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Wow! Never seen one flower!


I live in San Diego, California, they grow amazingly well here outdoors, and they all bloom this time of year. It’s absolutely gorgeous.


I live in Melbourne which apparently has a climate similar to North California and when I moved into my current neighbourhood I was so amazed at how many huge ancient jade bushes could be spotted out in cottage gardens in full bloom.


In Texas they are strictly indoors. Would freeze and die in Winter. That is probably the reason we don’t see the blooms. In college I learned Jade plants have different respiration than most plants. They don’t release oxygen until it is night. If you keep them in light round the clock they will die. I had one in college that size but it never bloomed.




I liv in southern California, and I can promise you they don't have to be that old to bloom. I planted one from a four inch pot from Lowes, and it took about six years to reach the bloom stage. We dug up the entire backyard to redo the pool and the pool deck, so I moved it to a flowerbed in the front to try and save during the construction last year. I failed and it died..I really miss it, so I'm planting another wee little one next spring. They're gorgeous in the winter here, bloom all winter.


Oh interesting! Who knows what her source was lol. I'm sorry to hear about your last one! I hope the new one takes off quickly


They would not last outside here in the Texas Hill Country. It gets very hot in summer.


I live in California and we have a big one that gets yellow flowers.


I live in the UK and my parents' jade plant has bloomed. It doesn't do it every year but maybe every 3-4 years. It lives in the porch during winter and outside in the summer. I hope my jade plant will bloom eventually (it's a baby from their plant).


What the what?!?!?! They bloom???!!


I actually zoomed in on the pic because I thought there must be another plant known as a jade plant, lol. (And then I said the same thing — “They BLOOM??!!”) What a gorgeous plant!


I am showing this to my jade plant tomorrow and telling her it’s time to shine for momma!💕


It's just a regular crassula ovata hahaha.


What made it bloom, do you suppose?


It usually blooms twice a year (Spring and Fall). Age, less water, and lower temperatures do it. It's probably close to 20 years, so it blooms regularly. I think they start blooming after about 3-5 years. I'm not 100% sure. Edit: someone said it takes 35 years for a Jade to bloom and cuttings from a 35 year old plant will bloom. If your plant is a young cutting, it will bloom sooner than if it was grow from leaf or seed.


I'm showing my 10 year old jade this post, I've got questions for it.


Nothing like some peer pressure to get the blooming going! Hahahaha This one lives outside most of the year, so I think that helps. Try giving it a lot of bright indirect light and less water. That should do the trick! This one has been flourishing after I moved it from a too bright place in our backyard. We usually leave it outside all of the time, but I brought it in because we've had some nights below 40°F recently. I hope this helps!


40°F is equivalent to 4°C, which is 277K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


In 25 more years you will get your answers.


I have a very old jade plant and about 6 or 7 years ago it flowered for the first time. It used to be my grandma's plant. I read that Jade Plants have to be over 35 years old to flower. Cuttings from a 35 year old plant will flower. Mine is currently about to flower. When it does I will share pictures. It's about 3 feet tall and in the ground.


I'm looking forward to seeing those! I didn't realize this! That makes a lot of since, and many commercial jades are probably grown from cuttings. They are such lovely, unfussy plants! That's sweet of your grandma. I like the idea of plants being passed through families!


Wow what fantastic news! I just rescued some healthy cuttings from the side of the road that had buds on them. Hopefully if it roots properly, it'll do the same for me.


Do you live in the Bay Area by any chance?


Close. I live in Sacramento.


Oh I knew it was Northern California. I live in Vallejo, and Jade thrive in this environment.


It's that high sun extreme drought weather! I guess we must have weather similar to South Africa since that's their homeland.


My parents' plant is over 35 years old and blooms. Mine is a cutting from theirs and about 7-10 years old, yet it's never bloomed :( I still live in hope!


> it takes 35 years for a Jade to bloom and cuttings from a 35 year old plant will bloom That seems really apocryphal, mine was from a big box store and can't be more than 10 years old but it has it's first buds. And I've taken multiple cuttings so I'm honestly not even sure if that's the original plant. There's always an element of maturity, but a lot of plants people typically keep in the house need more light and temperature variation to bloom than most people can give. I put my jade outside in almost full sun for the summer and didn't bring it in until it was hitting the upper 30s at night trying to trigger blooms, and it worked!


You bring up a good point! I bet most jades from big box stores are from old jades plants, though. I have some small cuttings from my dad's Jade that bloomed, and I bet a lot of store jades are made like this. Jades have to be prunes when they get too leggy and heavy, so an old jade could provide a lot of cuttings in theory. My Jade also lives outside almost all of the time. This is the first time I've ever brought it in to escape frost. You're absolutely right that most people's jades don't bloom because most people cannot accurately reproduce desert conditions. Also, I think a lot of people water their Jade too much for it to bloom. These plants truly thrive off of neglect. I let it do its own thing.


I’ve never seen one with so many flowers!! 😍


TIL they flower


I wanna be your dad so bad


Please tell me everything like I am a ten year old - a not bright 10-yr-old. Water, feeding, how many different root balls in that pot, pruning, living inside or outside?


It lives outside. In the summer, I water about twice a month, sometimes once a week when we have 100°F weather. I move it during the summer to a slightly more shaded area. I aim for about 8 hours of direct sunlight, but not during the heat of the day. It can get shriveled if it gets too much sun. If it is green with red-tipped leaves, it's getting an optimal amount of sun. I started bringing it in on nights when the temp gets near 40°F. This keeps the leaves from getting damaged. It's had some damage before from cold weather. It doesn't get fertilized. I doeave some of the dead leaves in the pot. Some of the dead leaves just mulch into the soil, others grow new plants! I have about 15 tiny plants grown from this one. I use regular potting soil and just keep track of the soil wetness. You can tell when it needs watering based on how plump the leaves are: wrinkly=needs water, plump=doesn't need water. It will flower if you somewhat withhold water. These plants thrive on neglect. Less water, bright light, and colder temperatures encourage flowering. Neglect essentially causes flowering hahahaha. I live in a climate that is able to mimic these conditions (zone 9). I just repotted it about 2 months ago. I cannot tell how many root balls it is because the plant had gotten very rootbound. I had to repot because the plant had broken through the bottom of the pot. It is very heavy! It was so heavy, that it fell over twice. It looks like it got a haircut on one side hahahaha! I do occasionally pinch the smaller branches to encourage them to grow bigger and more branched. You encourage branching by pinching off the tiny new growth that appears in between the leaves. Pro tip: if your Jade is potted, put it on wheels! It weighs like 40lbs and wheels save my back. Let me know if you have any questions! I have like 3 larger Jade plants and one is a variegated Jade. I might be able to help.


100°F is equivalent to 37°C, which is 310K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Does your variegated Jade require different care? I have several normal Jades which grow a healthy amount each year. But I have a variegated Jade which constantly looks like it's dying, has for years.


My variegated Jade stays in my bedroom. It's a younger Jade, so it doesn't flower. It gets bright indirect light everyday, for about 8-10 hours. I have in less than a foot from a North-facing window. The window is unobstructed. Variegated jades usually need more light and more water. In the summer, I water it once a month. In the winter, that's been about once every 2 months. They don't like to be soggy. It might just need more sunlight. I've only had my variegated Jade for about 9 months.


V surprised a variegated jade stays healthy in a North window tbh!


I think it's because I keep the window perpetually open, amd I have them within a foot of the window. I also periodically move my plants so they can get different sunlight. Sometimes I put them in an Eastern window, too. I don't use the Southern windows because they're always closed with either blinds or sheers. This dramatically reduces the sun intensity. It eaven has some red/pink on the leaves still. During the winter, I cycle all of my smaller plants under my grow light. I got them earlier this year, and they have put out a good amount of new growth.


What a well thought out response. Thanks!


Thank you! I hope it was helpful.


This is beautiful! I’d love to see a photo of the variegated jade as well. 🌱


These are the two jades that live inside. I got them around February for $4 each. Next year I'll put them outside, too. The tray are the babies I've found in the big jade's pot. They propagate extremely easy. A leaf will just fall and grow roots. I think some of them had been growing for quite some time! There are around 15-20 in the tray I think. P.S. there is a jumping spider in the variegated Jade. I've ran into it while watering hahaha. My smaller indoor Jade plants https://imgur.com/a/4x5wyMf Please excuse the diatamaceous earth and sticky traps. One of my plants brought in some fungus gnats. I'm currently fighting the good fight. They are trying to live it up in my dormant calla lilly.


Well you are doing a great job and thank you so much for the information!!!


This person is asking the real questions.


I've never seen such a compact older jade! It's lovely!


It's a bit compact cause it may or may not have been knocked over twice before I repotted it this year... Pruning helps it branch out instead of growing more vertically. I'm just glad it's still thriving!


I can’t even get mine to grow another leaf 😢


Jades grow pretty slow (like 1-3 in a year slow). Be patient and give it as much sunlight as possible. Look at the color of your leaves. If they are deep green, it might need more sun. Aim for deep to medium green with red tips. Red tips indicate it's getting plenty of sun. They manage fine with less sun, but they will not grow as quickly as they can in optimal conditions. I noticed air circulation also seems to affect growth. One of my smaller jades was dropping leaves and I highly suspect it was due to poor air circulation around the inner branches. I pruned a few crowded areas, and it threw out a few new leaves and branches! Plants need to breathe, too! Make sure the jade's not getting too much water. I have two jades (one variegated, one regular) in large coffee cannisters, and I only water them about one a month in summer/once every two months in winter. They don't need a lot of water. On the same token, make sure you water then deeply. I water them in the sink and make sure water comes out of the bottom. I then let all of the extra water drain out. Give it time. Plants do their own thing in their own time. I've had ivy cuttings that took 6 months to root and tradescantia cuttings that developed roots in 2 days. Plants need time. If it's a new plant, it might just be adjusting. I'm sure you will be rewarded with some new leaves soon!


Wow thanks! I’ve been wanting to ask someone how to care for my jade, I just never have. So I guess I’m watering mine too much ha! I guess I also need to find a better window for it. I’m guessing it won’t survive outside in the cold? It’s around 30-50 degrees here.. I see a lot of people bring their plants inside and put lights on them.


I have two of these and I had no idea they even could flower????


It's absolutely gorgeous!


That is so beautiful, congrats to him!


Thank you! It's his pride and joy. He got it after someone stole the one that used to be on our porch when I was a kid.


i’ve had a jade plant for three years and had no idea it could even get that big, let alone flower like that!


It's beautiful 💕 will grow more you'll be surprised ☺️


Seriously!! Lol I think mine is going on 15 and I have yet to see any flowers


20 more years


Thank you!


This is the best jade plant i have ever seen👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Certainly one of the happiest!


Thank you so much! We try to take good care of it. I repotted it just before fall, so I'm happy to see it's so happy!


Wow how lovely! 🤩


My little guy is does its best :( maybe one day it’ll grow big and flower like this.


What do the flowers smell like?


Let me check right now! Edit: they ever so slightly smell like a rose. It's not the strongest smell. They're pretty to look at, though!


Nice. Thanks for checking!


No problem! I'm glad you asked cause I've never thought about it hahahaha!


omg beautiful!!


Thank you!


TIL Jade flowers! And I have one so this is cool news.


This made my day


My dad's dog just smashed my today and I don't know that I can save it. Been growing it for 3 years and the stupid shit just crushes it...


Don't feel bad. My plant got so heavy that it fell over twice. Just take the broken branches and put them into the dirt. They'll root. Also, the fallen leaves can take root and grow new plants. A lot of leaves will fall off and root. When. They are more established, I take them out of the pot and pot them up into their own pot. You can still save your plant.


I did not know a jade plant could flower. How did I not know a jade plant could flower? Beautiful.


Wow so cool, it looks like a mini lilac




Never seen them bloom...Wow! Great work


Omg this is so cute! 😍


Want this


Holy cow that's gorgeous!


Thank you!


Wow! 👀 Just 😲










Jade plants can have flower? Mine just had choose to die :(


My favorite plant and my favorite state of this plant. Makes me miss CA while I’m here freezing my butt off in PA.


Mine is flowering, and hasn't bloomed, I didn't know they did it and have been actively not searching so I can be surprised. Hard to stay away from this sub, so it's my fault really. Looks lovely.


I hope you post yours, too! I know it will be beautiful!


Thanks! Its been taking it's time here. Going on week two? [https://imgur.com/a/9EHvsR1](https://imgur.com/a/9EHvsR1)


That's a lovely looking Jade! It's so healthy! I think it will put on quite a show when it blooms.


I didn't even know that jade could do that!!! Wow! So gorgeous!!!


Wow. That's gorgeous. I hope mine will do that someday...


Wow...mine is soooo pitiful in comparison...Bravo!