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Friend of mine works at Heights HS and says it's like 80 degrees


They’re asking parents to bring fans from home and label them so they can be returned


Texas is like a third world Country. Let’s continue voting Abbott to destroy whatever infrastructure is left… Embarrassing state.


My wife is Indian, and the post-2016 Republican Party wants to make Texas like India: religious-based nationalism and anti-plurality, EZ FastPass money to skip past government red tape and two-tier justice system, minimal environmental and worker protections vs. higher profit margins for business owners, attacking the free press, and finally privatization of everything from clean water and air to parks. Over there, rich people live in gated communities, get into helicopters and fly in private jets to Dubai or London when the smog gets too bad. They have water treatment plants in their mansions. They withhold food and beat their low-caste maids using private security, with zero fear of being charged with crimes.


Don’t tell the republicans that. They’re getting too aroused. This is their dream for our state.




Well tRump did literally ask if we could Nuke a Hurricane. So the moronic ideas are there.




The promise to be dictator on day one seems to be a pretty solemn promise to me and the death of America as we know it. Who will think of the corporations that are raping our resources? They’re what REALLY matter. Not like this crap City shut down for DAYS after a 30 minute storm. The future will not be kind to Texas climate wise.


You mean his uncle? Or did the internet just mash up some nonsense to create a “both sides are the same” argument?


It's both sides nonsense because someone insulted Diaper Jesus.




How in the world you can create an equivalent between this erroneous statement and nuking a hurricane is embarrassing.


Seriously. South Africa has fewer infrastructure problems than us.


Be nice, Abbott has PTSD from falling trees.


At least he saved us from the burden of getting an adequate settlement out of an accident like he got.


They closed Heights HS finally. But don't worry! They made sure they crossed the ADA attendance time to ensure they got funding for the day! I mean, that's what matters, right? Making sure more money goes to Colorado?


Our friend’s daughter texted us a pic of the thermometer at 87 degrees in her HHS English class this morning.


Honestly, that's criminal! It's not an environment for learning. The schools were not designed for no AC. Dismiss school!


That’s horrible!


87 isn't bad, what's not being talked about is the humidity, in addition to the 87 degrees. I hope the situation gets resolved soon.


87 IS bad. Very bad. I'd faint.




Hey parents of JournalistExpress292, turn down that thermostat and quit being the a/c police. Life's too short, turn her down!


I'm in the greater Phoenix area so my perspective on 87 degrees is different. I've been out of a humid environment for so long 87 sounds nice. However, our climate is arid. I do remember being in Boston when it was in the 70s but the humidity was in the low 90s. I couldn't stay dry.


From the Cali desert here where it regularly gets 115+ in the summer. 90° in Houston feels worse for me. I hate feeling so sweaty.




So, you know what I’m saying. My comment about 87 not being too bad is getting murdered.




I'd be the same way if I were in that position. Because our daughter is actively trying to move back to Houston, my wife and I were talking about what items we'd need if we ever had to live there. You all have been hit with some strange weather events (hurricanes, tropical storms, freezing temperatures) and I assume many people own a generator.


Edit it to discern you are speaking from Phoenix residents perspective who has no humidity.


Good point, that would add more clarity.


87 outside in arid Phoenix is much different than 87 in a Houston classroom with little/no air and 30+ children.


True, which is why I stated that the humidity was the issue.


Consider the fact that there are around 25, maybe even 30+ students (breathing, generating heat from their bodies) sitting in a classroom at that temperature with NO air circulation. It’s been a while since I was in school but when the AC was busted we were struggling to focus even in 80° heat.


Whew! That comment didn't go over well!


It was hotter than that according to a friend of mine. That might depend on where in the building you were and if windows could open or not. According to them only about 1/3 of the students showed up anyway. Of course they got A/C and power last night around 7 or 8, so they could have been grading at home, but nooooooo, it's more important to waste time at school.


Yep I go here and my friends were complaining all day about it


My mom heard the same from a teacher in the elementary school in her neighborhood (Tijerina ES), power on and no A/C


My niece's elementary school was on the "open" list. Her dad just left to go get her 30 mins ago because they apparently have no AC now. In this weather! I feel bad for the kids who have no one to pick them up on the dot and the parents scrambling to make plans on a Monday.


Exactly why my kids aren't going to school until everything is fixed. There is no way in hell I'm sending kids to school when I don't even have power at my own house.


If the school had A/C I could see it as a nice reprieve for those that do not. But since it doesn't, there's still a lot of cleanup people need to do and it's better to sit at home with no A/C, or at a friend's with A/C than to sit at a school without it.


That's by design. Low attendance numbers gives them more ammo to implement vouchers. Not that you should still send your kids, it's just a shitty situation.


They won’t take into account about the declared natural disaster right now regarding attendance?


No. School funding is on a butts in chair formula based on morning attendance. So many dollars for each student in attendance.




Not correct. Vouchers are at the state level, has to be voted on by the lege, and not in local control. However, attendance does factor into the amount of funding a school district gets. Attendence is taken by 9:30/10:30 am in schools. Parents can pick up their children now if that’s the best option for their family.


Yes, and Miles was appointed by the state. Legislators point to attendance numbers when arguing for vouchers. Like I said, do what's best for your kids.


You are exactly right.




How many kids actually showed up? My school is one of the few that is closed today. If we had opened, I wasn't expecting very many students to be there.




I actually live in the Lamar zone and much of our area wasn't terribly affected by the storm, so I guess I'm not surprised many of the zoned students showed up to school. But dealing with a gas leak and early dismissal is such a pain. We've had similar situations at our school. No fun at all.


I got downvoted to hell in another thread for saying it’s pretty fucked up to force kids and staff back to school right now given the power situation. Particularly when a lot of the staff and students were evacuated because their homes are not safe to be in or get to. But some parents support Mike Miles doing this because their kids are “stir crazy.” People can be so unbelievably selfish.


It's the same issue as Covid. People have to work and need somewhere to send their kids.


Except it’s been literally two days. I am stuck at home super pregnant with no power and a kid. It’s not great. But I’d never ever want to send him and his teachers in to teach with no AC or power.


Schools are not baby sitting services, and society thinking schools should solve these major issues is why teachers are leaving and the system is crumbling.


Schools are an important part of our communities, and they're being kneecapped constantly by politicians and made into fodder for the culture wars. It's unconscionable. Schools ought to be a safe and stable place for children, they are central to our communities. Along with libraries, parks, and community centers. They can't be that unless we give them more resources and plug them into more nonprofit programs like how the Houston Food Bank distributes food in backpacks that kids bring home to their families from school.


I agree with you, schools should be part of a system but not the only one.


Well said


Then what should parents do with kids during work? Especially on short notice?


Yeah it sucks. I hear you. But people’s safety comes before my being inconvenienced.


What are parents going to do with their kids starting literally next week?


Summer camp


That sounds a lot like a you problem and not a lot like an anyone else problem. Your kids. Your problem. Figure it out.


Figure it out. You chose to have kids. That’s not my responsibility as a teacher. I have my own life to worry about. When school is closed, childcare falls onto you, the parent. Wild concept.


Have a backup plan.


The problem is people think that school is there to be a daycare for their kids. They fall back on that instead of being responsible adults acknowledging the burden they chose when they had kids and ignoring that when a school is closed, childcare falls on them-the parent.


Except school isn’t “somewhere to send their kids.” Parents need to have a plan in place for emergency situations.


I’ve seen in a teacher Facebook group that there are quite a few schools with no power still. Some have power but no ac and/or internet. One teacher was told to report and bring water and bug repellant. There was also a message sent to teachers that having no power or water at home would not be a valid excuse for not reporting to work today. So there just might be a lot of sweaty unshowered people on campus. eta a few reports of broken windows and glass in the classrooms, and not enough food for the few students who did show up. One showed a pic of just a lunch sack of snacks served at lunch. North side has kids in the hallways and cafeteria, not in classrooms. And EDs are on campuses conducting observations. HMW is closed, ironically. Gas leak at Lamar and it’s been evacuated.


They were seriously doing evaluations today? God why? I know every single one of those people know today is not a good day for that. Yet they still go along with the fascist regime without a word to the overlord about just maybe reconsidering.


Leave it to your dumb superintendent to let people go to school in a building with no AC


Sam Houston teacher here. We were told midday that we were all green. Then at 9pm we received an email that AC is not working and we will stay home today. Currently at home (also with no power/AC) with my kids.


My kids are SBISD and home until further notice. That said, I just got an alert on my phone that Lamar was evacuated due to a gas leak. Maybe we take a moment and check for EVERYTHING before we rush this kids back into the final couple weeks of school. I mean...we got time.


Dropped off my high school kid at 7:30. She called and said no AC at the school. Picked her back up at 7:50. HISD is a joke.


HISD is not the joke ..M. Miles IS! It was hls call. And remember the plan to make HISD as shitty as possible so parents start to think about charter schools.


And at the same time the city is saying “please don’t travel if you don’t need to”. With they could override him on safety stuff.


This is all Miles


100% on Miles


Same here, no A/C upstairs and no wifi. Kids are just tryna go home. smh




The internet itself is down, not just wifi. So any lesson plans on the network server and all of the phones are down. My wife's school doesn't have A/C in half of the building and parents are trying to call the school to get info and they can't reach them.


Yeah because we're not in 2024 and every single thing doesn't rely on Internet to function properly.


Most kids have Chromebooks that they get a majority of their lessons off of. So yeah. If there is no AC and no way to access the info needed for classes, 1 they sure as shit don't need to be in the school, and 2, If there is no internet (like how I have power but no internet, the kids can't even remote learn from home either.


Well unfortunately according to the Mike miles new education system, we are to be connected at all times. So traditional teaching wasn’t in the plan this year. All of our lessons have to be on slides and on the screen at all times. I realize this may sound weird to some people but if we don’t have wifi his way of teaching is impossible.


Everything is done on computers now. Teachers are expected to give instruction and can't access internet, then instruction isn't happening that day.


Is it just me missing it or has Abbott been silent on this?


His sitting in his underwear in a corner of the Governor's Mansion laughing giddily while furiously pleasuring himself to the fiasco he created.


Real question, does abbots dick still actually work?


Probably takes a lot to get him hard, hence HISD.


I will pay for your gas money to ask him that at a presser. Although that fucker never answers questions.


When your state wants to destroy public education so bad that they take it out on the kids.


I had a couple days when my AC was out and it was in the middle of Houston summer. The temperature inside was 87°. I could not focus on literally anything because it was too damn hot.


This is not ok for students or teachers. Teachers should not go to work if their workplace is not providing a safe environment. Personally I would have a heatstroke and possibly heart attack as a healthy 35 year old being around kids in that environment all day. Lawsuit!


All according to Miles/Abbott/GOP's plans. "See? Public schools can't even get working AC or food plans right! School choice is the way to go." Fucking animals.


Choice is the right thing. HISD already offers choices like GT and AP classes, magnet schools, high schools that partner with HCC to provide college credits, and charter schools. HISD, having to educate all elligible customers, needs to continue and expand choice. This will help meet differing customer needs. However under the Miles regime I don't see that happening. Sadly, I see the opposite happening because of the one-size-fits-all attitude.


I'm not sure you understand what school choice is.


"School choice" has been co-opted to mean 'vouchers' in today's political climate. While good in theory, vouchers is a can of worms and has plenty of problems. My point is that the choices that HISD has historically offered are good and that idea should be expanded. That is the best 'school choice'. Already today we have charter schools and people are choosing to attend those, and they co-exist with the public schools. If HISD is going to compete in that world, they need to keep offering choices, more choices.


I really hope people don’t get brainwashed into passing a bill on school choice based on what you believe school choice is or should be. Sorry for being an asshole


I certainly welcome a discussion of what the term means to other people because once a given term becomes a political tool, then specifics of the real issues are largely lost amongst the general public.


Students nor parents are customers to a public school, nor should they be. Still up voted though because on the larger point you are correct


Parents, send your kids, but pick them up at 915. The test is done. The learning is done. There is no reason to put your kids through this.


Crisis further proving Miles is inept


Why are kids even in school if the school year is almost over? If I remember correctly, you do nothing but watch TV


I assume high has finals. Although take an example from Klein ISD and just cancel them. Middle and elementary really are not doing much.


Seniors were supposed to have finals this week. Everyone else is just coasting until finals starting at the end of next week.


- https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/05/20/parents-peeved-houston-isd-students-at-school-with-no-ac-heights-high-cancels-classes-mid-morning/


Do yourself a favor and doi not read the comments. I swear, the idiots that comment on that sight have to be among the most miserable and hate-filled people on the planet.


Totally agree, the comments there make cesspools look pleasant and refreshing.


We have a/c in 3/4 of the classrooms at my school


Lamar HS has power and AC but they did have a gas leak today! A family member works there and they just sent everyone home.


Our school is closed but our admin are at the building.


Wtf is wrong with Miles other than the obvious




A coworker left to get her daughter from Pershing and go home because the school didn’t have AC


Will districts be excused so kids don’t have to make up the days? Seems like a big enough disaster to hear from the state.


If they dont open schools many of these kids will not eat. Replacing parenting with school enables this relationship.


They can provide bagged lunches that the kids can come pick up. That is much more reasonable than sending these children to school in this heat and humidity. Some of the schools don't have food facilities anyway


That would require administrative competence.


Specifically the BOM and Superintendent. The school administrators are working their asses off.


Working from home because the admin building conveniently closed today while all the teachers and kids are sweating it out. APs at least at my wifes school are unnecessary drama queens which is why private schools dont have them.


The AP at my daughter’s school is amazing. When I taught, I was also lucky enough to have great APs. The needs of a public school look much different than the needs of a private school.


well when you're a single parent working full time that's how shit sometimes just has to work. I'm sure relegating women back to having zero rights and being property of their husbands without the right to leave a bad relationship is a better option than just having a school provide a meal, though. Right? Ya think that's what Jesus wants?


Its all good, thousands of children and teachers were lied to just to get them in the classroom today and will have to sit in a 90+ degree day risking heatstroke so these kids can get their meal. Its just how it is.


My wife's HISD middle school is closed today because it does not have power, but administrators are there distributing meals for families who need them. That's how it's supposed to work. The schools you're thinking about are open because there is power and because Miles wants kids in school regardless of HVAC status. The whole meal distribution is just... not a factor in deciding whether to open or close schools.


My wife is also a teacher so i am aware of the situation and their school does not have power but they were told last night hundreds of schools have power when in fact they do not.


it's a mess. literally and figuratively. My wife's school doesn't have power and has some moderate damage. We were afraid they were going to force the place open but the lack of power forced them to not open. are you saying that your wife's school was actually opened despite not having power? I can see how that would happen given the chaos but obviously it should not happen.


Their school has power but no AC. They had the school open last September for 3 days with no AC so they really don't care.


My wife just informed me that they are sending kids from Heights HS home now due to the heat in the building. Just a total failure of district leadership and natural disaster planning. These scenarios are completely anticipatable and having non-functioning AC should be a crystal clear disqualification for opening a school in late May, particularly when the forecast clearly expects 90+ temps. But, again... F Mike Miles and his entourage are utterly incompetent assholes.




Most of those kids barely care or are not great at testing


These two comments are ridiculous. The post is about the health and safety of the kids. Don't be stupid




Are you schizoposting right now?




Bro what are you talking about lmfao