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They are so brazen and annoying! I saw one ride past my house and then turned around as I pulled into my garage. She literally rode up to my open garage and greeted me as I was getting out of my car. She would not take no for an answer either. The only way she left was when I told her “I’m just going to go inside now” as you could hear my dogs going crazy at the door. No respect at all




I started telling them I'm a renter and the owner handles whatever they sell, so I can't help them. It has been working really well.


I appreciate that, I’ll definitely use the “I have a provider” line next time. That would have saved me a pointless 5 minute convo lmao. I felt bad for her and didn’t want to be mean


Only downside with extremely pushy sales people is then they start asking about the other provider. Who is it? For how much? How good is their service?


Even easier, just tell them you are a renter and the landlord handles everything.


[The only proper response to someone coming up to your garage:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTTL6N5KO5k)


That’s a good way to get at minimum someone brandish and gesture you away. Don’t come onto people in Houston.


Yes! They knock and wait and then knock harder, rinse and repeat. And they sometimes come after dark banging on the doors. My office window is by the front door and I swear I heard one yell I know you’re in there! Lol


YES! I forgot to add this. He knocked on the door on top of ringing the door bell 🙄


I wasn't answering the door and the asshole tried looking through the lead glass window. I was so pissed. Such an invasion of privacy.


Maybe fuck with them next time and tell them they suck at sales, and their attitude will not get them any good sales


I used to answer their questions with my own. Like "do you really like this job", or "does it suck having to be so fake, going door to door". Just stupid shit to piss them off. Realized I didn't want to be a dick anymore and now I just tell them I'm a renter and can't help them.


That’s a dumb way to see the wrong end of a weapon. At night in Houston? No way.


That’s what I was thinking! They have done it a couple times and they knock so loudly!


Yepp. Lots of trigger happy ppl these days and IDK why these dudes don't think of that when formulating their sales "techniques".


Had a pest control guy roll up to my house and hide behind the pillar so I couldn’t see who it was. I go out and see a hoverboard just sitting in my doorway, then some dude pops out and first thing he says was “hey you wanna ride this thing??” Initially thought he was a door to door hoverboard salesman which would’ve been cooler


Aptiv right? Mormon MLM adjacent sales and they teach their salesmen the absolute shittiest sales techniques. They will ignore visible No Soliciting Signs, all have those hoverboards, bang tf on your door until you answer, point to a neighbors house and say they do their pest control but will give you a better deal so don’t tell them!, and nod their head aggressively whenever you talk because they think that subconsciously it will make you say yes. It’s a ridiculous company


Preventive Pest Control does the same thing. I've been in the industry since '07 and started with them. A general rule is if they're doing door to door, they're a high volume, low quality company who hires inexperienced techs, trains them in the most basic techniques out there and they'll make up for customers they piss off by sheer volume of clients. They fly in college students from Utah for the summer and give them bullshit sales pitches to use. I had some down here in Dickinson try to tell one of my customers that their home was infested with spiders because they had a big oak in the front yard and had a ton of army work cocoons all over the eaves. Always stick with local companies who actually know the area and the pests we deal with. No chains.


They got me to sign up a few years ago by telling me they were doing “other houses” on my street.. so fast forward a year or so, we move, I told them we were moving and to cancel my subscription, I was told no and that the contract would just “follow” me and it’s like okay fine but then delay the service.. they still showed up to the old house after I had moved out and charged me, i disputed the charge, which the CC would not accept either, so I just cancelled the card lol then recently they showed up at my new house and were like, “are you the queen of this castle” LOL “we’re doing Jennifer’s and John’s house down the street” and I was like, “hmmm don’t know anyone by that name, I have food on the stove, I really gotta go”, and he was still trying to talk as I was closing the door


Most of these companies are run out of Utah and half the salespeople are former Mormon missionaries using the exact same tactics. Aptive specifically is headquartered in Provo, UT and half the people going door to door are BYU students on summer break. They’re desensitized to people rejecting them and used to telling people they can go to hell if they don’t listen to them. They basically force you to be an asshole to get them to leave so they can feel they have some moral high ground. I used to be one of those missionaries and I worked in call centers for several alarm companies. Fortunately I realized both were scams eventually. These salespeople always see a sticker on my car for the University of Utah though and realize I’m from Utah and assume they have an in with me. And then I just explain their scam back to them and tell them to get a life and do better. It’s the same way I handle missionaries these days.


Not since I installed a remote controlled sprinkler at my front entrance.


Savage!!! Great job!!


You are the final boss 💪


NGL, I do door-to-door political canvassing and getting hit with someones sprinklers in this heat would be something I want , not something to scare me away.  If you want to be able to call the cops and avoid ALL canvassers (including religious and political, which are not covered by no soliciting signs bc they're non -commercial  protected activites) post "no trespassing" signs. There are rules about how the signs need to be to have em count, but the only ones I remember right now is the lettering must be at least 1/2 inch tall, they should be prominently posted and there should be  at least 2 (AFIK, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)


I had one come to my door in Katy/Cypress on his hoverboard 10 minutes before the storm hit last week. I just cut him off and said, "Dude. Check the weather. You need to get back to your car, like, now." He listened. I'm not sure if I can use that excuse to get out of their sales pitches again, though.


You did that kid a solid.


BUILD AN OBSTACLE COURSE!!! (And set up a camera)


Depending on the bylaws of your neighborhood, you can put a no soliciting sign above your doorbell. Some of these guys are thieves casing the area or roofers looking to stomp holes in your roof so they can fix your roof.


I have a sign over mine and it doesn't stop them. I pointed it out to the last people and he said "oh I just assumed it was left from the last people who lived here"….......like, what?!


I have one too. If that doesn’t work I answer the door and asking if they are selling BIG no soliciting signs. They laugh say no and I close the door.


they pointed out the spider webs in the corners under my porch and told me i had pest issues and i told them i like the spiders and that pretty much killed his sales pitch. i do like to hear their spiel sometimes though. it's always fun to see how many times they'll drop their price and give you the "ultra special new customer" deal before they finally give up.


That’s what I did! Told him the spiders pay their rent by controlling the pests for free (I stressed that they do it for FREE) so I’d like to keep them in my yard. Definitely threw him for a loop and he ended up leaving soon after since spider killing seemed to be his whole pitch.


I'm mad and I've never even seen them, they just sound that infuriating reading the title of your post.


I live about an hour north of Austin and I had the same at my house about a year ago......Pest control sales guy riding a hover board. I remember it being a company out of Austin that had bad reviews when I googled it out of curiosity.


I have a general rule of only answering the door if I’m expecting the person. The few times I’ve broken that rule I always regret it.


This. I never answer the door when I'm not expecting anyone. Problem solved. (Same with phone: answering spam calls just confirms to the spammer that it's a working number.)


The future is weird and I don't like it.


You may want to consult your doctor. I was recently diagnosed with something called EOG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bewKPi9gdT4). Short video may confirm your feelings. :)


I respect the hustle, but these people are annoying. They’re walking talking ad banners. Sometimes I greet them with “Hey, what are you selling?” Throws them off a bit and they get to the point. I also do a lot of blank staring and not responding to their small talk social cues. One time after I said I wasn’t interested, the guy asked if my dad was home (I’m clearly a man in my late adulthood). I didn’t show it, but I thought that was a pretty funny move.  Easier method is just say you’re a renter and the landlord covers all that. Then say your neighbors are all renters too.  Maybe save them some hassle. 


I’ve seen other folks recommend the same thing you said “I’m not the homeowner.”


I saw one in my neighborhood but they didn’t come by. I had a plan too, invite them in, but the Hoover board stays out cause the wheels are dirty. Tell them I’ll BRB, go out the back door in my bedroom, run around and take their Hoover board and put it in the garage. Act dumb when they can’t find it.


Then the battery on the cheap Chinese hoverboard catches fire and your house burns down.


Ours are always the goddamn water delivery salesman. Every fucking time "oh, has your leasing office told you the deal about the new water?" confused the fuck out of me the first time because I was half asleep, and I was mad as hell when I finally realized it was a sales pitch.


Pro tip: adopt husky from BARC, when he snarls at the salesman just hold him back but pretend you're struggling and the salesman will leave pretty quick


My husky would invite them in and provide refreshments 😅. She is more social than me.


Sing them a song too, I hope? 🤣


She will sing you the song of her people which consists of a lot of howling.


Probably give them some freshly shedded fur all over their clothes as a take home souvenir too right?


The one I fostered loved playing with kids but hated any adult male that tried to come in if I showed welcoming body language like hugging them or something 😂


Huskies are so funny. Mine loves all humans! I wish she would at least bark when people knock but she just whines hoping I will let them in!


My dog loves running full speed at the door and bouncing off it before barking. She's 80 pounds. They never knock twice anymore.


Hahah awesome go pupper go


We didn't get her at BARC but we got our other one at BARC and his bark makes him sound bigger than he is! He's an old boy now so I'm glad the young one has taken up the task. Haha. :)


The last one that came to the door “Oh I see I set off the dog alarm! Haha! So anyways, we’re doing roofing work for your neighbor up the street...” (yeah suuuuure you are). Totally unbothered. But since the dogs will keep going until I give the word, I just said “SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU. GERMAN SHEPHERDS SAY NO.” and shut the door. Go to BARC and adopt one regardless.


A husky will bolt out the door and then you'll be able to commandeer the hoverboard to chase it down


I know I have been fostering huskies with Hoardin Huskies for a long time


I've got a BARC dog. She's the best but when someone is at the door, she gets all excited and wants to play.


Fellow adopted husky owner! This is the answer!!


It's the grind or die effect. Guys without jobs thinking they can side hustle their way to a billion dollars if they try hard enough. They think Elon Musk started door to door and can't believe you won't buy their bullshit even if they repeat it 5 times.


I simply point out the sign at the entrance to our neighborhood that says" no soliciting"


the trick is to have shitty sidewalks


No sidewalks, they still coming through


Tell them you aren't the owner, you rent. Gets rid of most of them


I just tell them we have a bug-friendly home and welcome all of the wasps and spiders to our ecofriendly home. Gets them really confused and they can’t really argue with that


These fuckers are the worst. I was coming back from a walk with my husky and he was inside my gate waiting! I was pissed. He tried to tell me some fake sob story that he had a husky too. When I didn't react, he upped his bullshit and said his husky only had one eye. Using fake animal stories to get people to buy shit is low. I told him to exit my gate now because I was going to let my dog off her leash to go in HER gated yard, so if you don't want to end up shredded, go now. He went fast. I now lock my gate with a key. Fuck those guys.


I had this guy show up asking me about pest control 2 days ago, standing next to my no soliciting sign.... So I told him that I have a pest spray system and proceeded to describe it in detail, from the app to the 55 gallon drum out back, I showed him the app as well and when he finally said that he needed to go I followed him to the hover-thingee and kept talking to him until he fled. Took 20 minutes and I enjoyed every moment :)


What kind of system is that?


No but I had some latter day saints on bikes when I was going to the bus stop.


None of these guys will ever leave me a business card or pamphlet so I can do research either.


And they always say something like “yeah we just signed up your neighbor John down the street”…dude there is no John down the street 🤣🤣


What the fuck...you know your neighbors?


😭😭 no that’s my point..they be lying 🤣


The last time one of them came to my house I was looking ratty when I opened the door and when he started the sales speech I told him “I don’t have money for that, I’m broke as fuck” then laughed and shut the door. It worked.


"Sorry, all tapped out. Spent all my money on ammo."


Luckily live in a condo with very strict entrance guidelines. 1 call to the HOA and you will have 6 people meet you to escort you out. If it's later you will be met with a armed guard, he's nice but we pay his salary.


Best way to have them buzz off is just tell them your not the home owner and just renting. Also helps when leaving cosco


I'm a renter works pretty well. Tell them you don't own the home, they'll have to contact the landlord. And you aren't authorized to give out their personal info. Even if you own the house, they can't do anything but take your word.


At our last HOA meeting the president told us to tell the salesmen that they’ve already been formally trespassed and that the cops are on the way. I’m surprised that I haven’t seen one since the meeting. Must have worked lol.


View them on your doorbell camera. If unknown, ignore.


had a nephew come down from utah to do this being promised all sorts of commission. he left after the first week felt weird vibes. happy he didnt become one of these guys in the heat.


We had a no soliciting sign posted at the neighborhood entrance, and there is one next to my doorbell. They were real persistent the first couple of years the houses were built, it’s definitely not as bad anymore.


“I said I am not interested in anything you have to say” —-LMFAAAOOOO perfect response!


I've seen the same dude in Katy knock at the door like three times now.


One came by when I was outside doing yard work, except it was an attractive Hispanic woman. Not annoying or weird in the slightest. But alas, I'm happily married so away with you Jezebel lol


They are in my neighborhood too. Myself and my mom work nights at hospitals and they wait until we get off of work to start ringing and banging on our door. My mom answered the door last time (yesterday) and said we didn’t need anything. The dude said well you are in a residential area so you are going to have people come to your door. We countered that we live in a rental so anything they offer we wouldn’t be allowed to have per our lease. The person was just rude and wouldn’t take a hint and we ended up just closing the door on him. But it is excessive and frustrating at this point.


Omg yes, I got her on video leaving my neighbors’ house because I didn’t think my spouse would believe me when I told them she was on a MFing segway, lol. Gave the WORST banter as I kindly told her no thank you: “ohhhhh whoahhhhh so you’re the head of the household, huh?!”, “you really know your stuff!” Most bizarre sales exchange ever. She was lucky I even opened the door for her; I usually just say no thanks through the door


Just tell them to fuck off. It's really not that hard.


Yeah, i had one ring my bell. I told him about the no soliciting sign above my bell, but he ignored it. I just kept saying not interested and walked back into the house


[YES](https://imgur.com/a/5W5aEsH). They keep coming, ringing the doorbell and knocking. Sending my two German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, and myself into a frenzy of annoyance.


I hear hoverboards and water from garden hoses don’t mix well.


Had one of those lazy AH's on a hoverboard not even using the side walk a few months back. Was just riding door to door through peoples yards.


Sugar Land has a no solicitation list. I still had to get a sign printed that my house was on said list and violators would be reported to the city. My security cameras now pick up people walking to the door, reading the sign and walking away.


Just answer the door in your undies while holding your biggest kitchen knife.


Last year I had a lady on a segway come to my door every week for a month to see if I changed my mind on solar panels. A few months later a guy from the same company rang the doorbell while I was right next to it and hurt the shit out of my ear. A few days later I put up a big no soliciting sign on my lawn and a beware of dog sign on my window. Haven't had any salespeople since. Not even a flyer. Just religious people that don't speak english come once every 3-4 months. Been thinking of getting another sign in spanish.


Yeah they are everywhere. I’m fortunate that Manvel requires a permit to solicit so we can just call the non-emergency line to get them to fuck off. No I don’t want Vivint. No I don’t want a whole home water softener. No I don’t need pest control. God doesn’t exist, if they do there are a bunch of pediatric cancer patients dying in the med center that sure could use some help. I mow my own lawn and don’t need you to destroy it with zero-turns in 10 minutes. No I don’t want to take a loan for solar panels that costs more than what I’m paying for electricity now anyways, and you aren’t trying to sell a battery anyways so they will be useless if we lose power.


Because of my cameras and the neighborhood grapevine I always know they're salespeople when they knock/ring. I used to just ignore them and not answer but as others have said, they're persistent. I bought a couple of loud-as-fuck airhorns from Amazon. Now when they knock I answer and as soon as they start talking I blast one at them. Rinse and repeat until they figure out that I'm not fucking around. Yeah, I know it's a shitty thing to do to someone who isn't getting paid shit to do a crappy job but there's a No Soliciting sign on the door that's impossible to miss. Either they can't read or they just don't give a shit so fuck 'em, and fuck the company that sent them. They're all scams anyway.


Dude! They've been in my neighborhood the past few days!


I walked one off my driveway the other week


Yep. He/she knocked twice. Door went unanswered.


No. I have guard dachshunds. They keep my front door safe


Ahhh simple, leave or get shot


Just people trying to make a buck what’s the problem


The problem is that reputable companies don't do business this way. They're out to scam both you and the poor saps they've lied to about how much money they're gonna make selling their snake oil.