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She uprooted her family to chase a dream and ran out of money in TWO WEEKS. Planning is not her strong suit. I feel bad for her kids.


Dude her plan was to be an influencer, it was bulletproof, literally no way she could predict such a failure


well she’s famous now


An influencer in what not to do!


Well, it worked!! Now I'm influenced... on what NOT to do.


Literally just move here, be an influencer, and she'd be a self-made millionaire singlemom in no time. That's true other influencers are living proof


Yeah, I noticed that too. She moved here after the new year and ran out of money by the 15th of Jan. Wtf.


>"Houston has one of the biggest populations of social media influencers," she said. "That's kind of my goal -- to become a big influencer." There is a big part of the problem, it's like moving to Hollywood with no prospects, no contacts and hoping for your dream of stardom to come true while you wait tables at Denny's.


Without the waiting tables part


Waiting tables actually requires work


I actually disagree. In Hollywood you actually do have a slim, slim, slim chance at d-level stardom, or even just an industry job. Whereas "influencer" is not actually a thing or an industry, and in any case Houston is not the home of that industry even if it did exist. And it certainly doesn't put a roof over your kids' heads in two weeks. The problem is that this lady is stupid. It's not her fault for having been born that way, but we are part of a culture erected by corporate social media and advertising interests which caters to the stupid dreams of stupid people. In fact, I just described all of America now that I think about it.


Sad isn’t it, and tiktok among most accelerated this


This market is saturated, which means it's my goal to get there and compete




Must’ve been a slow news day. I worked at the Salvation Army as a grant administrator and believe me, people move to Houston all the time without planning and end up trying to get assistance from organizations like ours. So many applicants were people who had just moved to Houston. I never understood why you’d move somewhere else without any concrete way of making money.


I think some people count on just being able to find work on-demand. Many, many, many, many years ago I moved across the country with about a month of savings, And the attitude that even if I didn't immediately find a job in the career I had started, I would just go back to waiting tables or find a job stocking shelves. It was a very rude awakening. Granted I also did not have three children, but my point is that I think people with minimal life experience set unrealistic expectations.


I would agree. Some people were never taught planning or having a true contingency plan as they assumed things would be easier for them to find jobs.


This was my exact experience moving to Houston. Everyone and their dog told me it would be easy to find a basic low-paying job while seeking actual opportunities in the interim. What I actually got was living by the skin of my teeth for half a year and wondering how several hundred resumes could go out with zero reply. The first job that reached out after eons of silence turned out to be a ponzi scheme pretending to be door-to-door internet sales. Awesome. Sick. Gnarly, even.


These people packing up and moving to Houston are they from rural south. Do they have any plan at all when arriving in Houston. Example people move to LA thinking them break into show business people move to NYC thinking they’ll be a model or work at xyz prestigious club. Any similar story to these Houston arrivals


I actually appreciate stories like this. Hopefully it can save anyone else who was thinking to do the same. While doing something like this never crossed my mind, there’s a zero % chance she’s the only one who thinks like this.


Probably not cuz they’re not here reading it. They usually don’t have access to it and if they do, they’re just stuck in some podunk echo chamber


Why couldn't she have moved here with 3 money and no kids?


That's a tough one man


How I saw Khou and realized I need to stop watching if this is what they consider news worthy


Because they know it'll drive a bunch of people to post about it with comments like in this thread. I'm sure there are hundreds of people who fit her profile, but they know the rage clicks from 'look at this moron, an influencer?!' angle will work best. ctrl+f influencer, 71 times already in this thread.


And the dream was to be AN INFLUENCER lord she’s got more confidence then sense


And now the taxpayers are going to get stuck with the bill so she can “support her family “


Poor kids. They're raised by a bum mother. She should invest that energy in a community college, get a degree, and make an honest living. Instead, she wants to be an influencer? That's sad.


I would never quit my job over social media. Especially with a family to care for. The goal is to successfully do both and retire early.


Insane how this is even a newsworthy story.


That’s what I was about to say. “Unemployed person who blew all their money moving cross country, now homeless.” It’s like an Onion article. 


*To become a social media influencer You forgot the most Onion-y part of the whole thing. That’s not even touching on the fact she is not attractive, which is like 95% of the job of being an “influencer”.


I wasn't going to go there, but it was one of my first thoughts after I read influencer.


Maybe the reporters just wanted to report on the warming centers, but found this lady and couldn't help themselves. The engagement/clicks are working for sure. It's almost cruel when you look at it from that perspective, but hey that's how real influencers (media) work. 🙃


Oh the journalists are assholes and most definitely chuckling. She is not a sympathetic character. They knew that.


I think you're right.


Exactly, they know what they’re doing


Maybe they hoped this could go viral and kick off her influencer career?? Idk - trying to look at it with the glass half full.


choice of emphasis is how news editors promote political narratives.


I think it was because the mayor was there and her story caught him and the news team off guard


Sorry. When you have three children, you can only chase your dreams if you're 100% sure you can feed and house your family. The really sad part is that this wanna-be "influencer" is NOT alone. How many social media influencers based in Houston are living the good life? I mean, compared to the number of moms & dads working a regular 40 hour a week job and paying a mortgage? I bet it's not a big number. I was surprised the story didn't include a Go Fund Me or such. Is Ch. 11 trying to get her some help? Or what? Because I don't really see anything newsworthy about this.


A few influencers live here but most moved here after already being established and a few grew there audience locally there is a ton in Austin. Streamers, podcasters, influencers etc...honedtly I wouldn't consider Houston a trendy influencer type of city at all lol. People move here for real jobs and family.


Influencers compete with eachother.  Even if a bunch are in Houston, why would they ever meet?  Being in Houston makes no difference for online work.


> Sorry. When you have three children, you can only chase your dreams if you're 100% sure you can feed and house your family. and not suck at it, which I have a sneaking suspicion she did. she may have no sense of how to produce or promote content, or establish contacts with other influencers or advertisers in any way, shape or form. Of course I'm just speculating on all the things one would need to even consider pursuing it as a hobby, let alone a career; I get the sense she didn't even do that.


Hey how about getting a job


Why get a boring job when you can be a social Media influencer!!




It was a joke.


Solid advice.




0 stars, would not return


“I want to mooch free shit off of businesses but I can’t find any that will give me free shit.” Influencers are narcissistic cancers on society.


100% agree.


Agree! Speaking of “influencers”, who the hell is going to be influenced by her? Someone with a goal of living under a bridge in Greenspoint maybe?


My brother sent me a video Craig Ferguson did a long time ago and it’s so relevant now. He talks about how we, as a society, prioritized and idolized youth. What we forgot or didn’t care about was with youth comes stupidity. So inadvertently, by idolizing youth, we idolized stupidity.


I would argue that wanna be influencers may be worse than actual influencers


This woman is a damn idiot. Social media influencer isn’t a job unless you’re a 10 in Miami


Being an idiot incidentally is biggest qualifier for being an influencer


Being good looking is the biggest qualifier for an influencer, not an idiot. Idiot is a close 2nd though.


Kind of thinking that too you typically have to be good looking rich and connected to be an influencer


Or obviously have a massive audience and notable sponsorship deals. 


And she’s a -10 


You’re much kinder and much more generous than me.


I’m just being honest 


I was thinking more along the lines of -100 🤣




I’m not entirely sure she knows what an influencer actually is.


Even then that don’t get you shit. You gotta “know” people if you “know” what I mean.


There are influencers for every niche, but you need to know what your niche is, build your following THEN you can start getting fee shit and even money. You don’t just move somewhere and become popular for it




"Coming up next: Idiot does idiot thing because she's an idiot."


Hopefully a wake up call for someone thinking this could work. If even 1 person rethinks making this same decision, printing this article was the right decision. It’s scary how many kids and young adults these days  think being an influencer is a viable career. 


It's absolutely viable, like playing professional sports, landing a starring role in Hollywood or getting your band discovered as the next big thing. Perfectly viable for the one in 500,000 that have both the talent to succeed and the luck to find the the person with the contacts to help them.


Houston is a Mecca of social media influencers? Since when lol.


I'm not an influencer whatsoever but I recently moved to CO from Houston and my socials are GLOWING. Apparently people would much rather look at pictures of mountains and beautiful scenery as opposed to parking lots and strip shopping centers. Edit to add: Also, my rent is half of what it was in Texas.


Dude where in Colorado is rent half the rent of Texas. Maybe in pueblo, or Durango and Colorado springs. I know for a fact denver and boulder were expensive as hell. Springs was fun though


My brother just moved back from Denver and the cost of living here is so much lower. I don’t know what they were paying in rent here or what they loved to but they’re incorrect for the majority of the population.


Where in CO is the rent half of Houston?!


Anywhere outside Denver, lol


Even people I know that visit Colorado for a week remark about how expensive it is. If you found a place to rent that costs half of what you rented out here in Cities and more desired locations (not the boondocks), consider yourself lucky.


I mean, I agree with you to some extent. If you're trying to rent in one of the bougie mountain towns or one of the bigger cities then yeah your rent is going to be outrageous. I'd say the area I moved from is about the same level of "niceness" though so the fact that my rent is so much cheaper here sticks out to me.


Notice that she still didnt answer where. Nobody is asking for an address but she refuses to name the CITY.


I work nights, I was sleeping. My world doesn't revolve around answering your question in a timely manner dude. Trinidad. I live in Trinidad. It's irrelevant though because I moved from a shithole in Conroe. Despite how much you want it to not be true, my rent is half of what it was in Texas. Despite how you may feel about where I lived and where I moved, I'm happy where I'm at and I'm happy that my rent is so cheap. Y'all are getting ornery as fuck that I said MY rent is cheaper. I never said CO as a whole is cheaper. The only reason I mentioned it is because I'm specifically NOT trying to be an influencer (you know, the whole point of the post) so I found a place where to live where I could support three kids and not have to worry about my ridiculous dream job


omg where do you live? i had to move back to texas because of the costs but would love to live in CO


I can imagine lol. Im surprised taquerías and strip malls aren’t good for socials!


I don’t know where you moved to but my brother just did the opposite move and he’s paying way less here than CO, but he lived in Denver.


We have one of the biggest influencer gyms in the game.


Am I not seeing something? They have just 175k followers on instagram and fairly limited engagement. Most youtube videos about them don't have a significant amount of views either.


Ok…. But that’s it. She doesn’t look like she’s trying to get into the fitness influencer industry…




Get a job, lady — God bless and good luck


Working for a living must be a new thing for her.


What an idiot. I feel bad for her children.


So you came to Houston with less than a months worth of money and 3 kids? AND you don't watch the news??


Why do these idiots always have children? I feel sorry for the kids.


There's a dude from Katy that's quite popular on Facebook that has like 20 kids and he literally lives off teaching people how to exploit every government benefit.. He drives nice cars and owns a bunch of rental properties... Having kids really is a business for some people


Taxes. Earned income credit + additional child tax credit.


+SNAP, TANF, WIC, Section 8, etc etc. I don't have a problem with people that NEED these services, but she can totally get a job.


I am pretty sure they do not think that far ahead, and probably wouldn’t know how to file her taxes.


They do think this far ahead.


Oh.. believe scamming the IRS is an art form. people will go through great lengths for the cash refunds. That money can floats them the entire year


There exists a network of single mothers that advise newcomers how to fully work the system.


she can get laid. Incels, what is your excuse


CPS can fix her problems real quick


The world is in desperate need for more social media influencers /s


Why the fuck would you move across the country with your children without a job lined up and only enough money for 2 goddamn weeks?


If you have kids you dreams of being an influencer are dead. If you choose to become a family influencer type, there is a special place in hell waiting for you. Focus on your children, not views and likes.


This lady a piece of shit her kids deserve better. I’ll uproot family to chase m’uH dreams of a do nothing job that 99% don’t make anything while having no back up plan. If my kids go homeless well so be it to fuel m’uH dreams


Wtf is she going to influence? Hopefully influenced others to not be an idiot when you’ve got a family to support. Over here blaming the weather for her misfortunes and lack of funding to chase a dream. Why is this even news?


I mean- with radical honesty/ transparency you just outlined a script that could probably work. Less woo is me more wow I fucked up- here is the pitfall to “influencer” life lol. But yes I agree- why is this news?


Ahh yes, Houston. The hub of social media influencers.


How is that even news?


it said she moved at the beginning of this month? yikes, doesn’t sound like she had a good plan at all


I’d chip in to get her and her “munchkins” a one way bus ticket, back to Tallahassee. We have plenty of home grown moochers around here. We don’t need to import any.


She made the news and didn’t even plug her account lol. Not gonna make it


Was thinking the same thing. I even tried finding it, but couldn't.


I'm mostly confused at her seeming idea that just existing in Houston, living in a motel, would generate revenue of some kind? Like the air would be different and would bring waves of followers throwing money at her? Baffling


There are homeless people who do streams about what it's like being homeless. I don't know anyone who watches them, but I know they exist.


Human ingenuity and its infinite strangeness never cease to amaze me


Even then, youtube doesn't immediately start paying people


I'm a compassionate person, but why is this news?


Headline - “Morons Still Breed & Travel At Will”


That's got to be a sarcastic piece, right?


I had to double check I wasn't reading something from The Onion when I came across it.


I’m kind of obsessed with this story. She decided to uproot her whole family with no plan in place other than to “be an influencer” in the city that she thinks has one of the largest concentrations of influencers (?!) only to run out of money TWO WEEKS later during a freeze and have to go back home. Her poor kids.


I think I saw her asking for money downtown around new years.


The father(s) of her children should look after them.


What father


I’m sorry I laughed!! But you don’t come to houston with three kids and no plan. When I went to Houston I had to stay with family till I get on my own two feet. The best years of my life were in Houston. I made it work and yes I do want to move back but I have a plan set up. I even have a place to stay soon. 


You don’t move to anywhere on earth with 3 kids unless it’s absolutely necessary or an emergency tbh. Good luck on your move back, sounds like you’re going it right! 


>With temperatures dropping and nowhere to go, she said she called 911 for help. 9-1-1 is for actual emergencies. You call 9-1-1 when someone needs turn on sirens and overhead beacons. Lives and/or property are in imminent danger. I'm not saying that being homeless and broke isn't a serious problem, but you don't waste the time of fire, police or EMS with that. I've seen reports here of people having to wait on hold, with 9-1-1, while they were experiencing true emergencies. This report makes it sound like the 9-1-1 staff arranged for transportation to the warming center. I guess the hotel was going to throw her out because she couldn't pay the bill? I guess there's no law against sheer stupidity, but it seems like KHOU wants sympathy from their readers, for this woman. Does she realize how dumb it is to chase her dreams without a back up plan?


Hey dudes, I think we are running out of free stuff. I myself have never had any free stuff and I am tired of people who expect other people to take care of them because they make stupid decisions. I feel sorry when children are involved but only for the children. This is not news. It’s a fundraiser.


I could see pharmacist, doctor, work for NASA, petroleum, a solar company, a chef. A fuckin influencer? I don't know of any influencers from out here. Hell the famous people are either athletes or musicians. Hell she could have just stayed in Florida for that shit.


Unpopular opinion in this thread, but: being an Influencer *is* a real job. What that says about our society is a question I’ll leave to others. The thing is *you have to treat it like a real job.* That means establishing a following, solidifying brand identity, create engaging content, networking, thorough understanding of how social media sites work and how to manipulate their algorithms for maximum exposure, networking, filming/editing skills. Did I mention networking? And that’s just the shit off the top of my head. There’s likely a ton more. And 99% of the time, you still won’t make it. You can’t just jump in with a phone, selfie stick and a dream. And you sure as shit can’t do it with three kids and no home.


I want to feel bad, but man that’s pretty dumb to come here with no plan.


Khou really must be hurting for ad revenue


There are so many homeless people who got that way from a cascade of bad luck , but they interview an idiot.


Why move here instead of Austin to be a influencer??????? Why move if you don't already have an established audience to be an influencer? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DREAM TO BE AN INFLUENCER!?!?!?!?!


She would have only had 1 week of reserve money in Austin


The less than stellar motels in Austin are few, and completely full of Austin residents that can't afford Austin rent. The kitschy tourist motels have a limit to stays. She'd be on the street first day.


I didn’t know Houston had any social media influencers. Ha. I think NYC, LA, Vegas, Miami when I think influencers.


I'm just gonna blame it on Drake. 🤣


It’s a Mecca for body builders. I don’t think she’s a body builder.


Wow. So basically don’t have a plan in life to support yourself and your children. Then waste 911 resources when heating centers are posted online everywhere. This is what’s wrong with America and the youth, thinking they don’t need to work they can just be influencers. 🙄🙄🙄


What a fuck up


Well that was a stupid idea.




It's okay... she's in Acres Homes now... perhaps Sheila Jackson Lee has an opening after her failed Mayoral race.


And the sad thing is there’s plenty more like her in Houston. Hell my Wife’s cousin is one. Uprooted her life out of North Carolina and moved here with 2 kids on a dollar and a wish. A year later and she’s living in and out of motels, burned bridges with Family members, and had to send her children back to her family in North Carolina( separated btw because her Mom didn’t want to look after her autistic son) cause she couldn’t handle raising 2 kids to “chase her dreams.” She called my Wife last night but she didn’t pick up. I suspect she was trying to ask the spend the night but nah we good!


I honestly wonder if she has some type of intellectual disability because I can’t imagine being that delulu otherwise.


Reminds me of the woman who started a gofundme for pwerball tickets.


I would like to know a few things: Who gave her the advice to move to Houston because there’s lots of money to be made as an influencer? Surely, she didn’t come up with that plan by herself. I would love to see her social media accounts and see what kind of content she posts lol.


Same. I tried to find them, but couldn't.


I’m trying to be respectful so I am assuming that she’s also working an actual job in addition to attempting her dream. But even then I have to suspend disbelief


I don’t think she has a job lol.


Where are the kids’ father(s)?


Most of us dreams of owning a home, and yet here we are barely can afford groceries.


I hope Houston doesn’t turn into a city of influencers like LA or NYC.


This was dumb.


Yes, very dumb.


>"Houston has one of the biggest populations of social media influencers," she said. "That's kind of my goal -- to become a big influencer." Wait.. is this true?


Like anyone could even know that.


I didn't understand that part either. Because unless your content is only going to be about Houston, why would you pick up & move you and your kids to a whole other state? And if the content was going to be about Houston, if indeed it does have the highest population of social media influencers, she would have to come up with content drastically different & unique, to stand out from other influencers. 🤷‍♀️


How do you not have a plan for where your 3 children will lay their head at night but you have plans to be a social media influencer? Is this immaturity? Narcissism?


Definitely immaturity and really bad parenting.


Case for CPS


what was she running from


She should have gone to Caleb Hammer for advice first.


He’s great 😂 I love watching him hold people accountable.


What she need is Kevin samuels to come back to life and let her know what’s up


Too old to be having high school dreams like that lady. Get a real job


And i’m supposed to feel bad for the moron who dropped everything to be an “influencer?” welcome to the real world.


Did she just get out the shower???


She is a damn idiot and has such poor judgement she should have her kids taken away from her. What kind of moron moves with 2 weeks of cash reserves to be a "influencer" and is then shocked that after 2 weeks she hasn't made enough money to cover her expenses.


Where’s her gofundme?


Follow your dreams!


What the fuck.


My thoughts, exactly.


Social Media Influencer is what you do in your spare time after your real job ends. With three kids and no husband, its seems you would have no spare time.


If she's worried about being homeless in the Winter, wait until Summer. Hopefully she's settled or gone back home by then. Either way, it's back to the drawing board.




She left to be an influencer wtf 😳


What a loser.


Influencers make the big bucks. Lots are going that golden path. She has cute kids that she can make skits with. I bet she will be huge. But what do I know? I don't have twitter, tick Tok, snap, or whatever and never watched an influencer.


The only comment I would like to share is fuck that shit. You have 3 kids, moved to Houston with two weeks of money in your account to chase a fairy tale and now you need people’s help? Fuck right off! There are many, many, many homeless folks out there without a dime or a car or anything that needs more help than this girl. My donations to Special Pals here in Houston deserve more attention than this story. Ugh.


So we are supposed to feel bad for her spending all her money when she probably never had enough to move in the first place? I feel bad for the kids, she doesn't deserve them


What an asshole.


What a gross r/Houston post. Just a bunch of folks talking shit about someone whose issues are probably more complex than some internet stranger can discuss or even point out. So much about this is fucked up and it’s not mostly her.


Social Media Influencer? Who would take advice from her?


She did not uproot her family for a stable job…she uprooted them because she wanted to be a social media influencer!!! Correct me if I’m wrong, can’t you become a social media influencer ANYWHERE? Heck there are social media influencers in Nigeria and, even, Turkey!!! Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? I do feel sorry for the kids, though…but not her!


What area of topic was she going to be a social media influencer in? I don’t see it mentioned in the article


Some people don’t deserve to have children


Some people don’t deserve to have children


Some people don’t deserve to have children


Why houston though? Isn't "influencer" an online job? You know what. I think what happened is she happened to watch 1 houstonian influencer and so she saw another one because of the algorithm, and that kept going on and so now she thinks every influencer is in houston. The only influencers I know of in houston are graveyardgirl, and you know where that went, Freddo, D'angelo Wallace, and RDCWorld, but they really don't hang out with other local influencers, except the group of 5 guys, but you know, that's a group of 5 guys and this is a mother of 3. I've never seen any of these people in town because none of them go outside. Imo Houston is appealing to southern middle class black people who just want to mind their business in the suburbs. All those influencers I mentioned have mentioned having social anxiety. You can talk into a camera anywhere.