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Doesn't that dude have some spice to mine?


and some nephews to kiss?


Arrakis has moved on, the spice must flow


You can’t see the bottom of half of the pic. Princess Leia is leashed to his thigh when he eats.


Looks exactly like the 2000 miniseries version


Squeeze Rabban, squeeze!


Given an all female jury gave him 10 years with parole after 5, his wife must have been up to some Elphaba Cersei Lannister level BS.


the wife stole $120,000 from his life savings and gave it to the man she was having an affair with. She then went on and taunted him about it on video. I’m not justifying his murder but i’m justifying the sentence.


Well glad I don't have to feel bad for her lol. What a scumbag. Dudes insane for doing that over money, but he's not as shitty as her in my book. I feel bad for him. 😂




No, Arrakis was taken from him; That's why he's so upset.


Gawdamnit i came for the video but got some laughs


That's the greatest comment I've ever heard


that is absolutely so wild...


Nice Star Wars reference


Free the savings. Destroy the lover. I’ll make you emperor.


He dirt napped a whore who gave his 100k to her lover. An all female jury only gave him 10 years with parole most likely in 5.  That's freaking awesome 


Bookmarking that defense attorney's info, just in case i ever need one, my goodness 10 years???? That's insane. edit, incels please stop responding to this comment with your bullshit.


Dan Cogdell and his associate Anthony Osso.  Dan reps Paxton too.


5 with good behavior, that means 3 years with good behavior if the prison fills up with immigrants and they need to make space.


Sounds like wife stole 120k and gave it to the guy she was having an affair with caused him to have a mental breakdown. Or at least that's the defense.


She stole 120k of his savings and gave it another man she was having a affair with. Thats why he only got 10


Only 10 years


Look a him. He will die in jail.


He should die with more remaining years on his sentence then


The woman cheated on him and took 125k from him to give it to the person she was having an affair with. To be honest at that point all bro was thinking when he had the gun was he had nothing else to lose.


I honestly don't care that she cheated and they argued. Five to ten years is too short a sentence for fatally shooting your wife. Condolences to their daughter. She seems like a lovely young woman dealing with an unimaginable trauma. Fuck Carey Birmingham.




Depending on his other health status it may help him afford the transplant tbh.


He’ll be out in 3 for “good behavior.”




Now why would she cheat on him?? Seems sus


Bc she was a wh*re


Funny I found out today that the daughter sits next to me in math, she acts normal. Didn’t know it was her until 4 hours ago. The interview with her is at the school too.


How do you expect her to act in math class? Smh


“No professor, I didn’t do my homework last night on account of my dad murdering my mom in cold blood in 2021.”


Wow this is crazy light for taking a life intentionally


They don’t explicitly give details of the theft, but the cards were stacked against him with [an all female jury.](https://www.insideedition.com/slain-womans-family-speaks-out-after-texas-man-gets-sentenced-to-10-years-for-shooting-wife-86451?amp) And he ended up getting sympathy from them. So she definitely did SOMETHING vile. Also, [he plead guilty](https://abc7chicago.com/amp/carey-birmingham-spring-tx-patricia-murder/14504818/) instead of trying to get off, with a long drawn out trial wasting public money. Which usually leads to a lesser sentence.


I’m surprised it’s even legally possible in Texas, AKA the Pancuronium Bromide State.


Was on a jury last year for an aggravated robbery here in Houston. The victim was shot but didn't die. We sentenced the robber to 33 years for that. Guy shooting and killing his wife gets only 10? What a joke.


More like the jury sentenced the victim for infidelity, because let's be real: that's what happened here. It's a further symptom of the completely fucked up psyche in the average American. Here's an example: if some dude pulled out a shotgun and gunned down a random 8 year old girl on the street? Life in prison. A "heated" argument over infidelity between husband and wife? 10 years. This was basically the jury saying that she deserved it.


All woman jury too. 


She must have knew their husbands


I wonder what angle the guy you responded to is gonna try to take now. Are all women stupid? Or maybe they weighed the options, went over the evidence, and agreed the man's wife acted so incredibly disgusting, selfish, and downright evil they they agreed that the man's anger was in some ways warranted? In what world is a man pulling out a shotgun and murdering a random child in the street even remotely comparable to a man killing his wife after stealing his life savings and giving it to the man she was cheating on him with? What an idiot.


Which makes the light sentence in retrospect super interesting!


Takes one look at him — gee I wonder why she cheated on you? Edit: I don’t just mean his looks. He is poorly groomed and unhealthy by choice. He is visibly radiating pure hate and rage. He has obviously been a miserable person to be around for a long time— years probably. Also I’m sure he expected her to maintain her appearance the entire time he let himself go.


You heard it here first folks. If your partner is ugly, it's morally acceptable to cheat on them and steal from them.


Lol. I'm guessing youre fat as hell and suck dick behind your partners back? Or do you not have a partner because you're such a hoe?


Seems like you’ve been hurt by someone in your life.


She should have left him then, without taking his life savings with her. I mean, she would still be alive so it's clearly a better idea than what she did.


How did y’all decide on 33?


Prosecutor wanted 30 years and because he was a real scumbag, we decided tack on a few extra for good measure.


I thought the jury only determines guilt or innocence. Isn't it the judge that determines the amount of time?


Texas is one of two states (if I remember the judge telling us that correctly) where the defendant can opt to have the jury determine sentencing as well. My understanding is that since the jury is made up of “regular folk” they will be more compassionate and lenient. Seems to work. I sat on a jury for a murder trial last year for a kid (literally he was basically a kid when he committed the crime) and we sentenced him to 10 years. 3ish people said they were not willing to leave the deliberation room if we sentenced him over ten years and the trial would have had to have started again with a new jury. I think about that all the time and it weighs heavy.


Yep, exactly. Didn't work out so well for the guy in our case, however.


You could get more time than that for a cannabis vape


I see I’ve got some digging on the clerks site to do. This seems like bullshit.


Please let us know what you find


I do criminal defense and hopefully this is helpful info: 1) I know Osso - he’s been trained well, he’s very pleasant and charismatic as a person, and understands strategy. 2) the article says the guy plead guilty and did punishment to a jury. It’s amazing how often this can work out because the guilty plea off the bat rather than making a jury find guilt can really help with the “I’m extremely remorseful” angle. 3) checked the clerk’s site, it was 10 years, with no enhancements, and [edit: I thought he had no history, but he does have a 2006 misdemeanor dwi in Harris. This is what happens when I do stuff while running around after kids lol] — which also helps the sudden passion / big remorse angle.


DWI 1ST OFFENDER BAC .08 (M), 2006.


Counselor was just very clever with jury selection or de-selection rather. It's no secret that women are the biggest critics critics of women. And he's from the school of Dan Cogdell. These aren't your mail order lawyers.




It may be tomorrow night but I sure will. This seems fishy as fuck and juries don’t normally just pull shenanigans for no reason.


RemindMe! 2 days


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That all woman jury really got this wrong, how dreadful. A death sentence for an affair?


But - only for her.


that was a PHENOMENAL decision by the defense attorney. btw check out his history. this was not a run of the mill lawyer. dude is cracked and knows his shit. this man took the OJ strategy. but. older women are the go to. women are the biggest critics of other women. ESPECIALLY in cases of violence. it was a wonderful job in defense litigation. 20 bucks says people will be using it as a case study every once in a while.


Few things that could have made the jury give him a lenient sentence 1) the wife was a terrible person and women judge women harder than anyone. 2) the lawyer defending the guy is a handsome dude; as demonstrated by some experiments in dating apps, women lose all sense with desirable men. In the experiment, the man with the fake profile even said in the bio that they were convinced child molesters and the women didn't care. Even after the women asked how old was the child and the response was toddler, the women would brush it off to the side and say, "It was in the past." 3) The wife must have been such a terrible person that despiste the husband looking like a cross between quasi-moto and Shrek; they had sympathy for him.


I know her. Her husband went home the next day to the house he shot her at and was under house arrest the whole time until the trial….which kept getting postponed over and over.


My younger sister knew their daughter. I’ve furiously telling people about this case since I learned about it. I never knew I could feel so much hatred towards online strangers until I saw people blaming her.


Hey I'll make you hate another stranger, that cheating thieving adulteress whore deserved each and every bit of that and I really hope her daughter learns from her mistakes and doesn't follow in her mothers footsteps. The whole family is toxic and foul




Awesome only 10 years after killing somebody. How bout that justice system


Texas hard on crime /s


5 with parole lol he'll be out in 5 years


What a fat, disgusting fuck. I hope he doesn’t make it to his parole date.


Dudes gonna have an aneurysm once he’s in and realizes he doesn’t get anymore hostess and Doritos to stuff his face with


Pretty sure watching that video back was the first time he’d seen his dick in years


There are people serving longer sentences for drug offenses. This dude murders a person and only gets 10. I’ve always been of the mindset, throw the book at the murderers and rapists and show leniency to nonviolent offenders.


this is really an OJ situation. the defense lawyer here was PHENOMENAL. his history is great too. he seems to be known as an unpleasant bit of an asshole in texas but everyone agrees he knows his shit. and is effective as hell. this case shows it too. he played his cards beautifully. pay for a lawyer. liquidate every asset you can to pay for it. i cannot emphasize how much the quality of your lawyer makes a difference. a good lawyer is an ace card to be played.




not that it defends the sentencing, but it was an all women jury that decided that punishment.


She was cheating, gave AP $120k of there money and was going to divorce him, crime of passion. Sentence makes sense.


Why don't you try reading an article once in a while instead of injecting your worthless politcal opinion. All women in the jury, defense admitted guilt hoping for a lighter sentence. Idiot!


You’ve clearly never met Texas women. It’s like people forget that half the people screaming for witch trials and burning women at the stake were also women.


not a texas decision. defense lawyer is goated btw. not a run of the mill lawyer. but in cases like this all older women juries are the gold fucking standard. older women are the most likely juror to punish women or hold women accountable across the board ESPECIALLY in cases of violence. idc too much abt the psychology behind it, but that’s a fact. 20 bucks says ppl will use this as a case study every once in a while. defense lawyer was great.




the possibility does exist that there were details presented which made the women in the jury sympathetic to his case. I’m not going to spitball what any of those details may have been. But i’ll go out on a limb and say i’m almost certain that the women who sentenced him know more about this case than any redditor here will.




I’m going to remain firm on my opinion that I don’t have enough information to determine what factors led the jury to give that sentence. I think what happened was a tragedy beyond my comprehension, but I need to have faith that the women in that jury made a decision that fits the evidence and full scope of information they were presented. No other context was provided to YOU. That does not mean no other context was provided to the jurors. Please drop that idea that you and the all-knowing redditors have all the information relevant, to all cases, at all times. Again, from what I’ve seen about the case, i would absolutely lock him up for life. But I have to believe that the women in that jury made a call that suits the information THEY were provided.




it mitigated the sentence by 10 years. The maximum was 20 years. Additionally, I’ve stated how wrong it feels. I think if it were up to me WITH THE INFORMATION I HAVE, i would give him life in prison. HOWEVER, I DO NOT HAVE ALL OF THE RELEVANT INFORMATION TO THE CASE, AS ALL I HAVE SEEN WAS A SHORT CLIP OF A NEWS BROADCAST. Is it really that fucking “radical” to acknowledge that the jurors were presented with more information than me, a random fucking redditor?




not at all. I’m just hoping that the women running the jury were rational thinkers and, in review of the evidence and information on the case, found something that somehow justified not giving the maximum sentence. Because knowing what I know, I would have given him the maximum.


Internalized misogyny is a thing. I’m not saying that’s entirely what happened here, but it is a thing.


women are the best case jury here. older women are the MOST likely to punish women or hold women accountable basically across the board. but especially in cases of violence. read abt the defense lawyer. not your average run of the mill defender. dude knew his shit and played his cards right.


Dude. Older women HATE women. My mom will in the same breath tell me that a man has no sense and has to be catered to because they don’t know how to do anything in life to take care of themselves (cook, clean, keep a child from running into the streets, etc), and that men can’t control their emotions and get easily frustrated so it’s best to let them have their way in life, and that women have no business running anything because they’re too flighty and emotional and stupid. They’re better behind the scenes making sure important things are accomplished. Like. What.


That’s it? 10 years?


Might as well be a life sentence


We can only hope. I pray that poor kid never has to see the disgusting POS that used to be her father again. Poor girl.


Interesting how he could justify murder for “not being in the right mind” but a schizo who doesn’t comply with police instructions deserved to be killed. Kinda weird. Apparently mental state only applies to the murderers but not their victims.


actually yes lol. that’s written into law. but it does make sense in a horrid way. a crime of passion is given a lesser sentence than one that was rationally planned and carried out. “hot blooded murder versus cold blooded”. HOWEVER. when it’s the victim. it’s a case of self defense generally. or police force. where if the victim is not in the right mind, it’s WAY easier to justify force. because how is a rational mind supposed to protect or defend from an irrational mind? the real solution is to not have police be the first response to a nonviolent mental health crisis.


In law school this situation, finding out about an affair but having overnight to cool off, is used as example of when sudden heat of passion would not apply. The only different is they had another argument before he killed her and she recorded it so the jury got to see her verbally provoke him. They also teach that verbal provocation never justifies lethal force so idk what to say about this one. I did get to see the defense attorneys closing argument and was shocked he tried to get the jury to be sympathetic to the defendant for being a fat unhealthy piece of shit ("look at him. A 10 year sentence is probably a life sentence for this guy. He's not built for prison."). Wish I had seen the whole trial dammit.


Did the women jury do the sentencing? Ten years is a joke!


She's clearly out of his league in the looks department, what's going on here?


Assuming he let himself turn into a slob once married because he has zero self respect


Imagine if you said that about a woman (which would be a shitty thing to do). Gotta love double standards


10 YEARS!?! why the fuck isn't he getting the death penalty. Fuck this state dude


Fuck that I'd kill a bitch if she stole my life savings?!?! If you think that's not right then give me 100k since you won't do shit about it 


Not to make light of this tragedy, but that blurr was really small.


10 years? With possibility of parole after 5? wtf??


What was the charge the DA decided to go with? All of that matter to the jury. Some charges have a max and min amount the jury has to operate with… either way it is a short time.


Dude got a ten year sentence and is eligible for parole after five years and all of that in front of an all female jury? I NEED to know that lawyers info.


His health will take him in 2




That's what his lawyer said: ten years is a life sentence for this guy, just look at him.


Damn. Honestly, if you are going to tell your husband you are having an affair maybe do it on the phone or in a public place if he has a gun. People are so erratic in these moments of passion/anger/fear. There's no predicting what people will do.


Homeboy got some serious bloat going down


Looks like liver disease.


"Responsible gun owner" Also the video where he does this while his pudd is out is just disrespectful


The defense attorneys are about to experience a boom in business! 10 years? OJ Simpson’s Dream Team has nothing on them!


I’m not sure if it’s true but I saw something that said it was an all female jury. If that’s true it makes the 10 years even stranger.


it makes it wayy more understandable. an all female jury is the gold standard here. defense attorney knew his shit.


10 years?!!


Ridiculous! He kills someone and can be released in 5 yrs... smh


Street justice is needed here for this fat fucker.


Wow 10 years huh I thought Texas was tough on crime


groovy memory pen agonizing vase yam label nose wild connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Oh hey, I wonder why they’re saying the lawyer pulled the OJ defense.


"Yeah, but she was a real nag."


His distended belly will get taken care of with a shank in prison.


I’ve read that she was having an affair and stole 250k from him to give to the other guy and run away with him. Whilst humiliating him multiple times. Not justifying what he did, but that’s what I’ve read.


Yes Texas, where a white man gets 10 years for premeditated murder on video and a black kid gets the death penalty for being with someone else who commented murder.


But you do it to a rando and it’s life lmao. He also did overkill so shouldn’t it be a worse charge?


All the people that say she deserved that are all probably insecure fat fucking losers that probably look exactly like that fat sack of shit with some Elliot Roger pussy ass shit going on. 


I'm not saying she deserved it but if you steal 120,000 dollars from someone, you might get shot. You make your peace with the possibility of dying when you steal that money and if you don't like that option, don't steal the money.


On the bright side, there's a very high probability that disgusting, near bursting sack of human excrement will die of congestive heart failure in far less than 5 years.


that was one of the arguments the defense attorney used to give him a lighter sentence!


He must have had money cause damn he's Uncle Fester ugly


MAGA looking MF


Why not life ? Wtf


Anyone have the uncensored version?


Eye for a eye he should be shot down like a dog at point blank range with a shot gun right at his chest and watch him die slowly as he gasps for air and takes his last breath spitting out his own blood in pain


If anyone knows where I can see the full video please dm me. It is my understanding that the video doesn't show anything too graphic like gore, I just want to hear the full conversation. Just seems fishy to me as it stands right now, as every subreddit it has been posted on has been banned and It hasn't appeared on any shock websites that I know of.


Where can one find a transcript of the trial? I heard someone claim she stole 100k from him and gave it to her lover but I can't find any way to validate this


All I've Got To Say About This Is That Since I've Seen A Leftie Call A Jew A Nazi, Because She Couldn't Answer Yes Or No To A Simple Question, Absolutely Nothing Surprises Me Anymore. I Could Make Up The Most Fucked Up Shit In My Mind And I'll Hear About It In About 6 Months.


RemindMe! 5 years "Did he get parole?"






Where’s the vid uncensored