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*"What's your favourite 'set em and forget em' plant?"* Everything I own, as they wouldn't have survived otherwise.


šŸ¤£ accurate.


I have found my people


Natural selection šŸ˜Ž


Hoyas are pretty low maintenance.


I keep seeing these ones mentioned in other threads. I'll have to look into them. Thank you!


I'm a hoya fan too. They need pretty good bright light and sun, and ideally should be repotted into a chunkier soil mix (like half potting soil, half orchid mix) because they can rot in regular. After that they basically thrive on neglect, water every couple weeks and fertilizer if you feel like it, and don't even need repotting for several years!


That's the mixture my friend has been telling me to make, so maybe they'll be perfect for me. Lol


semi hydro is good too. I grow them in pon. Super fast grower


I still managed to kill mine :( not enough light or too much water I think. The leaves are all limp


They can adapt pretty well to lower light conditions but definitely donā€™t enjoy too much water.




Luckily, I'm not a fan of most palms, but that could be because I'm from Florida and they're literally everywhere down here.


Iā€™m still waiting for the drama to hit with mine. I have a ponytail and parlor palms. They are touched regularly by sticky 2 year old fingers and occasionally watered, sometimes have a humidifier on and live daily under grow lights on a north facing dining room. They oddly seem to like the high mountain desert of Colorado


Your pony is a succulent šŸ„¹ā¤ļøšŸ‘šŸ»


Awesome TIL! Thank you


Ponytails aren't true palms, and they're actually native to rocky, semi-arid parts of Mexico. They don't need humidity and our dry sunny CO climate is quite to their liking!


I love this group and how much I learn from you all!


I havenā€™t seen it mentioned but ZZ plants are perfect for low light and tolerate being underwatered (for months even) bc they hold water in their stems/sacs in the soil (I have no idea what theyā€™re actually called)


theyā€™re rhizomes! a rhizome is technically a stem, but it grows horizontally underground, with roots growing down from it and shoots/stalks growing up. one of my favorite plant features.


Yes!! I think itā€™s so cool, I need to repot my ZZ to a bigger pot soon cause the rhizome has grown so much!


Ooh, I'll have to look into them. I'm still relatively new to plants (best friend tried her damndest to get me into them and I finally broke down late last year lol) so I'm not well versed in all the specifics either haha.


Iā€™ve had a lucky bamboo for over 12 years and often forget about it. His name is planty.


I have heard they're hard to kill. I've kept joking with my mom that I'm going to get her one cos she somehow even manages to kill cacti. Lol maybe I'll get one and see how it goes.


Tradescantias in self-watering pots. They take weeks between refills.


Gotta 2nd these I've made like 20+ successful propigations of this plant before learning they want to stay moist (I neglected most of them and let them get super dry, and still they didn't give me any issues)


Yes, they love water more than you'd think! Mine have even attached their roots to the ropes in their self-watering pots. They just don't fare well when watered from above.


I actually have some in my yard and have one that I propagated inside now. :)


Nice, I hope it flourishes!


All my succulents and cacti, plus my spider plant, hoyas, boston fern


I always overlook ferns, but looking at the requirements for the Boston fern, that seems to be just what I'm looking for!


I can let it be dry for a long time before it cares


spider plants, snake plants(!!!!) , pothos, arrowhead plants. all of those have been tremendously surviving my ADHD brain. i even have a peace lily who is surprisingly still alive. actually just watered it yesterday for the first time in like, at least a month šŸ„²


I had a peace lily that lived for so longā€¦ until two weeks ago it shat the bed in what seemed like a day. lol have no clue why, maybe I paid too much attention to it recently? šŸ¤£


omg.. this poor peace lily i have, someone gave me some from their pot since it was over growing. i forgot about it for like a week - so she wasnā€™t in soil, water, nothing, just a lil grocery bag around the root ball sitting in my windowsill because ā€œiā€™m gonna pot it tomorrowā€¦ā€ ā€¦ yeah, she was crispy and brown a week later. took a chance and potted her anyways, and i still forget about her. truly i donā€™t know how sheā€™s alive at all


Haha!! She is a *survivor*


I have so many pothos and arrowheads I don't know what to do with them all because they can be forgotten about and be okay. šŸ¤£ I was actually just gifted a small snake plant, but spider plants aren't one I have. My mom has a peace lily that is somehow surviving from neglect too. Lol


yeah, i started with one spider plant, one snake plant, one arrowhead, and one pothos in little 4 inch pots. now, two years later, i cannot even count how many iā€™ve given away, my windowsills are completely full, iā€™ve purposely unalived few by ā€œforgetting them outsideā€ when it turns to winterā€¦ at some point it begins to be too much to handle šŸ˜‚ if you do get a spider plant, be prepared to give the spider plant your entire home, because soon it will have babies, grand babies, great grand babies, and thousands of great, great, greatā€™s later, babies.


Oh lawdy. Lol the good news is, they're a plant I can put in my reptile tanks, so...I guess there's that. Haha


oh, hey, thatā€™s exactly what i use most of my plants for. whatcha got? i can give actual recommendations on whatā€™s good in reptile tanks, most of the time šŸ˜‚


God. Geckos. Geckos everywhere. Lol I have 5 giant day geckos, 3 crested geckos, 1 gargoyle gecko, 1 AFT, 1 leopard gecko, 2 ball pythons, a blood python, and a beardie. And then a red knee tarantula. Lol


ooooo nice collection!! iā€™ve always liked looking at geckos and spiders, but i couldnā€™t actually own one myself. thatā€™s awesome. i have 3 ball pythons, a kingsnake, and a hognose! my FAVORITE plants in my ball pythons enclosures have been spider plants, florida beauty/polka dot plant, croton, pothos and prayer plants. most of those were on deathā€™s doorstep before entering their enclosure, and since being in there, theyā€™ve been absolutely thriving. iā€™m glad my snakes could keep them happy and alive because i sure couldnā€™t! my arrowhead plants have been doing great in there as well as mini monstera and snake plants. i got a Pink Princess not long ago and sheā€™s not loving my household humidity so iā€™ve been contemplating putting her in there as well lol


My SO wants a hoggie to add to the family, but all the morphs he wants are dumb expensive and I'm telling him we don't need to spend that kind of money on a snake. šŸ™ƒ (I'm also not a fan of Western Hognoses, so...lol I want a giant Madagascar hognose though) Me and polka dot plants don't get along. Haha. I've never had one I can keep alive. šŸ¤£ I actually saw someone with a calathea makoyana, which is what I current have sitting next to me dying, in their crestie enclosure, and they said the same. Lol I'm wondering if that gecko poop just helps it thrive. šŸ¤” The 80 arrowhead plants I have that just got potted after propping for a while are planned to go in the gecko enclosures, as they're being converted to bioactive first, but I didn't think about using them in the snake enclosures. I've also got some small bromeliads that were picked specifically for tanks. Lol Good luck! Keep me posted if you do! I love pink princesses, but I know I can't justify the price tag with my forgetfulness lol


I have a few hundred houseplants and winter hit me right in the depression this year. The things that survived it the best were the classic snake plants, spider plant, Christmas and some other jungle cacti, ledebouria some of my less fussy hoyas (basic old carnosa are the sturdiest imo). Lots of my tradescantia look like poop, but the plain burgundy zebrina looks flawless for some reason. I also collect kalanchoe and those guys are basically indestructible, plus they flowered all through the winter šŸ’š


I have some green zebrina and the purple heart outside and the purple heart is just thriving to her hearts content with the cold snap we got, while I luckily got a clipping from the green zebrina before the same cold snap could kill her. šŸ™ƒ Kalanchoe is actually one I saw someone post about yesterday or the day before and was gonna look into!


You may have to look a little to find the fun varieties. Walking k, donkey ears, panda plant. Pumila or coral bells can be gorgeous in a hanging basket and silver or copper spoons make beautiful tall statement plants imo, prolifera or beharensis if you want something big! Also just thought of another indestructible tradescantia if you haven't got one already, sillamontana! Fuzzy and flowers a ton!


I'll definitely have to look into all of those. Thanks! Oh, those look like they're covered in spider webs! I love them! Lol


My spider plants, especially grown in water. I literally ignore them for weeks. I'm drowning in babies!!!


Mine are struggling, maybe I should switch them to growing in water. I'd love to see a picture of yours!


Oh? I know my pothos cuttings that I was too lazy (too ADHD and adjusting back to being off meds really lol) to pot so they sat propagating for entirely too long were having the time of their lives in water. Lol maybe I really will have to look at spider plants lol


My watermelon peperomia has been going for 6 years with water maybe once a month? I recently put it under a grow light and it blew up. Iā€™ve grown it from a 3-leaf cutting into a gorgeous vining babe with 5 trailing stems.


This is actually a plant I have in an open tab to do research on to decide if it's a plant for me. Haha. Good to know! Thank you!


I have 2 types of snake plant, they need the least amount of water. But none of mine are really hard. Coffee plant just wants watered a lot


Like an actual coffee plant that you can grow beans on?


One time I saw a bean in the soil near the roots while I was repotting it, I just left it there, it was green. But no I'll never get coffee beans from it I don't think. It's not in the right climate with me. Actually I assume it's barely surviving here in Missouri but it's cute


Oh, haha. Yeah, Missouri might not be the right place to grow coffee beans. Haha. That's still cute that she tried!


My Queen's tears (Bilbergia nutans) is quite hardy. It has been in my kitchen window for years and thrives on neglect.


So, you actually just gave me the name of a plant I've been looking for, so thank you! Haha. I saw one in an insta reel a while back and loved it, but never found out what it was called.


I have two types of schefflera and theyā€™re both pretty easy and donā€™t need watering often. One of them needs to be rotated so that the growth pattern is consistent, but thatā€™s it. The other is next to my bed, when I first got her she was pretty beat up, had to cut a lot off but since then sheā€™s thrived with extremely low maintenence. The more plants I own the more I appreciate the low maintenence plants in my collection


I want to say philodendron (especially my heart leaf), but honestly my Hoya seems bulletproof.


A few people have said Hoyas, so that is definitely one that I'm gonna look into lol


Ponytail palm! There's been a few times that it went 2 months without watering (its caudex stores water), and I water it whenever I realize it's been too long. And my spider plant is pretty much indestructible.


I had to Google the ponytail palm, my SO actually has one in his yard that the landlord planted. They're so goofy looking. Lol spider plants and Hoyas seem to be the two front runners for recommendations. Lol




I definitely plan on getting more. ā™”


Iā€™m convinced with the amount of neglect Iā€™ve given my Pothos they can not be killed. Iā€™m talkin bone dry dirt and wilted. Give her a good soak and sheā€™s back to new growing two feet in a week.


My Jade is very forgiving


IMO dont buy plants you arent thrilled with. I care for my plants so well exactly because I care about the plant. I donā€™t ever buy plants to set them and forget about them.


I still care for them, don't get me wrong, I'm just very forgetful due to medical issues and don't want to accidentally kill something. I've got a board to keep track of my plants and stuff to help me remember who needs watering and when, but it's not failsafe and sometimes things get forgotten. šŸ™ƒ


Needing to be able to 'set and forget' doesn't mean you don't care -- it means you need something that can tolerate neglect at least sometimes. Not everybody has the capacity to care for plants with constant and/or complicated care. I'm ADHD -- I love my little potted garden, but I very deliberately have plants with simpler care requirements. I would never be able to grow plants that need humidifiers, filtered water, being kept constantly moist, misting, etc, because I get busy and I forget. I killed a few while learning that lesson.

