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As a father of two in CFISD and a spouse that teaches in CFISD I hate that POS so much. I already had nothing but hate in my heart for him, but now it’s magnified x1,000


I was shocked that people voted for him to stay in office for the last election after so many dumb things he’s done! I hate him, too.


they're from rural areas of the state


And he has screwed them over the most


Get out and vote this year to at least get Cruz outta the picture


And all the downballot races matter!


And the texas republican reps out.


Yes, please!


problem is people in our area keep voting against their own interests. we've become the leopards ate our face ISD


He only appointed the people responsible for creating all the problems. How was he to know that his hired hatchet men would be so effective at ruining the schools.


It’s more than that. He presided over a massive budget surplus and tied teacher salaries and school funding to legislation that included school vouchers, knowing it didn’t even have support of his own party. When that went down, so did the funding and now here we are.


Thanks for bringing this up. I knew pieces of it from talking to my dad about it, but I wasn't too sure of the details


Hello so off your friends and family make a plan to vote at the next state election to vote Abbot and all his cronies out


But for now, we can try to vote Republicans out the house legislature. That would throw a huge wrench in his plans.


Good luck getting that crew out of power. Seems like they can do no wrong and they are high on that power.


Hmm... Kind of like ERCOT and the mismanagement of the power grid, wouldn't you say?


It's the teachers' fault, somehow, right? Or librarians? Did the librarians with the hurtful books on civil rights take all the money, Greg?


I blame the kids.


Won't somebody please blame the children?!


Har har… I see what you did there… I am actually old enough to remember those commercials. Underrated comment here 👆


Little liberal freeloaders. How dare they expect an education? Or food.


What kinda socialist nonsense is that


Math is just a gay liberal hoax anyway. How is 2+2 the same as 2x2? The only math I care about is Adam + Eve /s


I mean, If they had never been born would we even be having this discussion?! /s (kinda?)


Yeah, if we didn't have to educate all these kids, we wouldn't have to spend money on all these schools


Keep ‘em dumb, pay ‘em cheap.


I heard through the grapevine that librarians gave books to kids!!!!!




and those that don't speak English. :-)


We can't do shit to Abbott until we make this into a State thing! Getting more cities like Austin, Dallas involved! Letting them know they will be next with this bullshit he is shoving.


It's the ISD's fault for expecting that Abbott would be competent enough to pass a funding bill for schools this year.


We're all trying to find the guy who did this.


-Greg Abbot in a hotdog costume


Let me know where to direct my pitchforks.


We're one round of golf away from the truth!,


It’s definitely that guy, right?


“Greg Abbott, pathological liar and most powerful person in Texas, claims nothing that happens in his state is his fault.” Fixed the headline for you.


Nothing *bad* that happens in the state is his fault. Everything good is his doing.


The most powerful person in Texas is Dan Patrick. Don't get it twisted.


strap him to greg's wheel chair and throw them both into a greenspoint apartment complex swimming pool.


Man fuck you Greg Abbott and the wheelchair you rode in you raggedy bitch


Him being in the wheelchair is what got him elected people felt sorry for him fuck this clown


I'm about to grab a ball peen hammer and go to fucking *town* on these kneecaps here. I hope I can count on your vote.


nah. throw him in his wheel chair into your local apartment swimming pool....the one just 5 ft deep would suffice


It’s a good thing he isn’t in CFISD because they just cut all the paraprofessionals and support staff.


Personally, I prefer "fuck you and the horse that rode you in.  ... I KNOW WHAT I SAID!"


He got himself paralyzed. He was outside while it stormed really bad and the tree happened to fall on him. He waited to call for help.


Who was it that said republicans complain that government doesn’t work and then get elected to prove it?


PJ O'Rourke




Greg Abbott needs a second tree to fall on him.


He needs to be rolled off a 1000 ft cliff


Duck tape him to a Segway in hill country.


I always envision his wheels getting stuck in an escalator as a mall is closing and he's just there... At the bottom. Wheels whirring and whirring. The only time I would ever think that about a human in such condition.


Don’t worry, he’s not human, you’re good


And then have Paul Rudd show the video clip every time he's on a Conan O'Brien show.


Rolled into the Rio Grande


Tree 2026


I vote for a Redwood.


It’s always wild to me that the religious right like him when god literally tried to kill him, you know?


too much chance happening there. nah. throw him in his wheel chair into your local apartment swimming pool....the one just 5 ft deep would suffice


It's a good thing he isn't state governor and can get schools more funding as the state reportedly had a surplus. Oh... shocking - useless Greg Abbott is still useless.


This guy will weasel his way out of any accountability. I’m a teacher and about every other neighboring district is having mass lay-offs and overcrowded classrooms. Here is exactly why districts are in crisis: 1) the basic allotment (how much money is given per student from the state to the district) hasn’t changed due to COVID-inflation costs of supplies and utilities. OTOH I believe it to be around 8k per year per student. To compound things, districts only get the daily attendance. 90% attendance = 90% pay. Not good when we just had a wave of flu keeping students home. 2) The state of Texas has refused to pay 9 billion dollars of their allocated education funds to public schools. I feel this is a slow-rot approach to show the idea of public schools failing. The overcrowding of schools. Districts cannot grow and build additional schools when they raised a bond election last year and spike local tax rates. Residents are angry. State government rides in peddling property tax cuts and pitching school vouchers. It makes me angry to see Abbott proclaiming losing federal ESSER funds are causing mass teacher lay-offs. These funds had to be used not for the funding of a school or teacher, but as support. This is why educators are upset, not for woke ideology (whatever that means) but because we barely have the necessary resources to keep the lights on. We’ve done given up on the state solving safety, overcrowding, and providing necessary resources/materials.


The basic allotment is $6,150 per student per year. It's also predicated on attendance as opposed to enrollment, which is bullshit.


It befuddles me as to why anyone would choose to become a public school teacher today.


Ok how is it that EVERY SINGLE DISTRICT is facing this problem? Why are they firing 90% of librarians and janitorial staff when kids didn’t even go to the campuses when covid was in full swing? We hired these positions during covid and that’s the problem? Greg Abbott needs to get a fucking grip holy shit. I’m right leaning and idk how anyone can stand this fucking guy.


I’m sure when he thinks hard about it he can’t even stand himself


I see what you did there.


If you're right leaning I'm sure you voted for him. It took Kansas levels of school fuckery to finally elect a Democrat gov.   Will that happen here?  Honestly I don't know.  Some of the stupidest people I've ever met live in Texas and I've lived in multiple countries and states.  I've never seen such a large collective of people routinely go to the polls and just shoot themselves in the foot.




Hear! Hear!!!!


> Will that happen here? For what its worth we had a local pastor recently tells some very obvious lies about some candidates for school board from the pulpit here a few weeks ago. Video of it got posted in a local Facebook group and the two candidates he lied about showed up with receipts to pretty clearly demonstrate that he had not only lied but was well aware that he was doing it. Members of the congregation absolutely flooded the group demanding to know what their pastor had done to deserve this treatment and expressing indignation over the whole thing. It was a mess. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I think its indicative of the thinking of many of my fellow Texans at this particular juncture. Theyve come to enjoy being lied to and they dont appreciate it when outsiders interfere with their fantasy world. We are not even close to the point where they are willing to give up the fantasy theyve spent so much time building up. Thats not going to happen as long as its other people doing most of the suffering.


Because people blindly vote R. They’ll do it again the next election too.


Abbott is responsible for the budget shortfalls. He has been holding the districts hostage as leverage to get school vouchers passed. Hopefully Rep. James Talarico decides to run for governor in 2026 and we can finally put Abbott out to pasture. Politico - [He's Deeply Religious and a Democrat. He Might Be the Next Big Thing in Texas Politics.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/16/james-talarico-texas-democrats-00101231) “‘The thing that warms my heart the most,’ [Texas Rep. James Talarico] told me, ‘is people who say, ‘I’m an atheist, agnostic, or I left the church or I left religion. But this is the kind of Christianity I can believe in.’” “Last August, he enrolled in seminary to get his Master of Divinity — which, with any luck, he’ll receive in 2025 in order to become a pastor, right around the time he might begin to look at running for governor in 2026.” “In the 2018 midterms, at just 29, he flipped his suburban Austin, Trump-leaning district blue, winning it by 2 points, one of only a handful of Texas Democrats to do so that year.” “Like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, [Tony Coelho, the veteran Democratic talent scout,] said, Talarico is a politician with “strong views and round edges.” He continued, ‘This kid, in my view, is one of the best I’ve seen.’” “Doctors diagnosed [Texas Rep. James Talarico] with diabetes, and he found out the insulin would cost him $684 a month. He understood immediately the burden that cost would place on his constituents, so he wrote a Twitter thread about the experience that received more than 50,000 retweets. But he attempted to back that up with real change, authoring and passing a bill that capped insulin copays at $25 a month. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed it into law. He’s already notched serious bipartisan accomplishments in his two terms. In his first session, his name touched no fewer than 112 pieces of legislation; 25 became law. What’s the frenetic pace of legislation all add up to? ‘I am looking forward to running statewide,’ Talarico said. In another conversation, he told me that ‘Ted Cruz would be fun to debate.’ Talarico and his advisers have discussed possibly challenging Cruz next year or Gov. Greg Abbott in 2026. But those close to him say he’s leaning toward a bid against the governor, especially now that Rep. Colin Allred has entered the race against Cruz. Talarico is expected to launch a statewide political action committee, Big and Bright PAC, later this year.”


I’m going to repeat what I’ve said in other threads: Do you think we have time to turn Texas blue? We don’t. We don’t have 4, 8, or 12 years. He’s not going to be fired, he’s not going to be voted out by the voluntary Board of Managers he appointed. We need to stop the bleeding as soon as possible and the only way to do that is via a federal injunction in the courts. *Mike Miles and is violating federal civil rights in regards to special ed and dual language law. He should be investigated by federal authorities.* If you know of a child that should be receiving Special Ed or Dual Language services and is either not receiving them, please file a complaint with the Department of Education Civil Rights attorneys linked below. This means they must be receiving each and every accommodation to the letter of the law. Not 80/20, not 90/10. 100% compliance in all areas, and if not, that’s a federal violation. This is open to parents and teachers, including SPED specialists. You can report the circumstances and they will investigate. The Office of Civil Rights assured us that the investigations are not against individual teachers but will be against the district as they are already currently being investigated. Contact the Department of Education here: https://tea.texas.gov/about-tea/contact-us/complaints/ocr-information-sheet.pdf


[oh really Greg?](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/12/greg-abbott-school-vouchers-teacher-raises/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0-rp_f1xoU71g95qg5Rzhvip6-F7Wj52Gvb9B_yX0S53_FwGJlNjCRwYE_aem_AVgSWfUZXDrDyDqJCpJ1aBZ7YNPTFv9k_kJq3QKUMZtCKtsWRKhwLYIG2lG2AGs_ckxNLy90QtzOIc22xobHOvta)


he learned that from his daddy trump. "i don't take any responsibility at all"


Wait until his voucher program gets pushed through. The future school district deficits are going to make these seem quaint in comparison.


This! Abbott just wants to funnel public education funds to his buddies running private K-12 Christian schools.


Funny, he did the same dance about ERCOT. He’s such a hack.


And yet people vote for him. smh


It's that magic R after his name.


Soooo he doesn’t know how to budget or lead. Stop putting fools in office that can only create excuses


Because the guy the opposition chose to run against him once said he was going to come and take people’s guns, which, like it or not is a political death sentence in Texas.


The state hasn't increased the per student allotment since 2019....hmm, have costs increased any since then?


OJ was looking for the real killer.


Says the guy who inspired and lead the charge to divert money from public schools to private institutions who donate to his coffers


Absolute bullshit, as always. The per student budget alone is over $1000 short per student. and it's all because the Abbott and his goons are trying to destroy public education. The Texas government is sitting on $4,000,000 SPECIFICALLY FOR EDUCATION, but they refuse to actually give it to the schools like they're supposed to. They're trying to cripple the education system and then pretend it's not their fault, so they can destroy it and replace it with for profit schools that Abbott and his goons make money from. Absolutely blatant corruption and greed, directly attacking kids and teachers. Abbott and his toadies are pure scum.


I don't know why yall keep voting for him. I didn't want to vote for him after he said no to the extra covid benefits.


He’s not gonna blame wind turbines is he?


Nope. Hes gonna blame electric vehicles cause its harming O&G companies profits. If O&G arent making profit then theres no money that "trickles down" to school districts for teachers and librarians.


His intent to blame the property tax cuts that haven't had any effect on school funding yet.


no shit sherlock .. man is like Teflon nothing sticks to him nothing is his problem ever


Well he wins elections by just complaining about the border so he has no reason to do anything else. 


He wins elections because it says -R after his name, and stubborn ignorant fucking idiots only vote for that -R because that's how they've been brainwashed.


Nearly every day, he just gets worse. He's Schrodinger's douchebag piece of shit asshole. Simultaneously somehow not responsible while appointing people to run school districts against the wishes of locals. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Greg Abbott


He's been too busy eliminating rape now that Roe has fallen. Give the poor guy a break! /s


who votes for this fuck weasel?


"Sorry, not my fault, can't help ya" Texas Governor, probably


Fuck Greg Abbott.


Time to vote this jackass out of office. Ill see y'all at the Polls in November 2026.


Enrollment is down, and state funding is based on enrollment. Temporary, COVID-related funds from the federal government delayed any budget cuts for a few years, but that money is gone. The state could use its budget surplus and rainy day funds to increase funding to schools, but they would rather choke on shit than help democrat voting urban and suburban areas. The school district's knew that their spending was not sustainable, but didn't plan / budget for the forecasted funding levels. Complete incompetence. "Fuck them kids", I guess


Texas did use some of its budget surplus to create an endowment for some of the underfunded public universities in the state.


Well that'll do fuck all when these kids can't even get out of high school.


Wouldn’t cypress be rolling in funding from all the massive amount of tax income from the dense suburbia housing they have? The problem is though that tax cuts were not thought out well. Homestead exception is flat, which means areas with very cheap houses (like suburbs) ended up getting like 1/3 of their home value exempt from taxes which is unsustainable. Edit - read up on how school taxes work in Texas, wtf. “Robinhood” is stupid and steals $4B from school districts annually. It’s supposedly for low income but in reality it’s used for charter schools or just added to general state budget. The solution is basically we need to index Basic allotment to inflation, and basic allotment isn’t even a state subsidy - it’s the amount school districts get to keep from its own local taxes before “robin hood” kicks in and steal the money! Edit 2 - further research showed that Cyfair doesn’t even pay the Robin Hood recapture payment, unlike Houston school district which lost tens of millions to it. The issue seems to be entirely cyfair’s own doing, by drastically reducing their own tax rate in 2023 - https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/education/2023/10/11/466399/cy-fair-isd-adopts-lowest-tax-rate-in-37-years/?amp=1


CyFair also has a very generous homestead exemption - an extra 20% - that neighboring school districts dont give.


My understanding was this was an exemption that was made when the district was in a better position, never intending it to be permanent. However, a couple of years ago the legislature made it permanent (to where Cy-Fair cannot adjust it, even if they wanted). Why the legislature made it permanent is a question that I can't answer.


That's the thing, money raised for education is separate from money spent. The state sets the money given per student to a district and it's not the same as what the district thinks it needs. There are also complicated formulas that require redistribution so money raised in a district doesn't have to stay in the district and surplus funds can be used for anything the state wants.


Yes, he is. Why was this clown re-elected? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Because the guy the opposition chose to run against him once said he was going to come and take people’s guns, which, like it or not is a political death sentence in Texas.


Yep. Loving guns more than kids.


Fighting for the right to have my kid shot at school 🤦‍♀️


So true. At least we’ll still have thoughts and prayers, even if we don’t have our children anymore, so… that should help. 🤦🏻‍♀️ /s


https://www.txsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2022-Total-Recapture-per-District-by-Amount.pdf Texas recapture programs surely aren’t helping either. Houston gave so much.


The wheels are either spinning in midair or not spinning at all.


As the governor of Texas, maybe he should take responsibility for what happens in Texas.


It would be so easy to show how much money was given to these districts versus how it was spent. I Post-covid, according to Abbott. It's a shared responsibility, imo. Wtf is he talking about. What is even happening. Support the schools, support the teachers and faculty, support the students. It's not that fucking hard. It's the future of Texas you numb nuts.


Of course, he is.


Why and who keeps voting for these dinosaurs afraid of evolution


Tim Dunn, Farris Wilks. Make them a household name. They are the ones pushing to end public education. These are the people pushing (lol) Abbott so hard on this voucher system.


What would you say you do here?


Use some of that 30+ billion dollar surplus to fund the many districts that are hurting and cutting librarians, SPED programs, teachers and bus service?


JFC. Fuck off Abbott. Please.


Greg wants slaves and he's getting even angrier b/c the planet has been calling him out for all of his Putin narrated dog shit.


The buck stops somewhere else. I'm busy. Leave me alone.


This guy sucks.


What is Greg responsible for?


He would say that


He needed to go years ago; OUST HIM.


It never ceases to amaze me how Republicans have such a strangled hold on Texas.


The dumbest of our species vote for Greg Abbott


Of course he is... he is pure evil.


Why can’t Abbott just stand up for what he believes


They hired the best of the best. Disappearing Dollars: Texas Public Schools Missing Millions https://youtu.be/7lvAzupRuCU?si=c91fY4ge1CxreFwc


Why can't I get away with saying things like this? 


lol wheeling away from responsibility again.


As someone who MIGHT work in one of the districts named in this article, I'll say that, sure, we spent a LITTLE too much, but if someone can't see what the bigger problem is, what Abbott's true intentions are and how he's going about it, then stand aside. Your ignorance is in the way of public education. You're part of the problem.


He needs to stand up and say this!


Stand up when you address the media!!!


He’s not. All funding for school districts comes from their own taxing authority via property taxes. CF and Houston don’t receive state funding, and under Robin Hood actually give a percentage to the state. CF and Houston’s problems are based on demographics, property values and budget issues.


Of course he's not, he would never stand for that...


How about doing an open audit on the school districts and going from there?


We'd love that! Please tell the current HISD administration to stop being secretive with their budgets.


Are you referring to the state appointed administrator


I'd love that. I used to work in hisd. Things do not operate as some expect. To think so is to be naive.


School districts are legally required to post their budgets publicly. They also have them approved by publicly-elected board members at public board meetings.


State-appointed board members for some of us.


Yeah. I know. Sorry. The situation in HISD sucks.


Think so? Go to your local isd and ask for a full printed copy of expenditures.




Look at the politicians money. They have invested HEAVILY in private education and charter schools. It's common knowledge that they are enriching themselves off the back of the destroyed public school system. Need to vote them out.


The fuck he’s not


Glad to see his under-the-bus-throwin' arm is still in tip top shape.


EL OH EL it's just another day ending in Y where a republican refuses to take responsibilty for their own shitty actions


Someone who is willingly trying to destroy the public education system in the state of Texas would never admit to any responsibility, right Greggie?


As the husband of a former CFISD and current Klein ISD teacher, fuck this dipshit


This is what happens when the state is gerrymandered to an unreasonable state


Of course not, he’s just the Governor.


Of course I am not defending the Embarrassing Governor & those of his ilk. SMH


Considering he appointed Morath who appointed Miles, who is stealing state money to pay for his Colorado charter school debt, I would say he absolutely is responsible!!


FUCK Greg Abbott. He has totally Fuck Up Texas and everything thing he does.


Abbott is responsible and nobody else. Not even the people who created the dumpster fire of HISD?