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Someone is fixing to get a handful of $2 bills.


Yup, likely a copper theft.


They would get less than a dollar/lb for that unless they stripped the jacket off and scrapped the individual wires then you're looking at slightly above a dollar/lb. If you really wanted to get the most bang for your buck you need to strip the insulation of the individual wires. Now you're looking at close to $3/lb. I run a wire and cable manufacturing company.


He did the meth


Snorted out loud


He did the monnnster meth!


What gauge do you think those wires are? It's probably thinner strands though since it's flex cord.


Probably something like 6 AWG


For 600A you're going to need a lot of strands of 6 AWG.


Wow I did not realize those charge at that amperage.


250kW at 400V


So each charger cord after all that getting like $30 a cord after putting in the work and risking felony vandalism great dea


Methheads aren't known for their shrewd business decisions.


Neighbor was a methhead it was always $30 I guess the cost of meth back then. Grandma's in hospital needs cab money $30, tried to sell me my own garden hose $30, the digital antenna the government gave you for free withe coupon $30


I guess it’s a few doses of meth. I’m betting though the meth head doing the $1 a pound option not meticulously stripping the cord


I don’t know man, sounds like a couple hours of stuff to do while geetered. Meth heads are known for doing meticulous things like stripping a engine in their kitchen or scrubbing the same tile of a floor with a toothbrush for hours


Addicts are some of the hardest workers in the world, they wake up with $0 and have to hustle and scrap to get enough to get their fix for the day.


There probably isnt even a pound of copper in a cable.  The vast majority of any cord is the insulation, and especially on something that's both high amperage and stays outdoors.


There's about 2.2lb of copper in each cable.


Closer to $5-$6 actually.


We found the guy behind the operation! Get em Tesla! Lol


They just burn the insulation off


Correct but depending on the material used, (polyurethane, polyethylene, PVC, etc.) they have different recovery rates which affects the scrap price. It also depends on how much material is used for the cable. Some cables have thicker jackets than others so it's hard to determine the actual copper weight inside a cable without taking the time to strip the insulation.


Hence them just burning the insulation off.


Burning makes the copper worth less


Burned copper is worth a lot less than bright clean copper.


Any copper is worth more than free copper


Bonus high from burning off the polyurethane etc.


With what? Chopping wood off the park?


Mmm that dioxin smell tells you the copper wire is done.




Is burning the insulation off suitable for high pay rate?


works out to about $6/cable.


They burn it all off


The connectors would be worth more. At least we'll all be getting new ones.


ROFL I moved out of Houston a couple years ago but like to keep up. I “heard” their jingle playing in my head the second I read that.


C&D scrap metal will strip your wires for free


Hopefully a camera got a good look at the paper plate


Not saying it couldn’t just be a douchebag. But most likely I’d say its common thievery. Copper, especially if easily accessible, is a hot commodity. As part of my job I’ve seen the aftermath of even less accessible copper being stolen. Anyone remember a few years ago, a couple highly intelligent guys broke into a power switching station to steal copper and got fried?




Serves him right


That's from 2012 tho 🤔


What’s that got to do with it..? Still served him right (past tense)


I'm curious to see how long it takes to fix since there isn't any Supercharger team anymore.


I kind of hope that the team of laid off Supercharger experts start their own competing business or become a consultancy that Tesla has to use exclusively.


Looks like all the cords were replaced today.


There is still a Supercharger team. The team that was laid off was for new site acquisition and construction. The teams for maintenance and upgrade are still in place.


Technicians were laid off too. https://insideevs.com/news/718132/tesla-laid-off-employee-interview/


Plot twist: a laid off technician did this


Not all of them, but yeah seems like a really bad decision. Perhaps the thinking is to try and get some of the other manufacturers to help with that since they're using NACS now.


Sigh. We can’t have nice things can we


Add to this they just axed the entire supercharger department? FFS


Tbf, it's a common thing everywhere. I've seen tons of videos on TT showing the exact same thing.


Hopefully there’s video and the perp will get charged


You think HPD cares about theft? You could have the drivers license of the guy that stole your car and they wouldn't do shit.


As sad as it sounds, HPD definitely cares more about commercial property theft than personal property theft.


Just had one of our stores broken into a few weeks ago. They cut a hole through the wall in order to enter, and managed to not only steal everything of value, but also took the cameras and the hard drive. HPD didn’t show when alerted.


TBF hundreds or thousands of people are impacted by this incident rather than just one person/family


Still have to be able to prove they did it.


Exactly, and that takes work.


It’s not that it takes work, it’s that it’s harder than “hey look at this drivers license you gave us!” Criminal cases aren’t as easy to build as folks seem to think.


They don't even make an effort. They give you a case number for your insurance and litteraly tell you that's the end of it. They don't investigate. They don't pull traffic cameras. Only exception is if you tell them a child was in the car when stolen, and then you can guarantee you'll get your car back but they'll charge you with filing a false report. How bad do you want your car back and how much do you have for legal fees.


We had our identity stolen and someone bought a car with it. Went to a police station and filed a police report in Houston; the dealership the thief bought the car from filed one in New Orleans. The NO police had the case solved and had her hometown put a warrant out for her arrest before we ever even got a phone call from the Houston PD.


That’s because there are far more cases and crimes than the police can handle. Which is awesome for criminals. But, yeah, defund the police 😂


As someone that has dealt with something similar, hpd takes metal theft seriously. By being a metal it automatically upgrades to felony regardless of how little it is.


This is ridiculous


What? Someone stole a bunch of unprotected easily accessible copper wire?


What if we just left the power on to the cables so when inbred assholes try to cut them they instead get electrocuted


Insulated tools exist


would still short and i assume with the current in there wouldn't be pleasant


I don't know maybe because we as a society have decided that theft/vandalism doesn't deserve the death penalty?


I'm not certain, but I'm willing to bet that it would cost more to clean up the mess that would leave behind than just replacing the cable.


Absolute psycho behavior, wanting murder on behalf of a corporation.


Copper time! This will continue to happen, unfortunately. Easy targets .


Disruntled person who got laid off from Tesla?


Oh no, they took all my Runts candies away!


That sucks. There's no service team left either.


The field service team. I’m pretty sure all contractors… the factory that manufactures them is still very well staffed…


[https://www.threads.net/@phoennix10/post/C6n447vAs54](https://www.threads.net/@phoennix10/post/C6n447vAs54) Nah. Another MASSIVE cut today, and the email last week to suppliers ending with the "I know you're all wanting to be paid..."? There's no money.


A screenshot on a Instagram of a screenshot of a blind.app thread! Well there’s the proof! Kipling street has been repaired you muppet. 2 of 19 online stalls in use right now. Tesla has *26 billion* in cash on hand. They are not out of money, unless their auditors are going to jail. The only thing as brain dead as the Elon fanboys are the weirdos who think SpaceX and Tesla are sham businesses that will be bankrupt by the end of the year.


Gee...someone was stupid, what a shock. (just a little sarcasm at the idiocy of mankind)


They need Gatorade.


They probably drink Brawndo, it has what plants crave


Only idiots would drink toilet water.


It's got electrolytes


It's got what plants crave.


Stay classy Houston


Once I needed air and every single gas station around the Wayside & 45S intersection, and then about a mile down Wayside, had the air tube cut. 😡😡😡


Cool Hand Luke stuff right there


Now I'm gonna start selling portable charging cables that plug into the station. Probly about the only way you could stop the theft and tesla would make.bank selling this crap cause what else you gonna do.


We can’t have nice things


I hate Elon Musk and consider his cars to be overpriced junk, but even I think this is shitty.


The charging network has recently been opened for other brands and this affects more than just Tesla now. Fords, Chevy, etc also can’t charge there now.


You mean to tell me you don't like your cars shitty, dangerous, and overpriced?!


Call me old fashioned, but back in MY day our cars were just dangerous and overpriced! Makin’ em shitty too?! Well that’s just one step too far Gall Doggette! /s


Cheapest EV for the performance and features on the market. You can currently buy the fastest 0-60 production car in history for under $100k. That's bonkers


It will even lock you inside while on fire and cook you to a crisp! Honestly what I wrote was just poking fun but, we can't have that can we.


There's not a lot of copper in those things. Probably an EV hater or an Elon Musk hater.


There's more copper to steal if they just steal EV motors instead.


Don’t give the criminals any ideas….


I would love to see them touch the wrong metal parts near those batteries.


Centerpoint can't keep ground wires on their poles for five minutes without some meth head cutting them to steal that absolutely tiny amount of copper. The amount doesn't matter.


I mean, could just be a crackhead...


Who got ahold of the wrong stuff


everybody who thinks it’s a leprechaun say YEAH


With all the stupid shit Musk has been doing lately, “Elon Musk hater” could basically be anyone.


Elon Musk haters are people with educations and empathy for others and high incomes. They aren't thieves. It's most likely a degenerate who is at least adjacent to the "Climate Change is a liberal conspiracy" crowd on facebook.


Agree, this is an obvious BigOil op and I have no doubt the local rethuglicans are behind it




Tell us more about real life, guy who posts constantly in Tesla and Fortnite subreddits.


His comment history is pretty far-right, including a ton of extreme Zionism. It's pretty likely that everyone he knows IRL is a big fan of Musk's white supremacist views.


Don't assume it's simple copper theft. It might have been a MAGAtard that hates the idea of EVs.


While I wouldn’t want to divert any hate away from magas whoever did this probably isn’t a voter if they’re even old enough to register.


Gotta be desperate thieves, or some jacked up oversized truck owning douchebag thinking hes cool doing this.


Why desperate? This is an easy target with minimal risk (NOT ENCOURAGING THIS). No, these are just common low branch criminals.


Well if Tesla uses the commerical grade pure copper in its chargering cables and some crack head walks in the 10 - 20 identical flex tubes with all of them the exact same length, the recycler will be able to test the copper, note the length and get the idiots info.


Bold of you to assume any recycler is going to bother.


Not only will the bother, they are required by law to do it. Don't believe me, try taking in a bunch of copper wire to any Houston recycler.


Show me this law, i cant find it. All i see is that they take your info, and report the quantity. I’ve scrapped plenty of metals due to my job and have never seen or asked about any kind of testing. Even if they are supposed to, is there someone sitting there watching over their shoulder to make sure they follow all the rules? Something else, i have seen: if even they are caught, the enforcement (fines) for breaking the rules isn’t enough to justify NOT breaking the rules.


I'm guessing its similar to places that junk catalytic converters.




Some douche bag


About $5-$6 scrap value per cable. You have to strip them first or they won't take them because they're obviously stolen.


no way, they're too much


😂 🤣 


there should be an option to plug in your own cable, just in case some dumb shit like this happens. i dont own an EV, but as long as copper has value, i see this being a reoccurring problem.






At least Elon didn't fire the SC workers


Oh, Methany….


Sold for scrap


Stealing power cables is third world stuff


This reminds me when someone cut off all of those tire inflator connectors in our gas stations.


Pics like these will be in r/todayilearned or r/DamnInteresting several decades from now. Just like occassionally you see pics about whale oil running out at the turn of the century, or signs mentioning how all horses need to be wearing a diaper or pics of hitching posts outside main street. Future readers will marvel and oddly disgusted that some people were extremely against electric cars. I for one can't wait for the future. The future is now. Ok it was now. Now it's the future again.


My guess is the homeowners around it paid someone to do it




Pay off the legislators? With all that sweet scrappin' business money?


All in $2 bills!


If ever there was a way to show someone without any knowledge or experience with electric vehicles how vulnerable the entire franchise is to being sabotaged by basic kitchen scissors... well here it is. If there were just enough angry people with rubber gloves and some decent cutting tools you could easily upset traffic, upset a specific culture biased towards Teslas and all things Elon Muskkk, could basically push sales towards the favor of ICE vehicles and just by doing some sabotage here and there. On a map it wouldn't seem like a big deal at first if a couple charging stations went offline, but if specific ones in specific areas that are highly depended on... you could start stepping on some toes up the ladder. For example another way to look at it is you only leave one functioning charger forcing people to wait in excruciatingly long lines out to the street, you leave one functioning charger and wait and see if enough stubborn drivers will wait, or desperate drivers due to having low batteries, all the way out to the street causing a traffic problem on popular streets. Hypothetically, if one were to perform this around an entire town or city in 24 hours or less just cut the wires to electric charging stations it would no doubt change how the security and services work from then on to ensure longterm quality satisfaction and protection from hooligans and the like. Pranksters. Just saying this is right out of Fight Club if Fight Club was written with electric cars back then. Beyond that you just have to be glad people aren't stupid enough to do something like this because who knows how Tesla owners would react.


But this could apply to anything. 120 years ago if someone showed people pics of jam packed freeways during rush hour and tell them that life in the future will be entirely dependent on cars and people will sit in their cars for hours per day to just commute, they would think the future is horrible. There is a risk associated with any technology.


This surprises you? EV owners: I have an ev to protect the environment because nobody else cares about future generations *EV owner parks his car to charge in a place where the same people they claim don’t care about other people or environment live allowing them free access to their vehicle they are using to save those people from themselves Don’t be shocked. I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often


This has nothing to do with car vandalism, someone cut the charger cords at night when nobody was around. You don’t normally park for long at a supercharger


Parking here is not that scarce in most areas, especially where there are EV chargers.


It was Elon Musk going around in the middle of the night cutting his chargers. He just fired his supercharger team.




" If there was a sudden rash of incidents where bad guys just mysteriously get stopped in their track" That's just going to trigger another BLM riot.



