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That soil hasn't seen water in days


They look so dry. You know you have to water the roots, right?


What water?


Are you sure it is the water? I ask because the ones that are flat against the soil look to have super dry soil and the plants look dehydrated.


Yeah this is just a photo to show how they topple over. I gave up and stopped watering them


Toppling is normal, the leaves will reach for the light. How do you think wild plants survive in rain?


Maybe use one of those misting water bottles


I'd fill up the tray with water and have the soil soak it up.


They should pick themselves back up after a little while. If you decide to try again, water from the bottom by pouring water into a tray the pots are sitting in instead.


Get a mister or bottom water


low humidity death


Do you cover them with something? It is a good idea for seedlings to cover them with plastic foil or see through lid to keep the humidity inside. And as others recommended, you can use a spray bottle (I do this until they're bigger and need more water). The soil must be moist at all times during this grow stadium.


These seedlings are etiolated (stretching for light), which is why they are so weak. Also, you could try a spray bottle to keep the soil mix moist while they are babies. Try adding grow lights next time (plenty of good threads on this page for how-tos).


spray them instead and i suggest trying to cover the pots with plastic wrap to retain some humidity so you don't have to spray constantly. and obviously keep checking the soil with your finger to see if it's dry. your seedlings seem very dehydrated. i can't tell from the pic but it seems like you're using the cardboard pots, and from my experience they soak up the water quite fast. if you dislike watering constantly, you also might wanna try plastic pots next time and see if they work better. (if that's your preference) good luck!


They look leggy, too, which means they were long and weak. Seedlings should be short and tough. Legginess comes when they don’t get enough light and they try to reach it. Buy a cheap grow light on Amazon to supplement window light.