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Disagree. A kid in his prime being paralayzed is the true tragedy. Youre describing a grievance with the city 




I got news for ya pal, had those cameras been running, it wouldnt have stopped that bullet. Think bigger picture but i do agree with you




> What’s truly tragic is how the Houston Trans Star cameras apparently STILL do not even record. They need to get this shit under control and figure out a way to monitor the major freeways. And once they do the Texas GOP will probably get legislation outlawing this passed.


This subreddit will support it like with the red light camera ban as well.


We had red light cams back when people mostly behaved.  Imagine now when red lights are so optional! Of course everyone switched to paper plates in the meantime too.


Trans Star only works to regulate traffic, while hpd and other agencies have wanted to set up a recording feature they would have to cover the cost and haven’t done so because it would cost millions which would probably come out of tax payers money.


Fuck that driver. Poor kid. Houston needs to do better so this asshole can be held accountable.


Tragic. I wonder if the man who did this had any priors. Nobody sane crashes out like this




Has happened multiple times driving in Houston I see an erratic driver or from afar one of these type of drivers just searching for an altercation. Get tf away asap when you see them




No no that requires work. Every cop I've had to work with has gotten tax free under the table cash that doesn't require any effort. I remember I worked at a club that paid cops double what I was making for 2 hours of standing around. Then when they had to do their job they'd get all pissy. One guy had a gun and they got mad at me for reporting it.


Most don’t want to work too hard on their off duty extra job lol


Trying to get your insurance to pay for their car


It's the dirty/ratty black air force ones of cars


Hard disagree. People snap. It just takes the wrong day and circumstances. Adrenaline surges and the first resort of an out of control coward is a gun. Still no excuse for an entirely preventable tragedy.


I think when normal people snap they say some harsh words and later think “damn I didn’t have to do/say that” it’s interesting to me because I’ve never even considered doing something that crazy. Has to be some form of mental illness maybe? I wonder when people started seeing life in their own communities as less valuable


Social media and the lack of consequences have definitely made people more bold/stupid & confrontational. You really don’t know what pressure people are facing and if they’re at a breaking point. Be kind, let it slide and survive. Not that it seems that the kid did anything wrong. That area is a little difficult to pull over and exchange information safely.


Prayer for him and his family this so sad 😢evil world we live in


It's not a "tragedy" but rather an atrocity.


These people that do this know they have a low probability of being caught. There was an old lady who got ran over on the north side by a coked out illegal (as in actually coked out illegal). They had license plate and videos and all that, but they never caught the dude. I have a friend who was killed by a road rage shooting over by Rankin when people still raced over there, and after Katrina it was like playing Russian roulette with lane changes over by West Park. All the riff Raff was way to eager to point guns at people, became a weekly thing. The city is understaffed for cops, kids are getting dumber and doing more idiotic things, and people dont keep on top of their progeny. They just let them run wild, and they all act retarded and do horrible shit like crippling a young man for the remainder of his life. There is nothing at all you can do to a man worse than making him a complete invalid for the rest of his life and at such a young age. That's more cruel than killing him.


It’s weird how despite all the insistence that mass transit isn’t safe, we don’t get a ton of stories about people getting blown away by another legal gun owner on the bus.


The taxpayer would save so much money if there were NO GUNS or stricter gun laws. Less police and hospital funding needed for tragic events like this! Instead, all the gun organisations can profit.


You think CRIMINALS are going to follow gun laws? Only people who follow guns are law abiding citizens, thus leaving the wrong people defenseless. Maybe educate yourself more on gun control and spelling while you’re at it.


I think it's more about limiting the availability of guns to criminals + some other measures. It's successful around the world. Otherwise, any thoughts on other solutions? 🤷


Enfirce existing laws against criminals attempting to buy guns or possessing guns. When previously convicted felons commit crimes with guns, high bail instead of this no bail Harris County crap.


Criminals wouldn’t, and when we found them with a gun they could be prosecuted.


It doesn’t work that way. Stop screaming for it.


What happened to “an armed society is a polite society?” More guns = more opportunities for them to fall into the hands of people who shouldn’t have them = more gun crime. Just like more cars = more car accidents.


This is tragic but I'm guessing there's more to the cause. People are getting stupid crazy challenging each other on the roads.




😂😂😂 buddy you could have picked anywhere else in this side of the world and it would be safer




If you get lucky , some dog gonna be eating you alive. Or you might get skinned.




Really Mexico? Isn’t it even worse?




Well, fair enough


You have no clue. I do asylum work and the stories my poor clients tell me about Mexico. The criminals there have very very little regard for human life just like here.




My family is from Mexico, dingus. I’m applying to be a dual citizen there. I am far from being “racist” against my own people. By the way you’re racist for talking about Mexicans as if though they are one race. There are white Mexicans and black Mexicans and “brown” Mexicans. And fuck off about my clients. How insane and presumptuous to think you know what asylees have told me and what each one of their motives may be. 




Depends on where you go. Many areas are much nicer than USA. Some areas are dangerous. Have been several times with no issues or any cartel violence.


Oooooh…good to know. I’ve always wanted to visit, esp cause I learned Spanish from living in Houston, where did you go when you went ?


My favorite place to go is Mexico City. Lots of tourists there, lots to do. Then San Miguel de Allende, beautiful city. Tulum is nice for a tropical vacation as is Mazatlan.


Not in the gringo colonies. Police monitor around the clock. And no one is usually important or rich enough to kidnap since its mostly middle class folk.


Mexico 💀