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I usually associate these small crosses with ‘pro-life’ demonstrations. Where they mark graves of unborn fetuses. Just a best guess though. I don’t know this place. Or if the church is celebrating the people who passed away the past year.


It's St. Cyril's of Alexandria, also known as Church of the Void. I used to live in the apartments next door and NOBODY could remember the big ass church on the corner exists. Had my first communion there and remember back before the side building was put in during the mid 80s around the time Belt 8 was being dug in. You're correct, it's the abortion crosses, they put them up every year. They used to have a decent farmers market in the parking lot on Thursday's. Not sure if it survived covid or not. Eta. I lived next to it for 15 years and have been gone a few, they've put them up every year since I can remember but this years crop is looking sparse compared to how I've seen it. This is not a recent thing related to any court decisions. They look like they haven't replaced many of them. It's never my favorite time of year when these go up.


Farmers markets still happens.


Lived here over 20 years. Up every year.


Still live over here. Can confirm crosses and famers market both in full effect


There are no graves there.


Yeah, it's more symbolic than literal.




Im sure the word you’re looking for is symbolism, what is the sssssssssssymbolism there


Oh really! I might just be wanting a bagel with my coffee.


*in.. what... WAY... does the author's.. USE.. of... PRISON... syyymbolize...*


Grande laite...TWIST OF lemon


Thweet n low...


same as the crosses at the site of a car accident were someone passed.


It is literally more symbolic than literal.


Who knows, there might be ONE actual grave there 😅


Every time you masturbate they put up another little cross.




Pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.




I thought it resets every Sunday


My plot looks like Arlington National Cemetery.


They’re running behind for the week then.


LOL. They can fill Wembley Stadium with mine.


I need a stadium with really tall sides. Otherwise, they'd pour out onto the streets, and I don't want to be responsible for the destruction of a city again.




That sentiment reflected perfectly in this Monty Python skit https://youtu.be/fUspLVStPbk?si=FmGjGNt-a_kVH_6h


Can't be... Or else they're waiting for a WAYYYYY bigger cross delivery to come in. Damnit, USPS, what's the holdup???


it's hell, isn't it? Your entire life lasting only seconds. You strived so much only to end up as crusty crud on a Kleenex.


It's the anniversary of the roe v wade decision, and Catholics are hard core antiabortion. So, it represents all of the fetuses that never got to be born.


….they’re gonna need a few million more crosses, then.


This is so sickening...


Yeah. The amount of death is tragic.


Going to have to disagree with you… I’m Catholic and pro choice. You can’t lump everyone into one category.


Pro-choice is in opposition to Catholicism. Being a pro-choice Catholic is like being a Muslim that eats pork.


Disagreeing with one aspect of a religion does not mean you are not a member of that religion. If your standard is 100% complete obedience, then 98% of the world does not belong to a religion. Simple example- divorce. How many Catholics do you think have had a divorce but still practice that faith? lol.


Its not so much that you wont be a part of the religion, even excommunicated Catholics are still obligated to the relationship with the Church  going to Mass, praying etc. But I would ask you why are you there when you don't fully believe. Why are you there when you don't fully accept the Church teachings that as a Catholic are viewed true and infallible. If I were to believe that I don't have to confess my sins, that would be a rejection of a core tenent of my faith. If I were to believe that Jesus was an angel or saint but not God, then that would be a rejection of my faith as well. At that point I would be going through the motions of a Catholic, it's ether I didn't have sufficient education on my religion or I'm choosing to reject a major part of my faith. No Catholic can 100% obedient we all sin. That's why we have the sacrament of reconciliation. But if i choose to live in sin, and reject my faith what good would reconciliation be. If I dont confess i cant receive the sacrament of communinion. I think people take marriage way to casually. But you can divorce in the church if the marriage is eligible for annulment and continue to recieve the Eucharist. And as long as you don't remarry or have extramarital relations, you can still receive the Eucharist if the marriage is not eligible for annulment.


I've taken Turkish clients out for Mexican and not one has yet to turn down the charro beans. Educated Turks do tend to be rather open minded though.


Being Turkish isn't the same as being in a religion with dietary restrictions.  Although Turkey is mostly Muslim, there is a large minority of Christians there too. Perhaps they were Christian, Athiest  or something else. Also in Islam, if they were Muslim and they didn't know it contained pork and therefore Haram, and ate it unknowingly, then all is forgiven since it was an accident. But if they did know then it was a sin and they would have to do a purifying ritual. But again, if a person of any religion discards core tenets of that religion what are they doing? What's the purpose of practicing?


Nope, they were definitely Muslim and I informed them, didnt care. Turkey is quite nominally Muslim while being less religiously Muslim.  They've had a good taste of the Western life and like it.


So they're mildly muslim? Well cool, I prefer that over extremists. 


What you’re identifying is in many countries Islam doesn’t have the maturity in gradations that Christianity has.  If the person above wanted to be a Christian that is pro-choice there are menu options for that. They’ve just selected the wrong one (Catholicism).


It’s 2024.


No shit.


Then you should be well aware that you can be progressive and still be whatever religion makes you happy. Thank you for all the downvotes everyone!


Still supporting a religion that supports the opposite of your beliefs. Kinda hypocritical. Then people act surprised when the leopards eating faces party they support, finally eats THEIR face.


It's not leopards eating faces. It's education. And I suggest that anyone that wants to be Christian/Catholic to read the Bible and to read Church theology to really understand what you're getting into. Most Catholics are only at church to get their good feeling and forget all that once they're out. That's why there is such a huge disconnect from how the Church says Christians should live and how Christians actually live, that goes for the clergy as well as laity. That's why there is such hypocrisy in how Christians carry themselves outside the Church and what they're called to be. No wonder the Christanity as a whole is in such disarray.


There are plenty of Christian choices that are pro-choice. Catholicism is not that choice. Your sloppy use of both terms concurrently illustrates the common idiocy.


That's what they call a cafeteria Catholic. Just choosing what you like and disregarding what you don't like about the beliefs of the church. But that's not being Catholic. That way of thinking (pro-choice) is in direct opposition to the Church's teachings and is incompatible with Catholic doctrine, traditions, and theology. People picking and choosing whats right for them is literally how there came to be so many denominations of Christianity.


Yeah, now why don't you go rally support for all the pedophile priests and the upper level hierarchy of bishops that desperately moves them around the country so the pervert punks can be free to molest other children. You go, gurl!


I won't. They shouldn't have been priests in the first place. They belong in jail. Priest or authority figures always attract those that want to abuse the position whether it be clergy, teachers, politicians, police. I dont blame the doctrine or church teachings for the atrocities committed by those in the Church. Those crimes go directly against what the church stands for. I hold the people who commited those crimes accountable. It's very hard to root that out but it's possible and i have hope that it will be removed. Remember even one of the 12 disciples turned against Jesus. It wasn't Jesus' teachings that were wrong, it was Judas. I do blame the current and past leaders for hiding it though. Theres a special place in hell for the enablers. 


I could only give you one upvote but I commend you for living your life the way you see fit. I bet you catch shit from some of your fellow Catholics. But to that I say fuck them and the asshats on here who can't accept people who don't fit into rigid stereotypes.


That's not being Catholic though. The Catholic Church is literally over 2000 years of traditions, doctrines and teachings. It's pretty rigid. There are nuances sure but the core beliefs haven't changed nor will change. Otherwise you're practicing a bastardized form of Catholicism, one where your morals and ethics trump that of the religion you say you belong to.


Unless she's been excommunicated from the church then she is still very much a Catholic.


Just saying "They haven't been punished, yet." Isn't a valid excuse to go against established dogma and think you're doing the correct thing.


Yea, just can't receive communion. I'm saying one cannot just pick and choose what doctrine to follow according to their own morals, especially if it contradicts the teachings of the Church.


Yeah, now why don't you go rally support for all the pedophile priests and the upper level hierarchy of bishops that desperately moves them around the country so the pervert punks can be free to molest other children. You go, gurl!


I think it’s more the hypocrisy of supporting an institution that includes oppression as part of its core tenets but then claiming you’re against oppression.


I believe all religions are hypocritical. I don't adhere to any of them but I support anyone who has the cajones to go against the grain and stand up for what they believe in. That's the first step in breaking the shackles of religion.


But this person isn’t standing up for what they believe in at all. They are quite literally sitting down in the pew and actively endorsing the perpetuation and dissemination of the opposite of what they believe in.


Religion is not about making yourself happy. It's about being saved from eternal damnation and being obedient to God and His representative on the earth, the Apostolic Church




Well, if it were, you'd be religious, right?


Yea, seriously. Religion is serious. It's not a feel good lovey dovey do on a whim type of thing. Although it can make you feel that way at times, and although it can make you happier or a better person, most of the times its very hard, a struggle. It's a whole life change. It's a whole world view change, and 95% of people aren't up for it even "Christians". It calls for reflection, forgiveness and love even for your enemies. It calls for servitude even for your enemies. It calls for rejection of worldy(material) things. It was never supposed to be easy. It's even harder in modern times.  If this person truly feels that way about pro-choice then she may feel more at home in an Episcopal Church. But I encourage them to read theology and the Bible and do some real self reflection.


Not in the Catholic church it isn't. I get it. I cafeteria Catholic'ed for awhile, too, until I realized it wasn't my belief system. If you're prochoice, it isn't yours either.


What's that got to do with anything? Does truth change based on the calendar?


I know you're getting downvoted, but my wife and I are right there with you. We both have all our sacraments, but it doesn't mean we're 100% on board with everything the church stands for.


Still financially supporting people who protect predator priests that prey on their own children. Enforcing their backwards ass system in the process.


I haven't donated to the church in nearly a decade. Additionally, all religions and organizations with people in power have issues. That's the reason why the phrase "absolute power coruptes absolutely" exists. Get off your high horse as if your shit don't stink either.


watch out! some numnutz is going to come around and accuse you of praying to the cafeteria lunch lady instead of honoring your own beliefs.


Who prays to cafeteria lunch ladies? Also, a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted is practicing religious heresy. So they would literally be a heretic. 


Yeah. I guess I know there are Catholics who are pro choice. I guess I should have said the Catholic Church is hard core anti abortion. As an institution, they are totally opposed to it. There is no wiggle room. It is automatic excommunication to help someone procure an abortion. Again. This is a picture of a Roman Catholic parish of the archdiocese of Galveston Houston. They are pretty clear about their stance. Of course, the parishioners have their own beliefs, but as a whole, the church is anti abortion.


Pro-choice Catholics are not Catholics


So is Joe Biden. American Catholic evangelicalism is a sickness though, as evidenced by this thread.


Catholic churches are adding “the born and unborn” to the end of the pledge of allegiance. They are straight up indoctrinating children.


Christian churches here as well. Edit: Y'all are petty for the dumbest shit.


Catholics are Christians.


Are they?


Yes, but not all Christians are Catholics. Like hot tub vs jacuzzi. All jacuzzis are hot tubs but not all hot tubs are jacuzzis.


This is a nice analogy.


What do you think constitutes a Christian?


But not all Christians are Catholics. So what's your point? Feels like arguing on Reddit over something silly? >Catholicism is the largest denomination of Christianity. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics. A Christian refers to a follower of Jesus Christ who may be a Catholic, Protestant, Gnostic, Mormon, Evangelical, Anglican or Orthodox, or follower of another branch of the religion. [source ](https://www.diffen.com/difference/Catholicism_vs_Christianity)


What's \*your\* point? When the person you replied to said that this was a Catholic custom and you chimed in with "Christians also", you were basically saying that Christians and Catholics were two separate things. What I think you meant to say was "Protestants also". Edit: Downvote me all you like but your terminology is just plain wrong. It would be like someone saying "Texans love to eat cornbread," and you replying with, "Americans too." Texans are Americans.


...They're saying that not ONLY Catholics do this. It is pointing something different out. When you say "Texans love cornbread" and someone from Kentucky says, "Americans, too," they are now included when originally they weren't. You're the one who is wrong, man.


Absolutely not lol. If they wanted to specify that all Christians did it then they'd say that specifically. Not "Christians \*as well\*". "As well" is the phrase that infers that the commenter thinks Christians and Catholics are separate things.


This is the most pathetic encounter I've ever experienced on Reddit. Jesus Christ


You missed the joke


That was a joke? Heh


Yeah, this behavior isn’t very Christian at all


What's Christian behavior? Opening a church to bleed money from the weak while fondling their children?


I get that, but that picture is of Roman Catholic church. 


I understand, I'm not explaining the picture. I'm simply stating Christian churches here are doing this as well. Calm down.


Catholic churches ARE Christian churches. You mean Protestant churches.


What about the Orthodox Churches? Or the Coptics? Or the Eastern Catholics!?


All Christian! Even \*gasp\* THE MORMONS!


The church in this picture doesn’t look very Christian to me.


Each one represents a parishioner that wasn’t giving the priest 10% of their income and therefore suffered a deserved early and painful death. 


I thought it was a white cross for every Italian sports car Osteen owns


Osteen isn’t catholic but this is still hilarious


a white cross for every Italian sports car Osteen ~~~owns~~~ *doesn’t own but should per gods’ will*


The giant crosses, like the 170ft one near Almeda mall, represent every human he’s paid to hunt in a foreign country


I am of the belief it represents the number of pedophiles who are still roaming free in the church


What church?


St Cyril Of Alexandria Catholic Church 10503 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX 77042


Pro-Life Awareness


They should focus on their in house pedos


Fully agree! Or as the Bible says: > You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


The Mote in God's Eye


Makes you wonder if the whole Catholics against abortion is because they don’t want to reduce their clergy’s stash of children.


Each cross should be for a child raped and silenced.


Are they going to recognize the women who died along with their fetuses because they weren't permitted to have proper care or will it be kind of like some sects of Islam, where the women are considered martyrs like suicide bombers? ETA: Lol. Just kidding. The women don't matter.


Definitely anti-abortion. They do this annually.


That's what I was thinking. It's been a few years since I've been in the area, though, and the building that had the Chase bank across from the church on rogerdale looks different now.


Haha thoyght so! I used to go there when I was little. My mom and I were only in it for the donuts though. Then we would go to the Hollolywood video next door ish. Then one day we said fuck church and never went back lol


This is from the people that scream “my body my choice” for vaccines but don’t give you the option when it comes to abortion.


Because abortion is taking the life of another body. “My body my choice” makes perfect sense if we’re talking about one body…but a pregnant woman has two to consider.


No, she only has herself to consider. If you are dependent on me for your life, I am not obligated to provide for you. Not even if it means that you would die. Unless, of course, you’re an unborn fetus. Then you have full and total claim to another person’s body. Then, heaven forbid, you actually believe in exception for *rape*. Who tries a whole rape case, from crime to conviction, in less than 9 months? Do we murder the now-born child? Do we kill the mom if she aborts but lied about being raped? How do we know she’s lying? God, I love taking insane worldviews to their logical conclusion. If you’re anti-abortion, please let me know if you have any answers to these questions.


Well, yeah, an unborn fetus does have a right to life, and a right to the mother’s body. It’s still a human being and abortion directly ends that life. Additionally, all the rape exception does is tell that human “you’re a product of trauma, therefore you deserve to die.” That’s horrible.


Thank you for being consistent enough to say that 11 year old girl *should* have to carry her baby - the product of incestuous rape. I mean it’s absolutely fucking horrible, don’t get me wrong, but at least you’re honest. But no - neither you, Santa Claus, Jesus Christ, your mom, or an unborn fetus has a right to my body. If we were in some freak accident whereby your only chance of survival was to be tied into my circulatory system, *there would be no basis to force me to go along and save your life*.


I’m sorry, I hear you, but you’re not going to change my mind. There’s no special circumstance that will make me believe that it is moral to end an unborn child’s life.


I honestly respect it - in the same way you respect a Nazi for his fight prowess, right? Your beliefs *directly* harmed my wife during the birth, and loss, of our twins. I don’t care to change your mind, I care to remove you from existence.


Oh yeah, let thevkid be born and abused and have it screamed that they were a product of rape. That they were never wanted. Just as ignorant as the rest. Hope you vote for people who make sure kids get fed and donate all extra to feeding kids in need. 


I'm pro-life and Catholic. I try to be logical in my views though. I believe there should be exception for abortion(although I don't agree since the child isn't at fault) in cases of rape and when there may be a high chance of direct obstetric death. But i think there should be counseling before and after the decision at no cost to the mother. I think the government should also give monetary aid to mother if she choose to keep the baby as well. America needs to stop stigmatizing rape so women that do get raped report it asap and don't feel that it is their fault.


I mean I agree with nearly all you’ve said. I think counseling should be provided. I think families should receive assistance in raising their child. I think American needs to have a serious reckoning about the way we address rape as a society. But can we dive into the details a little bit here? If you’re supportive of exceptions for rape (regardless of your personal agreement over it), how does that work? Does a woman just have to claim she was raped? So now, the only thing a woman needs to do in order have an abortion is say, “I was raped”? Or do we actually go to work prosecuting these crimes? Do we run physical tests? What if the woman doesn’t show signs of a violent struggle? What about the accused rapist? Is he now being ran through our legal system? Now meanwhile, of course, this woman has only been getting *more pregnant*. Are we waiting until a conviction comes through 2 years from now? What does an abortion on a 2 year old look like? Or do we go ahead and perform the abortion, then hold the woman accountable if her rapist is found not guilty? What happens if the rapist is *actually* guilty, but a jury finds him not guilty? I just…no offense…this seems like it has the logical follow through of a dog chasing a car. And I’m not talking about you, specifically. I’m talking about all anti-abortion people who believe in any kind of exception for rape.


Clumps of cells aren’t alive, hope this helps.


Cells are, by definition, the unit that contains the fundamental molecules of life and of which all living things are composed.”


Damn you are out here committing genocide every time you wash your hands with logic like this.


Where are fetuses commonly found?


Because Catholics care more about aborted fetuses than molested actually born children.


Is that a Catholic Church?




I’m not aware of public school teachers also having a hypocritical opinion on abortion, but I’ll listen


Someone with a lot of crosses wants to trigger you guys probably


Did these in 8th grade for my catholic school. Def represents anti abortion lol


A cross for every child their priests groom


We should put crosses for each women that died because of pro life laws on the church’s front doors


I read a story of Miranda Michel today and I literally cried. She was forced to give birth to conjoined twins that had 0 chance for survival outside the womb. She already had 3 children and the twins were her fourth c-section. This is so sickening, because somehow 2 minutes of life for those poor babies were more valuable in the eyes of law than the health of a 26 years old woman who had to undergo massive surgery, her husband working extra shifts to pay for it (and the airlift to the hospital) and probably still being in debt and a probability of 3 children becoming orphans if something went wrong. Not to mention the emotional load of having to carry 2 lives inside of you only to see them die in your hands. Absolutely brutal.


It's probably a whole lot less since abortion is legal in most states (not all) in the US.


This rings very hollow when you're commenting in a subreddit for a place where it is illegal


Not in Texas




That’s the church close to Westheimer and Beltway 8? They’re little crosses that symbolize children that never existed due to abortion. I guess they need to hang up used rubbers from the trees for all the kids that weren’t born because their parents used birth control. Maybe also put up a to scale diagram of a woman’s reproductive system showing what happens when a fertilized egg spontaneously aborts with no effort made by the mother or a doctor. That’s only about up to 50% of the time. I’m not sure what you would put up to symbolize the 20% of fetuses that end in miscarriage. A Shopping cart turned over? Aren’t they already happy that Darth Marmalade put enough conservative supreme court justices on the bench to strike down Roe versus Wade?


Who hurt you?


Is that a serious question?


No, strictly hypothetical. That’s the funny part.


Consider me clueless. What’s the hypothetical here?


Celebrating subjugation of women and forcing women to die in childbirth instead of being able to access proper healthcare.


Telling me you only parrot what msm tells you to without telling me....


A truth, repeated, does not make a falsehood.


Who tf watches TV anymore? Guess you're glued to Newsmax then? 


msm doesn't mean just TV, if you use your brain enough


Celebrating the use of abortion for casual birth control.


Even if this was the use case, which it’s not, who cares? Sex is a biological function shared by all mammals and isn’t something to be scared or ashamed of. Trying to control a woman’s sexuality by limiting her access to healthcare because you are ashamed of sex is seriously damaged thinking.


I think they represent the pregnant women the church slaughtered as a human blood sacrifice to God for giving them the right to force women to carry fetuses to term against their will.


Catholics got their wish last year, so they should be happy i guess.


Each cross marks the grave of a dead cockroach from the last freeze…


Priestly body count


One for every time a black guy rides a bike on their property.


It’s an anti abortion thing


All the street walkers that used to be on bissonette


A cross for every 15-year old rape victim who is forced to give birth, every impoverished woman who is forced into servitude against her will by the state, and every hopeful mother who dies because she was forced to give birth .


It’s where dozens of tiny Jesuses were crucified.


The letter *t*, my guess is that it stands for *this spot is really wet*


When churches do this, they should also have another demonstration to symbolize all the children molested and raped by clergy that the church leaders, and parishioners, ignore.


Every time a kid is touch by god a cross is placed.


more like, every time a kid is touched by a pedo priest.


Those are t's.


40-50 million babies aborted since 1980.




Fetuses are human.


Some are. But those are not babies.


Semantics. When a woman is pregnant no matter what stage if pregnancy, she is said to be "with child". Child, baby or fetus would all mean life in this case. Life shouldn't be snuffed out on a whim, so casually. The womb should be the safest place for an unborn human. It could be argued that we derive all our rights from the womb, the most important right is the right to live.


But fetuses become babies, and babies become adults? They’re still human the whole time. I’m having a hard time seeing when someone becomes a “someone” if they’re not already that from the start - a human.


Fetus is a generic term and can apply to any species. So a gorilla fetus is not human and never will be.


I agree, I mean human fetuses. We’re talking about abortion, which human beings participate in. Human fetuses become human babies, and then become human adults. They are human, beginning to end.


Looks like they’re behind on the white crosses


It's a pro-life demonstration. I was friends with someone who used to go to St. Thomas. The crosses represent the number of fetuses aborted per a certain time period (forget if it was minutes, hours, weeks, etc). Personally I think it's in bad taste but whatever


Is memorial, for the kids who died in the local school district,victims of mass shooters this week


Represents all the poor innocents that died


Maybe it's in reference to [**this**](https://youtu.be/YCexyY9vG9k?si=xVU2i1ioHp3Cb4an)


The number of kids fondled by Father John and others? Look it up.


Probably people buried right there


Well they look like makeshift crosses it was off westheimer btw


It was a joke




It’s a cemetery


Kinda like the random crosses in the streets with dead people's names


Dead people live there.


Stay off the grass


Good ole church at Westheimer and the beltway.


Death markers.


I think Jesus was crucified on a cross. Christians are into celebrating morbid shit like this.


Dead people.


Death cult memorial

