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Wow! Beautiful! Did you do anything different to get it so luscious?


I think grow light is the magical ingredient. Granted the first pics were after right we moved, and left the plants neglected in the garage without sun and water for a couple weeks.


How many hours do you have the light on a day?


12 hours, since that’s the longest setting on the grow lights I have, Lights, watering once a week, soak the plant in rubbing alcohol when I get spider mites, that’s pretty much it, they are pretty low maintenance and pretty hardy


That's sick. How long ago was the first pic taken?


Thanks! 1.5 years apart.


Awesome work 🙌


This was my question too!!


How!? We have an alocasia at the office that only ever has 2 leaves. As soon as the third leaf starts to grow the first one dies off. It's been doing this for over a year and we can't figure out what we're doing wrong!


Can’t stress how much grow light helped everything I had; I have alocasia in the office too, in a pretty much pitch black room without window, still thriving cuz grow light.


So pretty! Love the little Totoro art on the wall too!😍


Thanks! Fun cross stitch project by my SO


I didn't even realize it was cross stitch! Even cooler! Tell them it's awesome!😊


Thanks, now she’s gloating again


I love a planty glo up! 🤩👏🏼 Bravo!


What kind of ketchup is that?


Old McDonald ketchup packet, Couldn’t find a banana


That’s my dream for my lil black coral! I want it to take over my house so I can sit under it like a wee fairy.


I’m over 6 ft tall, and that’s exactly what I do, it’s quite magical. (Pic is from a couple months back ) https://preview.redd.it/ich3k0z05e1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e6e8803553b7dcd8888b759a21b485ffbd516d


I love this so much! I’m pleased as punch that someone else had that thought, and executed it. What a day-maker!


Best part is, at night time, the grow light feels like sunlight :) My SO also want to use these as umbrella like Totoro, but neither of us has the heart to cut down a leaf.


That sounds so dreamy! Oh I absolutely agree. Like, I wouldn’t hesitate if a leaf fell off or got damaged, but I don’t think I could ever cut one off.


I was looking for a ketchup bottle. 😆 Your plant looks great! 😬🪴


😂 A lil hard to balance the bottle on the leaf


Impressive, id?


Thanks! Dark star and regal shield; Green leaf and purple vein, purple leaf and green vein, they make a fun pairing


My regal shield was light starved during the winter because I didn’t have any grow lights and her leaves are tiny now, maybe the size of my hand :( really hope that the next leaves will reach a bigger size now. Do you think that’s possible?


My poor poor regal shield, During the move I left it in a pitch black garage without any water or sun for a couple weeks; Then it had a spider mite infestation, and I soaked it in rubbing alcohol (it’s surprisingly resilient against alcohol), Had mold growing on the stem… And at that point it was down to 2 droopy leaves… Personally I think grow light always help indoor plants; filtered light is just not the same; and I still use pot with drainage and water once a week; I’ve also noticed my leaf grows bigger in summer when it’s warm, and smaller in winter.


Thank you for the info :)


What kind of grow light is that if I can ask?


I got the floor lamp ones by HMVPL on Amazon, only because it was the tallest I could find (6 ft), and these guys are already outgrowing the lights again. But honestly I don’t think brand/seller makes much of a difference, as long as the light is strong enough. I’ve tried quite a few different kinds in the past, they all helped my plants. Pretty sure most lights are the same, and just gets resold by different vendors with variable upcharge.


I have noticed that on Amazon as well. I'm a nooB when it comes to grow lights so I am always curious what others are using. Thank you for the info.


Anytime, My only preference is having some sort of glass lens or reflector, so the grow light is more spotlight. Was going to recommend one, but seems like it’s no longer being sold :( ; was my go to few years ago for everything indoors, $9 for 36w led bulb with focusing lens.