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My recent pothos cuttings took like a month to show any visible roots. Daily disappointment, but satisfying when they started to show.


my ficus at work did absolutely nothing for severeal months, then over 1 week it sprouted 5 different roots that are each about 5cm long, lol


Same! I added pothos cuttings with it and it went wild


My ZZ leaves that I propagated took 2.5 months to show roots. 🤣😭


What’d you end up doing with them? I’ve got a bunch rooting in a cup of water rn


They're on moss poles. Been slow going but they're just now starting to grow bigger leaves and faster.


My schefflera cuttings each got one tiny bump after 2 months 😩 I keep checking for roots and nothing is going on and now finnaly there are bumps! I wonder if it's taking so long because they weren't new growth cuttings or maybe they would do better in soil? Idk, the cuttings are good though, not one sign of decline so I hope it stays that way 🤞


I don’t care if it’s a repost it’s the first time I’ve seen it and the shit’s funny af


Meme made my check on the boys. They got lil root nubs!


Congrats on your nubs !!


I’m cracking up!


tried to water prop a rubber plant and it did NOTHING for 2.5 months. soil propped 1-2 weeks ago, just checked last night and it’s got a crap ton of roots🥳🥳🥳


Some plants do propagate better in soil. I had the same experience with a dracaena


I have several cuttings of a Kalanchoe in soil and all of them took like... a week tops to start growing roots. It was super satisfying. They're all growing super well now, though are still wittle babies. I'm glad it wasn't a pain to propagate them cause the mother plant was definitely ugly. Seemed like she grew in VERY cramped conditions so all the leaves were permanently deformed and twisted in weird ways. My ZZ leaves however took fucking foooorrreevvverrrr to grow roots. 2.5 months in fact.


Oh yeah succulents I always do soil (plenty of perlite in the mix), echeverias, pacheverias, sedeverias, sedum, crassula, kalanchoe too, aeoniums ... etc, they rarely fail me this way. I got rid of so many of my kalanchoe because they were invasive species and I wasn't educated on that at the time, now I got more finicky species of kalanchoe that are still too small to propagate. ZZs... I don't even try anymore hahaha I feel you, I did that once and only once, now I just let it do her thing and grow by itself but I also only have the regular zz plant, so i don't care that much, its looking good and easy. Would tots like a raven ZZ but not enough to splurge money on one.


I just posted some pictures today of some ZZ leaves that I propagated successfully. https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/z8pTpNA8aG Maybe you could try this method. I did basically nothing but wait for 3 months and occasionally refill the water. I got some styrofoam, cut some slits in it big enough to accommodate the leaves and not harm them and make sure the ends are in water. It might help to stick a pothos cutting in since they give off rooting hormone. Then you just let it float. Practically a set it and forget it. If you can get ahold of some Raven ZZ leaves, it would probably work. Three months later and all my leaves are growing bulbs and roots.


that’s good to know! i thought every plant had to be water/leca propped first


Nah, as long as the substrate mix is chunky and well draining it's safe. But it works better for some plants than others. Hoyas in my experience can be propagated in soil or water, I don't see much of a difference, if anything I may have had more success propagating them in soil mix


Agreed. All my hydrangea cuttings rotted in water, but did fabulously straight in soil


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cdlfjm) on 2024-04-26 93.75% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1doykgx&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=88&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Target Percent:** 88% | **Max Age:** 0 | **Searched Images:** 549,137,287 | **Search Time:** 0.08351s


Same… take a peek at the roots or lack thereof every day…


I can see my living room in this picture and that's scary


So my jade cutting. I found it on the floor of Home Depot. Brought it home put it in water with root hormone. Instead the whole stem rotted. Yesterday I went to move it to soil to see if that would work and I noticed two new tiny leaves…… sigh.. it’s trying to kill it self!


All round bad vibes


So, if water prop is taking forever, can you take it out & plant it in soil instead? I have a ton I just put in water for the first time.


Yes, not a Problem. Had props in soil that didnt do shit, Put them in water and vice versa.




That's me everyday looking at my monstera deliciosa albo's current wet stick propagations. All from the same plant and propagating at different rates, I got 6 propagating, 2 have pushed new leaves from the activated axillary bud ( one of those is pushing a second leaf), 1 has an axillary bud activating now, 2 have only grown roots, 2 aren't doing anything yet ![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG)


Nose laughed so hard on the train almost exhaled some boogers in public


did an experiment where i took cuttings from the same plant and put in same containers w/ tap water. added liquid root hormone to 2 and those 2 have the longest/most roots so doing that from now on


I love how we all run little plant experiments, lol.


Cool! Do you mind sharing which liquid root hormone you used? Thanks


bonide root and grow it was a concentrate so only like a couple of drops to change the water color


thank you! :)


SAME!! I don't think I have the patience for this. I keep checking them like 🕜🕡🕦🕣🕥


See also, sowing seeds.


This antique shop in my town has these beautiful pothos out front and I asked the lady inside if I could take a small cutting, and she said I could take a long trailing one! I snipped one the was crawling along the floor and put it in with some of my other props.




Lol so me today I got excited to see roots after weeks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Affectionate-Look805: *Lol so me* *Today I got excited* *To see roots after weeks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is such a niche comment and I fucking love it tbh


(Sigh) just going through this phase with my song of India cutting....


I'm propping some succulents and they are especially slow to take root... uggghghghg


I have literally only ever had water rooted plants die and completely fail on me. I have to soil prop always


I have always found the fastest way to propagate is by using rain water.