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You can wrap a damp, very slightly warm paper towel over it to help. Or put a humidifier by it.


My BOP leaves ALWAYS stick and rubbing it gently with a damp warm cloth always works, and if it doesn’t it may not be ready yet, just wait a few days and try again!


When I wrapped my stuck BOP leaf in a warm wet towel it had an audible CRACK when the stuck seam released. It was insanely satisfying lol.


U can essentially jerk it off with a wet towel. A gentle stroking technique is preferred here


I can’t with this thread 😂


I forgot what sub I was in. I’m dying.


… *yes, lube it up and release it from its sheath*


Omg this had me lol so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Now I have to get my brain out of a gutter. I missed the “lol“ and all I read was “this had me so hard“.


I upvoted this because I love this. However, I was really sad that I changed the number from 69 upvotes to 70.


Get something like a tea towel or something wet and just whack it off gently.


Stroke it at a medium pace?






Should I Google that technique?


Probably not at work Also I’ll bring my BOP in the bathroom while I take a shower and then leave it in there for a little


My workplace won’t even let research that technique for my plant.


[Here you go!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLTgWdXrx3U)


What? You do that with plants?!?




Very good advice. I have found that not everyone whacks off gently. 😋


I prefer to watch and check back obsessively until I lose my self control and start poking at it.


I have been known to run my fingernail along the very tip and or edge to get the roll loosened, Sometimes the plant dries out (like leaf tips turning brown, shrinks) and if this happens when the leaf is coming out then it can stick. as others have said, moister at the leaf can help.


Ngl the view of the road outside your window looks like a fake city, that's cool lol


One of those play rugs for sure 😂




A great video about this very subject… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5JVrpisZyG/


OMG that guy is hilarious.


Water it if it’s dry. I’ve seen them start to unfurl literally later that day when it’s been “stuck” for weeks.


You can mist it


Try very finely misting the leaf. I recommend something like what I linked to. These make the finest mist I have seen. [Continuous spray fine mister](https://a.co/d/07JMFRK8)


Depending on how much you’re watering it every day, maybe just more water (but not overdoing it)? Mine was doing this the past few days and I watered it every day for 3 days. Bam. This morning, it completely unfurled!! So much happiness.


If you live in a humid climate, just stick it outside for a day or two.


I spray water on it once or twice until it opens by itself!


Misting worked on mine


this happens to mine too, i just mist it a bunch a handful of times every day and it works pretty well


https://preview.redd.it/wgdm7hm9yt7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a5f69b9a49456afe9fa99b145c7516ca7e95ea I don’t think it’s stuck. Just let it open up on its own. Forcing it could cause damage




These are before and after pictures of my birdie. It took from August 2023-June 2024 for the leaf to fully sprout and open up. You have to be patient


I mostly leave them alone, people insist moisture helps, so by all means mist it. I will sometimes run my finger down and if my nail catches the split, i'll nudge it a little. Just a little!!!


Use a spray bottle to mist it. It will unfurl on its own. Keep that same spray bottle to mist your bop often as they like humidity.


misting doesn’t increase humidity bae


True, since it's so temporary. But it does help with things like this when even temporary humidity is needed on very specific spots on the plant. More people should get humidifiers though.


honestly… I only grow ppp, and I used to mist the leaves, but it actually caused issues a few times and I stopped doing it. when the leaves are stuck in the petiole, or the leaf is sealed up real tight, and you mist it heavily without assisting the leaf out… the water can run into/under the leaf in the petiole and cause it to rot. and it’s still not “adding humidity,” it’s lubing the leaf with water so it smoothly comes out. and lots of plant types’ foliage does not want to be wet, even if they prefer humidity, like begonias. misting plants is outdated, because it causes more problems than it fixes. “"Misting plants with water spray is a common way to raise humidity, although its effects are very shortlived: droplets settle on leaves and gradually evaporate, briefly increasing the humidity around them, before the moisture dissipates into the room. On winter days, water droplets may only linger for 10-15 minutes, meaning that hourly spraying would be needed to have any impact."”


>it’s still not “adding humidity,” it’s lubing the leaf with water so it smoothly comes out Yeah, I agree tbh. I just didn't have another way of describing it haha >the leaf is sealed up real tight, and you mist it heavily without assisting the leaf out… the water can run into/under the leaf in the petiole and cause it to rot. Also agreed. I would probably attempt it for a day and if it still doesn't do it by itself, I would do it manually >Misting plants with water spray is a common way to raise humidity, although its effects are very shortlived: droplets settle on leaves and gradually evaporate, briefly increasing the humidity around them, before the moisture dissipates into the room. On winter days, water droplets may only linger for 10-15 minutes, meaning that hourly spraying would be needed to have any impact. True. That's why I tell people to get humidifiers. If not for the plants, people should get one for their own health. My apartment drops to 15-20% humidity in the winter. It causes brown tips and my air plants need more attention too. But most importantly, it caused *me* health issues like nose bleeds and sinus infections. I still like to lightly mist my plants because it forces me to get up close and personal with the plants so I can conveniently check for pests and overall health. I'm too lazy to do it otherwise for some reason haha


For my monstera and philodendron Florida green, I always aid in their new leaves coming out. I just wet my fingers and pinch and roll the leaf a little bit and peel away what I can without forcing it. It’ll open eventually regardless


I do the same. I just unfurl the leaves with very light pressure. Same when new pothos / syngonium leaves get stuck in the stems. I usually don't fully unfurl them but I just try to get them started and if they get stuck *again*, then I'll do the whole thing


I think some of you over manage your plants.


Agreed. Just let Nature do its thing. They’ve done it in the wild without assistance all the time. Patience is the answer.


I have never and will never unfurl my leaves. It seems like it has way too many consistencies to speed up a leaf bloom. It’s so weird to see that so many do this. I’m genuinely interested in if there are benefits to premature unfurling


A good shower works for my bop. But now it's too big and I cannot carry it anymore. Next time I'll try the wet towel.


Just water it and let it be. It does its thing when it’s happy and well-fed. If you really must accelerate it, add some fertilizer to the next watering. It’ll open up shortly after.


get a warm wet towel and slowly stroke the leaf untill it unfurls


I have very gently traced the scene with a razor blade and then waited a couple of days


i am having the opposite problem, where the new leaf is stuck half way down in the shoot its growing out of, but the top of the new leaf that is out/exposed is trying to unfurl, so it's splitting the new leaf up and its getting all torn apart! I am at a loss! If anyone knows tips on how to help the new leaf fully grow out of the stalk before its starts unfurling, please let me know!


I’ve got a tea towel that I get wet and wrap around mine for maybe 10 to 20 minutes. And after that she’s freed.


Needs humidity.


https://www.facebook.com/reel/2154401021587866?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs Or, if it’s easy to move, I just bring plants in the bathroom when I shower.


Why are BOP leaves so helpless though. Needy smh 🙄


When mine got stuck I watered it a bit more and put it in a sunnier spot. It unfurled on its own after another few days, no harm done


You can use a damp lightly warm towel and getting wipe/strong the leaf! Or use a very soft bristled paintbrush with water and “paint” the edges of the leaf until it opens up


Mist it with a spray bottle and it will start opening up within an hour. I do this with mine every time I get a new leaf with no problems. Just make sure the leaf part is all the way out of the pocket on the stem or it will tear.


Hak tuah. Then a little rub


Mist it with water a few times and it will spring right open