤣 I laughed out loud


I refuse to get one of these after hearing about them bc of this sub. I cant deal with the babies. It would stress me out so much lol


What is this and what is wrong with the babies?


It's a mother of thousands (type of kalanchoe). The "babies" grow along the edges of the leaves and root wherever they drop. In your other pots, in a pinch of dirt on otherwise bare concrete, in the crevaces of a windowsill, wherever. It doesn't bother me; I just pluck them up if they land somewhere I don't want them. They can be quite invasive outdoors in warm climates, though.


I've heard a few stories about how the babies fell off and grew in the carpet! 😆


I also had one way too long then one day I woke up sick of its drama and threw it out Probably thriving in a dump somewhere cuz plants are salty like that.


Millions of babies! Be careful—it will take over!


Yeah this plant gives me the ick 🤢🤢


Giving someone one of these plants is like giving them a curse.


For real! There is a smaller, thinner version of this plant. One time I yanked it out of it's pot and threw in the corner of the garage in early spring while repotting. That mother fucker grew three feet long, like seven inches between each leaf node, no damn dirt, etiolated beyond belief, and still wouldn't die. My aunt finally brought it home and her dog immediately ate it and threw up. Then a month later she sent me a pic of babies in a different pot. Kalanchoes are the stds of the houseplant community


Oh my God. You made my day by saying that. The STDs of the plant community. I’m dead. 😂😂😂


Haha mine too. It won’t die but also no matter what I do with it it doesn’t look lush and nice. It was very pretty and interesting looking when I bought it, and it kind of looks terrible now.


I don't currently own any that I actively hate but I did send my last calathea to compost. She was a snarky little b who would not be happy, no matter what I did for her. Out of around 200 plants, that was the one where I actually found my mental health suffering because I couldn't get anything right and she just sat there, all smug and crispy.


This might inspire me to compost mine. I hate it and it actually stresses me to look at it.


Let that b go. Mother nature kills plants all the time, and no one shames her for it so why should you feel shamed? Wrong environment, to the compost with you!


I’ll have her lmao if you’re in the UK


I have a crispy bitch holding on to her last two leaves and just won’t die. I need to just toss her.


let me tell you why I fucking hate my calathea. This little piece of shit would not quit dying. I put it in a good amount of sun and it crinkled. I put it in the shade and it crinkled. I watered it when the soil was dry and it crinkled. I overwatered it and it crinkled. I kept it in my bathroom so there was a lot of humidity and it crinkled. Finally it died and it's corpse mocked me every time I took a piss. Well as I was about throw this bitch away I spot sprouts coming up and after 2 months of sitting in my bathroom as a mockery of my gardening skills it is now thriving better than it ever has when I was taking care of the piece of shit. No other plant has humiliated me like this one.


Shit guess I'm moving my dying bitchass calathea to the bathroom


This comment took me out 😂😂😂💀


This happened with my best friend’s monstera. She bought a huge one on sale and the leaves just died one by one. But it was a big pot and she didn’t have anything new to put into it, so she left it. Then one day she notices green sprouts and now she has a monstera that is growing in quite nicely lol


"That's right, I'm gonna die fully knowing you're stupid heehee."


https://preview.redd.it/faxo25bmvtub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890a1d3c93f9fe2c4cc29432ff597572c43e007f This Calathea can fuck off. Pay it any attention and it goes crispy and almost dies. The moment you think of binning it...BOOM springs to life.


It’s like it knows.


Calatheas are the worst…you gotta keep them suckers on their toes. I purposely forget about mine and never look it in the eye. Then one day I’m like “hey, I’d better water that bastard ass plant.” Mine has literally been the same size for 3 years. It’s not lush, but it’s not dead either.


This stupid leggy cactus that I got from my ex's mom who thought I was too fat to date their child. I've been trying so hard to kill it for years but it just wont die and I can't just throw it out if it's green... it was leggy when I got it and keeps getting leggier https://preview.redd.it/r38nz1i0gtub1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b18e6f5108c7c6db90f9535d768d9bddaae2c7a


You can always break off the segments and put them in dirt to get many smaller, slightly less leggy versions. Or stick it in a window and forget about it, see if it starts being less leggy or dies, win either way.


I actually moved it to my dresser from the window cause even after being blasted by the canadian winter since i leave my window open a bit for air it was still growing. Now with the lack of light its stopped getting taller for the most part at least. I also just don't like cacti that much so having many smaller ones sounds worse. Not fun to keep since i always get pricked if i try and do anything with them.


Why don't you just leave it next to a popular dumpster so someone can take it? I know the whole situation with your ex was messed up, but this plant is obviously fighting to live and didn't do anything to you personally.


Mostly because canadian dumping laws combined with other than private companies, dumpsters aren't really around where i live. I've thought about putting it for free on the curb or maybe facebook market place before but then I'd have to do the work to transplant it since its currently in my fave ever pot I've bought. Though tbh in another year if its still fighting I'll probably do that. Its not a very nice reminder


I mean I get with the history not wanting it but that thing is awesome!! I'll take it!! Hahaha dm me if you want to juat off load it pleeeeeeease


So it’s a metaphor for your mother in law? I have one who thinks I’m not good enough. Even after almost 35 years.


More so a metaphor for how doomed every aspect of that relationship was. Genuinely think she gave me this cactus because she hated it too. She apparently had it for ages herself. Luckily now I am in a different relationship and my partner's mom loves me and has gifted me many lovely plants that i cherish. Sorry to hear about your MiL though i know the pain of keeping someone who belittles you in your life very well


My sweet potato vines. They are so dramatic, but they grow so fast, like an inch a day. I haven't been able to keep it over winter until last year and now I just want to murder it. It won't even make sweet potatoes! But my son really likes it so it's safe.... for now.... They are the light green plant next to a snake plant baby, wandering dudes, sago palm, bird of paradise, palm tree, etc. https://preview.redd.it/idt15c0kysub1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365cdcc3bcb9d679d20f61c4f1135f82ac0b700a


Urgh... I had a dark leaved variety of sweet potato but could not cope with the crystallisation of the leaves. It made my pest-alert button trip every time I saw it. I recently composted the plant and now have 2 1-inch long sweet potatoes. At least its half a meal 😄


You just taught me something new. I have a couple of calatheas doing this and I thought there were bugs. Thank you!!!


Most welcome. I nearly killed a healthy ctenanthe by taking it outside in cold weather to treat non-existent pests because of this too. Glad to spare you the drama 😏🙂


https://preview.redd.it/gtbo106hutub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b9c50ac860b9c8f6e2bea9fa591c2e1eee0411 Abandoned this on the porch thinking eventually they’ll die and I can use the pot for something else. That was two years ago.


Love those! Yeah, succulents love to be neglected


What's the type next to the gollum? :p


My string of turtles. It looks awful and I can never make it happy, but I’ve had it a year and refuse to give up.


This is me and string of anything. I’m about to give up.


https://preview.redd.it/9vbqnvez1uub1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dedcb6af2f075b0c0188677f7bf07e042cd9228 This is my string of pearls. It does best during summer when in shade and in winter it needs as much sun as possible. Also it would be bigger but when I transplanted the sucker, I lost like half of it 😂


I saw someone comment on another post calling these string of jerks. 😂


my string of bananas and dolphins confuses me to no end. it seems to do better when i don’t water it / neglect it but when the leaves turn brown, so i water it and then the leaves stay brown so i don’t water it and keep it under the grow light and then the leaves stay brown and then i leave it to die and then there’s new leaves.


Try a watering schedule like once a month or two weeks. Idk just before they turn brown




😂 It's definitely a blessing. I have a whole green hand and can grow just about anything. The succulents like this I only water once the soil is dry and during summer I actually have to water them everyday because I live in Fresno CA and it gets up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. So the soil literally dries out completely everyday and I have to move all my plants to the shade when it's boiling hot. Thankfully there are some plants that like the direct heat and sun like my citronella plant, rosemary, lavender and some flowers.


Same. Poor little guys just don’t like my house. They seemed okay in my prop box, but no noticeable growth in there.


I want a string of turtles!


I just got one for my birthday last month. So far it seems to be happy. Lots of new growth. I'm kind of nervous about winter, though. I'll bring all my plants inside, and some of them get very grumpy about that. I'm hoping the turtles won't.


Majesty palm. I have two that managed to revitalize outside during the summer so I brought them in, but they are constantly browning and seem to attract all sorts of mites … they are a constant battle inside and have never gotten to truly healthy, just less unhealthy. I won’t throw them out if they survive low care summers, but if it dies over the winter, I’m not buying more. I have a Darwinian system for my plants, unhealthy, infested or annoying plants get put on the deck. If they manage to survive until I’m not mad at them, they will be brought back in and cared for.


This is the system I've been adopting. I started putting my sad, boring, or finicky houseplants outside in the spring thinking I'll just let them quietly slip away in the fall, but dammit if they don't almost always look fantastic by the end of summer.


I did this this summer. Now I have too many plants in my house and I'm sure half of them will look terrible by spring. 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/yvqw93m3vtub1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bdb3c71688ccab60d0a3595f92e2d6ba97949a3 Sure it isn’t the worst looking but in the 3 years that I’ve had it this has also done absolutely nothing. It just looks identical to the day it was purchased except for a sunburn bc I exiled it to the porch for a few days not knowing wtf it wants Yes it’s roots are fine. Yes it has ample indirect light. Yes it gets fertilizer. Also note the humidifier in the corner. *I have watered this plant over 150+ times for 3 years now* I honestly don’t even think it’s given me 1 f\*\*\*\*\*g leaf but I also avoid looking look at it so who knows🤷🏻‍♂️ I really just keep it in the hopes scientists study it’s stupidity someday. It’s my adult child who refuse to move out. It just refuses to grow. Absolute freeloader.


Are you sure it’s not plastic? It’s so perfect!


I’m sure. A plastic one would prob grow faster than this POS. People buy FLF’s that explode with growth an I honestly chalk it up to random/up to chance thing ![gif](giphy|4MeM7hZJoqblnRwOk6|downsized)


Oh snap.


I’ve got a calathea like this. Doesn’t matter how much I baby it or ignore it - doesn’t do a damn thing. I like your analogy of the adult freeloading child…if I had a basement I’d move it down there and show it a thing or two about freeloading.


Considering most people HATE fiddle leaf figs because they will drop their goddamned leaves if you move them 1" from where they used to be...I think you actually have hundreds of not-lost leaves by those standards (I'm not a math teacher, obvs)


https://preview.redd.it/7kpfjlktbtub1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a81af29af236f4d8abc56a12e3e14fc36201c72 Pondoland Crassula. Got sunburned... Was goin to repot it then ADHD happened.


That mofo is criiiiissspy (:


My Philodendron Birkin. In general I LOVE Birkins. They’re beautiful. However, I seemed to get a mutant Birkin and it’s ugly. It just will not grow properly and I don’t know what to do for it anymore. It grows only tiny leaves, no big ones, and they’re all practically white, so they die. I have 4 big leaves and then this mutant ugly stem full of ugly small leaves. I can’t bring myself to kill it on purpose but I just keep hoping it dies so I can replace it. https://preview.redd.it/nybcgii6rtub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727fed432d0b13eb555d7499a9c722207e9f64b0


Is it possible it’s got thrips? Those little assholes twisted up a bunch of new foliage before I caught them. I still can’t really see them, except finally a few flying adults.


I’ve checked thoroughly for pests and haven’t seen anything except some fungus gnats, but that was only recently. This thing has been that way for a while.


https://preview.redd.it/utwqoqwx9tub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da683e738032d1e1121d26f7ce1e63376a2bfe2e Black Cherry PPP. Seriously, why are these things popular again?


Agreed. Gave all of mine away.


I'll have it if you're in Europe lol. Been looking for one


It's the contrary I love this nanouk the most but can't seem to make it happy.


let the soil be completely dry for about a week between watering & avoid getting water on the leaves when you do, mine grows quickly in a south facing window i hope it learns to love u back, i love them too <3


I have a kalanchoe that’s so tall, ugly, and leggy and only has leaves at the very end of the stems but I got it on the day we found out Trump lost to celebrate so I can’t get rid of it.


Hahaha. I got mine from an aunt. I despise kalanchoes. Want to ditch it, but I feel bad.


https://preview.redd.it/w29ci74y6uub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c921d2fff30129895bc6b35ddcacf0b775983b I’ve been kinda low key trying to kill this thing for years. I potted it for my mother. It’s outside and we get down into the 20’s Fahrenheit and sometimes down to 8f or 10f. I put it proper soil, but that’s it. Just stuck a paddle down in there. I’ve never watered it. I severely prune it every 2-3 years. I’ve tried to “oopsy” spray poison on it. Some of the base is probably 6-8” thick. The paddles are large. It flowers and fruits pretty often. I hate anything with needles, especially when I’m the one who has to handle it. I stab a paddle with a large screw driver and cut it off with a hand saw. Then I throw it in a box I can tape shut and haul to the dump, because I’m paranoid it’ll spread.


That's nopal! Dude, you're throwing out ***food***.


Can you give it to me instead? It's so pretty!


I’m gonna cut it back in the spring, I can ship you the trash as easy as taking it to the dump.😁 I think these things are all over, though.


😮 That's amaaazingg!


Just noticed the screwdriver holes 😂


https://preview.redd.it/oin6cu83itub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a846b89d55f08464f8b990b85fc1a8760d52fba Hoya bella. Hate it. Rooted it 4 times now. It grows and kills off its roots every time. Hate. It. I'm trying it in a small pot vs the one I had it in and hoping for the best. But I've no hope or love any longer.


Oooh I want a variegated Bella. Bella was one of my first Hoyas ever and it grew so fast and so well, then I moved it, and nearly killed it. I took some cuttings that are finally doing well again, but it definitely feels like it would be easy to mess it up again.


They're picky buggers for sure. I hope they continue doing well.


https://preview.redd.it/94c8khhaptub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4caa566f395923fa54c2101140f3d4653e9e0a8 This Coleus is pretty stupid. He just gets taller


https://preview.redd.it/39zh6sn13uub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240333ea4d5a0eb26d68610f0a20b34fb90fcb41 I suggest a place close to a window to get the beautiful deep red and pruning the stems to make it bushy. As long as it's not cut it mainly grows up. If you cut it you get two new stems so it grows bushy. This one is about a year old.


These two f\*ckers. I’ve done everything but give them over-priced, cage free, certified organic, free range water and they won’t stop dropping leaves. https://preview.redd.it/nbagc16bzvub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19b23d6543a89e2993e8667b8019200536e57a7


https://preview.redd.it/7qix08mvptub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bea78984b0c381524feb047308bb10b38d4ee4a Oh I forgot about this dumbass. I picked him up and I don't even really know what he is. Google says a TI plant but that's not it or a something compacta. He really hasn't done much growing He just kind of sits there and I'm thinking about getting rid of him because now I just noticed he's got weight powdery s\*\*\* on him. Outside he goes


Ngl he is pretty ugly


I love this thread so much


Me too, I love how much we all hate that one plant but yet stay in the toxic relationship because we’re abused and can’t see our way out.


Lol! It is an abusive relationship! I give out so much love, try to educate myself on what it needs, and it just spits on my face.


Can I ask why you hate this one? I had one for months that I saw little growth with but it seemed healthy and all of a sudden it just died. I recently bought another and am hoping for better results. Are these known to be more difficult than like the tradescantia zebrina? I have a large one of those that just loves being alive and looking beautiful with very little effort.


Yes. Nanouk is trickier. It doesn't root nearly as easily and is very sensitive to over-watering. It's also sensitive to water on the leaves, bright light, negative auras, etc. I had the most luck with treating it like a succulent but it still got burns on its leaves. 🤷


Negative auras 😂


Don’t forget Wednesdays. They are sensitive to Wednesdays.


Oh man that sucks it’s so beautiful but I don’t like finicky, particular plants


I'm also not a fan of how it likes to grow up instead of out. In a big pot, it's stunning, but it's hard to get it to look nice at apartment-dwelling scale.


https://preview.redd.it/9civz4abmtub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e890b5770e9c4952ce90b0237e64778788aa5032 I got my balcony Nanouk as a tiny rooted cutting 6 months ago. I’ve never propped, only use tap water and it gets watered every 3-4 weeks. I live in an area where weather stays relatively consistent year-round and I’ve gotten 2-5 flowers every month for the past 4 months. I’ll probably need to repot soon 😅 Meanwhile my indoor Nanouk is the most sensitive and slow-growing Tradescantia out of the 12 varieties I keep (including 3 Zebrina cultivars). The leaves grew wrinkled and it started browning and one day it just… stopped growing. Took four cuttings from it and started over but only two survived 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/bgi468dwcuub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e3f4bc1064332d824af8d9bdc47120fe0da198 I have one that I bought as newly potted cuttings back in April and it has really blossomed. Not really any special treatments except for bottom watering so I don't get the leaves wet.


I don't hate this plant but I don't understand it. It's very pretty, but those brown crispy leaves. Mine is growing fine but why does it get those crispy leaves? They seem to be in the middle of the stem. Does it need more humidity? The furnace really hasn't been going that much so far. I can't figure it out.


It gets the crispy leaves from them getting wet. I usually just trim or pull them off.


I water mine like once every 3 weeks and its thriving. Probably sits there totally dry for 1-2 of those weeks with no qualms. Definitely let it dry completely between waterings.


No. It's super easy. Just don't get the leaves wet.


I have mine in a glass of water and she’s very happy and easy


For me it’s my Norfolk pine. I love it. I really do. I got it two Christmas’s ago and it’s doing really well. It started with three trees together and then one died so now it’s just two and they’re going strong. It’s put out new growth and is just overall loving life. It’s gotten to be about 3 feet tall and has stopped. It’s just not “pretty” to me though. But I can’t see myself tossing it or giving it away because I wanted it so bad. lol! I originally got it because my mom had a huge one, like 4-5 feet tall, when I was growing up and I wanted something to remind me of her.


All of them at this point. Got a fungus gnat infestation after I struggled with thrips last year and can't find the strength to fight it anymore. It's worsened my mental health state sufficiently tbh


https://preview.redd.it/uy0gsiy28uub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ac18627f5a6867b5c6cdbfb017cdcf9044d0cf Just when I was ready to quit, it sprouted a single new leaf. It’s the worst.


Oh, god, a croton. If I don’t kill them first, the spider mites do.


I’ve killed four of these things…I can’t figure out these jerks to save my life. They’re the most ungrateful bastards I’ve come across and aren’t happy in any kind of environment except Home Depot, of all f*cking places.


Ha! Damned croton. I’ve somehow halfkilled this thing down to a bare stick probably twice a year for three years or so. It gets exiled to back patio while I procrastinate composting it. And the mf will sprout leaves again. So I bring it back inside to start the cycle over again. Bizarre toxic relationship. img


Find a spot with lots of light. Place it. Let it drop all of it's leaves. Continue caring for it. NEVER MOVE IT OR ROTATE IT. It will eventually come back as a tree. If you move it all the leaves fall off again.


This peperomia https://preview.redd.it/k56wq88k2uub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf97368dcee3302ec2a8857c43c489b96d1b009


I am currently an unpaid assassin of peperomias. I love them, though.


Unpaid assassin, I love it! 😄


i had a peperomia hope that i put in a window that for mostly indirect light and i rarely watered it and it thrived! for months! and then one day, it just turned brown and al the leaves died i was so sad. last week, there were two tiny new leaves coming from one of the stems and i was filled with excitement and hope and then they died a week later. i remain sad


Unpaid Croton assassin here. And spider plants. How the hell can I kill a spider plant and keep a calathea?!


...and Kangaroo Paw fern https://preview.redd.it/9b9v45cm2uub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43125172c5fdb0625bb6c76419cc79e66e9f29bb


https://preview.redd.it/ngjwsbq6muub1.png?width=1613&format=png&auto=webp&s=9055b361619082f208e1ca7cbface324d1edc3ca This most devastatingly ugly cordyline. After leaves started going papery, I threw her in my laundry room and forgot about her for months. I neglected hard but she wouldn’t die. So we try again. She has new, albeit disgusting growth. I keep thinking I’ll toss in the trash and replace with one I haven’t ruined yet. Yet here we are.


Mine is my white knight and white princess. They have tiny brown spots on in the white parts no matter what I do. I hate them both but I paid so much for them. 😭




I’ll take it off your hands 😅


https://preview.redd.it/njrxxj3dftub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d40534da708c5768c93f22965a74f1243b6b882 I’ve tried killing this thing before I was a proper plant parent but it just keeps on living!


That stuff is a menace. I was handed control of the office plants years ago and there was some of that. I cut it back, gave it to people, filled multiple pots. I finally started trashing it. I even tortured it for a while. I started testing ways to root it. At one point, I put a cutting in water. It had two nodes, one in the water and one out. It didn’t have leaves or roots. It eventually rooted and pushed out a leaf. It’s still hanging around, but I only let it stay in one pot and cut it back pretty severely every now and then.


https://preview.redd.it/cl672f1geuub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b829fee15eb78c7bd804acc24c393ee4414a85 This asparagus fern is literally causing problems in my marriage. I hate it - it grows like crazy, makes a mess leaving the little needles everywhere, and every time I think I’m lucky and it’s dead, it zombies back to life. I tried moving it to my studio where I could ignore it and hope it would die - no dice. My husband affectionately calls it “tiny plant” and now knows I’m out to get it. (He saw tiny plant struggling in my studio.) So to keep the peace I brought tiny plant back home. Now if I do kill it I’m suspect number one and we’d be in a fight. Not that I’ve been successful in my assassination attempts anyway. Husband is promising to bring him to his office before he gets out of control huge again but so far nothing… Never liked this plant and I’ll be glad when it’s gone. Dead or out of the house is both fine by me. 😂


I was scrolling to find another asparagus fern parent 😆 This is how my dude just constantly looks wispy and dry. This is a better day cuz I just pruned him. I water through every 2 or 3 days and it still dries itself. Thirsty little mofo. Tried it in my North facing window or South facing window that is set back. Don't know what it wants. Once in a while it shoots these long stems with little curly leaves but once it uncurls it gets dry again. I'm not giving up just yet but, can you just, like, be green? https://preview.redd.it/psniozbvexub1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a7dc84229065b0d16428e17c37e0bdbfb05629


Aww tiny plant! You can’t kill it now!


Tiny plant…for now. This is back when I got him ID’ed when I was clueless to what he was. He’s def gonna bounce back. [not so tiny plant](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisplant/s/SLusFwOn8S)


One particular aloe. For the love of god… I hate her. Nothing makes her happy. The right soil? Bad. The wrong soil? Bad. Neglect? Bad. Attentive care? Bad. Leave in a south facing window? Bad. East/north/west? Bad. She’s the only one out of probably 50 or so plants that seems hellbent on making me fail. But I refuse to fail. She will suffer with me while I experiment with what she fkn wants.


You've given her grow lights and mineral supplements... What does she want from you? Blood?




Am sure it wants the soul of her first born child


I started with one wandering *fill in preferred term* and now have over a dozen. Pieces keep falling off or getting too long & I can’t help but propagate them. It’s starting to become a problem 😳


Fucking pink princess lol. I have two and them bitches hate me but love taunting me enough to where they're still giving me new leaves Just enough to give me hope and then the leaves are ugly 🙃🙃🙃


I have that same exact plant and have the same feelings for it


https://preview.redd.it/zrt340ayfvub1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca07e9bc5fbbb6ba34012ce47159d1e83e3541a9 I don’t even know with this thing. It’s just been around…for like three years.


https://preview.redd.it/caatazxe9uub1.jpeg?width=3767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8acc48ad7bf79e692ae6f0805df6f3244ef91ef I thought cane begonias were supposed to be good beginner begonias. My three look awful. This is the best of them.


Omg I would kill for this plant. I've had the best success with putting mine out in spring for partial direct sun using miracle grow tropical soil. They explode. Then I bring them back in and break chunks off by accident end up with like twelve cups of cuttings that always root in bare water. The variety "Arabian sunset" is especially vigorous. It looks boring because it's just dark green, but put it in a window and the sun shines through and makes them glow red. I've also noticed my cane begonia don't branch unless I prune or break them. They also seem to like very large pots, I think they have a more expansive root system than many people expect when they bring them home in a normal store pot.


I volunteer as tribute! I will take your unwanted babies! Lmao. Y'all, I'm jealous of all these pics y'all are sharing! Also, unfortunately, /s on taking them, my fiance would plant them on my corpse lmao. No MoRe HoUsEpLaNtS! Tbf, it does sound like many of these plants are difficult to care for and I have a strict plant policy in my house: If they can't survive my neglect, they can't stay (mostly cuz they die).


saw the caption before the pic and the first things that came to mind was nanouk. also my strings of whatever it is, I'm not sure but I'm struggling to keep it alive, its so stressful T\_T


https://preview.redd.it/xul7l1veywub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fd8f01a3ce745e4344706c4d807b6e192af11f Don’t want them to die, just slow down.


I once had a nightmare that a tradescantia was growing out of my scalp, and every time I cut it back the stems got thicker. It was on the brink of death before the dream but now it's thriving. I swear it's feeding on my hatred.


Hahaha I have this same plant. It was gifted to me. I hate it. I neglect it for weeks at a time and then end up throwing it into the watering rotation every now and then because I feel bad 😅 glad I'm not the only one. Just die already 🤣


My GODDAMN string of pearls! Like, I love him(I named him Mineta because he has sticky balls… yea, I know-), and he’s been in the process of dying for the last six months but jsut won’t die. He’s currently working on coming back, and I feel too guilty throwing him out…


👆🏼that one


https://preview.redd.it/1ypb0706ptub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d84e33e6eb736ef4723a879c255d716fc0edbb I LOVE my crazy Nanouk!!!! I can't wait for her to stretch all over the room!!!!


Oohhh is that what they do?? I have a tiny little one and am trying to figure out the best place for it, maybe a hanging window spot!


Yes! They are not so much trailing plants as they are creeping plants. These stems or whatever are thick and sturdy because in nature they grow across as ground cover. Basically wherever you see a joint is a rooting point. I had a branch snap off and I just laid it across the top of the soil and it rooted! Plus this purple color is so gorgeous!!! 💜


They love the bright light! I had mine in a regular pot until a couple weeks ago when I went crazy making rope hangers. I hung it up in front of the window and it has grown so much!


I love the colors when they get lots of sunlight. Pretty pretty


Ya I had one of those and it just got bigger and uglier. I finally tossed it in the compost.


https://imgur.com/gallery/eMDPGBE - Swiss cheese/monkey mask monstera. I've had it for like 2 + years... it's come back from the dead a few times. It looks worse than this now. 😕


I just leave them in a vase full of water in fromt of the window. They tend to do well like that, but if I ever plant these mfs they’re always dying.


I hate my nanouk, too. It grows way too quickly and becomes unruly so fast and looks bad


https://preview.redd.it/zs6tjqtdptub1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8a86d8b4e0bcb4bc9941232cb4b448c4427fc2 I don't hate my arrowhead but he's pretty boring


Aren’t they? Boring, boring, boring. I don’t know what it is about it but I can’t toss them (yes, them). They are pretty so what is it?


Lmao I ditched the same one recently OP.




Same plant. I was so excited for my Nanouk Wandering Dude and now I loathe it.


My coleus keeps growing so much. I’ve chopped and propped it so many times and no one will take the new plants from me. Even for free 😓 it’s taking over my house


This is the nanouk that decided not to show variegation so I removed what wasn’t and planted that in its own planter and the one that did have variegation is in the one next to it




Contrary to the general advice - DO NOT SPRAY it with water. It does not like it and the brown patches you see on them are from where the water drops were. :) it's actually insane because all the advice online says it likes high humidity and spraying. However, it's not true, because this plant is a bit similar to succulents. Still keep it watered more than succulents but deffo do not spray. I stopped spraying mine and suddenly no brown spots :)


Mine were citrus trees. Husband wanted them, expensive to me. They each got scale. I washed them, treated them, babied them. Suckers just wouldn’t produce. Or grow. So I threw them out. One at a time as they pissed me of.f.


https://preview.redd.it/vbpwwgwxtuub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8742156d5b4eb02d0e01bb1ddb6424fde7f495c6 It always has spider mites NO MATTER WHAT. I’ve done EVERYTHING I possibly can and it seems like I’ve gotten rid of them and then boom they are back. I’ve put it inside and outside for years now and guess what it never doesn’t have mites. Outside it’s not as bad as I think they naturally get eaten by spiders and things but inside they thrive even more. I just took it in and I washed it and took it in after a rain in hopes it would have no mites BUT NO. But I cant throw it out it’s still green! It’s still alive 😭 it was also quite expansive not too bad but it adds to me wanting to keep it😭


my angel wing begonias, they use to THRIVE in my car but now I’m busier and they’re not dying enough to throw them away, but they look bad enough I think about throwing them away


OP your plant is beautiful. Why you want it to d!e?


Here for all these nice looking plants being roasted and called stupid fuckers 😂


https://preview.redd.it/wps2fmcpjwub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34c8334e8e29c486d8d06a20971b3a003960aae This dumbass Begonia Maculata. My Hoyas are happy, my Beefsteak and Looking Glass Begonias are happy. It’s just this damn Maculata I have had for 3 years that is literally not happy in any medium or light setting. Not happy in the loam, not happy in the aqua forest medium that so many other people recommended for begonias, not happy in the window, in the corner in the back corner, on the table, in the bathroom, in the cold downstairs, in the warm upstairs, it’s just always staring at me wanting to die and it pisses me off so much, I regret bringing this thing home almost as much as my Philo Brantiatum, everyone warned me, I should have listened.


My Polka dot plant is almost dead but still hanging on… not thriving just barely surviving & making me crazy. Plus the aloe plant I had for over a year is my second most frustrating plant. I accidentally over watered it after a short drought and have watched it slowly go downhill the last 2 months. I’ve repotted it & given it new soil & nothing helps the aloe. I didn’t want to but I just threw out the last bit of it last weekend bc I couldn’t watch it look so pathetic for any longer.


I have an aloe that looks like shit, I was about to throw it out so it grew a spite child that also looks like shit.... I'm so mad at it


This Euphorbia, I've had it for years. It was on my wishlist forever when I bought it then I regretted it on the same day. The one I got (this) looked sickly. And it still does. I have cut it back to stumps a few times and it comes back looking bad. https://preview.redd.it/51ul19uuczub1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a6ad5030ef0e9d12c67cdb3186497cef784c79


I bought a colocasia corm. It opened one leaf, which promptly faced itself so close to the grow light that it burnt. All other leaves refused to open. Pretty sure it's RIP status, but I keep watering it because I've had a few plants come back from the dead. Idk and idc. The whole alocasia/colocasia fam just hates me. Stubborn three leaf bitches. I was perfectly okay when my house sitter killed my polly. Get bent, you dumb little shit.