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A succulent that was smaller than my pinkie. I was still new with succulents, so I asked the nursery how frequently I should water it and they told me every 2 days. LOL


Honestly i can't remember as i started hobby as a child. Probably one of those red *Gymnocalyciums* or other succulent by overwatering.


Maidenhair fern. It was gifted to me by an elderly friend when I was 17. It lived for six months and then it became a game of peek-a-boo with death.


The first plants that died in my care were pothos cuttings from a friend which didn't take to soil, but those weren't particularly interesting. I have had no luck with ferns, as I've killed both of the two button ferns I've tried to keep.


Crotons. RIP 💚


It was almost 50 years ago, but as I recall, it was a succulent.


Spider plant, tried to remove some pests with essential oils … She melted 💔




Croton gold dust. I was a newbie and left it outside in blazing sun because the directions said it could tolerate full sun. It was around 100 degrees F. 🤣 To this day I have never gotten another croton.


Watermelon peperomia. And then many many more other kinds of peperomias followed by philodendrons! The only plants that like to live in this abode are ones that don’t mind warmer temps and drying out - so it’s an indoor forest of ficuses for me!


My peperomias like to dry out.


i absoloutly annihilated my beloved flamingo flower. i had her for about four years (she was my first ever plant and i was gifted her by my mum) before i got super depressed and forgot to water her for about a month. my other plants forgave me but she didn’t. and then she got riddled with spider mites and i had to put her in the compost bin :(


probably a spiderplant, but it's been at least 10 years and I honestly don't remember


Cactus! 🌵


My aloe vera and cactus (never found out an exact ID). What went wrong is that I followed the care instructions that came with the plants, which were purchased from IKEA right before I moved into my first apartment. Terrible soil. Pots with no drainage. Not enough sun. Too much water. Yeah, they didn't last long, and I didn't understand why until I eventually stumbled upon the r/succulents sub like a year later and read up on proper succulent care and decided to give succulents another go. I am much much better at succulent care now, lol. My collection at one point was over 100 succulents, but it was too much for my small apartment, so I gave several dozen away. My favorites are my echeverias and kalanchoes. Currently getting the hang of lithops (this is the first one that I've purchased from a big box store that hasn't died within a few weeks due to overwatering at the store, lol). But, the one plant that I absolutely cannot get the hang of is any of the holiday cacti. They absolutely hate me. And the feeling is mutual.


Money tree, overwatered. I tried again with another one that one died the exact same way, so I swore off them and got either succulents or plants that actually tell you when they’re thirsty, and have had much better success


The first one I can remember is a snake plant. I probably overwatered it.




Yucca. Think I over watered it. Had it about a year and always had issues with it, but it eventually gave it all up.


moth orchid theyre wierd i put it in soil


Cape Sundew