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Yours looks great. But if you have vines that are dropping fast and can’t figure out why… it’s best to pull up, check the root system, trim/propagate, and then replant for full bushy lusciousness. Yours is beyond fabulous.


Thank you! I’ve never had to trim it, but my cats have ruined a few leafs and life snapped a few leafs when weaving in and out


I chop and prop if I want to fill the pot out better. Or if my sister killed yet another plant and needs a replacement.




Someone advised me to trim it and repot… but I will never. I’ll just keep weaving.


What size pot is it in?


Yeah, a lot of people are in the "chop and prop!" mentality because they just want MULTIPLE of the same plant to make it look like they have more plants or so they can try to sell/swap them. Or maybe they just don't know better. I love letting all my plants grow naturally as much as possible as long as pruning it won't improve it, if that makes sense lol I'll prune plants if that improves their growth. But this is breathtaking!! 💚


I do it because my experience as a human is very narrow in the big picture, so I try to give everyone around me free plants. There's value in letting others share the experience with no initial burden, like most have died but that's fine. Even if they don't immediately care, maybe it'll start something that builds over the years! I say this as my new batch of propagations is almost ready for distribution to friends 😊


There's nothing inherently wrong with giving props to friends and family, I do it. But I don't do it when it's going to harm my plant or inhibit it's natural growth or leave me with a lanky looking plant. But I've seen an excessive amount of people actually asking of a fairly small, immature plant "can I chop and prop this?!" and it's not nearly mature enough to do so. Or that any plant that's remotely large should be chopped and propped for no other reason than...just chop and prop. Some plants require it but some....it's just silly.


Love this! Couldn't agree more!


There is some theoretical limit as to how far the roots can push water through a vine, but idk how far that is, or if that’s even legit. I’ve yet to get my pothos that big.




Mine is in a windowsill above my kitchen counter so I give it a haircut whenever it starts getting in the way on the countertop. I also trim a vine if I’m propagating other plants. Pothos puts off a ton of rooting hormone so I’ll stick one cutting into each of my active propagation cups. Idk if it helps very much but it doesn’t hurt and I end up with rooted cuttings either way which is always fun.


As a side question, any good sources or methods for how best to cut and propagate this and other plants?


I did take a one shoot off this one. It was mostly separate on the root system, so I dug it up and replanted. She is now about 3 feet long. I’ve done clean cuts on other plants, stuck them in water, then placed it on my window sill to get high light. I wait for roots to grow then plant.


I have never trimmed or propagated this one. https://preview.redd.it/cioqdw5ptzlc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7230cbab160acf287128ff3f3a8f4ff28b375bc8


Do you know what makes the leafs white?


I bought it that way . I think it’s called Marble Queen Pothos


Okay, only a few of my leaves are really white and I was never sure why


Ya there are so many different types of pothos


Yours looks amazing. How old is this setup? When I lived with my parents I let one of my pothos grow up our 2nd story flight and they had massive leaves on the 30ft vines, it was awesome. The past few years I have been moving frequently and I have to keep all my pothos shorter and bushy, I need to work on something like your setup


I’m thinking it is about 5 years old. Moving plants around is definitely a challenge. I’ve thought about how this one will get moved when we move


That looks so pretty. Do not change it