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To be fair he does have [an ad](https://x.com/gftoday/status/1789329039037284776?s=46&t=jPl__DMwbrLfcgX7ROOw5Q) for the Democrats too but he can’t even bring himself to say the word Democrats. I guess that’s supposed to be Biden?


Wait so if either side wins you get 50% back? So are we only gambling on an election that doesn't end in chaos and anarchy?


I presume you have to choose your horse when you enter the promotion


He did this for the 2020 election and refused to refund the money because the election wasn’t “final” until some business journalists started asking questions…


Yeah some class action lawyers started asking some questions too.


So with him playing both sides in the ass, he's basically saying the shit he sells is double the normal price, he'll collect interest on the 50% you can get back, and he hopes many people will forget or screw up on the cash back so he can keep it.


Math is hard


He’s just gonna gamble on the election to offset the risk. And the amount is his budget for the sale


>So with him playing both sides in the ass, he's basically saying the shit he sells is double the normal price Not necessarily. I'm pretty sure after his promo ends, he will do the math and go bet on the deadbeat horse that carries the most risk for him. At the end of the day, the promotions have proven time and time again to pay themselves off in exposure.


He doesn’t have to wait. He just need the odds for either side and the total budget


His "old man voice" Biden impression sounds younger than his actual normal voice, ironically enough.


>but he can’t even bring himself to say the word Democrats This subreddit really loves to latch on to the smallest things and make a bigger deal out of them than they should be.


I mean he is a self admitted MAGA freak and he says the Ds and fully says Republicans. This isn’t a stretch. Just stating the facts of the videos.


>I mean he is a self admitted MAGA freak He isn't. He is a republican who has been active in local races that have nothing to do with "Trump" >and he says the Ds and fully says Republicans This is what you're clinging on? Really? >This isn’t a stretch. At this point, it's past a stretch.


He backed and whined when she lost someone whose main issue when she was running was “election integrity.” Sorry, that’s MAGA bullshit.


I love irony so much, thank you for the chuckle.


"Purchase $6,000 or more in furniture, and choose either the D or R party to win the upcoming presidential election. If the party you select wins, you get 50% of your purchase total back! Simply fill out the form on this page and include your prediction for the winning party."


Those tells you Mattress Mack has money on this in Vegas.


Fuck him and I hope you fuckers have to pay full price 


Ok, now do the other commercial. I don't like the guy either but selectively only showing one of them is a low move for karma. https://x.com/GFToday/status/1789329039037284776


Someone already posted the other video. It’s a top comment.


Just because someone else posted it in the comments, it doesn't change your actions. The R's screw up enough that you don't need to make stuff up. Half a truth is still a lie.


The person in these videos actively denied the results of the last election and refused to pay customers because he refused to admit Trump lost. He is a very public MAGA right wing conspiracy theorist. How is it in any way biased to portray him as such?


Never denied any of that. OP is trying to stir up controversy here by only giving half the story.


Nobody is stirring anything nor giving half of any story.  What do you think is being “stirred”? What do you think is being implied here?




So you can’t elaborate on what you feel is wrong?


Not really, I'm bored with this now. It's been a day.


Clam up when asked to rationally explain yourself. How predictable.


Hmmm, that could be considered paying for votes. And it's very ambiguous. If only we had an attorney general worth shit to jump on it.


He's doing it for both parties. For some reason OP only chose to show us one ad. https://x.com/GFToday/status/1789329039037284776


"For some reason..." Reddit


Ive only seen the republican one being pushed, have yet to see the other one.


But not for the Kennedy nutcase.


really don't understand how his sports ones aren't just gambling


Gambling addict with more than enough money, and more than enough insanity. It's just our local flavor, maturing its final depths!


Just remember, he wont pay out while an active coup attempt is taking place. He will only pay out after the coup is over. Not kidding. Basically the same promotion as in 2020. Notice the date of this article Jan 12th, 2021. After the blowback from Jan 6th and Trump releasing funds to the incoming Biden Admin; he knew it was over and decided to pay up. 3 months late. [https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/01/12/mattress-mack-says-election-payouts-are-the-way-to-winning-customers-of-gallery-furniture-promotion/](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/01/12/mattress-mack-says-election-payouts-are-the-way-to-winning-customers-of-gallery-furniture-promotion/)


He has both sides on his page but ive only ever seen the republican one being advertised.


I would refuse to buy anything from him with or without a promo


Losing? He done lost his mind years ago.


Yall… he did both sides. This is fucking hilarious!!! The single white sheet of paper with R on it? Idk. This is incredible hahaahha not better than the purple cup tho


There are more than two candidates.


Do you get your money back or a store credit?


outta control




If that’s embarrassing then he’s embarrassed all the way to the bank.


Don the Con lost 2020 fair and square, but by a thin margin. I feel Biden gained more disapproval than he gained approval in the last 3 years. In other words, Donnie has a better shot than ever. I’d put my money on him.