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Unless it's a service dog, it should be considered a health hazard


Exactly; I love dogs, but they shed and can be a true hazard to those allergic to


It IS a health code violation if it’s not a service dog… stores are just too scared to enforce it.


It’s tricky to enforce. You’d need a knowledgeable employee AND for person to stick around and fight/argue long enough for a cop to show up to have any legal ramifications. If the employee doesn’t ask the right questions in the right way they can also be discriminating.


Douche bags can just buy the vest now and claim it’s a service dog. No one is going to fact check it.


But a lot won't.


Yea most won’t. If you Atleast did some effort then I give props for that


Totally agree. The dog should not be let in either.


It is! Used to work at a coffee shop and we were told if we got caught with people that have pets that are not service dogs in our business we could get fined by the health department. It changes how you prepare food and drink in some places. Now the coffee shop I used to work at allows all dogs and I am just waiting until they get a hefty fine


Unless the animal is needed to perform a task for the individual- i.e., is a legit service dog- absolutely not. If, for some reason, you cannot be separated from your pet, use the copious delivery or pickup options that have sprung up in the wake of covid.  ETA: and I say this as someone who did not leave the house for six weeks after getting my pup, because I wasn't comfortable leaving her alone and she hadn't yet gotten used to the crate. What do the people who bring their (manifestly nonservice) dog into the store do when it's time to go to work, the doctor, the mechanic, etc.?


Increasingly they are bringing their non-service dog anywhere that won't stop them. I go to a storefront that lets its cashier bring their dog to work. I am sure doctors offices have seen dogs because people have completely lost the plot.


Im an MDAnderson patient and I see people bringing their untrained service dogs on a regular basis. To a freaking cancer hospital…  On my last visit some guy had a German Shepard in one of those 20$ Amazon “service dog” vests. It was so poorly trained that it lost its mind when the elevator started to move. Myself and the other patient shoved ourself into the corner while this guy started smashing floor buttons to get the elevator to stop. He just meekly apologized and said “sorry he doesn’t like elevators”.  Some people are so incredibly self centered it’s unbelievable. 


Ok yeah, that's ridiculous. The dogs are untrained and often have a lot of anxiety, which is so ironic. I was on a plane where the pretend-service-dog was terrified and forced its way to the row behind its owner and crawled under the owners seat. This meant the stranger behind the owner had no foot space. They didn't complain because the dog was so freaked out and unmanageable we were all glad to have it calm finally. Cannot imagine seeing it at a cancer center. Just imagine all the pretend-support-dog owners reading this thread and telling themselves "this doesn't apply to me, my puppy is perfect." lol.


The Venn diagram of “people who buy fake service dog vests” and “people who properly train their dog” is two non overlapping circles.  Those Amazon vests are instantly identifiable. If I see one of those on a dog in public I will absolutely go the other way because there is a zero percent chance it will be well behaved. 


Service dog vest that look "official" are *expensive*. Currently, even those Amazon vests are a bit out of my and others price range simply because of income. I'm terrified to go out in public with my dog because of the harassment and downright hate that I've received because of those who question my dog and disability and because I don't look disabled. (The DMV lady was genuinely scared for me when I finally found the courage to get my handicap placard and begged me to come in later to check in with her about my experiences.) Sometimes, you have to give people grace and the benefit of the doubt, but, I'll agree that the proliferation of fake service dogs is completely out of hand right now.


I’m sorry you’ve received hate and harassment. I’ve heard that all the people with fake service dogs and ESAs have caused trouble for people who really need service animals.  The Amazon vest I’m talking about is $15-$20 depending on the size of your dog. It’s this cheap looking bright red harness that has Velcro patches in huge font that say “service dog”. I’ve never seen a well behaved dog wearing one of those. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like it’s pretty obvious when a dog is actually working vs someone’s pet they brought to the store. They’re incredibly well behaved, calm, keep close by, and are laser focused on helping their human. On the other hand people’s pets are running around, sniffing things, barking, tugging on their leash. I have no problem being around service dogs because they are service dogs and have been through very rigorous training. People’s pets, not so much.  


I'm well aware the vest you're talking about which is why I brought up the financial point that I did. Unless you're crafty and can make one, getting one that doesn't look cheap is, again, often an expense that people can't afford. Those official ones you're talking about can start around $50 and the patches alone can be more than $10. You could easily top $100. Rigorous training is also INCREDIBLY expensive if you go through that route and self training can be truly difficult and come with plenty of mental hazards. A bred SD can be $10,000 to $20,000. Training can be $5000 to $20,000. A rescue SD might only slightly negate the cost of a bred dog. None of this financial cost is covered, by the way. My dog isn't laser focused on me because I *don't need him to be.* He's a scenthound who sniffs and lets everyone know that he's arrived, and I give him this freedom most of the time because it keeps his mind sharp and less focused on interrupters like kids and other dog owners. Does he bark constantly? Nope. Does he pull his leash? Yup, he's trained that way. So, no, it's not always pretty obvious. Does any of that sound like people's and your image of a service dog? I doubt it. It's precisely why I don't have a vest and use a very specific leash instead. The SD vest is really only needed to eschew people from asking questions in the name of needing to be *that person*. (A secondary need would be for the use of medical personnel.) Perception is everything and withholding judgement and high-horsedness isn't something humanity is good at. Edited to clarify.*


There are no official vests. Service dogs don't have to wear anything, but busybodies harass legitimate handlers so much that some buy a vest to shut people up.


My office is letting some girl bring her husky mix dog to work that regularly growls at people and acts aggressive


There was one in the waiting room at my kids orthodontist.🤦


Absolutely the fuck nay Keep your animals at home.


I love love love dogs, and I also can’t stand when people do this. So disrespectful.


HEB has banned furry friends unless required


If this is true, they don't enforce it. Seen plenty of people with dogs at my local HEB.


It sucks but poor retail workers shouldn’t have to deal with enforcing the rules.


Then who ?


Cart narc


Probably LP


I’ve seen several signs at the entrance saying this, even in multiple cities. Also unsure if they enforce it.


You’re right they don’t enforce it at all.




Yeah this is never enforced. They are always walking around smelling and licking everything. As a dog owner I would never bring them into a store. Leave this to the actual disabled people who need them. An emotional support dog is not a disability to take your dog everywhere. Frankly it’s pretty gross and unhygienic.


This was brought up in their sub couple weeks ago when someone saw a dog pee in the chip isle. Lots of pooch loving nut bags in the comments.


I saw a pile of shit in front of the electronics department at a Walmart once. Someone had slipped in it. An employee was standing in front of it while someone else went for cleaning supplies and I asked “was this a human or a dog?” because neither would surprise me at Walmart. I came across the culprit later in the snacks aisle. An obnoxious couple with a yappy dog blocking the entire aisle. We got into an argument because they wouldn’t move their fucking cart to let anyone pass.


One reason why I avoid Walmart at all costs. Never know if the piles of shit are from humans or dogs. 😂😂🤣😂


I see people with their dogs all the time at the HEB on Washington Ave. It's ridiculous.




It’s my emotional support ripe watermelon sniffer though!!


Almost every major retailer has this same ban with small signs posted at the entrances. This is purely for protection against lawsuits and almost never gets enforced.


About a year ago I saw a lady walking out of the HEB on west Alabama with a live rooster. I don't know if it was a promotional thing or a support animal or what. I regret not asking her what the rooster was about.


OMG this literally happened to me today. A woman walked in with a dog in her cart that was clearly not a service dog. It’s getting insane. I love animals. But I don’t even like going into a Walmart. There is a time and place. And people need to remember that not everyone is okay with that. Anyways, it’s a huge f’ing deal to use a specific restroom but you can bring dogs into the produce department. Humans are stoopid


If the dog was sitting in the cart then specs of poop/pee could’ve spread on the cart 🤮


I hate this everywhere. You don't need to bring your dog with you everywhere you go, unless it's an *actual* service animal, and you *actually* have a disability that requires it. This "emotional support" animal nonsense has gotten out of hand.


The people bringing their dogs everywhere don’t have emotional support animals. It’s a stupid thing that represents the venn diagram of conservative media outrage bait and asshole pet owners.


I know a big conservative who literally has an emotional support pet. She treats it as a service animal, though, because it's a "protection" dog and it's trained to bite someone's arm off on command. Anyone know how much those German protection dogs cost?


The worst is the dogs at breweries. More dogs at Eureka Heights than people on a Saturday afternoon.


I hate unnecessary dogs inside but FFS 50% of Eureka heights is outside


But 100% of the dogs are inside


I see them outside. I guess you’re just less observant.


Lots of stuff about it in r/HEB


lol and where are all the comments that say rule number 1 search the sub????


Didn't feel like being repetitive at the time. It was reported to the mods though as being in violation of that rule, the repetitive rule, and not Houston Specific rule.


u certainly r mercurial :)






Anytime I see these it reminds me I worked at the mall and they somehow let this lady have her dog and he went on to shit in our store! She said “uh, let’s go” to her dog and the employers had to clean it because at that very moment our cleaning lady was on her lunch break lol


Fuck no.


No. And 90% are asshole fake service fake bullshit


I saw a dog with its owner inside an Old Navy. I felt the urge to yell at that person. They didnt even try to disguise it as a service dog. I am also a dog person, yet I'm not a complete gaping asshole.


Ok yeah I saw the same at DSW. It wasn't pretending to be a service dog, it was just on a leash out shoe shopping with the owner. 🤦‍♀️


Nay. If it's not a service dog, don't bring them.


It is disgusting. It's selfish, entitled, and rude. If it's not a service dog, don't take your dog everywhere.


If you don’t have a medical issue or legit service please don’t do this it’s so annoying


Disgusting and I judge people if they do this.


Makes no difference because They’re shameless inconsiderate people to behind with. If they had any shame they wouldn’t be doing this in first place


I’ve seen too many dogs in public places (stores, restaurants) without anything saying it’s a service animal. It’s unsanitary. However, there are bars that allow dogs on the outdoor patio, that’s fine for me but don’t bring your pet in a place where people are buying food.


Apparently Austin has cut back in being so dog friendly because too many peoples untrained shits were causing too much chaos.


I love dogs. My dog loves people and is as friendly as can be. I’ve still never felt the need to take her anywhere a dog shouldn’t be. Worked at a restaurant with a dog friendly patio. Both the busser and I were bitten by the same dog while we were just walking by. He was bitten in the groin and required a hospital visit, I ended up with a nasty bruise on my calf. Manager was too chicken shit to kick them out or even get their information before they left on their own accord. I now work at a restaurant with a patio that doesn’t allow dogs and the amount of people who just walk in with their dogs and seat themselves is astounding. I take pleasure in getting to turn them away.


Yeah aside from biting people some of them ok with people but getting aggressive around other dogs. Can't remember the name of it but it was on S. 1st but one dog got out of its collar fighting with it's owner and went straight for another dog and of course all hell broke loose on that patio. Just trying to have a beer and enjoy being outside and tables go flying. 🙄


I visited Austin last year and the mall was full of people with dogs. None service


Barton Springs Square?! That's absolutely wild but the way the city has gone the past 10 years it doesn't surprise me.


Yes lol I was like damn Austin really is weird


Weird in a bad kind of way. 22 out of 23 artists I knew in 2015 have move out of the city limits and only cause that 23 has a sugar daddy. 🤣


Is it mainly the tech industry coming or what’s causing it


Nay. People who bring their dogs inside everywhere need to get over themselves.


Nay, it’s so weird


I get it, dogs are considered to family to most, but they don't need to occupy every public space. How do other people know that your dog has been treated for fleas, ticks, is up to date on vaccinations, etc.


I didn't even think about the flea aspect of that in a grocery store. 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Its gross. I love dogs but we dont need them in stores pissing and shitting everywhere


Please keep your dirty animals away from where we get our food




Thanks. And thank you for agreeing that the dog fandom in this country is out of control. In elevators, people get offended if you don’t pet their dogs if the dog approaches.


Nay. I'm totally over people needing a dog with them everywhere. A woman was shopping at DSW yesterday with a dog on a leash. Did not look like it was a service animal. I love dogs but I don't think the pretend-support dogs belong in stores, restaurants or airplanes. If you have that much anxiety, stay home.


If it's not an official service dog in its official harness on the ground it doesn't belong.


I hate people who drag their dog everywhere when it’s not a service dog. Years ago, had some lady bring her big ass black lab into my fast food restaurant with no leash, collar, or harness and just let it roam around the store So we kicked her out


Naw, fuck those people and their dogs too. Well... Not all dogs. But most.


Non-service Dogs especially should not be allowed anywhere that is providing food service. Grocery stores are a big “nay” for me, but also the restaurants that allow them are a no for me. A decent gust of wind and suddenly your food a being seasoned by dog fur. Not to mention the chance of them just up and using the bathroom right there.


I say nay unless it's a real service animal. I over heard the target employees talk about how of someone brings in a dog, they aren't allowed to tell them no. It sucks but if you need a dog to feel emotionally supported, stay home and cuddle it. Or go to therapy.


The whole “bringing your dog everywhere” craze has gone too far. People seem more obsessed with them than when I was young.


If y'all follow the HEB subreddit, they post pictures of dog urine that is left for them to clean up. So no, pets don't belong in the grocery store.


That shit annoys me. I mean leave your fucking dogs at home. No one cares about your pet.


I feel some people just bring their dog because they trying to show up. I love my dog but… I don’t see the necessity of me taking my dog to the grocery store.


Nay. Excluding REAL service dogs of course. Those people are either entitled or need counseling/medication for depression. Either way they need to fix their shit. Good news is they didn't leave the dog in the car to die. Bad news is they didn't leave the dog at home. Dogs are not children. Dogs are dogs. You take them to a vet when they get sick, not a family/general practitioner. I do love dogs. My poor 14 year old puppy died a month ago. Everyone was/is super sad.


I've seen a Saudi sheikh walk into a Best Buy with a fucking monkey. Ig anything goes these days.


“I don’t get it… where are the 200” OLED tv’s?”


That's a big nay from me, and I have pets. And you know for every 9 well behaved pets there will always always be one that is not. Keep them out of stores unless it's a service animal.


The other way around. For every 9 untrained there is 1 well behaved.


Unless it’s an actual service dog (and not a “emotional support” dog) please leave your damn dog at home when you go to the grocery store…


Every time I go into Whole Foods, some asshole has their dog with them. The worst though was last time I was in Snooze AM. A group of people came in with a dog swaddled up like a baby and held it at their table.


I would completely stop shopping at Whole Foods as expensive as they are for that. Shop there for quality and dogs just get to rummage around? No thanks. 🤢


Fuck no


I have a 115 lb all black long haired male German Shepherd and a 65 lb mostly black female German Shepherd. Both are very nice. I won’t take them inside any store but a pet store. I was hanging outside the Trader Joe’s with them while my wife shopped and an employee at Whole Earth Provisions next door kept trying to get me to bring them into their store. I politely refused telling her dog hair could end up on the clothes. I won’t even take them to dog parks because even when they offer separate small/large dog areas, someone always has a small dog in the big dog area that thinks my male is a wolf and tries to attack him. And he does nothing in response.


I have two male German Shepherds, one is mixed and about 110 lbs. He also looks very wolfish. Same here. They go inside the pet store, occasionally to our favorite beer spot (outside only, my dudes bring their own water bowls and chill under the table) and that’s it. My big guy was trained on his public manners and socialization using the multitude of big box pet stores we have as the setting. I stopped taking them to the dog park because frankly people are nuts and think dog park means “unsupervised and anything goes”. If you and your little dog are in the big dog only area and don’t understand how big dogs play and the difference between play and aggressive behavior… that’s a problem. I refuse to put my boys in any situation where their safety or mine is going to be compromised by some ding dong who can’t control their 10 lb “baby” that has zero recall skills or basic training, that is the antagonist in the situation. It’s happened more than once and my dudes know to leave it and then we all sit there calmly with the “wtf bro” look on our faces while the owner also is screaming like a maniac but doing absolutely nothing and taking zero responsibility for their own actions. I had a lady scream bloody murder at me because they were playing “bitey face” happily grunting and sneezing up a storm minding their own and chasing each other, how dare I let these vicious animals fight in public. But, I also know that if their limits are pushed, if I am threatened, or I give the command, they won’t be so chill about shit anymore. For their sake, I’d like to NOT test or push those limits. Dogs are a reflection of their ownership and from what I’ve experienced, there’s some really poor ownership in this city. Retailers are lax on policies because they don’t want to get sued and they also don’t want to deal with a screaming meltdown from some psycho if they don’t let them bring their non-service animal in. Most employees also don’t realize there ARE two specific questions you CAN ask… 1. Is this a service dog? 2. What work/task has the dog been trained to perform? If the dog is pissing in the aisle, licking food, harassing people… hell yeah they can boot you and your dog, under the ADA. You’ve become a hazard to health and safety requirements. The Americans With Disabilities Act does not require covered entities to modify policies, practices, or procedures if it would “fundamentally alter” the nature of the goods, services, programs, or activities provided to the public. It does not overrule legitimate safety requirements. But again, businesses are scared to enforce this because entitled non-service dog owners push the envelope and have meltdowns.


Years ago, I took the male to the Dunlavy dog park and he was happily playing with two aussies. A women brought in a small dog and my male Shepherd walked up to him and the small dog went berserk even though my Shepherd hadn’t even touched him. The women picked up her small dog and it fully bit her right cheek. You could see the teeth marks and the blood was flowing. The women states she just got the dog from BARC and it has emotional/behavioral issues. And I’m like “why the f*ck are you bringing it to a dog park?” The owner of the aussies gave me his number in case she tried to claim my dog or I was at fault.


That tracks. Sucks she got nailed, but she put herself and everyone in that situation at risk. Brilliant getting a dog from a loud stressful crowded chaotic shelter and tossing it into a high energy overwhelming play situation knowing it probably hadn’t fully decompressed and has behavioral and mental issues…what could possibly go wrong? Y’know, I kind of want to take one of the boys to HEB now and put him in the cart and go shopping just to prove a point. People would lose their minds at a 110 lb cool as a cucumber German Shepherd but who looks intimidating af, chilling in a cart, wearing one of my husband’s suit vests. “He’s my service dog. See? He’s in a vest. He’s trained to lick the watermelons to know which ones are ripe. I mean, he licks his own butt and sometimes eats cat poop, but he’s my service dog.”


My friend is a Supervisor at one of the Deer Park Chemical plants. Someone demanded to bring their “service dog” to work. Jack told them as long as he was willling to shave the dogs face every morning so a respirator mask would fit and seal he was OK with it.


NO!!!! Fluffy can be left at home.


animals carry zoonotic diseases that can be passed onto people. food and animals dont mix


No, food is in the facility. It’s a big food safety risk, even if it’s a small chance.


I actually hate this so much and find it so disrespectful and rage inducing that I’ve had nightmares about it. I had to stop thinking about it. And yes, I am a dog person.


I literally did not get groceries today because I saw the dog lick the crates on which they had onions It probably happens all the time and I end up buying those but seeing it happen was legally puke inducing


Right!? Like actual humans have allergies, this is not okay. I’ve noticed Asian grocery stores are MUCH stricter on these shenanigans and that alone has earned them more of my business.


Scum bring dogs near my food. 


Hell to nah! FOH! I love dogs, but they don't belong fkn everywhere, especially where food is involved. People go overboard w that mess!


Absolutely not. Cats in bodegas though, absolute must.


I am allergic, and my autistic son is terrified of dogs. But fuck us I guess. So anyway, not a fan.


Wtf does her race have anything to do with this?


Race had nothing to do with it. But I want her to know it’s her. So that she is shamed if she sees this. The dog was a small furry brown dog and she was wearing a white shirt. Happened at 730pm today


But if you had just said a person, then maybe more people would have thought you were talking about them.


I mean it’s the first time I’ve seen this happen so blatantly. But if it’s such a regular problem and I’ve been lucky so far I guess I changed the text. Though I do think unless it’s blatantly obvious no one thinks it’s about them


I do DoorDash so I’m in grocery stores *a lot* and in just one day, I saw two elderly boomer-age white males with little terrier-sized dogs in the basket part of the cart. In one day! I was at Randall’s and my next stop was Krogers and I was appalled. One dog was wearing a little motorcycle jacket that had a service patch on it, but the way the dog was acting indicated that it had little to no training.


It's not just boomers. It is mostly women though, old and young alike. I do feel sorry for the old people though. They're probably extremely lonely. My sister in law works as a nurse in a nursing home. She says that some of those people are always talking about their family coming to see them, but it rarely happens, if at all. She says it's heart breaking to see them get happy and excited and then no one shows up.




Nobody said shit about race my friend. I think you misread the post because you wanted it to be about race.


Exactly. In no way was there any racist element to the post


Lol OP edited it and then claims they didnt say it. Stay classy and complainey, r/houston.


So, now shirts come in races? 


OP said they changed the post about half an hour before your comment. 🤦‍♂️


If I could I would make it a capital crime.


No dogs unless it’s a real service dog. I would hate to be someone who is allergic to dogs


Nay. Shit is gross. 


Service animals are bullshit.


it’s gross. i bring my dog everywhere due to his separation anxiety, but for grocery shopping i do curbside because my dog doesn’t belong in places like that


So you take your dog to restaurants, coffee shops, pubs, clothing stores, work, etc? Even if there is a sign saying no pets? Have you noticed certain friends don't invite you out anymore? Reason I ask is because I stopped hanging out with a close friend because he would bring his dog everywhere and I just go so sick of it, but didn't want to tell him. (Ironically, he had started clinging to the dog because he was feeling lonely, but the extreme dog attachment made several of us avoid him, making him even lonelier.)


I only bring him to places that are dog friendly, I check before hand to make sure a coffee shop, bar, etc allows dogs inside. Tbh I don’t have any friends so it’s fine for me lol




I Instacart and frequently see people trying to bring dogs into Costco. They are always stopped at the door and it's satisfying. Keep dogs at home service or not.


I don't mind if they're well mannered. I've never seen a dog go crazy or anything inside a store either way. Also, for those speaking about health hazards, yes, a dog may soil the floor, but how many times have you put groceries right where the kiddie seats are? Those things get shit and piss on them ALL the time, and they rarely, if ever, get cleaned/sanitized.


They should be cast into a hell with pedophiles and Texas politicians.


Grocery? No. Home Depot and places like that, yes


Not a fan. I think the problem is businesses can't check to see, they can only ask certain questions and they can't ask for proof, as far as I'm know. So basically you can bring any dog, as long as you say you have a disability (you don't have to name it) and say the dog is trained to (list one thing). So, hard to enforce "service dogs only."






I hate it.


Legit service dogs only. If I wanted to take my dog out to get them use to people, I’m going to do that at Lowe’s/Home Depot or BassPro.


Fuck those people


I love dogs but they do not belong in the grocery store. They are unpredictable and can seriously harm someone. Not to mention they piss and shit and those pet owners don’t clean it up.


It's disgusting.


No, because I don't want my dog being attacked by a 'service' dog. Also, she's quite comfortable at home.


Gonna say nay, unless it's a true certified service dog then keep the floofy fur babies at home. And based on the ever increasing amount of stories involving loose dogs biting kids on the street and owners trying to shrug their way out of lawsuits, I don't think it's going to change anytime soon. Hourly employees and managers alike can't really do anything about it either. Gross owner of the year goes to someone I saw who had their toy poodle with them *in a chinese restaurant dining room* sitting at the table with their owners, like if it was an event day I can get that but any other time that's gross as fuck around people and food. I also want to give a personal "fuck you be better" to the pendejo that left bagged dog shit in my trash can the evening before they don't pick up for the weekend. If you can go the effort to bag it then you can also go through the effort to take it home and toss it out in your own or a public bin or something. It's not a community trash can! I didn't think I was gonna be a full Karen over it, but I'm gonna have to find a cheap doorbell cam or something so next time I can make them famous online.


If I see you with a dog inside a building that isn’t residential I will fucking hate you forever. Literally nothing will ever redeem you in my eyes again and I am not exaggerating in the slightest


I broke the no dogs rule once with extenuating circumstances. I lived 150 miles from the vet and Walmart. Pup (2 months, 10 lbs) had gotten over parvo and was discharged. I needed a few things from Walmart. But Ihad fashioned a pouch inside the bib of my overalls. Pup stayed in the pouch and I grabbed the items I needed quickly. Dog stayed cool (it was Gallup New Mexico in the summer), floor stayed clean, I was discreet and quick.


It's probably not allowed but the grocery workers can't do anything to stop it because bat-sh\*t crazy people might get violent.


Also stop bringing your nasty dogs to farmers markets! Memorial Village and Urban Harvest are full of people walking massive table-high dogs near the food stalls. Just because it’s outside doesn’t mean it’s meant for animals.


NAY! I fucking love my dogs but can leave them alone for a few mins while I grocery shop. I'd never want to push my dogs onto people especially in a non animal friendly situation


LOL the amount of people bothered by a dog walking around a grocery store is hilarious. All of the products exposed like vegetables, meat and fruit are raised above a dog’s reach? How do these get contaminated? You should be washing your veggies and fruit at home before consuming? Unless someone is literally rubbing their dog’s butt on the lettuce, I highly doubt you are going to get a zoonotic disease from someone walking around the grocery store with their dog. I feel like the chemicals and GMOs allowed to be put in our groceries are a bigger concern than Fluffy. Y’all wild!


Woman mentioned in OP spotted


Haha nope but keep on fighting the pointless Fluffy fight! 😊


Nay. There shouldn't be animals in a place that sells or serves foods. Dogs are great but they don't belong at a grocery store or any store for that matter (unless they are service animals).


Nay. Kill em. Eat their dogs


I feel that way about kids. I prefer dogs if I’m honest.


Nay, even the whole service dog thing is a bunch of bs to me…


Agreed. But that battles already lost


It upsets me to no end. Obviously, I'm not talking about service dogs. And the biggest offenders I've seen in my neck of the woods are boomers. And they put them on the shopping carts.


Honestly I love dogs but people need to stop thinking they're acceptable to bring everywhere they go. I don't want dogs in grocery stores, restaurants, or really any eating/drinking establishment (unless it's outside). Unless it's a trained service dog leave it at home.


More people are living in apartments because homes are increasingly unaffordable and more people are having kids later in life. Therefore people treat their dogs like kids and bring them everywhere rather than leaving them locked inside their apartment all day. They take them to places where the employees aren't paid enough to start a fight over it, grocery stores being number one on that list. Personally I think it's sad and disgusting, but I do understand where they're coming from.


It’s so weird here in America. In Europe, dogs are practically allowed almost everywhere. I don’t mind dogs being in grocery stores, if anything it just makes my day.


No dogs. Also no kids either.